Lesson Info
25. 9:15 am - Student Evaluation: Michael
Day 1
19:00 am - Problems with Sales
17:13 29:15 am - What is a Salesperson?
17:56 39:45 am - You and Your Sales
42:17 410:45 am - Why People Buy
31:00 511:15 am - Who People Love to Buy From
37:05 612:00 pm - Building Rapport and Trust with Clients
23:57 71:30 pm - The Sales Process
19:311:45 pm - How to Stop Feeling Awkward About Sales
26:04 92:15 pm - The DOs and DON'Ts of the Sales Process
31:48 103:15 pm - More DOs and DON'Ts
19:56 113:30 pm - An End-to-End Process That Works
35:01Day 2
129:00 am - Selling Your Photography
11:57 139:15 am - Step-by-Step Sales, Part I
45:02 1410:00 am - Interview: George Varanakis
26:51 1510:45 am - Step-by-Step Sales, Part 2
32:49 1611:30 am - Active Listening
26:01 1712:00 pm - Pricing
18:49 181:00 pm - Past Student Testimonial: Nikki
08:38 191:15 pm - Student Evaluation: Carey's E-mails
26:10 201:45 pm - Student Evaluation: Nicole
39:33 212:30 pm - Student Evaluation: Lori
26:52 223:00 pm - Stop Giving Up Too Soon
07:56 233:15 pm - Skype Call with Charlie Engle
26:54 243:45 pm - Making Good Images into Bestselling Images
19:37Day 3
259:15 am - Student Evaluation: Michael
22:29 269:30 am - Shooting for Maximum Client Satisfaction
24:16 2710:00 am - Prepping for the Shoot
14:34 2810:30 am - Shoot: Family Session
40:54 2911:30 am - Post-Shoot Family Debrief
25:08 301:15 pm - Family Image Review Session
15:03 311:30 pm - Print and Product Options
34:12 322:15 pm - Boosting Your Energy for Sales
21:52 332:30 pm - On Regrets
09:32 343:15 pm - Handling Criticism, Lack of Confidence, and Self Doubt
24:30Lesson Info
9:15 am - Student Evaluation: Michael
If you recall what apartment we did yesterday was a lot of digging in to how people were doing their sales and observing from a third party perspective, can you better scene some of the things that you, maybe unconsciously we're doing, that were hurting your sales or preventing further connection or the ongoing relationship? Can you see the things that you were obviously doing quite right? So know that and keep doing it because that's going really, really well, did you guys see a lot of that yesterday? Yeah, wonderful. Okay, so what we're going to do a little bit of a different take on it is instead of just sitting back and third party viewing, something in terms of the sale session way had michael bravely step up and you did a shoot while you when you came to seattle, correct? Yes, it came to seattle, did a photo shoot, sat down with a client here in our creative live studio, filmed a sale session, and then you took the next step and did it additional homework and gave me notes on hey...
here, the things that I would love for you to look at and tell me how I did here's what I think maybe might have happened looking back on it, but I'm not sure can we get some clarity, correct? Okay, so I think this is going to be very helpful because it's not just me dropping in and saying, dude at that point, what were you thinking? It's you saying I was unsure here? What could I have done differently or how did this maybe come across? So we're going to jump through and spend a few minutes, probably a good ten, fifteen minutes, hopefully getting even more information out that will help everybody at home in your sales sessions, things that you can see they're really good and things that might be chipping you up. We started out, we sit down together hi, how are you going to, um, having trouble getting anything? No, like took ninety nine followed my husband right for one awesome and first off you were clearly being filmed for the purposes of this class, so that beginning is always a little bit like, oh, hi, we're on a camera, all right, you get over it pretty quickly, but yeah, so but just give me some good allowance this first minute or so, so it's just kind of starting conversation and how you doing? How'd you get here? Ok, now we're going in and you say this is kind of what to expect from the process that it's fun, all right, all right. It's impossible to turn up just a little bit for me okay here we go a cz we go through if you have any questions or you know uh you have any comments about it please feel free to just lay on during about hurting my feelings that this fine you're honest all right all right so don't worry about hurting my feelings uh yes I saw what was right when I was doing wrong big deal is like you can see the gap between where your disconnecting with your client you know and that's kind of huge so not kind of it is huge so it's likely the term is judge gorman george j gourmet so you yeah yeah and hopefully I mean obviously part of it too is there's been so much stuffed in your head of the last couple days that that the clarity you would have had is even sharper you're like oh before saturday at two p m I would have never dreamed of u s o but you did there and I think he recognizes you set yourself up and gave her the expectation that these may not be very good don't worry about hurting my feelings just tell me if that's what you think when clearly that's not what we how we want to start no never no yeah all right so moving and you start out so this is this is when we were sitting at the uh everyone you're in the park were sitting on the inside of that statue you trouble? Is this the part where you guys were inside of that cradle kid do you think which is natural doing but you want it with size that's natural normal cause you you're getting started you put it up there it wasn't up for long you talked a little bit about it and then we rushed to fill the silence right? Okay I loved the expression on my son's face you captured him perfectly and my husband he looks goofy but likely here perfect um body language I I'm not sure it's my favorite but I love I love the expression to capture him and even me I think I look pretty good you look great yet uh may only it's not my favorite picture of her just because she's a hell of a lot but she's you know a baby so hard but it's a beautiful picture really happy with good so would you say it like you want like so I'm just gonna mark visas for ok, so you have you given her the expect you're telling her now that you're gonna mark them as you go forward yeah earlier in the video you kind of skipped ahead of it I went over the love like you kind of forget about infections okay and kudos to our client for stepping up and and having the photo shoot yeah, absolutely she was her family was awesome guys what's going on s o s s o u initially we kind of go through the fire well she gives you some she's great that she steps up and says this this in this in terms of feedback the market and you continue now you get into here kind of ah situation that you don't exactly know what you should say or do about right come up on when she comments on how she looks actually like you photoshopped my face looked thinner than I do I retouch all of my images that really mean of course it's really look fantastic I always okay so that's interesting this comes up sometimes people ask us especially if you're photographing I tend to photograph a lot of photographers and just do so people will say specifically these questions I've gotten that before, but in general sometimes people say did you do something to that right? And you guys got matt and then your response where was I think? Right spot on I we touched all my photos like you know if she said do you specifically did you photoshopped my face which he actually doesn't but then saying that she looks right at you and waited for you response most stuff that's a different situation, but in general you give an honest answer you gave some feedback in this case he said you didn't actually do anything in the way of no there was nothing in the in regard to special effects is just pure color crushing that's it yeah and often what our clients don't know is it that we have a lot of practice on great posing and great lighting it will look like we photos on them but it's not that's where we're actually bringing a skill and I say that I say actually you know, I I do make a point of retouching all my photos and I finished them for you and that's part of your service in addition I have spent a lot of time learning how to oppose you really well and howto like you really well to your best advantage and that's a lot of what you're seeing here today and that's that's great to communicate that that's a big plus of why they're using you as an established practice professional first is going out and getting snapshots that they're going to pay ninety nine cents for you know that there's a huge difference there that has very little doing photo shop and has to do with technical experts yes it does all right so then we've got that and then we'll move tio gonna move forward here a little bit I thought this was interesting um get to a point where we have some objection concerns is it that you have? I don't want him to look like he's bald you know you've still got here okay, so why don't we do this if we can't do if we can't get it to a point where his hair doesn't look natural, one of the other products that offers standouts and what they are is kind of foam added foam core boards that are displayed with the entire image is who uh, display the entire image on gets wrapped around a phone card board and the it's basically and stand out so it's not a frame it's not inside of a frames on the standard paper print okay, but it elongates uh photograph from the wall so I'm not certain if you're familiar with the problem or not but uh if I had my samples with tio it is nice of canvas and you're I think that they're both they're both fantastic pieces I own both on I used both nice view there they're perfect for different situations canvas and my it's kind of a textile field on bear very elegant uh but I don't necessarily have a preference one or over the other I just think that they fit different a bit different situations so and in situations like this where you know you're worried about a crop you know you'd like the images it is you can put the image flush uh without sacrifice you can still get a nice large print without having to worry about, you know, good, good so basically her objection was she's concerned that she got a canvas it would wrap and it would take away aesthetically from part of the image that she wanted to keep in and you offered a solution that would resolve that and still give her that feeling of a piece of work artwork stand out and you and you were a dis avenge it you don't have your products to show it obviously if you were in your studio you would have shown them great that's exactly what you do next you get up and say look, look or feel someone's home that's that's the big upside of having samples with you if you're doing something remotely via skype and stuff you can show things with a third dimensional view kind of a standout look which is very helpful it would say that's what it looks like from the front that's what looks like hanging on a wall, etcetera s so I thought that was a really good response clearly I think that what would be really helpful in this situation is too it's not a script but get familiar and comfortable with that kind of response so that you can deliver it in a very natural flowing way because otherwise you get a little truck tripped up and sometimes when you're trying to think of the words in the description and the this and that they can get a little lost in the tripping and they do and they're not they're not into the language of what you're expressing they're not seeing it and not feeling it. My only question was way began immediately talking about you know prince yes and she initiates that so yeah, I you know, piggybacking off of yesterday you know, the beginning of the process we want to make sure that they're the client remains in an emotional state and my fear is you know, we're we go from I love the image to I wantto get we'd begin talking about, you know, buying and purchasing and price but at what point is that okay, you know, to actually go over do you want to just say that's great but you know, we can absolutely talk about that let's do that later on or do you address the question immediately like they did the former which is to say, you know, wonderful question let me to make a note right here and exactly we're going talk about we're not going to lose this let's keep moving along and then I'll know exactly what to come back to because that way you let her know that you heard her that that's not going to get lost it was expressed and you're going to act on it but if you keep kind of moving along, you know, similar to what I talked about managing distractions in our work life balance course manager distractions and staying productive one of the best things you can do is keep the point sheet just simply write down what's coming up so it's not lost so you can revisit it you know add a little extra detail wants to make sure part the images and cropped out so that when you go back to it the right time you know energetically it's a lot more effective and it doesn't kill the flow let's say we're on tio here tio case at this point we get into uh you know you start out saying you know don't worry you won't hurt my feelings etcetera for moving through I I somewhat would like to see him with his hand down but I'm not totally certain but it's kind of neat it's gives it over the care I'd like it um I the only thing I don't like about it is it I actually like kids him up there in his facial expressions devise their way through the way he normally you have it's like a half way expression but I love that my daughters looking I love that we're looking I love my husband with his grand okay um but it's one that I definitely would if you know we were to purchase the prince their album it would be in there so it's ah like okay it's okay so in that instance specifically she's saying I like everything about it except for this one expression right and that's not abnormal at all when you're I mean right envisioning family. My beginning part was like, this is really, really, really hard to get everybody together looking good looking one way. I mean, you can get ninety nine percent of your shot and then an expression changes fleetingly and suddenly it's not the perfect picture, you know, that's totally okay. But in that case, if you that's part of why again, you don't want to show multiple images endlessly that are just slightly varied in terms of expression and it's in that. But if you have a few of the family would definitely always adjusting. Fuse a few family photographs, not just one. You have the option to do things and photo shop later or offer head swap for a fee or something like that. Andi, you have to engage that on your client. Some clients might feel like, well, that's not natural organic. And I don't like that others might be like swap that head. Amen. We're going in on. Do you save the sale? You say the shot. You still did the work, it's. Just a matter of basically compositing. Two images into one to make the image that she really wants to buy, um let's say, uh, ok, so moving into this then we get to the point where we talk about extracting expression they like ok like yeah it's you know extracting expressions from kids it's so difficult especially did a good job young well thank you very much you guys were great to younger and younger they are the harder days but that okay so so extracting it expressions from kids the younger they are the harder it is that's true sometimes yes and either either way it's my job teo teo get the get the I one of the other pieces that I kind of took away from this is no I'm not a ah family photographer I'm very used to interacting with adults and directing and saying look I need to do this post back here children are kudos to all of you okay it's a whole different it is a completely different master it's it's very rewarding work but it's it's really hard so I think I went from like I knew the previous image you know I kept hearing her say expression expression expression and I know that a cz in artist that that's really you know everything but you know I wanted to point out okay now the next thing which is like this was great you know yeah so you thought the next one was great yeah I did this so why didn't you lead with the great one and phase out the one you didn't like that's an excellent question. I probably should have. Yeah, yeah, because I mean, in that main specifically, if you lead with your best work, you know, that is your job is the editor, you know, you lead with your best work, you leave out anything that you feel like you have to make an excuse for the on ly reason I would submit additional images that I didn't love is if I felt that complemented something else, and I could sell them as a joint, you know, this would be great, an album, this section together, you know, this would be a great secondary or third family image to pull from if everything is fantastic except that one expression, those are good reasons safe, secure reasons to have additional ones, but just in general, if you've got one that you don't like it one that you love, you make the choice and put for the one you love and don't don't have to waste time making excuses, there's no reason to mean, you've nailed the shot, you got a good shot? Um, all right, so a little note on clarity here? Sure, sure, absolutely. Well, I'm sorry. I want make sure perfectly sure I want to be certain about what I'm hearing you say, yeah, here saying that if you have other images that you wanted to put together and re crop in a different way than are currently one by one you could do that there should be a problem doing that what do you do? He asked the certification be afraid rephrase and confirm the point and that was before there was no that's awesome I love that that's that's excellent because then what is she felt she had heard understood you're engaged she's in this more you're in this more um if it if at any point you just you're not sure you completely get it that's a wonderful practice to get into all right and then a couple more points before we head out of this s o this is on the other side of what acing way have a different example because that was a great listener yeah I love black and white was the love that I don't like but I'm like ok so that's not a big deal but you know kind of letting her go for because she was about to start saying about what she loves and which is into this and that if you have that mental note like wait what was that just hold on for a second letter finish that's pretty easy newt on dh let's see we have here while we are again we have another option we're trying to get everybody to look forward like everybody in the shot I think it's just partially because it was hot everybody was just you know my husband's got that big chinese but if this was an image that we wear to purchase um is that something that you could get rid of that chinese absolutely certain so this little this little you're talking about this whole sun flare here highlighting anything I could absolutely take that off so if if that turns this into a uh an image that you know you want to turn your friend yeah of course no problem it's like a four man like all right yeah so is good she asked you what you could do with it and you told her and then what I would even do right then if I felt that she was leaning I know everybody kind of feels differently about this but I have you know, if we are in the point where we're deciding what to do with um you know we're after we've made the choices were deciding what we do with them I pop it open and I say like for instance boom boom boom you see the difference I noticed my clients have a really strong reaction tio there's one thing for saying yeah I can fix it and change it and in my head it looks really good now do you see that no they don't see that so showing them and the amount of times you do the before and after toggle and you say, ok, that's, what we started with this is what you would have when I give it tio it's the it moves them from I think soto done done love it don't change a thing print, you know, that does happen, because then you just gave them the chance to really see you're talking about not the big theory of what you know you khun d'oh, because most the time it's in your head and it's not in theirs. All right. And the other point I want to hit before we moved on from this section. And I know that you said in general, from your perspective, from your notes, looking through this, you were surprised at how many times you pointed out your flaws? Yes, without a doubt that one of the other big things that I see is the further and further we get away, the less and less and looking at her, um, I I really want to make sure that we're focusing on what we're doing and that I'm constantly re establishing a connection, whether so, I don't think I would ever want to sit like this ever again, so I'm it automatically made me think about how not only do I wantto do this but like how do I want a position the client how do I want them to be able to reengage etcetera etcetera I was really disappointed that I kept looking away from her so much I kept focusing on the computer rather than her interesting interesting well that's a wonderful takeaway how would you reposition yourselves in relation to each other going forward uh you kind of brought up a suggestion yesterday about it I'm not exactly sure of the wireless now yeah the wireless mouse was a good idea I don't know if I would necessarily want to have your side by side I kind of like the idea of you know maybe ah diagonal view of a single point where we can constantly contact but what I do know is I never want to have any other object that I have to shift attention away from or to other than her in the imagery yeah because from a non verbals perspective what you're picking up on very well is that your back as to what she's looking at you're looking at a different screen and then you're kind of crane ing around not you know not dissimilar to me right now you know to see what you're looking at on dh then when you're in a position where you're comfortable like I said the way we have a position that we have with the wireless mouse here the computer's back there that night I'm not looking at because we're just looking together at the screen and so similar to, like being going to the movies with someone, even though you're having a separate experience in separate seats here together, because you're, you're sharing and experience. And you're both direct and your energies in the same way. If you were in a movie theater and somebody was facing the back, they would have a very different kind of effect.
Class Materials
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Fantastic course by a fantastic photographer and tutor. I would wholeheartedly recommend this workshop to anyone who is either; A) Established but currently seeking help to push their sales on, and also; B) Anyone who is at the beginning of their photography business, looking for insight and guidance at successful sales practice. Tamara is a smart and wonderfully engaging tutor. The sessions are informative, and thought provoking, but are presented in a nice relaxed, sincere and often fun manner. As i write this review - CL are having a sale, but even at full price, it's a bit of a no brainer. Just buy it, you'll not regret it. There is alot of valuable information here. Thank you Creative Live and Tamara Lackey. I'm a fan of you both! www.dannywoolford.com
a Creativelive Student
Awesome! I cannot believe this wonderful course is so inexpensive. Halfway through watching the downloads, I had a record sales session that more than paid for this course. Every photographer should buy this! Thank you Tamara!
This is a must see workshop. It sets the bar for right motivation in sales and business. I had never formally studied sales and I am so pleased that I got to hear Tamara's excellent and insightful understanding of how to sell without being the sales person that no one likes. As she so aptly put, 'we all love to buy but we hate to be sold to' FIVE STARS. Thanks Tamara!