Lesson Info
29. Heart Coherence
Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Heart Coherence
I want to take a pause here and I want to go back tio to this and get it and get an illustration of what's referred to as the heart coherent so what we're gonna do is we're going to bring up ah software it comes from the heart math institute which is actually based in northern california the heart math institute does all kinds of fascinating research on things like heart coherent so hard coherence is how we communicate with the field a cz human beings and it's through that heart shock ra and there's a device that's been developed it's a little software I believe we have kurt who's volunteered teo come up and just demonstrate this so what this software does and I'll just ask her to come up and sit here there's a very a sensor on this and you just clip it to your ear and clip this to your shirt if you feel like it's gonna fall views clip it to your ear lobe you know and then I'll start up the program and the in the uh what we're goingto what we're gonna do is we're just going to observe ...
and you could face any way you want to it doesn't matter just clip it on an air lobe and we're gonna we're just going to measure heart coherent so hard coherence you'll see heart rate you'll see things like that and you'll also see that formula t you know times e equals f so whatever kurt's thinking, coupled with his emotional state, is going to result in a feeling which is going to be reflected here. And the idea is, by using this tool, tto learn ways to become more at peace, despite circumstances what some refer to his imperturbable, imperturbable. Ity so I'm not freaked out or stressed out when I walk up to the line of scrimmage and somebody's calling my mother names or 00:02:00.06 --> 00:02:03. threaten me to tear my head off or whatever. It's, 00:02:03.73 --> 00:02:06. uh, you know, okay, so 00:02:07.87 --> 00:02:09. we're going to run a session here, 00:02:10.71 --> 00:02:11. out of the way, 00:02:12.62 --> 00:02:13. and 00:02:15.39 --> 00:02:17. still, flat line. Yeah, I know. 00:02:18.82 --> 00:02:19. Yeah. 00:02:23.32 --> 00:02:26. So, it's, just gonna take a couple seconds, tio. 00:02:28.82 --> 00:02:30. And the music down there love it it's just going to 00:02:30.88 --> 00:02:33. start to read you kurt and then if we wanted to have 00:02:33.75 --> 00:02:36. some fun with you we could start asking you to think 00:02:36.99 --> 00:02:37. about 00:02:39.02 --> 00:02:44. somebody who really annoys you except me and uh or 00:02:44.05 --> 00:02:46. we could ask you to start thinking about cece to something 00:02:46.49 --> 00:02:48. that's really kind of bothering you stressing you 00:02:48.58 --> 00:02:51. out and it's going to look it's going to look like 00:02:51.34 --> 00:02:52. that 00:02:53.22 --> 00:02:56. so what we're going to you know if the mind is thinking 00:02:56.14 --> 00:02:59. about things that stress us out or about somebody 00:02:59.09 --> 00:03:03. who's bothering us or it's just ah it's really ah 00:03:04.96 --> 00:03:08. some things but you know it's just it's just not pleasant 00:03:09.12 --> 00:03:12. all right it's going to read it and show up here in 00:03:12.76 --> 00:03:19. the lower coherence no color riches red ah we're also 00:03:19.17 --> 00:03:22. getting a heart rate all right and we're getting over 00:03:22.39 --> 00:03:25. here we're going to just start to see the the graff 00:03:25.32 --> 00:03:28. if you will of the of the heart rate and then there's 00:03:28.76 --> 00:03:31. some other things we can play with you know with software 00:03:32.03 --> 00:03:34. the idea that is to say well how do I get into this 00:03:35.72 --> 00:03:41. more meditative inner peace type mode all right despite 00:03:41.03 --> 00:03:43. circumstances how do I how do I get into this and 00:03:43.58 --> 00:03:46. this is where the power of meditation comes in so 00:03:46.28 --> 00:03:49. the heart math the institute teaches something called 00:03:49.68 --> 00:03:52. a quick coherence technique it's it's really three 00:03:52.34 --> 00:03:56. steps and so start thinking about these three steps 00:03:56.72 --> 00:03:58. and you can practice this even though you're not hooked 00:03:58.9 --> 00:03:59. up to the 00:04:01.1 --> 00:04:03. to the software the three steps there step number 00:04:03.53 --> 00:04:05. one is you start really thinking about 00:04:07.34 --> 00:04:10. you're your your heart what's called heart focus so 00:04:10.36 --> 00:04:13. you go into the heart you know you can close your 00:04:13.51 --> 00:04:16. eyes and do this but you go into the heart and it's 00:04:16.59 --> 00:04:19. not like hey the hearts over there the foot's over 00:04:19.59 --> 00:04:22. there because it's easy to just say well that's where 00:04:22.68 --> 00:04:26. the heart is but you go into the heart and you ah 00:04:27.04 --> 00:04:27. you actually 00:04:28.74 --> 00:04:31. you feel from inside the heart and then the second 00:04:31.55 --> 00:04:35. step is what's called heart breathing so now you start 00:04:35.48 --> 00:04:39. to really control your breathing I recommend breathing 00:04:39.96 --> 00:04:42. into like a count of four and out of out to account 00:04:42.91 --> 00:04:46. for or you breathe into account of five or six depending 00:04:46.8 --> 00:04:49. on your depth your breath and out to the same count 00:04:49.84 --> 00:04:52. and it's like you're following a uh 00:04:53.54 --> 00:04:56. a ball up and down and you're just getting really 00:04:56.84 --> 00:05:00. relaxed and your breathing through your heart in this 00:05:00.18 --> 00:05:02. very relaxed kind of way 00:05:03.34 --> 00:05:06. and now keep in mind it's through that heart coherence 00:05:06.0 --> 00:05:08. that you're actually communicating with the field 00:05:08.98 --> 00:05:10. all right and we're all connected 00:05:11.97 --> 00:05:15. through this field so you get into the heart focused 00:05:15.19 --> 00:05:18. step one you get into the heart breathing step to 00:05:18.22 --> 00:05:21. its very slow and relaxed and rhythmic 00:05:23.04 --> 00:05:23. and then the 00:05:25.04 --> 00:05:27. the third you know the third step is what's called 00:05:27.96 --> 00:05:31. heart feeling it's this is positive feeling you start 00:05:31.25 --> 00:05:34. to think you know again in this very relaxed state 00:05:34.4 --> 00:05:37. of breathing you start really feeling thinking about 00:05:37.69 --> 00:05:41. it and feeling very joyful positive things this could 00:05:41.2 --> 00:05:45. be a pat you love this could be a person you love 00:05:45.42 --> 00:05:48. this could be a on experience you love this is just 00:05:48.97 --> 00:05:51. I'm now feeling 00:05:52.24 --> 00:05:56. blissful I'm feeling great because I'm putting my 00:05:56.03 --> 00:06:00. mind my focus, my energy into that heart area I'm 00:06:00.27 --> 00:06:04. breathing very rhythmically and I'm I'm I'm feeling it feeling joyful and feeling some of those higher energies we talked about love and joy and peace and we practiced this and it takes some time to practice but this is a form of meditation were all we're really doing is we're staying present, we're letting bea we're letting go of distractions and we're focusing on this energy center called the hard with the and the and the heart chakra and we're we're trying to bring it into a very relaxed pace and you can do this with practice you can do this and virtually any circumstance and you certainly don't need to be hooked up to a software to do it you just uh you're just ah it becomes part of your habit it's it's a reprogramming it's a habit change so you know kurt's been brave enough to come in here and and share this with us we could now say I way could start messing with them, but we could try to coach him through ah, more relaxed states. It is difficult to do something like this, you know, publicly and in front of a lot of people, there's, a lot of noise, intention, so he's, very he's, very brave to come up here and display it. So I thank you, kurt. You know, we could play around with it later. If if you if you want us well, but that you'll start toe, you start to see patterns here and things you can. I don't know what kurt was thinking at four minutes, but something shot way up there, and that was when I made eye contact with cat, huh? I've been you know, I've been doing this things where the phone rings and there's all kinds of distractions and things like that, but it's so interesting, because as you're doing it and you start teo, you start to see yeah, there you go. Oh, and if you sneeze or something like that or you start tio, you start to get distracted. It reads it. So if you struggle meditating and you're trying to learn to aways toe to meditate, to get more grounded and more present, this is a good tool for feedback just because it reads it and it shares it back with you now is to practice with this and then kind of remember the feeling in your body. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So I do this daily without the the instrument, you know? I mean, I, uh I've used the instrument for for years to practice to get a reading once in a while, I can I can share with you one of my last readings here. Um, go ahead and stop this. Yeah, thanks. I appreciate that, but, uh, yeah, yeah. Thank you so much. Oh, sure, we do. What it you know what, what, it's, what it should look like when you really practice and, you know, it takes a while. Incidentally, so here's, you know, here's, ah, looks like about eighteen, nineteen minutes. Session. I, uh, almost a twenty minute session, and you could see the zone. You know, we talked earlier about the zone. This actually gives you the zone. So you've got you got. You got fluctuation in the zone, it's. Not like you're going to score all green, but the idea of being when you get into a highly meditative state. You know you it's it's just it's it's poised it's relaxed it's it's it's very it's very consistent to cross and t to your point john maria's you practice this and you get more more skilled at it you can take it with you you could do it on airplanes I just sit there on airplanes and do this with without you know connecting up and it's interesting because you could be sitting around an airplane and somebody is freaking out because you know they're going to miss their connection and believe me I've missed many connections and my on my life but you know what so what you know and ah yeah so you know you can you can play with it in practices whether it's it's it's it's a lot of fun so we will uh we'll switch back now to our other rather picture I took in aa south beach yeah so that's the that's from the heart math institute incidentally talk about another little like synchronicity I went to this conference this was part of my life long learning part of my my journey to this conference was in cincinnati, ohio probably five years ago now almost five years ago where I met one of the co founders of filth heart math institute howard martin and another great speaker guy named greg brayden and they were speaking on a lot of the some of the stuff I was just talking about to some extent and that's where I learned about the software powered was demonstrating it. So, you know, may I had to buy it and play with it and check it out order. And I've been playing with it, you know, ever since, but is at that conference that I met some people I just want. I went on my own. It was a tough time in my life, and I went there on my own, and, um, it's, um, uh, I met some people, and we became friends. And this and that, and two months later, my phone rings and it's, one of these guys from this conference, and he goes, hey, I know what you're doing on may thirteenth, and I go. No, I'm celebrating my birthday. Why do you ask you, he goes, you want to go meet the dalai lama s o from that, that another dot came about, and that's where my that was, you know what happens to be my fiftieth birthday, so, wow, I might not go. We'll hang out with the dalai lama and on my birthday so that's, so that's, so that's where that all came from. But it was. One of these connections is, you know, you meet, and I'm a big believer in networking. I'm a big believer in sharing, so you know, as we because we continue to network and use use tools like social media, to connect with people on dh, you never know where it's going to take you. Ands, entra, preneurs and successful entrepreneurs is networking. Tremendously teo take to grow their businesses to grow their markets and et cetera so all right that's it you know that that what we just saw that heart coherence is here and that heart coherence was which is essentially how we're communicating with one another on an energetic level and communicating with the world around us on an energetic level in with the law of attraction drawing into our lives whatever that is asking for this is we reap what we sow this is the sewing and the reaping is responding so this is influenced of course by what's going on over here now quickest thing to do or the most powerful thing to do is get get you no let go of fear let go of this pessimistic fearful way of approaching life because again fears just a creation of the mind let that go and there's some wonderful type techniques you can use to do that things like emotional freedom technique which is meridian tapping there's all kinds of great material out on that I teach a class on that as well another one of these things where I went to a conference in los angeles I met a guy named nick ortner nick has produced a great documentary on really and tapping written a best selling book he was just on dr oz mommy taught me meridian tapping I've been using it ever since then it's just a great tool to release the negative energy to eliminate it of different tools like meditation and tapping and things like that by the way dancing is a good one dancing is a great way to get into flow but a lot of people struggle with dancing because they get in their own way they know I'm not a dancer I can't you know I'd be I'd feel awkward you know no so let go of the fear and just approach life with with love and that's a that's a big step the other of course part of the equation is over here pay attention to what you think what do you have going on in your mind? A very wise teacher once told me you know said thoughts are like birds landing in a tree you know they're coming all the time therefore you know are coming and going all the time you don't have to let him nest there meaning the tree is your mind your you know so thoughts are coming and going you don't have to nest let them nest there let him go so hit the delete button on a lot of thoughts that aren't doing any good and pay attention to what you pay attention to pay attention your thoughts what am I thinking and then you got to take it to the subconscious level because a lot of things you know here's in this interesting data point to keep in mind too work from dr bruce lipton teo conscious mind can process about forty bits of data per second for zero forty you know what the subconscious mind can process forty million bits of data per second it's a million to one ratio and the subconscious mind runs ninety five plus percent of our daily lives well more multi tasking we're driving down the road you know the subconscious minds doing most of the work the conscious mind can only think of one thing at a time it cannot multi task the conscious mind can only think of one thing at a time subconscious mind can do all kinds of stuff where is the subconscious mind mostly always in the present it can't be in the past it can't be in the future the subconscious minds always in the present where's the the conscious mind rarely in the present the conscious mind is going back and forth between future and passed okay so the conscious mind is not present and when it's not present it can be but when it's not the subconscious mind's running the show what if the subconscious minds loaded with fear lord without you know from the ages of zero to six we were in a state of frequency which is a highly downloadable meditative frequency again science now shows and proves this so what happens when you're in that state of frequency which is a frequency a lot of people try to get into when they meditate things like that it's just highly downloadable that's when we can hit the delete buttons and such it's also where we learn a lot so by the age of six we've got we've been downloaded with just all kinds of things and now we carry these on through life and that subconscious mind takes over I also wrote a book called habits die hard and so habits do die hard because when we start looking at how do we delete some of these these programs all right it's uh we got it we have to find him we find them through our tendencies through contemplation, meditation and then we used techniques to let him go and I'll tell you what that's that's that's that's what letting go and getting out of her own way means it means just subtracting not adding so now we're subtracting things that air just weighing us down and uh a whole new world opens up for us so that's a lot of this the inner workings if you will of his entropy endure people that just don't appear toe get worked up over a whole lot or get become afraid you know daniel goldman wrote a book several in fact around emotional intelligence and some of you read some of that you know, he speaks to these five critical no one's emotion be aware as it happens so this ties into that whole empathy pay attention the people's emotions your teams what is that they're experiencing? What is it? They're feeling all right use that formula toe teo. Contemplate it a little deeper. Level okay, and managing emotions. Use discipline. Discipline would include things like what I, what I choose to think and what I choose to let go off. What do I want to let go of motivating oneself from moving oneself, getting into flow, releasing the negative habit, energies, that's, all part of this, uh, letting go process empathizing, recognizing emotions and others was one of his five critical skills listed and then relationship panhandling relationships in a very positive way. So we finished with a quote and then we can we can talk a little bit more about any questions you have before we close this thing out but from the tao te ching the now the thing is the second most published and printed a book in the world after the bible and any of the maybe seen quotes over the years from lao tsu was the author of the tao te ching nobody knows plate who lao tsu is lots who translates into old man but many of the teachings of loud soo were very similar to the teachings five hundred years later of jesus and another great masters yeah lots who wrote in the tao te ching the sages always on the side of virtues so everyone around him prospers is always on the side of truth so everything around him is fulfilled the path of the sages called the path of illumination of the path of light so what I always try to teach and demonstrate is bringing light into dark places bringing light into the room so I've talked a lot now about kaizen events where you come in and people are skeptical people are doubtful yeah they're there in their own way and some and yet they don't know what you can't tell him cake walk into a room and say you know what your problem is? You're ignorant, it just doesn't work you know what your problem is? You know your heart coherence is way off, they're going to go by what you know so I finish with this I don't start with it because I'm trying to do now is share with you some of the deeper things going on around inspirational leadership is inspirational leadership is in spirit leadership in spirit leadership is fearless leadership, fearless diseases that easier said than done if you're carrying around a bunch of fear subconsciously and you haven't learned how to hit the delete button, good luck teaching it how do you teach fearlessness when you're afraid at an energetic level? People see the difference animals pick it up in heartbeat animals can tell when you're afraid I know right away it's interesting because an animal that might just, you know, growl and scare the daylights out of somebody who's afraid we'll walk right up to somebody who's not and you want to pet because they know you're not afraid. It's interesting it's it's, that's that's part of that whole uh, you know, six cents that energetic field that we, uh we don't necessarily we all share, so that is, uh that's the sentra poseur it's been a it's been a fun journey for me, especially with twenty six years just around the corner, not sure where the next one is, but there's a chapter in the book called now what I don't know we're going to just keep explore it and open being curious and some of those things I talked about so that we can find I can find new ways to help and uh like jaco said, this is perhaps the first of other sessions will do here a creative live that I'll be able to share and do would do here so I'm certainly open toe to that if we got any questions or anything is from our online market are online audience have been following along so assiduously and thank you for being with us throughout here they had some questions as we've gone along and you know that being making some great comments but I think they have found this just as we have very very inspirational I think this last section was really anywhere surprise ending I know you described yourself asses enterpreneurs but I wasn't quite sure how it was going to play out that this has been really, really very interesting so this is a really powerful way to end, so I certainly appreciate she almost did it in reverse. This is something that we were thinking well, you know john murray said, well, maybe we should have opened with this, but it is fascinating me close what yeah and I dropped a few seeds at the very beginning but again and I approach this from a from a business class perspective a lot of people are fascinated about how do you go into like a corporate world or ah a government agency or a military agency a defense agency which was all based on fear let's face it that's it's all fear based and teach this stuff it doesn't how did they how did they not throw you out how did they how did they pay attention well one of the simplest tools and words to use now to get to get some track tracking is the word kaizen I've spent a lot of time talking about kaizen here well guess what the word zan is and kaisa it's this a lot of people are telling you a lot of people for years have been running caissons they don't know what zen means they don't even spell it right it's okay you know k k I s s I n s e s p knives I I see black belt spell the word kaizen wrong it's interesting happened just last week no it z n because kaizen is part of something deeper than what we think it's not just about moving you know doing a five s it's profoundly deaf and a lot of us don't don't get that we think it's all about just maps and charts and you know that kind of thing now at the end of the day it's about changing minds I talked about that earlier it's about transformational shift in beliefs, perceptions the tools just help us wake up on the tools. Just help us be honest. With what? The brutal facts. How am I spending my time? You know, how could I get the team to help me fix this process? Were rather than trying to figure it out all on my own? How could I use the creative live video to perhaps go back to my organization? And so you might want to look at this because this is what I or actually run the simulation or both. Hello, it's. A fact, if you plan on running the simulation, which you have access to be a good idea to go back and review how we ran it a few times before you try running it. Okay, so, you know there's, a facilitators guide, it wouldn't hurt to go back and actually just say let's. Go back and click on that round one link and see it again that that type of thing so repetition has been purposefully designed into this course so that we can, you know, we can sometimes hear it once. The statistics on this side remember exact numbers. But if you hear it once you forget, you forget half of it within twenty minutes. Forget half within twenty minutes is what people struggle remembering people's names two minutes later they can't remember let alone twenty minutes later you tell him twice and the numbers shoots up into the seventy percent or something like that that they retain and three times now europe into the over ninety percent this is why when you go to disney they tell you three times where you parked they do is built into their process so remember you're parked in the goofy lot zone see I'll twenty eight and then you get in on the tram now don't forget you're parked in the goofy lot zone and then one more time for those of you that just uh boarded the train tram or whatever they tell you at least three times for the last time I was there I'm the kind of guy that counts but because they have the research on it incidentally if you still lose your car at disney they'll find it on average in in six minutes okay? Because it's a pre programmed response to a common failure mode people are excited to get out of car something like six thousand cars air left running locked, huh? In the disney parks six thousand so now what? What? They put a gas station in the middle of the disney world parking lot full service gas stations that post its post is still stuck a post it on your window saying that you left your car running and in case you need fuel you know call this number and we'll get we'll get to taking care of these air all pre programmed responses to common failure months people say well how they found your car in six minutes I don't get this like twenty thousand thirty thousand sometimes forty thousand cars out there how did they do that it's a system they'll say well what time did you come into the park today like I think it's around ten o'clock ten ten fifteen maybe oh well between ten and ten thirty we were parking in the goofy lot zone c or whatever and why don't we go over there and see if we they go by the way these there named goofy and pollute oh and daisy lots for a reason because sometimes that helps to write and it's part of the disney culture so you know disney gets culture we've talked a lot about culture you know they call their their people hosts and hostesses not employees that word creates a paradigm what is the host no well I'm here to take care of you you know that kind of thing they I don't have a hiring 00:28:04.943 --> 00:28:08. center they have a casting they're all cast members 00:28:09.3 --> 00:28:11. and I've already talked about how rigorous there about 00:28:11.61 --> 00:28:16. details disney's mickey's signature things like autograph 00:28:16.59 --> 00:28:19. signature things like that fanatic about detail so 00:28:19.5 --> 00:28:22. these are companies that are keenly aware of what 00:28:22.93 --> 00:28:26. their customers want value and that their processes 00:28:27.24 --> 00:28:27. and 00:28:29.04 --> 00:28:32. and then they go after and a very imaginative, imaginative 00:28:32.31 --> 00:28:37. way, but also, in a very practical way, take dreams, 00:28:37.65 --> 00:28:40. make them realities. Thus the sentra poseur.
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