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Know Your Why

Lesson 2 from: Simple PR for Creatives

Brigitte Lyons

Know Your Why

Lesson 2 from: Simple PR for Creatives

Brigitte Lyons

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2. Know Your Why

Lesson Info

Know Your Why

Of course, we want to start with knowing your why. Why are you here today? And actually, I would just love to start this whole thing out by asking that question. Putting that question to you, You can put your answers in the chat room, and we can talk a little bit in here. But I love to know what brought you to simple peer for creatives. What is it that you're hoping that PR can help you achieve in your business? I'd love to hear from the people of room if you could introduce yourselves and just tell us what you're hoping to get out of it. Okay, So my name is Bridget, and, um, I met white apron chef dot com and I've been a personal chef for the last 10 years on, and I've done that pretty successfully, but I'm sort of branching out and doing more meal planning and personal chef business coaching. And, um, I need a lot more clients now, which means I need a lot more exposure. So this is what I'm hoping to get today. Absolutely. Will definitely. And create a plan for you. Hi. I'm Tosh Wang...

and I run coast dramatic dot com, and we dio instagram images onto coasters, and I have one here. Actually, I just reach it under my chair. So you go to costa Matic dot com Any log in with your instagram credentials, and then you can pick up to four images and we print and ship them to you. And so I've been running this company off and on for about three years, and now it's really time to, like, find the right audience and really put Costa Matic in front of people who are gonna love it. Awesome. You know, one of the cool things up, er, is when you're doing it, it gives you that boost of confidence and momentum as soon as you start getting those placements. So when you really decided to become serious or put effort behind your business, it could be a really cool way just to give yourself a little bit of that confidence. You need to follow through on that I'm Melissa Dinwiddie, and my business is living a creative life, living a creative life dot com, and I'm an artist and creativity instigator. I'm on a mission to empower people to feed their creative hungers and I believe that when people do their art, they're not just being an artist or a writer or a musician there, actually changing the world. That's how they're going to change the world is through their art, and I want my message to reach more people. Great, right? Amanda name with the counter custom built burgers. And, um, we're growing brand and opening a lot of new stores. So we're trying to give the rand more left this year, and PR is the way to do it. Great. I'm Jen Vasquez with Jen Vasquez. Photography and I specialize in bright, happy fund photography specifically for families, and I would like to be able to get my information out there on printing your images to say for your Children and your grandchildren and drive traffic to my my site. Fabulous. It's a great cool. I'm Rachel Shaffer and I run Rachel Schaefer designs dot com, and I just want Teoh basically get more, um, of a foothold on an independent level as a designer and surface pattern designer. Cry. My name is just Lane, and I'm an interior architect specializing in design build in San Francisco. Um and I sort of want to share, I guess my expertise, because I've developed this sort of specific formula that I found works really well for my clients. And, um, I don't see a lot of other people doing it in the business. Um, I would like to share that. You want to put yourself out There is a leader in your field? Yeah, I guess. Yeah, that's a great goal. And it's one that will definitely cover anything from our we do. Indeed. We got some great responses to thank you, everybody, indeed. Welcome to everybody. We got Poland on the line, we got South Africa, we got an emu's in Scotland and an M is saying I would like to get my company out there and talked about Grommet is saying I have no idea how to promote my work, but know that it's absolutely essential to growing my business. Andi venues goal is to help reach clients that are closer to my client ideals Got lost people with different ideas on different challenges. Oh, these are all great goals. And we're gonna be covering all of these. Actually, in the very first lesson of just kind of establishing your bunch mark. So let's just dive right into it, and then we'll give you the framework for how to reach them. So I pull this quote to start by Bill Gates. I think it's fun and kind of cheeky. If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations. How much do you love Bill Gates were out there for saying that Now I actually don't know that I 100% agree with us, that if you have $1 left in your bank account, you should put it into public relations. But what I do know is that PR can be a very powerful driver for your business, and that's what I would presume. I can't speak for Bill Gates, but that's what I presume he's out there saying right, because it's a great way to connect with your customers. It's a great way to build your reputation and build your brand, but for you to decide, really, First of all, it's PR worth your time. It's more of an investment of time, right, because what we're gonna be talking about in simple pair for creatives are actually free techniques that you can use to go out there and build your business. This is not about spending a ton of money. In fact, just about everything I'm about to show you doesn't have to cost you anything. But it is a little bit of a time investment. So we want to make sure first that it's worth that time. And for that reason, it's so critical that you know why. And it also will help us. You got down the road as you spend that time to know that you're doing it in the right places. So that's really wanna start is centering and grounding ourselves and our why now, a quickie definition of public relations. So PR is an area where I think a lot of people have very foggy ideas of what public relations means. And this is really my favorite way to think and talk about public relations Is that PR fundamentally positions your business in the media, your customers know, like and trust. So we're gonna be talking a lot about media relations today. There is some PR that's beyond media, but most of the work is focused on media, and what we're doing here is when you're doing public relations you're getting earned endorsements from the people that your customers trust. So when they're going shopping and they need to know outfit, what magazine are they gonna open? Um, if they have a business problem and they need a solution, maybe they're gonna open something like Entrepreneur Inc or fast company. Right? So where are the places that they're already turning to? And how can you tap into those audience to bring in more of those ideal customers that you really wants? So this is a great baseline definition that we could be using to work with to simplify things when we look at what PR does for you, not just what is PR, but what it can help you achieve? We've actually heard now just from you off a lot of the common things that people do with public relations. So one of the things that PR helps you achieve is, of course, getting your business in front of potential customers. Now, this image here is actually from the media kit from L Canada, and we're gonna be looking at media kits later toe learn how much amazing information that you can glean about a media outlet by looking at the package is that it sells to advertising. But one thing I wanted to show you here, if we can see it, is the circulation. So, for instance, this is L. Canada, and they talk about total paid and verified certain circulation. So these are people who actually are buying into the magazine, and you know that they're getting it. So that's 127,000 people. Ah, 127, people are getting every issue of Elle Canada, and then they also have a way of calculating because you know what? Even magazine. Ah, lot of places you'll have it, like hair salons at doctor's offices. Or you pass one to a friend, right, so the numbers can be actually a lot higher. So here we're actually looking at about 1.6 million people, so we're talking about expanding our reach. You can really see the power. You have to reach a lot of people when you do media relations, and it's just it's not just magazines, right. You can do blog's and podcasts and Web shows. There's so many different kinds of outlets, and it doesn't always have to be this kind of big reach. But I did want to share this because there's still a lot of big numbers. I know sometimes we think about not a lot of people are reading magazines or watching TV shows anymore, but a lot is relative on that's That's what I wanted to show you here. The other thing that people often use PR for is, of course, to help with their product sales, right? We're in business. We're tryingto support our creative endeavors. And so it's so important that you look at your public relations to do your product sales. So here we have actually a shot of Megan Almonds home page, and we're gonna be hearing from her in a later lesson, talking about how she if it's pure inner work low. But what's really cool about this is that, um, you know, not only did she get her product in front of more people when her pillows were featured in a spread in Elle Decor magazine, but you can also use your PR program not just in getting the placement, but in putting it on your website, and it's doing a featured So when she says, as seen in al decor, Chappelle pillows. When you go to that website, you're like, Oh, I better check out those pillows, right? Like, who isn't moved by that And who doesn't feel like a taste maker has picked this. This must be in trend. I want update my house, so I'm going to do this. So that's a very powerful outcome you can get with meteor. Also expert positioning and social proof. So here we have Terry Gentilly Terrace until he's also gonna be joining us. And you can see how she put medium asked has on her on her website thes logos is featured in to show to people when they come to see her. And they're thinking about getting coaching from her, buying her new book, Quiet Power strategy. When they're thinking about joining one of her programs, they can see that she has been published in these major media outlets. And so if you don't know somebody and you go to their website, right, you're looking for subconsciously you're looking for, like, little signals that you can trust them, because how do we know we can trust people that we find on the Internet after all, right, like, how do we actually know that. Generally we're looking for referral. Somebody we know has recommended to them or a media outlet. You know, use, um, publishing you and you put those badges of success in your website. Also serving that same way. It feels like a referral or endorsement when somebody's coming to for the first time. Another big one is traffic and email opt ins. This is important for a lot of businesses, especially ones who have email marketing is important to them. I know that something that's important to my business and this is one of our clients, Jenny Depositos. She's a graphic designer. She actually made the slides that you're seeing the presentation in this program. And, you know, one of the things we were looking for her was to build up her email list. And so, you know, this is just one interview that she did on the female Entrepreneur Association, and you can see a little snapshot of her analytics. Of course, that yellow circle shows how her search traffic and her visits your website peaked right after she had that in her interview. So you can see how media outreach on any kind of platform can directly drive Web traffic and email captains. And our second lesson, though, we're actually gonna look at which ones are best for each of these different kinds of outcomes. And then finally, search engine optimization. We're going to spend a lot of time talking about search engine optimization. But I'd want you to know that when you're doing public relations and if you're out there and you're getting a link in the media, you are building your search engine optimization even without trying to do it, even if you don't know you're doing it. So a really quick explanation of that is when somebody links to you, they pass on some authority and Google sees that authority and then you'll rise up in the search results. And as you might imagine, major media sites have major authority to pass on to you. So just by doing PR and getting links especially, you know, online work, you are building your S CEO without even trying. So, at the end of this first lesson, what I'd like you to do is write down what you would like to achieve with public relations ideally, write down one main goal now often will have a couple of goals, right? You want to drive traffic, you want to bring in customers. So if you have a few different things, you know, maybe write down two or three different things, but star or circle or highlight that one thing that is your driving. Why, for what you're doing with PR. So I love to hear I know we talked about this a little bit if anybody has, though, a couple of things that came up in this conversation, that might be a little different or added on to what we talked about in the beginning. So I think we'll talk here in the students first. Then we can take some people in the chap anybody have anything that they have added on our air sparked an idea. Tush, I really like to just drive more traffic to coast dramatic dot com. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense for you, especially cause you have that Instagram hook and the web. Italian makes so much sense. Awesome. I think, for me is a long term plan is just to start building my expertise in really positioning myself as an expert on this. The whole food. Yeah, Thought leadership. I mean, a lot of people public relations is used so much to build your thought leadership. That's that whole authority and social proof aspect. So it will be important for you to be looking at media outlets where you know that people who might become customers or people that I know you're looking at training people will immediately recognize and have that hit of authority for it will be important. I didn't think about, um you know, I've got a whole opt in program on my website that to capture emails and to drive my blawg with regards to, you know, having moms and pictures and printing photographs and kind of my passion side of the photography as well as driving, you know, getting local customers. Yeah, that's great. And actually, when you're doing like online media, particularly, you can even link Teoh an opt in page instead of your home page. So if that's a big goal for you, if they're not, every media outlet will allow it. But it doesn't hurt to ask. Can I give you this page? Or you can say, You know what? We just worked on this Artal together. I actually have a supplemental resource for you. And if you you share this year around, people can get a free resource, so that could be a great way to even amplify your public relations, our each and strategy.

Class Materials

bonus material

Brigitte Lyons - Blogger Outreach Bootcamp.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Pitches That Worked.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Workbook - Simple PR for Creatives.pdf

bonus material

Brigitte Lyons - Brigittes Fave Free Media Resources.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Magazine Contact Cheat Sheet.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Simple PR Course Syllabus.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Jess Laine

This is one of the best CreativeLive classes I've taken. I knew nothing about PR before this class and after taking it I was able to send my first pitch within a week. If you follow along with the workbook provided you really can come up with a pitch template that can can be tweaked to work for just about anything. I really appreciate how simple and enjoyable Brigitte made this class. No fluff, just great straight-to-the point actionable information. It's obvious she cares very much about helping creative people use PR to grow their business. Thanks Brigitte!

a Creativelive Student

I honestly started watching this class thinking that I didn't need PR for my business. I know Brigitte is super smart, and I wanted to check out the live stream to see if I could pick up any tips for my own clients. I was so wrong! I loved this! Within the first 30 minutes I had taken so many notes and gotten so excited about the possibilities- that not only seemed helpful, but relatively easy and FUN- for my business. I ended up purchasing right away and I know I'll be referring back again and again. Thanks for the great class!

a Creativelive Student

I am really fortunate in that I've had a lot of media exposure over the course of my career - all of it by referral or invitation. But with Brigitte's Simple PR class, I now have a framework to confidently pitch ideas and proactively create opportunities. I particularly appreciated her suggestion to tie my media outreach efforts to my business goals. And, she provided a clear roadmap that will help me be systematic and strategic in doing just that!! Way cool. Many thanks, Brigitte.

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