Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Open Your Eyes to Waste
00:00:02.03 --> 00:00:04. Well, we have ah lot to cover this 00:00:05.37 --> 00:00:08. this next few sessions and I wouldn't open with a 00:00:08.56 --> 00:00:11. quote from aristotle aristotle once said we are what 00:00:11.21 --> 00:00:16. we repeatedly do excellence that is not an act but 00:00:16.08 --> 00:00:18. a habit so what we're talking about in these sessions 00:00:18.95 --> 00:00:22. is habit change all right? Because we're we're creatures 00:00:22.54 --> 00:00:26. of habit and if we're running on programs so to speak 00:00:26.41 --> 00:00:31. mental programs means paradigms belief systems that 00:00:31.3 --> 00:00:33. are not in our best interest we're going to continue 00:00:33.79 --> 00:00:36. to repeat those until we actually reinvent ourselves 00:00:36.8 --> 00:00:40. in business we call this culture and so what I specialize 00:00:40.96 --> 00:00:43. in his culture changed transformational change where 00:00:43.67 --> 00:00:46. organizations large and small asked me to...
come in 00:00:46.77 --> 00:00:51. and help them reinvent or improve quote the way we 00:00:51.39 --> 00:00:53. do things around here and the way we do things around 00:00:53.83 --> 00:00:57. here is habitual all right and we call that culture 00:00:57.91 --> 00:01:00. and business habits individually so this is really 00:01:00.46 --> 00:01:04. about deep transformational change where by adapting 00:01:04.03 --> 00:01:07. new habits new ways of doing things around here amazing 00:01:07.93 --> 00:01:12. results than manifest and flourish so take a lesson 00:01:12.1 --> 00:01:15. from aristotle we'll get into some of the key takeaways 00:01:15.1 --> 00:01:19. this is what I would expect all of the students on 00:01:19.02 --> 00:01:21. dh in the audience to to take away from this one is 00:01:21.88 --> 00:01:26. howto let go letting go is not necessarily easy we 00:01:26.25 --> 00:01:29. have a tendency of human beings to attach to the very 00:01:29.17 --> 00:01:33. things that dragged us down wait cling to the very 00:01:33.06 --> 00:01:35. things weighing us down so this is about learning 00:01:35.51 --> 00:01:38. how to let go which takes great faith that takes courage 00:01:38.38 --> 00:01:42. it takes strength that's bold leadership letting go 00:01:42.39 --> 00:01:44. so we have to let go of what of things 00:01:45.87 --> 00:01:49. like unproductive activities in habits and processes 00:01:49.36 --> 00:01:52. and tendencies that we have with the let those go 00:01:52.43 --> 00:01:54. and when we let go we let flow 00:01:55.97 --> 00:01:59. so flo wants to happen it's lessons from the great 00:01:59.38 --> 00:02:02. dow the dow to change it wants to happen grass wants to grow green it's its essence its supposed to human beings are meant to grow and to prosper to flourish should be joyful we get in our own way we actually get in our own way so letting go means working what can I let go of to allow this this flow to really take place small business large business it's all about flow another takeaway is how to just say make make life day to day life easier smarter faster more efficient um we perhaps grown up I know I did with the paradigm you have to work hard to be successful well guess what we believe we have to work hard to be successful what we're gonna do the rest of our lives we're going to work hard I did and then I learned you know actually have to work that hard to be successful there's an alternative to working hard it's called working smart so this is about working smart it's paradoxical and the great masters the great teachers in history taught in paradox meaning we have to go slower to move faster we have to do less to accomplish more a lot of people scratch their heads and go I don't get that how do I how do I go slower and move faster it doesn't make any sense those paradoxes are life's mysteries and those are the things we're going to get into in this course uh how do I apply some of the world class tools around the world things like domestic which is a problem rational problem solving model we're faced with problems every day do we saw them in a rational way or potentially in an irrational way by learning a rational problem solving model we're going to be a lot more effective it's something we face every day which is problem solving all right project management some of things that you came here for five s I'll walk it through the five s is it's originally five japanese words that begin with s translated loosely into five english words that begin with s but it's all about workplace organization will get into that a little bit poky yoko's japanese for mistake proof how do we mistake proof our lives mistake proof our businesses mistake proof our activities so that common mistakes can't happen well they just can't we've we've designed mistakes right out of the process that's pinocchio well look at poco io during this session kaizen is a japanese word it's, actually, two words made into one japanese word. Cayenne, zen, kai's. Just pay, take apart and make new, and then, of course, is to think health and, well, being positive, optimistic, so kai's and means we take apart and make better a process. So we're going to simulate several kaizen events in in sessions in segment, too. Ah, and combine combine is another japanese term for up for pull system, just a signaling system. It's a trigger that tells us when we should work and when we shouldn't work. Think like a stoplight. Go and stop it's a visual signal and it's ah it's a whole methodology around pulling and flowing. So when you look at the great companies like amazon it's all designed around akane bon pull so it's it's flow it's it's flow on another form of flow. We're going to challenge a lot of common human paradigms and mihm's or the study of mma medics, which is similar to genetics. Only instead of genes it's means means our mental programs. We all run on if we are running on viruses of the mind, so to speak, for running and carrying around viruses of the mind we're just going to repeat lousy habits over and over and over again and will power will not take those away. We have to learn how to hit the delete button and let go of those and a whole new world opens up for us. We'll teach teach techniques on how to do that. It's just it's this of course about tada had lead with more creativity, inspiration and innovation inspiration meaning in spirit and spirit means fearlessness so whether you're solo pra nure onna entrepreneur a small business owner a large business owner person in a cubicle in some large business anywhere you are it's fear that gets in our way a lot and it's it's the absence of credibility where people won't take us seriously we're pitching than idea to the boss we're pitching an idea to the banker we're pitching an idea toe a customer and they're not buying it so we're going to talk a lot about you tips and techniques on gaining credibility where people take a lot more seriously so the examples on that on how the sola preneurs on how the freelancer the photography studio owner the yoga studio owner like what does that mean for them? Well we all operated in larger system so even though like I've run a one person business for twenty six years but the last thing I ve ever thought of is that it's a one person business we all rely on something bigger than ourselves a system so without customers you're out of business without good vendors and support people we're out of business so we have to figure out what system are we playing in where are these virtual partners that we have to build relationships with and then how do we get them to take us seriously so this is about relationships and about building healthy positive supporting win win relationships whereas we have to be careful because a lot of us grew up with the wind lose competition mindset and a higher energy than competition is cooperation so we're going to take a step up and look at how we really partner whether it's a literal partnership in a business partnership or it's a virtual partnership on alliance how do we make sure that we we built those positive women relationships okay and finally it's about coming overcoming the most common barriers of all which would be fear and doubt and security and resistance this is like going through life with the brakes on and a lot of us don't even realise we've got our foot on the brakes but we wouldn't drive our cars that way I mean driving your car with foot on the brakes doesn't make any sense at all unless you're trying to stop or slow down okay you wouldn't drive with two feet on the pedals at the same time because it's not safe it's not efficient not effective but life we do that we go forward but we got this drag on us we've got this baggage it's emotional and mental and sometimes even physical baggage weighing us down so this is about learning how to let that go great course so the purpose of this session is ah to take a look at current state this would be like going in front of a doctor and saying hey give me a check up and takes the measures and I'm healthy is my business healthy is my idea healthy in the workplace let's let's take an honest objective checklist because when we are biased and you're emotionally attached to an idea and sola preneurs not to preneurs from most certainly are we get attached to something and we're going toe we're goingto make it work whether it's easy or not that clinging without some wisdom and cem cem intelligence could well weigh us down so we've got tio take a good a good look at where we are you hear me say a lot show me the data show me the data somebody tells us we have a problem somebody tells us we have a solution show me the data it's a it's a very simple way to stay grounded in in reality all right so show me the data uh we really focused on what matters or have we lost sight of what really matters were going through our simulation we're going toe we're going to experience ah small organization or people within a small system so to speak experiencing where the wheels really fall off this whole process and then we're going to find ways to improve it we're going to demonstrate how to run ah world class business not just talk about it confucius once said what I hear I forget but I see I remember what I do I understand so through these simulations and they'll be several we're gonna actually witness and experience and play with a world class business transformation and take away from that and that's what we'll use the lean sigma game two d'oh so is j k so jaco said there are game sheets available and you can follow right along and we're gonna get everybody teed up to play this game this morning and and then learn from it all right so these five principles set the groundwork for world class business all right principle number one specified value in the eyes of the customer essentially means do you know your audience do you know how you're getting paid? Do you know what you're getting paid for so specify value in the eyes of the customers where it all begins entrepreneur sola preneurs businesses we've got to know where the money's coming from money is the lifeblood of business like it or not it's it's the bloodstream so cash flow translates into good blood flow and we need flow the second principle builds off the first one it says well working backwards from the customer if this is what I'm getting paid for and this is what value in the eyes of the customer is what's the stream of activities that we have to go through to get that value to the customer what's that stream look like and then where in that stream is the waist and the opportunity and the variation okay because it's there and once we tune into taking waste out and getting better flow our principal number three which of course is making value float the pull of the customer now theoretically these principles go yeah yeah yeah this makes perfect sense but you'll see in a few minutes when we run into our simulation that we get in the way we screw this up all the time and we don't even realize it and then we push harder and we work harder and uh it's ah it doesn't work okay s o following making value flow at the pull of the customer this is the whole idea that when value is flowing really in a healthy way like at an amazon or a target or or a wal mart they're actually getting paid by the customer before they've paid for the product and he paid for yet and it's not because they pay their bills late it's because inventory is turning so fast you go into other industries and that inventory might turn twice a year that's that's dangerous so if we haven't got our inventory turning because we have to pay for it when we buy it and until we had value to it and sell it to our our customers and get paid for it it's an ex's costly so the the idea of this whole pool system is when the customer wants something we deliver it very quickly and we replenish it very quickly and we have good flow all right principal fours where kaizen comes in kaizen events is where we involved we align we enable and we empower people toe make good change to make eisen so this is we don't do this to people we do this with people and with involvement in fact when we involved customers in our business to help process improvement we involved suppliers to come in and participate in ark eisen's to make things better it's a very powerful win win relationship building technique and finally we never get there this last principal is a little bizarre because what I wear I expressed it to people companies worldwide is actually we never get it done and we never get it right so relax because the perfectionist attitude the lot of us have our were born or grew up with we can't do anything until we get it perfect um is what has led to our existing systems today which are anything but perfect so perfections an illusion right perfections of moving target if I pulled out a six sigma floppy disk right now and offered it for sale would you buy it they get younger kids these days going what's a floppy disk I don't know what that isthe right. How about an album you want toe? You know, I got a got a great collection albums I know kurt's still doesn't tell you what it's uh so times are changing in technology is changing and innovation is changing, so, you know, I've got a six sigma perfect vhs tape, you know, it's ah, store, that used to be called blockbuster, all right, and, uh, so the world's changing, and we got to pay attention, because if we're not changing with it, we're not growing. We're not evolving. We're not adapting my watch out, watch out. So this last principal says, you know what? We have to just continue to search and grow and evolve and get smarter and smarter and smarter and there's, no ending point. As soon as we're we think we've got it all figured out soon as we think we've got to that magic land. Someone sneaks up behind us and says, you know, you don't have it right. What you have is a big target on your back. And so I worked with a lot of companies around the world that big targets on their back. And they're searching for ways to reinvent themselves and become more innovative. And let go of some of those almost arrogant habits. We're not careful.
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