Part 2 of Quiz - Paper Handout
Lesson 2 from: San Francisco Design Week Typographic QuizAllan Haley

Part 2 of Quiz - Paper Handout
Lesson 2 from: San Francisco Design Week Typographic QuizAllan Haley
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2. Part 2 of Quiz - Paper Handout
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Part 2 of Quiz - Paper Handout
Okay. Part two for the really big prizes. Okay, first question, Robert. Bring hers. Elements of typographic style. Uh, he classified the top following typefaces, but don't able murdered Ito wall bomb as what? What are the four? Did he classify them as they don't Lyrical, modernist, neoclassical or romantic? Mark it on your sheet. Which of those classifications did Robert bring Hurst to put to those typeface designed typeface designs? Oh, I see some friends out there from people that shouldn't be frowning. Okay, can we move on? OK, what would you find in this white area of the California job case? What would you find? I'm not sure that you there is. I don't know that I give you an answer on the choices on that. I think you just need to figure that one out. What would you find in that part of the California job case? You know, it's the metal type and all that stuff. What would you find there? Okay, I'm gonna move along. Oh, right there. Okay. Bud Kettler, little known typeface designer. ...
What important typeface did Bud Kettler design? Was it Ariel typefaces we all love hate was an aerial was a comic Sands was a courier or was a trade Gothic. What important typeface did but blood Kettler design one of those four. Okay, let's move along. What was the last letter to be introduced into the Roman alphabet? Last letter to be introduced in the Roman alphabet. Was it a J and M I. W or a. Why? One of those was the last letter to be introduced into the Roman alphabet. It was kind of late in the whole cycle, actually. J m w or why? Okay, let's move on. Okay, this one's going. I'll give you a little time on this one when what you do. And this is multiple choice. So everyone that you get right counts is one point when I want to do is match the title of the famous book with its famous author. And these were the famous books and I say on typography, the anatomy of a typeface. Just my type. Somebody's going to get that one right. Thinking with type 20th century type designers and type roles, I believe that's the last one. No, uh, typography Emanuel of design. And here your authors possible Sebastian Carter wrote one of them, Simon Garfield wrote one. Alexander. Okay, Ergil wrote one. Alexander Lawson wrote one. Ellen Lupton wrote one email, email. Router wrote one. And like your friend of mine, Eileen Stressor, wrote one who also has one of the one of the classes here at Creative Life. So match and draw a line between them or whatever. Match the writer. The author with the book. Okay, Next question. Another San Francisco question. Multiple choice. Who was the first president of A I G A. San Francisco? One of four possible choices. Jennifer Moreland, Kid Hinrichs, Linda Hinrichs or Primo Angeli. Which one of these people was the first president of a I G a. San Francisco? One of the or the organization that brings you San Francisco Design Week? Okay, moving along. Name the designer from Leipzig who preferred his typography New spend some quality time with pick with King penguins and even reinvented a Gara Mont. Name. The designer from Life sick would prefer his typography New spend some time with King penguins and even designed a new Carolan, and it would be either email router Young she called Max Medinger or Paul Raynor. It'll be one of those people. They're all European. That's a hint. Okay, You keeping track of how many of these air historic and how many art? Okay. All right. Next question. Right. 449 in Roman numerals. Any type of file ought to be able to do that, right. 449 enrollment numerals. Figure it out. No Googling. So I know we're not going to eat. Somebody's not going to get 21 right? Is that correct? Think about 449. What's a four? But it would be 500 minus something or other. I hold no. Okay, You know what? And Terra Bang is how many people know what in Terra bang is okay for those of you don't know what in terra Bang is, it's the punctuation mark that goes after What the okay. Or you mean you did what? That kind of thing who invented the entero bang was that her blue ballon? He could have done that. He does that kind of stuff. Maybe a guy named Mark Inspector was a type typographer in 19 fifties. Could have been Oswald Cooper. He did all had a lot of fun with letters in 19 twenties and early 19 thirties. Or it could have been a guy named Vince Coachella, who was a typeface designer who actually worked for International Typeface Corporation, who invented the in terrible pain. And you can actually find it in some fonts. Not a lot, but some open type fonts. Okay, more up to speed. When was the first digital digital use of emoticons actually emoticon State backed away way, way, way long time ago. But always the first digital use of an emoticon was in 1988 perhaps Or 1992. What date year was the first U digital use of an emoticon? You can kind of noodle that one out if you think about a liquid. I get kind of close anyway. All right, who said I on Lee? I want only magnificent. I don't work for the common reader who said that was a firm indeed. Oh, gee, Mbatista Bertoni, John Baskerville or William Casslyn? Which one of those guys there are about the same time late 17 hundreds, early 18 hundreds? Who said I only want magnificence? I don't work for the common reader. Obviously you didn't know anything about a kindle. Okay, Next question. Okay. The first italic fonts. These are metal flying handset, metal fonts. First italic fonts were missing. What of the following? Which is the following characters. They weren't necessarily complete with a missing capital letters. Were they missing figures? Were they missing punctuation marks, or were they missing all of the above? First handset. Metal fonts. There were of italic typeface, designs, caps, figures, punctuation, polity above. Okay, we were getting toward the end here. Which is the following is not a typeface by Sumner Stone. Who, by the way, had a birthday yesterday? Yeah. Um, assault. You notice there's sort of a theme here, Sumner Stone, but sold magma. I feel like, uh, Slate. Okay. There's sort of a theme to his typefaces. Once you got beyond the EITC. Still on thing. Which one of these typefaces was not designed by Sumner Stone Assault, magma, silica or slate? Okay. Just recently, ah design firm gave us the Hillary logo, which gave us Helvetica. What design firm created the Hillary logo? The logo for her presidential campaign was a Chase design group, Future Brand, Living God or Pentagram. Which one of these four branding agencies. Design firms created the Hillary logo. Okay, last question. What is this called? And spelling counts. What is this call? And there is not a four part. You just got to know what this thing is called. And spelling counts. Okay. Are you ready? Everybody sort filled out their shades. Okay. Nobody's on the phone. Who? All right. So you want to show if I know what the answers are? Are you ready? OK, here we go. First question Robert bring here is classified The falling typefaces. As what the don't? Ah, lyrical, modernist, neoclassical or romantic? Who's going to take a guess? You've already written it down. Tell me. Yes. Romantic. How did you do that? Okay, if you got romantic, set it down is correct. That's good. Okay. What did you find in the white area? The California job case. You've written it down. What would you find there? What would you find? Yes. Spaces, Spaces. Anybody else wanna take a guess? Yes. I like the spaces between spaces between letters. Not even close. Anybody else want? Think? I guess conservation punctuation is getting closer. But that's not it either. Let me give you a hand. There are only eight of them. Not the full set. Going to see something like symbols. How about numbers? Yeah, I kind of cheat a little bit, but their numbers. Okay. You would find numbers there. Okay, so we're down to 20 now, huh? Okay. What important typeface did Bud Kettler design? Whoops, Courier. Anybody BS Courier. Very good for you. Excellent. Very nice man that worked for IBM. What was the last letter to be introduced into the Roman alphabet? J m w or Why take a guess. I am. Who says? OK, How many say M? Okay, How many? Say why? I mean, you're saying J And how many are saying W It is a J mark. That one, right? Okay. It was introduced in the 15th century for those of you who care. Okay, masses fame. The title of the famous book with its author. And I'm gonna run through these. They are essay on typography would be ergil. Anatomy of a typeface would've been Alexander Lawson. Just my type. Sebastian. Uh, Simon Garfield in whoever out there got the book. Better have gotten that one, right. Uh, thinking we type. You know that one. That's Ellen Lupton. 20th century typeface designers that Sebastian Carter no relationship to Matthew Carter and type roles. That would be Eileen stress for and typographic Emmanuel design. And that would be Emil Ruder. So if you get any of those you got right count is a point. Okay, guys. Who was the first president of a I G A. San Francisco to somebody? No, you do. You do. I know you do. You better know anybody want to take a guess? No. Linda, it was Linda Hendricks. Yes, kid. Hendrix wife. Okay. Name the designer from Leipzig who preferred his typography. New spent quality time with King penguins, which was a publishing company, uh, Penguin Publishing and reinvented a Harriman. And that would have been the typeface stable. Who Who did all that stuff? I told you what he did. Who did all that stuff? Who designed stable? You know who wrote new typography? Yon Chico, right? Drag it out of you. Okay. All right. I'm not gonna ask you how to do this, but here it is. That's how you're right. 449 in. And everybody Anybody get that one right? I know there are two correct answers. you haven't both. Okay, um, you know, because you have them both. Um, just because, Rob, um, what have we got here? That would be really good for who? Somebody was smart enough to have them both. I think you deserve a medium choir Sands T shirt. Okay. Who invented terror? Bang. Anybody want to make a guess on who invented the in Terra Bank? Did you write it down? Okay, I know you think you probably do know. So I'm not going. I'm not going to do that one again. I'm not gonna give it another price quite yet. Anybody? Yes. Oswald Cooper. No, Just don't take another guest. Yes, Vince. Which elevating for cello would have loved that. But no, he did not do it. Yes, Martin Specter it is. How about a mile? Just forgetting that one, right? I don't have a Martin Spectrum Ugg, but okay. First uses digital use of emoticons. First use of digital use of emoticons. 1982. Well, now, if you think about it, 1982 is probably a pretty good answer. But, um, really digital typography didn't become common mainstream until the desktop revolution desktop publishing revolution, and that's usually given its 1985. So does anyone take another guess? Yes. Wow. 1988. You just one yourself to notebooks. Okay? And And got that one, right? Okay. Who said I only want magnificence? I don't work for the common reader. Who said that? Who wrote it down? Who took a stab at it? Yes. Baskerville. Who took another stab at it? Yes, sure. Dedeaux Basketball. We got Dedeaux, who took another stab? Yes. Did anybody either write down or think it might have been Jim Batista? But Tony? Yes. Did you write it down? Is that or you just lying to me? Okay, we have this great monotype is a curated package of these fun special in books by famous designers and such. And they What they did is they pick their faith, their favorite typeface designs. And they sort of talked about him. So, you know, take that with you. Okay? It was Jim petition, but owning Cal Exxon's were missing. What of the following characters? What are the following? Characters were missing in italic fonts. You write something down. Okay. I heard a couple of all of the above us, which one of the all of the above has not already won something. You want something? You've all you want something? So who out there is not? Has not won something probably thought it was all of the above. Did you? Yeah. Really? Yeah. Well, sure you did. Absolutely. Absolutely. You did, because that's worth a medium choir Sands T shirt. Uh, the first italic fonts were only lower case characters, and they actually won't Even typeface sensitive with the Roman typeface is supposed to be used with. They were just there they were. And what would happen would be the typesetter would take the lower case letters out of the italic font and mix them with the caps in the punctuation off whatever type face that he had to be working with at the time. It was until the 18 hundreds rub that full italic fonts really knows what earlier that really came in to be Adonis time. OK, it would have been all of the above. Which of the following is not a typeface by sitting there? Stone Which of those rock fist type faces were not designed by Sumner Stone assault? No, it was not a result. Anybody else right? Another one. Now I'm gonna You won a few times, but I am a proctor. Uh, anyone who is not one made a choice for one of the others who has not already won something. Is everybody here? One something away. Our second round. I want a second round. Okay, Anybody here is only one One thing. One. Yes. You're gonna get magma. Um, you know, when I was talking about magma, which is a face I like a lot, I was very careful not to mention the typeface designer because it wasn't summers. It is summer stone, so it's not magma. So we're down to silica and slate, silica and Slate who designed those typefaces. And I think this is gonna be worth no matter What? How you doing? Making full. Tash, You're gonna go with Slate? Do you work here? You live in the city, Your designer? So what? Gil Sands. Pull. Condensed. This is Air Gilles. It signed down. The bottom he was writing was part of Monotype Foundation. It is a numbered 230 of limited edition prints. Once they're gone, they're going. You're very welcome. Hoops. What I do. There you go. it was Slate. Okay. What Design firm created the Hillary logo? Yes. Now you're getting good. How you guys are getting good. Okay, let me see what we have here. See if some good stuff. You know what? How about this? James Vittori. Bold and fearless Design certificate. It's a good session. You'll like it. Okay. Okay. I think this is the last question. What was this thing called? And spelling counts. Does anybody want to take a chance? What was that thing called? Let me what? Let me through this first. What do we get that really good here? You know, we've got this kind of good IHS. I didn't give it away. Today. Nobody has the complete monotype typeface library on c d. Do that? No, here it is. Who? That would be scary. Okay, um, let's make this really good. The complete magma family magma to from Sumner Stone, released about a year ago. If you get this one right. Okay. Anybody want to hazard a chant? Take a chance. What is that thing? Call. I'll give you a hint. It's not spelled the way it sounds. That's a pretty good hand. It's not spelled the way it sounds. Did you say go and speak up? Coin key. Yes, boys. All right. Nice going. Okay, here's what we want to do. I got tiebreakers. So in case you guys tallied up your score, how many you got? Right? You're nothing, right? Tally of your scores there. What? They say 21 possible. Let me know when you got your scores tallied. And this one is force when we're doing this. Okay, we're going, You know, we're going for the big time here. This is the grand prize. The 2015 San Francisco Design Week. Type of file of the year complete monotype typeface. Library on CD, open type lots. Work on any machine. Okay, get anybody. 21 right. four, 17 16. 15. Really? 14. 14. Okay, Now I know that you already have one of these. Ugo. Ugo. Okay, that you have had me right? 14 Had 13 right. Lucky 13. You had 14 large. Laura had 14. Would you kind of work here? Laura, Did anybody get 13? 12? Okay. You know, it's it's the type of files in the group. Um, you know what? I think this belongs to Laura and Teoh Because I know that they the folks here, the creative life will put this to good use. So Okay, we're down. We're down to 12 and we've got Herman's op design scholarship. It's all the design classes. Three creativelive offers. This is way, way. Cool. And we had 12. 10. I really have to go down to four again. Okay. Anybody being between four and 10? Okay, be able to get nine. Everybody figured. Raise your hand on a right. Anybody get eight. Eight. Okay. Now you one big Correct. OK, so you get the Hermann Zapf designed memorial. All right? I still have some stuff up here. Um, I got I got some really good stuff, and then when we have whatever left over, um, you can just trying to come up and get before I do that. Um, I want to mention that just in case this that that folks want to do this again next year at San Francisco, Designed with 2016. Be sure and tell your friends home what a great time they missed and how much loot they missed out on. Okay, So you had How many, right. Eight. Okay. Did you have seven, right? A. Really? You are so good. Now, tell you what? I don't know. I don't know if any Do you want? Do you want Florence? He liked once. You want some font? Really? I'll give you some really nice font or I'll give you three T shirts. What you would rather have Come on up and get him. You go. All right. How about seven seven Flying James Victoria, another client. Alright. Six to its 63 at six. You know, I'm running out of the good stuff. So here's what we're gonna do. One to you're at five. Oh, okay. We're 56 All of your chicks right here. My apologies. There you go. Let him up between you. Okay, you guys, we're great. You're a great audience. I realize that maybe was a little bit harder quiz. And it should have been. If we do it again next year, we'll make it a little bit easier for everybody. I want to thank the folks at Creativelive that made this possible in the folks that monotype, um, sitting in the front rows. Here it's again. These are companies that you should take advantage of their products and services. They really support your community. So thanks for being a great audience. Enjoy the rest of Design week. Thank you.