Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
Lesson 19 from: Run a Better, Faster, Leaner BusinessJohn J Murphy

Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
Lesson 19 from: Run a Better, Faster, Leaner BusinessJohn J Murphy
Lesson Info
19. Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
Well, this takes us into our around two. All right? So this is where we say let's, review the results of round one, and we have them right here, and we had this twenty nine inch range and all from ninety five to one, twenty four. All right? And we've said, now, in round two, we're going to re shoot, capture everything we need, thio, reduce that to six inches, which would tell us what, six sigma, if we've got a twelve inch target, a two to one ratio, all right, so complete the issue. Cow, a diagram that's, where we take that fish bone out, and we say, all right, out, no, it's, uh, let's. Just play with that for a minute, and we'll do it real time, so we've got a process map. Take our fish issue, comfort, drawing this collar here and let's say here we have the variation in our distance and let's start with the, uh, the machine, the catapult, it's. Just brainstorm a couple of ideas here. What about what could we do with the machine? Stabilize it, tape it down. We got duck tape that could ...
help. All right, we got, uh, we could sandbagged the table that could help stabilize the table, so we need you know we need to stabilize. The catapult. We got duct tape. Do we get the sandbag things like that? Okay, so we just start to brainstorm the variables, and we start to figure out ways to do something about it and play with it a little bit. Okay, we had the, uh, with the measurement system. What could we do, teo, to know where the ball lands with more precision? Well, this is you know what, we got this. Get this aluminum foil. You know what? If we put the aluminum foil out on the floor, at least this in a little section here, and when the ball came in, what is it pinned it? That would be interesting, let's, play with that let's, test, that thing. So we've got, you know, the foil here to give us a better reading. No solving this problem, uh, what other ems did we have? We had, uh, you know, manpower, people. What are some things we could do here to make sure that we're ah, we're all basically doing it the same way. Maybe in s o p standard operating procedure, we said. All right, we're all gonna pull it back to a set point. By the way, let's, go back to machines or anything we could do with the machine to create a set point. All right. That liver is going to go down there. So come up with some kind of stopper. That puts us at the but that puts us right there at that one, seventy seven. Maybe, you know, maybe something like this little a bottle cap or something. Well, along with some duct tape, or or, uh, coins, people, I mean, people come up with all kinds of stuff, but we could come up with a stopper to poke a yolk the machine. So now I can actually shoot it with one. I closed both eyes closed, you know, but let's talk about method. Okay, what about our methods? We can couple that with our s o p, so we're all using a standard method, but do we have a standard ball load method? Think this ball is perfectly surround and symmetrical, or maybe there's, a reason there's a dot on it? Maybe we want to load the ball the same way every time variations. Funny, it'll creep in just about anywhere, so that the bar we might want to load it in with the dot face and out, or the fat facing in butt, load the ball a certain way. We might want to have somebody else load the ball. All right, as opposed to the shooter. Incidentally, what about this method about removing the rubber band and put it back again? Is that really necessary? Does that really add value? We don't, you know, to we could run experiments on it, but one thing we know about the rubber band is that it, in fact, does take a little time to adjust. So if you think about this, if you watched that pen when I pull this back, you know, watch that pen real quick carefully and tell me when it stops moving. If I pull this back. It's actually going up still, you see that, in other words, the rubber band is taking time to to adjust, so if I pull it back for two seconds and shoot it, all right, jane pulls it back for five seconds and shoots it. Kimberly gets up here and just shoot. The time that we actually hold it back could actually introduce quite a bit of variation. So maybe our standard methods says, put, pull it back, count to three. You know, he's in a pacer clock and release, so you'll notice that in a lot of world class systems, timing is built into the standard work. Okay, amazon, you got forty eight hours to confirm. You have seven days to deliver its time, because time based management is part of the whole lien systems so we could consider time. All right, time here, we've got things like miscellaneous or mother nature is there is the carpet affected, does the would affect it? Does the air temperature affected things like that? I won't spend a lot of time on that right now, but I will say that when you put the catapult on carpet, it actually makes a big difference versus if you put it on a hard surface. All right, you do worse, let's, put it that way and material so we've got material here, so with material, we got that ball, we said, well, maybe we should load that ball, iss the same way every time we've got that rubber band. Oops! And maybe we could link that with time to pull it back, count to a certain amount. We could release it on dh each time and redo it. I'd still recommend that we use time, okay, to figure it out. But I mean, to pace it everything. So we waved play with this, and we'd spend more time playing with it. And, uh, and thinking through every everything that we can think through his faras all of these things. This is where we partitioned the variables. Is it controllable or noise? All right, can we control this? So let's go. You know, can we, uh, can we control? Essentially? We're knowing where the ball lands, could we? Could we, uh, could we list that is a controllable let's. Put the foil down there, let's. Get to know where it lands. Can we stabilize the catapult and control it to a large extent with duct tape with sand sandbagged things like that? Could we control our pullback point? So that it's always one seventy seven and we don't get those long drives, so to speak and things like, can we control the way? Ah, everyone shoots it using a standard procedure that everybody follows and training. Okay, so we're actually going in here, and we're saying these air, these ex variables, the is it input variables. And if we can control these things, we can control the loading process we can control again with the s o p. We can control the time we pull back and release. All right, we can again control the ball load. Control of the rubber band to some extent through our counting. So we start to say, look, we've got a lot of variables in this equation, most of which went uncontrolled in the first round that propagated into all kinds of unpredictable performance. Unacceptable, performs costly performance, and so we're going. We're not going to make it perfect, necessarily, but we're going to make it better. We're going to make it better fast, and we call that kaizen, so we're going to guys on this reshoot the catapult now, all right, and let's, just pull together a little s o p a will stand out standard operating procedure again, keep it simple. So our s o p standard operating procedure will be first thing we're going to do. We're going to set up and stabilize everything, so we're going toe, you know, pull back. To the stopper. Not we. It in ahh, kaizen event, where we're actually having had a little more time and were playing around with us, we experiment with our team and say, well, what's, the best pull back. Is it the one figure pull back, is it? You know, you could see what other teams have done with this catapult, there's, red dots on both sides of this, a team said, you know, you're going to hold the two red dots like this and pull it back and shoot it that way, huh? You know, there are teams that have done little clever things like this, where they've said, uh duct tape is so handy. We could take duct tape in this case. And we could create. A little. A little pull back like this because you want his little friction is possible. You know, when you release it so high, long as I got stronger, the fingers toe to grab that and hold onto it could even make it just a little bit. A little bit longer. Okay, so now we've got this. This little tailor weaken, grab on and just pull it back. In that way, we all know. We all shoot at the same way, so we could. We could explore experiment a little bit with different techniques, but so we're gonna pull back to the stop for, you know, holding. No, the tail, so to speak. We're going to count to three. One thousand, so to speak, just to keep a peso one one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand shoot. We could even control that even more by having a counter. So we're going to have somebody who counts the same way every time. One, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand release, or we could counted ourselves. But now we could be introducing more variation. So what do you think? Should we have? Ah, one person counted out, so so we have a second person. Count to three. All right. We're in three seconds. You gotta load the ball. Yup, yep, so we haven't released yet. All right, so but in terms of our sequencing, we could step one step, two types, step three. So the next step here is that load the ball so we could have that same second person who's counting or a third person. What do you want to do? Those second person or third person? Okay, the with the dot. All right, there you go, that's facing up. So it was a dot on the ball, so we're gonna have this second person. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand. Also loading the ball and saying, shoot. So one one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. And we, the ball's loaded. We release quickly. So we simply let go of that little pull back. All right, we have. Then, ah, measure. The thing. You want to call it that in the aluminum foil. So where did it? Where did it ping? And we can lay the foil out there? In fact, what we could also do is get some of those little dots we're not done with the dots just yet. So if we've got a few more of those dots around here when the ball comes, instead of having this big tape measure out here in everyone's way, the ball comes in, hits a hits the foil, we put a little yellow daughter, little red dot down there, we know exactly where it hit next shot next shot. Now, at the end of all of our shots, we've got eighteen shots are range could be a simple as yeah, but we don't need this thing hanging out all over the place. You'd be surprised some kaizen teams when they're doing this, they run the foil all the way from the front to the back. They got the tape measure out here and it's like, really, we just finished the whole lesson on lean and what's that all about, so we have to, you know, think carefully about what are we looking at here? All right, so we're going to measure the ping and and market. You know. And then, uh, at the end, of course, we're going to record the data. So from a shooter perspective, we saw here's your process. So we've got new people coming into our our company. We want to train him in a standard approach. Here's, our standard method. You're gonna pull this back, oh, ted, to the tail. So we have to create the by the tail. So we have to create this stopper, so that could be something as simple as we're going toe. You know, we're going to put something back here that stops it at one seventy seven. All right, and what we need something, uh, take it up just a little bit post its are also very handy, so let's, go ahead, and just, uh, a couple more post its will do that. And we poke a yoke it at one seventy seven. We get our handy duct tape out here imagining what? You know how my home, how many ways ways there could be is so many variations. Well, there are here's the thing. You know what, you think this is a silly little game I've got. I've got video of ceos of multi billion dollar company shooting this thing in high five. And they're saying, when they get so mean, people take this, it seems like a silly little illustration. But variation is killing some companies, and they can't figure it out trying to, you know, trying to pride world class service. And the variation is just eating him up. So this is a simple way, by the way, these types of exercises, the experience, the experiential exercises and things to remember for a long time. You know, it's, like confucius said what I hear, I forget what I see. I remember it's what I do. I understand by doing this stuff, you know, I get people talking about catapults decades later. I remember that catapult thing you did and, uh so here we just, uh, throw a little duct tape on here. And by the way, you know, I'm walking you through this particular kaiser, and a few will be just because of the nature of this course. But in a workshop, you could have teams break out and think of this on their own. Okay, so we've got that right now. So the idea is going to be all right if I'm gonna be shooting this. All right, my process. Let's. Just check it. I'm going to grab this here, pull it back to the stopper, somebody's going to count to one one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand while loading the ball dot facing up and say, shoot, I shoot it, it's going to come in and paying the theologian and foil where somebody's going, put a dot on it, and or a mark of some sort. And then we'll measure at the end, okay, and that's our process. Now we still have one problem. And that is that this catapult it is sliding all over the place. So welcome, duct tape. And this is where, uh, would say, well, it's, let's, strap this thing down, all right. And tim, the tool man, would just love this would be like, how come I don't get to do that kind of stuff you do, tim, all right, we could say lots of ways. Tio, the fasten this, this thing down, so, no way we could even have somebody from our team while someone is shooting, you know, just for a little added support, we have maybe one person just hold this thing down. You don't want to get your finger, and there were could get pinched, but that that would help. It would also help the sandbags, not really that heavy, so that's not going to necessarily, you know, hold this in place, wrong. You know, so if we do things like this, just to fasten it down, we know what we're doing here is just simulating. We're stabilising our process so that you know, we're taking out the variation. I'll see what happens now when I just pull this back and shoot it, so you can still see the table moving, that's variation. Okay. And each time, if you look down it's, it's, the table's moving it's jumping forward, you know, just, you know, you know, not even a quarter of an inch. So well, throw that on there and see what happens. It's still jumping. So if somebody went like this, don't get shot in the head. But if somebody just like that, it would certainly help. So that's, the idea of stabilizing our process and doing it very quickly. So we could certainly, you know, certainly tape it down, fasten it more, but let's, just see what happens with that. So we've got that, and we say, all right, well, the ball is going to come shooting over here, what's, go ahead, pull out some oil. And let's. Assume that we're not gonna take any more, huh? Maybe space than this. We don't know yet where exactly it's going to land, but, uh status out something like that, boys. Now we could move the carpet. Now. We don't move the carpet during the game, you're just introduced more variation. So let's, uh I'll take that down. If we're in good shape, I'm gonna go out and just take a shot to demonstrate this, and you put a foot here and I think it's gonna miss the foil just because it's, uh, it's aiming a little more this way, try that and let's, just see what happened. So pull back, load ball, dot up one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand, okay, so we can see where the ball landed. There's, a big dent right there. So maybe what we'll do is pull this whole carpet variation to date duck tape that the boil down, not to add any more variations to duct tape. Yeah, no, I think that once we know roughly where it's gonna land that's a great idea so well that well, duct tape the foil, just so it doesn't move around. Just a little bit there and you guys can get ready to start shooting, so we're going to shoot here and wrap up this session, okay? And did we have dots, or should we just use this black marker? Okay, I just yeah, if we have dots down there in that lower ben, if we d'oh, we can use the dots. They're some dots. Well, there's some does not, you know, eating shooters. We're still alternated shooters because we have to. Yeah. So let's, go ahead. And, uh, lineup let's, follow the same sequence. So, kurtz, you're shooting first, right? You were shooting first before and let's, just go ahead. And yeah, and if you would look, yeah, if you could, if jane could hold and then jane, you shoot last so you could hold through the whole round. And then when you shoot kurt, maybe you hold, you know, so find a place to hold it down over two measurement. Now, how about if the holder also counts to three and loads of balls that too much? Alright, that counts, okay? And you're gonna count to three. One thousand and load the ball dot facing up. So you'll be the ball loader. All right, okay, it's going to count, load the ball. So, kate, you, uh, you will go second to last, so jane will go last to go second, celesta. Everybody else will shoot in the mean time. Okay? And, uh, susan, you're going to retrieve the ball, okay? And then, ah, I can go ahead and just market. I'll play customer market with either the marker, the dots. When the ball comes landing in here and we'll we'll see what happens. Okay, so our procedures, everybody follows the same thing. Pull back to the stopper, holding the tail. Kate is going to count to three one thousand while loading the ball dot, facing up, say, shoot, you let you release and, ah, I'm going to measure where it pings and capture the capture, the data. All right, so I want to get back to my data sheet. It does. Okay, we ready? Okay, game on. Do you need the procedure? You guess. Okay, one one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand shoot. All right, got it. Here we go. Here comes the ball. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot no right there. One inch apart, one, one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. Okay. Longer that time. All right, who's. Next cat, you. What? Oh, all right, we're up. One, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand shoot. Okay, there. Don't. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. You got it. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. All right. All right, release. Next, go ahead. One, one thousand two, one thousand there, one one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand two. Okay. Okay, no. One, one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand come up a little short. You know, we could have something else. Grab the ball, too, if that helps. One one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand shoot. All right, there it is. Okay, who's. Next, you got it. Harry one one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. All right. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. How do we look? Thie. Exception of three shots. We have a one inch range with the other three. It looks like about four inches total. We'll measure it later, but one one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand shoot. Now that one came up a little short because it was being held before you started counting to three that's, that rubber band that'll do that, teo. Okay, who's. Next. I used it. Okay. I have a different counter this time. Is that gonna change? You can still count, count, okay out, load, one, one thousand two, one thousand three one thousand. Okay, multitasking now, okay. One, one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand okay, just I'm looking to eliminate waste from earlier thinking. She do huge up to jobs. That's, right? See it's, ah leen thinking, one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand all right. Okay, so who's. Next gene that's, uh, that's gonna be it. All right, what? One one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand shoot cut no. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. One one thousand two, one thousand three. One thousand shoot. You so is that everybody that's everybody so we have one more little test now our range by the way if you want the data is five inches so we had a twelve inch speck from the customer we had a six inch voice of process we did better than six sigma I'm always talked about a two to one ratio so a six inch range with a twelve inch target would have been a two to one ratio translation six sigma we did slightly better than that with again a basic understanding of a few fundamental tools here's an issue calleigh using process mapping getting aligned and figured out a clever way to use creativity before capital and wait we haven't done yet though is demonstrated that we could shoot it into a cup so now I would like you to pick one of your shooters and again I didn't capture each shooters data point up here it was easier just to put it down here and then measure at the end range coming in from our chat like why didn't you measure it the second time around but we're just looking for the rain train that's right so I leaned out the measurement process now I could've I could've loaded this into an excel spreadsheet each shot I could I could have done in a number of different ways that could have loaded it up here like I did before but all I was really asking for and round too as well as around one was the range so a quick way to get the range is just to do it the way we did it but now if I wanted to calculate average and I would have to now up from here I could actually run my tape measure out I could calculate from the markings exactly where each shot was different ways to capture the data, but what I'd like to do is randomly pick or just pick a volunteer from the team any one of you if the process is truly robust now toe variation of with operators pick one shooter you get one shot using your standard process to put it in this cup and I'll hold the cup okay had an angle to I won't move it, but I hold the cup there let's see if you can pass the true six and six sigma shoot the ball in the cup test before we close for the day so who wants to shoot? I know susan would love to try this, but you're going to shoot it same process oh, way need a holder? We need a counter kit you can count and load susan's going to shoot and then we have to murphy proof this which means I have to use your process and see if I can shoot it into a cup into the cup. So we'll start with you it's a test and I'll just put this right down here about where you you were landing it based on the data. All right, one one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand. Oh, that went in and bounced up. That was darn good. So now I need somebody hold the cup for me. All right, curt, you want to come up there and you could see where basically to do it just told it at a kind of an angle just because of the ball coming in now, I've been I've been following your process. I'm going to give you the ball. You loaded for me, right? And I'll have to do is pull it back and let it go right. One one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand. Oh, front of the rim. All right. A different angle. Now you know what? Let's? Uh, thank you, let's. Look att uh, just to wrap up this session a little bit let's. Look at, uh what we did. We went from a twenty nine inch range to a five inch range. That's a significant improvement is it perfect no but it's better and again the whole idea kaizen is better not best let's get after let's do it quickly let's not take six months or a year toe improve some obvious things in our process we could do that relatively fast and by doing it fast people start to realize you know what we really are serious about making positive change were really serious about caisson and it gets exciting and it's that sames energy that we we were talking about earlier so we've captured our data we could plot our data now using a ah history graham we could make a make it visual just imagine this is a little history graham with little stacks you'd have this you'd have this little normal distribution right here because you can see most of the shots if you if you look at it closely most of the shots you right in the center so we had a little a little normal distribution going on right there we could plot it on a run shark so each shot you know is this plodded along a run short then we could start to play with that data to interrogate it tto learn from it run some numbers run some you know statistical process control and and then gain more knowledge from it. Okay, take it to the next step. So the next thing we're gonna do some of you are already observing hey, we could do this. We could do that. We could change more that's, exciting when people start saying, you know what, let's, make more change, as opposed to let's. Resist it or hear it. We go into the sea and and a medic and this is where we get into things like standard work visual control statistical process control is an example of visual control control charts five s which we covered earlier really organizing everything so nothing's in the way that we don't need that kind of thing mistake proofing we've covered that in documentation just this is in your deck standard work system says we break it right down to things like uh sequences steps time we count to three what we just did is an illustrious simple illustration of standard work so it's we're all doing it in the same standard way all right and that's taken variation out we can describe the steps we can describe is this emanuel activity is an automatic activity are there any hazards we should be aware of? We can actually flow chart it so we'll create a little document that's justice it's like a recipe it's a simple template that shows us here's how we do this this work hears things to be conscious of it here's some areas where we need to do a quality check or we need to document something okay or you know we've got a hazard so there's some heads up little code you can use to to customize it but this is a standard worksheet that everybody's trained on to make your process more robust to human variation visual controls again these air things very or ah you're just visually keeping think of score, you know, uh, scoreboards and we've got those examples of those right here a creative life right now talk a little bit more about visual controls and things like that another segment five s we should we opened yesterday session one with some five s but this is ah that's a way to self explain where everything should be and is it in the right place? Is that what have we got a good control system in place all right? And there are the five s's these air any material and we covered these earlier so five s would be built into this is part of our control system and uh they were back to aa quote we've already seen before as well what aristotle said we are what we repeatedly d'oh excellence is not an act but a habit it's not a one time thing we've created a habit here they're standard work through this particular kaizen weaken habitually now hit the target and we could kaizen it further but now we've got a very predictable process that we can share I'll tell you what it's a game winning strategy when you have game winning strategies, you start winning games let's just talk about morale going up and word of mouth and raving fans and advocates and promoters and business growth that's what that's what this is really all about
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