Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Shifting to Empowerment
So how do we empower people including ourselves how do we get out of the way so to speak sometimes and step one is empower yourself first empowerment think of empowerment like opening a faucet opening a valve removing an obstacle because water wants to flow life wants to flow it's supposed to flow we're naturally changing and growing every day problem is if we've got tight valves we've got these closed valves this fear this insecurity this resistance the valves are closed and the water can't flow until we open the valves you start thinking about what valves do we open all right well we start to get rid of the fear start to get rid of the insecurity the doubt the ignorance that the low capability the low credibility whatever those barriers are we start to get those out and pursue what maslow referred to a self actualization which is reaching our true potential in life now psychologists say that the average person only achieves about ten percent of their true potential talk about waste w...
ow you know so what was the other ninety percent it's trapped in doubt it's trapped in insecurity it's trapped in low capability it's trapped in low credibility it's trapped in ignorance we don't even know what we are capable of we truly don't so once we start toe wake up to that incidentally the word buddha means awakened so when we start to awaken all right that that inter centre poseur it's it's it's powerful empathy is absolutely key empathy is that ability to really see things from other people's perspective to get into their minds into their hearts and see what they see so if they're looking at things with fear and doubt and security and we can appreciate that understand that recognize that now with compassion we can lead them out of that 00:02:00.42 --> 00:02:02. but if we just say I don't be afraid that's you know 00:02:02.77 --> 00:02:05. that's foolish don't don't worry don't you know just 00:02:05.64 --> 00:02:08. your I'm right you're wrong that's how that comes 00:02:08.73 --> 00:02:12. off I'm right you're wrong without compassion without 00:02:12.92 --> 00:02:15. empathy we might have just made the problem worse 00:02:16.22 --> 00:02:20. because now that the credibility the bond has just 00:02:20.62 --> 00:02:23. eroded a little bit because we haven't we've pulled 00:02:23.94 --> 00:02:28. people in with empathy wait dismissed him it could 00:02:28.44 --> 00:02:29. be perceived that way 00:02:30.78 --> 00:02:32. I'll tell you what one of the things that again if 00:02:32.6 --> 00:02:34. you're solo preneurs like me 00:02:35.82 --> 00:02:38. and my business is twenty six years old people sometimes 00:02:38.7 --> 00:02:40. say well why don't you have hundreds and hundreds 00:02:40.02 --> 00:02:41. of consultants working for you doing all this stuff 00:02:41.82 --> 00:02:44. all over the place this is I do I just don't have 00:02:44.43 --> 00:02:47. my my payroll you know I haven't at work but I don't 00:02:47.98 --> 00:02:51. I don't need a numb pyre all right it's all about 00:02:51.84 --> 00:02:55. relationships so it's all about pull not pushed so 00:02:55.87 --> 00:02:56. if I have a need 00:02:58.02 --> 00:03:00. with with with with a client where they needs special 00:03:00.86 --> 00:03:03. help in uh in the military 00:03:04.35 --> 00:03:06. I've got retired generals is part of my network you 00:03:06.88 --> 00:03:11. know so I pull in people that can come in and help 00:03:12.72 --> 00:03:14. but they're not on my payroll and that might be an 00:03:14.75 --> 00:03:17. ego thing where you've gotta have this big payroll 00:03:17.47 --> 00:03:20. this big building this big fancy office all this big 00:03:20.24 --> 00:03:21. stuff you don't 00:03:22.58 --> 00:03:24. I don't especially if you're thinking lane 00:03:25.82 --> 00:03:28. so ah removing barriers and that's opening that faucet 00:03:28.99 --> 00:03:31. and removing these negative energies thes fear the 00:03:31.75 --> 00:03:34. shame the guilt to doubt the disbelief the apathy 00:03:34.94 --> 00:03:37. these air all very low energies I'll show you something 00:03:37.36 --> 00:03:39. called the map of consciousness in another session 00:03:39.57 --> 00:03:42. where you actually see how these energies are calibrated 00:03:42.87 --> 00:03:45. on a scale called the scale of consciousness with 00:03:45.66 --> 00:03:48. the map unconscious consciousness some brilliant work 00:03:48.32 --> 00:03:52. by a guy named dr david hawkins brilliant work and 00:03:53.82 --> 00:03:56. just how powerful it is to then start to recognize 00:03:56.56 --> 00:03:58. these because now you can start to see what's getting 00:03:58.56 --> 00:03:59. in people's way 00:04:00.64 --> 00:04:03. and as you start to pull these obstacles out of their 00:04:03.68 --> 00:04:06. way this is what I'm doing virtually every week and 00:04:06.33 --> 00:04:08. kaizen events people come in on monday they're skeptical 00:04:08.59 --> 00:04:10. they're doubtful they're afraid they're insecure about 00:04:10.91 --> 00:04:13. what we're doing and they can't believe we're actually 00:04:13.1 --> 00:04:16. going toe hit targets that seems so outrageous and 00:04:16.63 --> 00:04:19. by thursday and friday they just they're astonished 00:04:19.35 --> 00:04:22. they can't believe it and they're giving briefings 00:04:22.77 --> 00:04:26. in front of ceos and senior leadership team 00:04:27.81 --> 00:04:30. who they've never even met before in many cases it's 00:04:30.17 --> 00:04:32. that important to the senior leadership to come see 00:04:32.21 --> 00:04:35. these things that's, transformational change within 00:04:35.98 --> 00:04:38. enable, before we empower a lot of people forget this. 00:04:38.27 --> 00:04:39. So we start empowering people, and they don't know 00:04:39.91 --> 00:04:40. how to do it. 00:04:41.54 --> 00:04:43. Like putting a kid on a two wheel bike and sending 00:04:43.97 --> 00:04:46. him down a hill, going to figure it out. Just just 00:04:46.27 --> 00:04:46. balance. 00:04:48.37 --> 00:04:48. What? 00:04:49.97 --> 00:04:53. Which all right, that's not gonna help with the credibility 00:04:53.09 --> 00:04:55. in the trust. All right, so let's, let's, let's, uh, 00:04:55.7 --> 00:04:58. enable people before we just, uh, send them on their 00:04:58.52 --> 00:04:59. way. All right, 00:05:01.14 --> 00:05:03. win win. And I'll come back and talk a little bit 00:05:03.01 --> 00:05:05. more about the whole win, win negotiation approach 00:05:05.6 --> 00:05:08. and taking, taking some risk. Let's, let's, let's, 00:05:08.59 --> 00:05:12. not be foolish. You know when we just we jump in so 00:05:12.49 --> 00:05:15. let's, do it f m a o failure, mon effect analysis 00:05:15.5 --> 00:05:17. let's do a little force field analysis to make sure 00:05:17.49 --> 00:05:21. that we, uh we aren't being foolish, but let's, let's 00:05:21.2 --> 00:05:21. go after it. 00:05:23.84 --> 00:05:28. Demonstration some you could argue leading is going 00:05:28.08 --> 00:05:28. first 00:05:30.18 --> 00:05:32. lead the way show me how to do it show me how to do 00:05:32.92 --> 00:05:35. it kaizen show me how to do a process map show me 00:05:35.39 --> 00:05:38. how to use to make in this situation show me that's 00:05:38.54 --> 00:05:41. fair because that's going to help gain credibility 00:05:41.17 --> 00:05:43. that's helps with the enablement peace but a lot of 00:05:43.81 --> 00:05:46. blood a lot of leaders just they don't even know how 00:05:46.9 --> 00:05:48. so how am I supposed to teach you how if I don't know 00:05:48.8 --> 00:05:49. how 00:05:50.84 --> 00:05:53. so this is why this is so important to toe learn not 00:05:53.27 --> 00:05:55. just how to use it but howto teach it 00:05:57.27 --> 00:06:00. start small quick winds caissons are generally uh 00:06:00.42 --> 00:06:03. uh mo mentum building quick winds so let's let's get 00:06:03.65 --> 00:06:06. some traction just let's let's start to really build 00:06:06.09 --> 00:06:08. some enthusiasm we don't have toe conquer the world 00:06:08.81 --> 00:06:09. overnight so to speak 00:06:11.01 --> 00:06:15. uh no solve world hunger and cutting one kaizen event 00:06:15.23 --> 00:06:17. that's not gonna happen so let's let's find a way 00:06:17.75 --> 00:06:20. to feed a few people kind of thing we want to keep 00:06:20.62 --> 00:06:23. score we talked about that quite a bit let's measure 00:06:23.14 --> 00:06:25. and show our progress because when you measure progress 00:06:25.49 --> 00:06:28. and people can actually see it's getting better there's 00:06:28.58 --> 00:06:30. a positive impact to that it's motivating 00:06:31.91 --> 00:06:34. this build self esteem and momentum okay we want to 00:06:34.78 --> 00:06:38. certainly recognize good work reward people in one 00:06:38.21 --> 00:06:41. way or another for ah for good work and use that to 00:06:41.72 --> 00:06:44. build and at the end of the day, we've got a we've 00:06:44.29 --> 00:06:46. got to stick with it. We can't. We can't give up because 00:06:46.91 --> 00:06:49. there will be pain before the game. And honest leader 00:06:49.45 --> 00:06:51. knows that, and we're going to have its going to disrupt, 00:06:52.95 --> 00:06:55. and so we've got a we've gotta learn, learn away to 00:06:55.49 --> 00:06:56. navigate our way through that disruption, 00:06:58.61 --> 00:07:01. because to truly learn, we have to unlearn 00:07:02.78 --> 00:07:05. to truly learn. We have to unlearn a lot of things. 00:07:08.11 --> 00:07:12. So we go to this. I po and, uh, I mentioned this earlier 00:07:12.59 --> 00:07:14. that we would take leadership. We say let's. Let's. 00:07:14.61 --> 00:07:18. Do an ai po input process output diagram on leadership. 00:07:19.01 --> 00:07:19. So 00:07:21.61 --> 00:07:25. if we're leading to inspire positive change, to build 00:07:25.3 --> 00:07:27. a business, to grow a business, to prove a process, 00:07:28.04 --> 00:07:31. to toe to whatever and to move people to motivate 00:07:31.12 --> 00:07:33. people to get people excited and energized, this is 00:07:33.87 --> 00:07:36. part of the culture change and most certainly get 00:07:36.26 --> 00:07:38. positive results. All right, what's it take to do 00:07:38.91 --> 00:07:40. that. How do we do that? 00:07:42.07 --> 00:07:43. Well, using the aipo, we could say what? There are 00:07:43.66 --> 00:07:47. some very critical successfactors here that we have 00:07:47.35 --> 00:07:49. to pay attention to, and I've listed those right over 00:07:49.96 --> 00:07:51. here starting with vision, 00:07:52.96 --> 00:07:56. what direction where we're going, right that question 00:07:57.36 --> 00:08:00. is it clear? Is it compelling? Is the problem statement 00:08:00.88 --> 00:08:04. motivating is the charter motivating credibility? 00:08:04.84 --> 00:08:07. Do I trust you? Do I believe you? I take you seriously 00:08:07.73 --> 00:08:09. empathy. Do you really understand the problem? Do 00:08:09.69 --> 00:08:11. you understand my perspective on this, things like 00:08:11.81 --> 00:08:15. that knowledge? Do you know howto do this, or do we 00:08:15.79 --> 00:08:18. know how capability do we have the capability to have 00:08:18.97 --> 00:08:20. the guts, the courage, the heart? 00:08:23.08 --> 00:08:25. We're gonna stick with it or is this just a flavor 00:08:25.78 --> 00:08:26. of the month kind of thing 00:08:28.58 --> 00:08:30. and peace and I'll talk more about inner peace a little 00:08:30.78 --> 00:08:33. bit poise composure it's that quarterback walking 00:08:33.87 --> 00:08:38. up to the line of scrimmage and and displaying a sense 00:08:38.46 --> 00:08:39. of grace 00:08:40.88 --> 00:08:43. as if the leaders freaking out of the business owners 00:08:43.11 --> 00:08:46. freaking out and everybody stressing out it's not 00:08:46.35 --> 00:08:46. healthy 00:08:48.38 --> 00:08:51. so we'll start with vision all right visions that 00:08:51.09 --> 00:08:54. ability to clearly define a future desired state so 00:08:54.48 --> 00:08:56. there's some tips along the bottom here you can use 00:08:56.36 --> 00:08:59. the future state map to do that let's drop picture 00:08:59.0 --> 00:09:00. of what this business is going to look like with this 00:09:00.89 --> 00:09:03. value streams going to look like what a new process 00:09:03.37 --> 00:09:05. is going to look like let's get together let's and 00:09:05.67 --> 00:09:08. by the way we can use post its and brown paper on 00:09:08.47 --> 00:09:11. the wall in the fifth grade material two to get people 00:09:11.94 --> 00:09:15. on their feet and do this in a very very engaging 00:09:15.41 --> 00:09:19. and inspiring way it's our ability to use our imagination 00:09:19.24 --> 00:09:24. and creativity to use that to six cents that projection 00:09:25.72 --> 00:09:28. teo come up with a clever ideas and brainstorm we 00:09:28.96 --> 00:09:31. talked about brainstorming techniques with post its 00:09:31.2 --> 00:09:32. and things like that earlier 00:09:33.78 --> 00:09:36. and its ability to help people see better alternatives 00:09:36.63 --> 00:09:39. ok well we could try this or we could try that this 00:09:39.14 --> 00:09:41. is a different alternative but the vision has to be 00:09:41.25 --> 00:09:44. clear because if it's not and it's confusing people, 00:09:44.75 --> 00:09:45. and they don't get it. 00:09:48.08 --> 00:09:51. That's a that's a resistance factor all right. Confusions 00:09:51.72 --> 00:09:54. of major resistance factor. So do people get your 00:09:54.04 --> 00:09:56. business idea that they get your business plan? They 00:09:56.94 --> 00:09:59. get what it is you want to accomplish if you made 00:09:59.1 --> 00:10:02. it understandable, clear and concise and achievable and in their minds. And you do understand what they're even seen with empathy, that kind of thing. All right, search for multiple alternatives for anyone problem. I had a great mentor in boss years ago, where I learned a lot of this. He drove me a little bit crazy at first I admit get him jon, pierre, sarah and j p as we call them j p would say to me, john, don't come to me with a problem and the common second half of that statement we all probably hear it is don't come to me with a problem without a solution not good enough for j p j p said don't come to me with a problem without three solutions like three yeah, I got the best idea here. Come on, give me a break how I'm going to see three so it's back to the drawing board, okay, why adoption and I have to come up with option b and then option c and your adoption we almost always went with it wasn't a and it wasn't bea. And it wasn't see. We went with option d d where d come from you only had three dee was well you know what when we were brainstorming the other day and we have finished sized the sanitized allow those option a is to stabilize the catapult option b is toe poke a yolk the pullback option c is too figure out a wayto prove our measurement system things like that what's option d do all of them it was a clever way to come up with very creative solutions frustrating at first cause I didn't get it and I you know I just thought it was took took too long you know I wanted to jump right to the eye and make without a thorough d m a and it's part of that a to come up with alternatives brilliant all right brilliant what about this key input if you will credibility ability to get people to listen to you and your ideas talk about the elephant to suspend this disbelief and to deal with these yeah but yeah but I don't think that's gonna work yeah but I don't think we're ready yeah but this isn't a good time yeah but we don't have the money right now you're dealing with yeah butts all the time so you've got to have credibility teo get past all of that all right? So no, your audience by all means know who it is you're dealing with and what's uh with empathy what's what's going on in their minds and their hearts and their fears their doubts things like that you get the fax we spend a lot of time on that do your homework they come in prepared so if you want a credible business plan do your homework who's your market what do they what do they want what they need what problem is it that your your proposition solves and how do you know show me some data have you gone out and actually interviewed people surveyed people talk to people have you done your homework or you just jump into I they can you know you've got this pie in the sky idea is just going to jump right in the eye without without the d n a m in the don't go there it's dangerous any credibility tips this is in your material so you can come back and review this over and over again if you want I know I do but no the current score think about it this way your audience has always got a thumb up from down meter going on some call that the b s meter all right but I caught the credibility meter so if somebody says two you well where are we today? How long does it take to do this or you know what am I going to get my product and you go? I don't really know. I think it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of two or three days credibility just tanked well here's the current fax we take one hundred eighty days and only forty eight hours and that is value added okay and it takes fourteen point two miles to do whatever it is we d'oh and uh here's what the customers are telling us and we've got quotes from them and you've got the facts and you've got the data what just went on what just happened your credibility yeah so whether you're dealing with a bank and investment you vc whoever you're dealing with for to raise money you're dealing with your own staff you deal with your children for goodness sakes you credible you get your credible okay I know what you want okay we've got the current state figured out so what do you want to do I don't know I was hoping you knew and so we gotta have that clear picture show me what show me what you want no the reason why I was so why are we doing this anyway boss is making us you guys hear what we have to do this and why I don't know why this is it's a mandate it z no way need to know why this is why this is it is important we don't know what I find out why there's gotta be a reason and you can challenge the reason with whoever you know writes the policy or whatever you got to know why what about the barriers to overcome we got any beers to overcome, no it's going to be easy and, you know, it's the pain gain thing. Yeah, actually, this is going to be a disruptive, you know what they're going to, that wall is going to be taken out or you're gonna you're going to feel some pain and this way or that way you're going tohave toe go back and take another course two to learn this new software or whatever. So there's gonna be some disruption. Alright? At least I trust you. I might not like the disruption, but I it honest fares what the critical successfactors. What the must have what's gotta happen? I don't know, man. S o I got don't go there. We got any limitations. Not that I know of, man. All right, you think about budget time, resource is knowledge capability. We've got limitations. Know what they are, whatever your business is, because if you don't credibility tanks got any goals? Yeah, our goal is to get better. What so ah very clean and it is an old acronym but a very clever way to to write your goals is that they be smart specific okay measurable attainable relevant they meet they matter and time okay so I want to lose ten pounds uh by july first or you know something like that measurable specific is it relevant does it matter okay is it is it attainable and you put a date on it it it's a discipline but it's a powerful way if our goals aren't clear and smart credibility drops no more no alternative routes all he talked about this option a b and c because if somebody says to me well have you considered this option and you go oh no we didn't that's a good that's a good one you may not realize this but your credibility just tanked because of your commission to do a kaizen event your commission to come up with a solution to a problem and you haven't really done a thorough analysis of the different alternatives somebody says that to you they subconsciously thing on you I'm not sure I can trust you why didn't you think of this were you just off doing this on your own did you did you work with other people did you get to collect other ideas did you look for a b and c and come up with dearie you know that's a very, very powerful technique we want to make sure that we articulate the game that vision if you will with confidence you don't want to go into your you know your banker nervous or things like that you don't want to walk up to the line of scrimmage nervous and sweating and freaking out you gotta have some confidence so that requires some practice make it intriguing and interesting not boring so have examples okay have have a visual aids all right? You don't want a hand uh an executive a ten page spread sheet and go here's the data they don't they want they want a one page picture can't put that on a parade oh chart tell me what you know what is that ten pages mean give me the punch line give me the bottom line so if you're going to be trying to be credible with an executive audience being credible with a sophisticated banker you need to know their language this is where empathy also comes in you need to understand what motivates them and what doesn't what works from them and what doesn't they don't want to spend a lot of times in the weeds so to speak just get to the point pop point typically the higher up people go in the organization the more they want just the bottom line the punch line now they may ask you to drill down into certain facts and details and you want to have those but if you start with all the facts in the details and you haven't made your point. You've lost him, so you start with the point and you go to the facts and details to back it up, you don't start with the facts and details without the point. That's, the content, context, balance is so important, you know, give some examples, show how it's being done another other spaces, or things like that. Benchmark data can certainly be compelling, addressed the what's in it. For me, people are tuned into that w ii film all the time and a draw and play on the what's in it for weeks. And and and build a constituency, if you will, for change, whether it's, virtual or it's party organization build a team, get people tto to sport you to back you up, because that gives you confidence. You know, you've got people behind you and you've got alignment. We've talked a lot about alignment, how important line menace we all are. We all agreed on this option for this reason to this direction for this, with this ex with these expectations, another key inputs, empathy. I've already spent some time on this one, too, that ability to understand people from their point of view, all right to feel what they feel to hear what they here, to see what they see. Not that you agree with it, but you're just seeking to understand all right, and it's is particularly helpful if in using empathy, you can identify our uncover the assumptions that people are operating on because popping those paradigms if you was shifting those paradigms, could be truly transformational for people. This is what great coaches do they make believers out of people because everyone has some degree of self doubt, or or insecurity and great coaches teach us how to get past all of that to hit the delete button it's not fake it till you make it that's an illusion it's deleted okay, so, you know, we listen without judgment. We suspend our own disbelief. We suspend our own judgment. Our own criticism are temptation to save your you're wrong. You shouldn't feel that way. That's not right that's, not right. Look for those. Look for those paradigms. Look for those obstacles that we covered earlier knowledge. We have to have the knowledge to do it. All right. So this is that ability to turn data into information and intelligence and knowledge. This is that I po correlation. The ability to discern truth from from false it, that's, our own, b s or credibility meter going on off here. All right, or what? When are we being ah, scam door or conned so it's our own ability to ask intelligent questions? Give me an example of that. Show me, show me your research, show me or show me your data to back that up. Have you got the fax? Have you done your homework? These are questions we can ask is a leader to uncover. Are we? Are we being ah, conned? Keep it honest so leaders asked thoughtful questions I always say the wise pay attention to the wise the wise pay attention to who we pay attention to because there's a lot of people in the world given advice that don't know what they're talking about and they've got no evidence that they get it themselves but they're writing books about it or there they're uh they're talking to talk but they don't talk they don't walk the walk all right pay attention to how you pay attention to you know commit to lifelong learning we talked about this j k and r j k and I talked about this the other day you know I've been studying uh for this for twenty six years I'm still studying you know, great teachers or great students you've got to keep that open mind reid research network engage with people that are are are already doing it are very smart very bright they're gifted and and and seek to learn something new every day if you just have that one simple little mantra I want to learn something new today are you well you will I'm actually interested john because you've you've worked for a lot of corporations but you also lost sela preneurs but you've also worked with things like the cia and I think the u s navy u s army so you've worked with sort of institutions as well have you found it harder to bring your message to some of that's really ingrained in an institutionalized way of doing things well we're going to spend a whole section on culture right now and so I do want to talk about that culture but just real quickly and a a family has a culture aa household has a culture city has a culture so culture there's micro cultures and macro cultures certainly in the military or that you know the intelligence agencies there's there's a culture and so I have to be very savvy toe what culture my dealing with on any given circumstance because you have to match and mirror it a little bit you have to come in and you have to you have to understand the language you have to gain credibility right up front or they dismiss you okay and usually yes they're very cultural differences everywhere but they're also very common patterns so division of labor is a very common pattern batch and q is a very common pattern you know policy deployment theirs is the root cause is a very common issue so I see patterns I see patterns and pharmaceutical with the military with automotive with aerospace with banking uh and I see him large and small to now bigger corporations and end up getting more clutter and splattering clutter in the way where smaller ones tend to notice it but smaller ones still use the same paradigms you know so and and even small solo preneurs you know, who's doing? The accounting who's doing the marketing who's doing the of the supply who's you know, who's providing the film who's you know what these these things do apply across the supply chain but I don't want to drop I know we all talk about culture by just curious there thank you. But lifelong learning is is something that all great leaders do. They keep that that that opened minor curious entrepreneurs and center preneurs interpreters are very curious seek best practices, you know, who's doing what worked with thought leaders. Where can I learn from the great thought leaders all right? And and of course then use a lot of the tools that we've talked about the aipo, the cause and effect tools teo to gain to gain knowledge the relationship between the exits and the wise so to speak capability the ability to apply knowledge with skill the big this is our ability to shoot the ball in the cup it's their ability teo to meet our uh customers demands on time is our ability to do whatever it is we do with with great skill and, uh, perfection and expertise or pursuit of perfection. This is being really good at what we do. Put it on walt disney streams be so good at what you do that people want to come with you come back with their their friends and family. We got to know how to use the tools. Now this is like a golf club again whether it's the domestic golf bag with you've got putter in it and you got a nine iron and you got a wedge and you've got a three wood whatever you've got in your tool kit okay just because you have it doesn't mean you know how to use it so how do you how do you get good at process mapping the process map how do you get good at uh cause and effect analysis do you use it so you don't just leave these clubs in your bag and go put him in the closet never pull them out again if you want to be successful in your business you you get the clubs out every day and you use and then you get really really good at it and problems he would never let you prevent a lot of problems because if you refuse the prevention tools but then you know there's still problems to be solved so when when you have them you're much better at solving and you're not freaked out as much about it there's a lot of stress in the world so we practice practice practice even the even the greatest golfers in the world practice every day all right it's it's a lifelong journey a ours our after action reviews this is where we just at the end of ah a day or an experience or course we stop and we say all right, what worked? What didn't work? What can we learn from it just a nafta action review sports teams used these these air game films, so to speak, after the event, you know, let's, let's, let's, take a time out let's, actually review what happened. Good, bad, ugly and let's let's. Learn from it all right, and then continue to explore alternatives to improving our game. Another one of those key and puts we said, was courage. This is our ability to confront these low energies like apathy, hopelessness, despair, greed, fear, doubt, resistance, pride. All of these these negative energies with with faith, with is entrepreneurs have another little spin on words, and the average person will say, how I'll believe it when I see it. Entrepreneurs say, no, no, no, I'll see it when I believe it. I'll created in my mind's eye. I'll see it before it exists, and then I'll make it happen. So I'll, uh, it's a it's, a paradigm shift, right? Because we're all familiar with out, I'll believe it. When I see it, I need the data. I need the evidence. What if it doesn't exist yet? Where where's it gonna come from it's gonna come from his entrepreneur or creative entrepreneur solo printer. All right, uh, you know, the ability to identify and mitigate risk. So, yeah, we've got to do our force field analysis. We've got to do a rough. Any aids, things like that. We're not just going to just go leap off a cliff and hope to fly. Okay, we might, uh we might want to come up with some tools. Tow fly safely. All right. So that's, where the failure mon effect analysis tool comes in. We covered that in an earlier session. It's in the deck. That's. Try this. Contemplate your life without fear. We just I remember doing this exercise many, many years ago. What? What? What difference differences would you have or making your life? What would you do if you just had absolutely no fear at all? Would would. What would change that's? A take home exercise, it's something to think about, but it's it's powerful. Who would you be and what would you do if you have had absolutely no fear? The spirit is definitely a challenging obstacle to overcome. All right, so that's, where we learned to let go to let goto let flow, so to speak. Perseverance is another one of the key and puts what's that all about what that's about I'm not giving up like winston churchill said never never never quit never never never give up so entrepreneurs do that we run into obstacles we run into you know roadblocks we run into called the sacks and you know we we figure out a way to navigate our way around it all right oh great tip here's find people who are a very positive role model already doing it hogan who could guide me through this who can show me the way so I've modeled a lot of my efforts over the years after people who've gone before me and done it really well so learn from the learned from the master's pli win win techniques I'm gonna come back to that in just a minute but what are some win win techniques where is so where we can adapt our strategy and tactics steve to improvise so this is a classic clean oh this has gone up to the line of scrimmage again and uh the defense shifts and you're like whoa now what the play we call isn't gonna work so we're gonna have to adapt and sometimes even when we adapt we call an audible way actually on the spot called a different play things still go wrong so now you gotta scramble you gotta improvise you got you got to come up with something and that's life you know we don't know what's gonna happen day after day after day. We walk up to that line of that, you know, mystical of line of scrimmage, if you will, metaphorical line of scrimmage everyday, when the alarm goes off. When we get up, the day is full of uncertainty. So how are we gonna handle it? We're gonna handle it with poison, grace and composure, or we gonna stress out because everybody else is stressing out stress is contagious. So win win negotiation. Couple of fundamentals here without a clear objective without a clear mission. We're in trouble because what's going on in the world is this world of assumptions as we all think we know what's going on we all think we have the answers we all think we know what the government should do and what the business should do and what the world should do it we all have these assumptions most of us have very little fact and it's at the assumption level that we have all this conflict good it's it's my opinion your opinion and yada yada and we form a position here's what we should d'oh here's what we should do to solve healthcare here's what we know no no no that's crazy we should do this we get into positions here people talk about positions all the time and it becomes position a versace versace position b versus position see or whatever and and and we fight and we fight without any grounded basis in fact and data again this takes us back to the power of jamaica's when we really clearly defined together measure together analyzed together come up with options a b, c and d we might come we might settle on option m I don't you know I don't know but that's that's negotiation it's win win negotiation but the only way to do that successfully as if were crystal clear on the objective so here are a few tips. All right, focus on interest, not positions get past the position sinks here's what we find out a lot you know what we have the same interests we want to be healthy we want to be joyful we want to be stress free we want to enjoy life we want to be successful we want to make money way have a lot of very common interests but the wheels fall off when we start taking positions against one another so I always think about interests what's my interest in starting my business what's my interest in running my business what are my interests where do we have common interests if we can agree on common interest what the alignment process is beginning to really gel that the synergy and then there's energy begin with common ground that's that's where the magic is useful let's define the current state can we agree it's ugly and we agree it's we can do better okay let's seek consensus not win loose can we agree that we're not goingto give up we're going to persevere and we're going to figure out we're going we're going to come to consensus on this here's the thing if we approach it with a win lose attitude and we agreed to a win lose attitude that's often called voting people think voting is teamwork voting is not teamwork voting is divisive you got winners and losers okay so we're all programmed with this idea of voting but you know voting is is a step below consensus so to speak another consensus. Cooperation is much more powerful than competition. Voting's, a form of competition. All right, it's, conflictive, all right. Use ah, silence to gain information. If you're in a negotiation with someone and they pitch you an idea, you know, you're buying a car something, and they pitch your deal, and you just don't respond at all. You just think for a few minutes. A lot of people are very uncomfortable with silence so you silenced your advantage you just think well I could throw in a little extra I could you know what you know what I could do I could do this for you and they start to actually reveal information that they might not otherwise have revealed so you're using silence toe teo to gain information listen with empathy we've we've talked about that make sure you understand your audience and where they're coming from matching and nearing and this goes back to like whether it's the navy or anyone else um understand that culture and match it initially if I walk into a typical business and I talked start talking about zen practice and you know let's let's learn how teo meditate let goto let flow and they look at me like we were looking for domestic yeah we're we're looking for you know cause and effect analysis and you're talking about zen er see buddy so you know we have to we have to know the language and we have to imagine mirror here search for the root cause by the way when we match in mirror that subconsciously here's what's going on subconsciously there like because you're matching their their behavior initially teo empathize understanding like I don't know what it is about this guy but there's something I like you know what it is he's acting just like me and I like me so there's some about you I like because you're just acting like me that's what's really going on it's a bonding technique so to speak you know search for the root cause we spent a lot of time on that that's a critical thing as we as we explore root cause together it's a team building it's an alignment it's it's a very effective approach pay attention to perceptions assumptions this is a review of a lot of things we've you know we've been covering these air critical tto win win negotiation keep an open mind you don't check your own you might your assumptions might be way off so recognize that you might be the one who's ignorant so to speak even though we all are you more attacked the problem not the person sometimes we get tempted and we start calling each other names or things like that it's that's that's just childish shit's ego it's let's just focus on the problem focus on the fact that the catapult balls not landed in the same place every time and it's not the way you're shooting under your shooting we haven't pokey poke the shooting okay let's not focus on kurt who can't draw diamonds because he proved he could it was the system bye be positively optimistic there's solutions to every problem that's a unit niang thing there can't be a problem without a solution they have has to be a solution to every problem we live in a world that allows us to learn that so let's, let's not, you know, give up, let's, not use apathy and to spare and doubt hopelessness, whatever turn negative statements in the needs. Okay, so when we hear a negative statement, we hear this just this isn't ever gonna work. Yeah, dig down a little bit, but what's it going to take to work? What do we, what do we need? One of those critical success factors to make this work when confronted, use, I feel messages. I feel like you're. You're not understanding what I'm saying don't use you. Act is the accusations you you don't understand, you're not. You're not hearing me, because that where do yu appears to people like an attack? I feel like you're not. We're not connecting, I because I conspicuous my point of view. I can't speak from yours. When being confronted you turn right back around a little bit so if I'm being confronted us say so let me see if I got this right you feel I'm not being agreeable you feel because now if that's true that's exactly how I feel if it's not true they're going to say now that's not quite what I'm saying but it's an empathy building technique ask yourself if the enemy how important is this? A lot of times we we negotiate over stupid stuff and we fight over stupid stuff there's conflict over a lot of meaningless stuff the end of the day how important is this it's just really matter you know know your own bottom line so to speak and at the end of the day you want to keep the overall relationship in mind you know let's not throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak let's figure out a way to make this work finally this uh this input on peace all right, so uh peace is our ability to live and work without fear without worry without stress without all the thieves illusions of the mind creations of the mind our ability to accept and teach responsibility that people in a graceful, compelling way and to remain optimistic and positive in any situation because if we turn negative it's contagious if we're in a leadership role we have to remain positive. We have to bring light into dark places so leadership is about shining the light when everybody else feels and it feels like there in the dark by the mentor role model a coach who can teach you some of these techniques for demonstrate how it's done and we're going to spend a little we're actually going to be a lot more time on this in the final of the a segment number four today practice being present again we're going to practice that as well present means in the now and it's it's attentive it's ah it's there's there's great techniques to do this including things like meditation so we are we're grounded in the now because the conscious mind often wants to jump to the future the past it's bouncing around like a ping pong ball and the subconscious mind's running our lives so we don't want to be tuned in to what's going on in that subconscious mind what's going on and then now which is the only time that ever really matters it's what we call the eternal now it's always now no matter what it's always now so when we're in the now and great great athletes do this when they're in the now when they're hitting the golf ball shooting the free throw ice skating doing whatever they're doing because it's in the now that matters and if their mind's drifting off into a you know what am I doing tomorrow what am I you know somebody said something too last week that's really upsetting and can't get my head on head off of it you're missing the nap and performances in the now performance is always in the now we'll come back and spend a little more time on it abraham as lo years ago said you know he had this uh no hierarchy of needs a few will and it's important because in a business level we have physiological needs so we pay people and they can buy their food and their pay their rent and things like that businesses often support provide some kind of security you know like a safety policies insurance is perhaps things like that so uh and and even a social culture so we've got you know, coffee mugs and t shirts and we've got parties and pizza pizza parties things like that but there were a lot of businesses do is they drop off here and they have this paradigm of what we pay you we give you benefits you know way have ah a social gathering from time to time what do you want and they underestimate the power of self esteem and self actualization and great leaders no that if I can get my people my team to feel really great about themselves to feel really confident to feel at peace it's gonna have a profound fact effect on the results that's where that riel energy ands energy comes from and at the end of the day if I can help people reach their full potential, which is a yeah, never ending target, really, but I can get people doing things they never thought they could do before. That's. Massive, that's, massive. And, by the way, this is stuff you can apply at home with your children, with your, you know, your, your loved ones, your family. How do I help people? Unlock themselves and awakened to ah much more capable self than they might. I believe that what they think there's a translation for that it's the I am that I am that self actualization. So just a few montrose a few aspirational kind of things teo, hold in mind, you know, I'm valued important that's a fact, what do you believe it or not? Okay, I'm in harmony and balance with life at a spiritually w r at a physical of human level, you might not be I'm not afraid of any challenge your spirits not afraid of any challenge you might be because you're confusing your ego with you, the eagles afraid you guys always afraid it can't not be but the spirits never afraid so there's this battle going on between ego and spirit, I'll talk about that in another session I am above and beneath no one there's an interesting mantra I'm independent of opinion and criticism you can criticize me all you want, you can have whatever opinions you want, I'm robust to that that's not true for a lot of people because they don't make it true. They worry about whether people think, hey, you do like me, do you? You know, that's that's insecurity, I'm at peace with myself in the world around me, I'm experiencing more than I ever dreamed possible I'm accepting, optimistic and grateful. Even when I have problems. I'm grateful for my problems because their lessons and disguise, not many people think that way. I'm actually I give thanks for my problems, because I know there's a solution waiting, and I just have to find it that's going to make me more awakened, more aware, soul. I am abundant I mean inpatients kindness joy compassion understanding knowledge love, health and wealth I am abundant meaning I don't believe in scarcity there's always enough for everyone it's not a win lose it's the wind wins there is abundance all around us and I am tapping into that abundance I can be is patient as they want to be and not take anything away from anyone else by taking patients kindness joy ok things like that we'll talk more about that in another session as well so here are a few things just to contemplate as we as we wrap up this session you know what leadership factors those key process input variables do you need to work on most I've covered many now so where do you wanna focus your energy toe toe work on that input variables because like the catapult I focus on those input variables well I'm going to really change the output variables describe the specific changes in mind the thoughts and feelings and behaviors you expect what would you liketo see different create that vision of the future so to speak for yourself how do you plan on making these changes? Are there a few tips you might wantto put on your refrigerator or you're putting your daily reminder things like that to just work on I know it's worked well for me just having daily reminders, little tips think about your timing and you're smart goals of the tea and smartest timing and then are you going to measure this? How you're going to know it's working so those air thanks to contemplate is we go forward, and with that we'll close with another little quote from ralph waldo emerson. What you are thunder so loudly that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. Think about that for a minute. This is about walking the talk, just talking the talk so it's about credibility what you are your essence? What you what you demonstrate your day to day behavior speaks a lot more loudly then whatever comes out of your mouth so that is ah, a few those are a few tips on leadership again. It applies at any level to any business and beyond business, of course as well. And he's really spurred a conversation in the chatroom. Jesse ellen pokey yoke is one of our new chatters they're both talking about, you know, what would they be? What would they do if there were no fear or if they approached fear in a different way and a in a more responsible way? So you've definitely started a conversation around that somewhere to come, right? That's, right? Stay tuned for the next few segments, all right?
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