Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Standardized Work System
Standardize work system. A great system, whether it's, a small business, a large business process within a business that's, what we call standard work, standard work system is things like standard methods, standard timing, like tact, that pace that we work to it's, not about going faster. It's about balance and harmony, and pace and rhythm and meter. That's. Our tact. One piece or small batch flow, as opposed to great big, you know, chunks in warehouses for long pieces of time. Amounts of time we've got it balanced workload this is what we demonstrated in the lean sigma game we balance the load we have operators move a lot like sports teams we've got a play but there's there is motion motion you don't eliminate it but you have operators move while the while the process flows we have five s we have workplace organization and discipline we have stability in our process like we had in a catapult so these this is like a checklist if you will of a lot of the things we've done so you could t...
ake this and go through and say who were missing some things we don't we don't even know attacked iss we better figure that out we don't we're batch ing things in two biggest amounts or we don't have a five s type of thing organizing so these great little checklist for you um standard work in process so working process it's not the goals not zero really but the goal is we we ran with zero two four and round three where were we were completely out of control and rounds one and two so we have a standard amount and this is the this is the wisdom and brilliance if you will behind the systems like delon amazon and target and walmart companies like that it's a standard work in process that's a flow using first and first out material flow so it's flowing very fast. We've got visual controls to know how we're doing and where we are and things like that so nobody's guessing on how we're doing every day, and the processes is documented in some industries that's required, like pharmaceutical on healthcare, it's, it's, fda requirement that you have your processes, they're really documented. So it's, a standard work system. And a kaiser ni po now we did akai I p o on leadership earlier we could do it kai zanon a ni po on kaizen just to look again the critical inputs and outputs ball guys is about making good change we said that's about making a process more user friendly all right he's here to draw the diamonds easier to shoot to catapult easier to be successful it's about safety or could be about environment or both alright making thanks uh more earth friendly and it's standardized so now put of kaizen is always that we have a standard work system so that we can sustain it now what's it take to get that we go upstream we've gotta have a clear mission a clear target clear charter we have two teams got to be focused otherwise the wheels fall off we've gotta have sponsorship and that sponsorships got to give us authority to get the change is done we don't got authority it won't work you gotta have a team that's in power to do it we've gotta have data that baseline to start with we gotta have the right tools and the right methods on the right environment to get it done so these air the critical inputs now if we want to run a good change event a good kaizen event or run a good business because this is you know running ah better faster, leaner business is all about leading change making it better making a faster making it leaner so these are the key and puts so if we were going to do a kaizen event it might look like this high level on a sort of a chart we're going to take a three to four week period to prepare to our homework do our due diligence get a market data train our team make sure our charters clear map things like that we're going to go into this event and make change is where we execute and then we're going to do it you know some some follow up to make sure that we got it we made it right there made it better and uh and sometimes after the event but it might mean we've got to train people on the new procedure we've got to get the new procedure validated if it's a if it's a regulated environment we've got to get the new procedure validated okay we gotta communicate what we did so people know what we did things like that sometimes it results in a change in staffing organization so that would be typical follow up type stuff so the prep phase is essentially you know what we need to do that if the date is one month from now we're running a kaizen event what do we have to do between now and then to be ready let's go through that right so we gotta make sure targets clear! We've got a sponsor leaders members we've got a team, this can all go right into our charter. There's a, you know, charter, we start with the define and measure the mayor can, then we're going into the event itself, I'm going to write a bit. I'm going to start a new business plan, I'm going to use the same methodology, so to speak, I got to define my audience, my market, let's, take some measures, do some research to some benchmarking, and then a month from now, I'm going to sit down with my accountant. I'm going to sit down with my lawyer. I'm going to sit down with my, my, my friends, who are virtual team members, might. Whoever, I'm my team, if I have a team and we're going to sit down and we're gonna get this done time. The event phase and this is where we're actually blowing things up making changes sometimes it's a bit disruptive so what's that look like well we're reviewing the current state let's make sure we're all aligned on the beauties and things like that in the current state steps let's make sure we understand the requirements what do we have to do what's the value at non value add ratio some of these things we've covered should be making more and more sense now let's go through the root causes and do some of the tools to figure out what the root causes are come up with options and alternatives figure out a way teo to get it done it's interesting and skies in a number of years ago what was all about changing over a press for a pharmaceutical company and the average time to change over the press was nineteen hours these air big you know sweets with you and when you change from one product to another they got to be completely cleaned and scrubbed the floors have to be waxed I mean it's got to be completely and then analyzed most of nineteen hours on average week videoed one it took twenty seven hours then we sat down in the first day of the caisson and watched it high speed took two and a half hours to watch this a crazy process it took twenty seven hours in this case at high speed and we had it mapped out we had all of the data things like that we said no what on thursday we're going to do this in four hours and we've got the executive vice president of this multi billion dollar company coming to watch us they thought I was completely out of my mind but four hours wasn't random because what we had done ahead of time in some analysis on what does it take okay tio what would it take to get this done and we said it's doable in four hours if we do certain things and parallel we eliminate other things we stage certain things we really if we really ran this like an orchestra we could do in four hours long story short a lot of people you talk about disbelief and locus of control issues and fear and security and all these things I had people including some fairly senior people come up to me and said john we've got a real problem we got really morale problem I think the team is freaking out they don't think that they don't think you could do this but long story short laugh by day two with uh some paradigm shifts things like that because linear thinking is a common paradox parallel if you can do things in a common paradigm if you could do things in parallel rather than linearly uh wow that's um that could be a profound shifts all of a sudden by the way I I showed him a video that team of video of the fastest house ever built in the world I think I mentioned this the other day but the fastest house in the world a three bedroom two bedroom have house built in the nineteen eighties in san diego it was built in two hours and forty five minutes poured concrete walls landscaping paint ready to move in it went from a grass field to a house ready to move in and under three hours it's a world record you can see it on youtube it's incredible they just built the house and uh under three hours you're telling me we can't change this press and for now when you watch this video than building this house they're building the roof in parallel to the walls and parallel to the point of concrete so they're not doing it linearly they're doing it all in parallel they're wiring and shingle ing the roof before they even put it on the house and then they put it on the house with cranes it's amazing but that's innovation it's a it's a total paradigm shift so when we did the uh demo the pilot on thursday in four hours and twenty minutes they were kicking themselves because they're like I could have done it four hours we screwed this up we screwed this up and I started laughing because I'm like three days ago you thought I was out of my mind and now you're mad at yourself because you didn't do it in four hours and you know you can monday you knew you couldn't or you thought you couldn't that's transformational that's that's that's a powerful difference at the end of a kai's and we do we fill out something called a kaiser and newspaper it's just a way to capture you know things I'll come back to that a little bit but here's a typical event day one we kick off we go over the charter we go over the agenda we go over the expectations we define measured current state and then day two or three two and three depending on how long the event is is this is where we really get into the analysis and the future state type stuff and what are we going to do in the planning and the defining the pilots we often have briefings with senior management during the week just so they can see what we're doing and what we're changing and at the end of the week what we did change and then at the end of the week we've actually demonstrated the change and we're looking for ways not to lock it in and sustain it it's a profound way to change the way people think the way they behave the way that it's being the change it's being the change so the briefings you don'tjust it's to keep management inform you don't have to do it but it zipped courtesy in many cases you're operating under the the authority to make the change not just talk about it so you're an empowered team to make the changes here and if you're not then you have to bring them in to give you the authority to do it but that could be a failure mode if you haven't got the authority to make the changes you have to go ask permission you better think I had to think of that ahead of time because this is about making change we haven't done in that identify the barriers and he pushed back we're going to get and worked with that throughout the week all right a typical briefing is twenty to thirty minutes and we asking these briefings the senior team use if we want to ask you for twenty minutes without any or interruption you can't talk were actually telling the senior leadership you can't talk for twenty minutes while we tell the story while we go through the data painful is it might be and then we'll open up to q and a because if we don't have that rule you get it the very first chapter of the story and questions start flying at you and people start pushing back and you never really get to tell your story it's a rule of respect and my experience for many years now is that the executive teams once they learned that rule they love it because they have the same problem in their meanings, that people keep interrupting and talking back and forth. They never get through the third power point. Follow up phase and it convey all kinds of things. It depends on the event, of course, but you know, we've gotta communicate what we did, the benefits of it, any new policies, procedures, any any training required and and the, uh the the changes. What did we change and why? Why did we change it? And how does this make things better? So you gotta market it a little bit that's where the where people start getting excited about it, we capture all of this into something called a kaizen newport's, just newspaper, here's here's what we did here, the caissons here are the good changes here's who did it or hear his own owns it going forward if there's a due date because we didn't get it done. Here's. The due dates. Very simple like project kind of accountability plan, if you will and here's our status so there could actually published this to say in this guy's an event we made tank eisen's fifty kaizen. I've seen as many as one hundred good changes in one event, okay? No use it the document we use it to report we used it to summarize use it to communicate we use it to hold people accountable okay the difference with kaizen is if we hold meetings every week for a long period of time to talk about making a change in a process or in a policy or whatever so here we are over the weeks we're having these meetings all right and half of each meeting has spent going back over stuff we did a week ago because we forgot or somebody didn't do their homework thes review lives you just start to look at the this from a different perspective from a lean perspective look at all the waste look at all the white space from the projects perspective look at the white space weeks are going by of nothingness you could say well yeah people collecting data they've got other things to do but from the that lane sigma game forms perspective I'm sitting and waiting week after week after week and then somebody does a little something to me and then I wait another week this's a very common paradigm but kaizen does is it says you know what? We're going to form a team in prep we're going to get all our data right here and then we're gonna get it done so from a time perspective we get a lot more done a lot faster we do more with less but it's again, it's a paradigm shift, because oftentimes people tell me, we can't give you somebody, john, for like, four days straight. We could give him for an hour a week. But we can't give it to you if you look at it from a true mathematical perspective there's a lot less 00:14:26.172 --> 00:14:29. time here spent in here but it's an illusion 00:14:31.48 --> 00:14:34. just get it done so that's the power if you will of 00:14:34.12 --> 00:14:36. just let's get people in the in the room let's just 00:14:36.56 --> 00:14:38. let's get it let's get it done 00:14:39.28 --> 00:14:42. so we've got a whole lot of roles and responsibilities 00:14:42.38 --> 00:14:44. we can cover more of these as we get into 00:14:46.08 --> 00:14:49. our hot seat uh in the next segment but I went through 00:14:49.76 --> 00:14:51. just a few right now we won't have a kaizen sponsor 00:14:52.04 --> 00:14:55. who owns this at the executive level all right who's 00:14:55.39 --> 00:14:59. going to lead this this project to this event I was 00:14:59.35 --> 00:15:01. going to facilitate it if it's not the leader do you 00:15:01.63 --> 00:15:05. bring in a external facilitator do you somebody internally 00:15:05.48 --> 00:15:07. but who's going to keep it keep it on track keep it 00:15:08.28 --> 00:15:08. keep it moving 00:15:10.28 --> 00:15:13. and even guide and mentor the team and then who's 00:15:13.06 --> 00:15:15. on the team who owns the process that we're trying 00:15:15.91 --> 00:15:18. to improve it be good idea to get them involved because 00:15:18.3 --> 00:15:21. they got to sustain it all right so let's bring in 00:15:21.34 --> 00:15:23. a few process experts let's bring in a few people 00:15:23.58 --> 00:15:27. from outside the process customers suppliers, human 00:15:27.33 --> 00:15:30. resource representatives, representatives whatever 00:15:30.3 --> 00:15:32. whatever makes sense it's a good idea to have financial 00:15:33.08 --> 00:15:35. expertise on the team to look at it from a financial 00:15:35.39 --> 00:15:38. perspective and it's most uh certainly important to 00:15:38.57 --> 00:15:41. have somebody who represents quality, safety, compliance 00:15:41.52 --> 00:15:46. like that on it. So it's, a balanced team to really 00:15:46.51 --> 00:15:50. start to look at the business from a balanced perspective 00:15:50.13 --> 00:15:53. or the process from a balanced perspective. The guys 00:15:53.26 --> 00:15:56. and sponsors essentially owns it overall. And during 00:15:56.12 --> 00:15:59. the prep phase, he or she sets the tone all right, 00:16:00.04 --> 00:16:02. makes it clear that the team's got whatever they need 00:16:02.27 --> 00:16:05. to get it done. I'm behind it signs. The charter helps 00:16:05.84 --> 00:16:07. make sure that the resource is air aligned in that 00:16:07.9 --> 00:16:10. type of thing. Can all of this is in your your material 00:16:10.78 --> 00:16:13. is a checklist. If you're going to run a change of 00:16:13.67 --> 00:16:15. enteric eyes, an event like this. 00:16:17.92 --> 00:16:20. Kaizen sponsor also during the event then helps to 00:16:20.67 --> 00:16:24. open it up with a uh a little pep talk or ah this 00:16:24.22 --> 00:16:26. is looking behind this tell me during I'll be back 00:16:26.64 --> 00:16:28. for some of these briefings tell me what it is you 00:16:28.75 --> 00:16:31. uh you need if anything they might even participate 00:16:31.92 --> 00:16:33. in the event day after day if that's it if they want 00:16:33.95 --> 00:16:36. to so they're engaged during the week it's not complete 00:16:37.28 --> 00:16:41. you know delegation and disappearance um after the event they follow up they hold people accountable to make sure that it gets done the team leader during the prop face helps prepare the charter drafted get the sponsor to sign it make sure everybody's aligned all the stakeholders are involved all right helps prepare and select and prepare to get the time kaizen team ready leads the define and measure phase with the team organizes a lot of that prepares the event we gotta think logistics and all that kind of stuff gets folks lined and that works with the facilitator toe to coordinate a great event these air these air high impact potent events very potent events team leader during the vet then leads the event with the help of facilitator maintains that sense of urgency we've got to get this done that intensity is it's actually very healthy and helpful all right hold people accountable works with the sponsor on sensitive issues things like that and gets things done gets thinks that so you need a real go getter a team leader and after the event follows up in any open issues with the team and with the sponsor facilitator basically guides it if you have a facilitator during the prep helps review the charter this is what I do uh week after week with with organizations help review the charter is it cleared understandable works with the team on train or even provides training things like that reviews the current state of we got the data that we need t get this done during the event guys the team through the whole day make process like we've done here you know assist with the tools provides training helps get people outside that box make sure make sure that we're on track and all that and ops with that briefings the activity does a lot behind the scenes type work and make sure that people are are comfortable with what's going on and after the event follows up with the sponsor and leader on any open items that would be part of my job the team itself essentially gets it done ten's the training gets the data works together follows the domestic process, shows up on time is accountable and uh provides their their expertise the risk factor's here the high risk factors with kaizen would be things like we don't understand why we're doing this we don't understand the need for change, so we've got to make sure that uh built in within its scope, we're not trying to boil the ocean, our targets are clear. All right, we know what we know, what we're aiming at. We're prepped, so because if we're not prepped, we don't understand what a kaizen is. We could, we could really suffer. The current state data is not available, so we come in on prepared. We haven't got the data or it's, just not clear, or we don't have executive sponsorship in commitment. It's, it's, wishy washy, or it's not organized effectively. We don't have the right size rumor that tools that the materials we need, we don't have the decision making authority, that's, a major failure mode, all right, and it all we do is end up discussing changes, but we don't change anything that is, that is not what this is about making change, and not just talking about it.
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