Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
Lesson 9 from: Run a Better, Faster, Leaner BusinessJohn J Murphy

Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
Lesson 9 from: Run a Better, Faster, Leaner BusinessJohn J Murphy
Lesson Info
9. Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
I do like to tell this to people, and I and I caution you when we talk about get the day to get the facts let's. Be careful, teo. Express fact. Not opinion, that's, easier said than done. It really is. For example, if we were to go over to the the shore right now, look out at the horizon over the sea. Could you argue that the earth is flat from that data? From that perspective, you bet you could. People did for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years here with this flat, just look at it. Could you argue that the earth isn't moving sitting here now if somebody were saying you were not actually wrong the earth's moving at sixty eight thousand miles an hour through space and it's spending by the way at about eleven hundred miles an hour might you think that person's like maybe lost it all right oh by the way the earth's round what so data well you think we got it right we think we have the fax and the real truth is we don't know much at all that's humbling to say but as soon as we thi...
nk we have it all figured out we have nothing figured out and that is probably the root cause to so much pain and suffering in the world end of business today so in this module we're going to get into the a and the mayor analysis and dig down beneath the surface and look at things from different perspectives to see if in fact maybe the earth is round maybe it is hurling through space at sixty eight thousand miles an hour and spending it eleven hundred plus and we just don't have the facts straight ourselves no from in a whole nother perspective the day it could 00:01:58.477 --> 00:02:01. look very different and that's ah that's a powerful 00:02:01.63 --> 00:02:05. awakening it was certainly for me because so often 00:02:05.54 --> 00:02:07. you know is trained as we might be 00:02:09.05 --> 00:02:11. to get the faith to get the facts to get the data 00:02:11.42 --> 00:02:14. to be or to do our analysis. It's, it's, it's, it's. 00:02:14.56 --> 00:02:15. Truly a matter of perspective. 00:02:17.02 --> 00:02:19. So on that in the book, half full. 00:02:22.52 --> 00:02:25. How do you how do you see the world how do you see 00:02:25.73 --> 00:02:29. your life how do you see your outcomes half full half 00:02:29.24 --> 00:02:32. empty that's the of course the old the old challenge 00:02:33.22 --> 00:02:38. and so often what we think is half empty r discouraging 00:02:38.19 --> 00:02:39. or painful 00:02:40.37 --> 00:02:42. reveals itself later on is a blessing in disguise 00:02:43.62 --> 00:02:46. a true awakening and we learned a lot more about who 00:02:46.23 --> 00:02:50. we are and what we're capable of so we turn lost jobs 00:02:50.43 --> 00:02:53. into new whole new careers and adventures lost loved 00:02:53.62 --> 00:02:56. ones in tow new loved ones and 00:02:58.22 --> 00:03:00. wow that's what that's what life is really all about 00:03:00.79 --> 00:03:03. so we're going to get into some analysis now and talk 00:03:03.49 --> 00:03:06. through ah this this segment 00:03:07.52 --> 00:03:09. einstein said this you've noticed I like quote united 00:03:09.99 --> 00:03:14. state alive just because he was so trading and his 00:03:15.02 --> 00:03:16. incites and his 00:03:17.42 --> 00:03:20. discoveries when he said the significant problems 00:03:20.44 --> 00:03:24. we face today cannot be solved at the same level of 00:03:24.45 --> 00:03:25. thinking 00:03:26.92 --> 00:03:31. we were at when we created them what 00:03:32.92 --> 00:03:36. I thought somebody else created my problems I I thought 00:03:36.75 --> 00:03:39. I was a victim of some sort that 00:03:40.82 --> 00:03:43. you're calling me the problem's creator 00:03:44.42 --> 00:03:48. and the answer is yeah actually we create our own 00:03:48.33 --> 00:03:51. problems more often than we think so when we do this 00:03:51.89 --> 00:03:54. root cause analysis we've got to drill down and say 00:03:54.11 --> 00:03:56. what can we do differently 00:03:57.82 --> 00:04:01. all right to resolve these problems if your soul oprah 00:04:01.55 --> 00:04:03. neuron, entrepreneur business start up, 00:04:05.24 --> 00:04:07. most entrepreneurs who are going to make it get this 00:04:07.85 --> 00:04:11. very early, that when I hear the bankers say no, you 00:04:11.24 --> 00:04:15. can't get the loan. Sorry for different reasons. The 00:04:15.62 --> 00:04:18. successful entrepreneur there's entra preneurs going 00:04:18.25 --> 00:04:21. to say, ok, what do I need to do differently? 00:04:23.84 --> 00:04:28. To be more credible to get to get what I need if I 00:04:28.18 --> 00:04:30. can't get my boss to agree with me on whatever it 00:04:30.77 --> 00:04:35. is I'm tryingto motivators faras change I'm not going 00:04:35.55 --> 00:04:37. to blame the boss what am I going to do 00:04:38.54 --> 00:04:40. gonna look in the mirror and say what do I need to 00:04:40.18 --> 00:04:41. do differently this is what I'd say it was talking 00:04:41.98 --> 00:04:45. about we create a lot of our own problems and we don't 00:04:45.22 --> 00:04:47. even realize we're doing it and then we think it's 00:04:47.27 --> 00:04:50. somebody else's falter responsibility to solve it 00:04:51.47 --> 00:04:54. so this is about internal locus of control internal 00:04:55.1 --> 00:04:57. place of control when there's a problem I'm going 00:04:57.93 --> 00:05:01. to look within to find out what I can change what 00:05:01.57 --> 00:05:03. I could do differently to manifest different results 00:05:04.12 --> 00:05:07. we indeed reap what we self so in this section 00:05:08.74 --> 00:05:11. all right we're going to use to make go back to that 00:05:11.11 --> 00:05:12. discipline if you will 00:05:13.49 --> 00:05:17. to focus on the a end to make the analysis piece analyzes 00:05:17.41 --> 00:05:20. the current state we'll go back to arlene sigma game 00:05:20.86 --> 00:05:27. toe as a metaphor for business and life teo to play 00:05:27.12 --> 00:05:30. with it and we can identify root causes to the top 00:05:30.86 --> 00:05:34. beauties and identify this system constraints the 00:05:34.61 --> 00:05:37. bottlenecks and then we begin to analyze potential 00:05:37.7 --> 00:05:40. solutions and hypotheses that great test things we 00:05:40.32 --> 00:05:42. might wantto try changing up all right so that's the 00:05:42.82 --> 00:05:46. purpose in this session so we start with these beauties 00:05:47.24 --> 00:05:50. early. We're talking about undesirable effects what 00:05:50.34 --> 00:05:50. are they? 00:05:52.14 --> 00:05:54. Well, they are number one, they're undesirable, there's, 00:05:54.57 --> 00:05:56. things happening that we'd rather not have happened, 00:05:57.54 --> 00:05:58. and, uh, 00:06:00.13 --> 00:06:03. they're factual, they're measurable, they're not opinions were not just winging it, so we think about that simulation we played earlier, and we think about some of the beauties and that simulation. Well, consider the customer challenges. The customer wasn't happy, that's a uti. Why weren't they happy, late deliveries, lousy quality. When they got the delivery, I never knew when I was going to get the delivery, okay, let alone it was late. What else was undesirable? We had lots of internal quality issues. We have inventory piling up, we had people overworked, underworked lot of imbalances, okay? And at the end of the day, we had a big loss of money. And risk risk of survival things like that we start to to really drill into this, you might say, well, let's, let's, just call our top ten. You tease these ten and this isn't no specific order, but I want you to think. And for those of you at home, think about your business. Think about your place in your business, wherever you might be brainstorm think through what? What are the top beauties? And I be able to back these up with data, but what are the top beauties I'm experiencing and work? I think time, money, relationships, service levels, things like that. So we said, well, one one ut was that we missed deliveries and we had late deliveries, and we could put numbers and dollars on that if you said to me, john, show me the day to prove that I could do it, couldn't you? We could all do it. All right, well, bring the client and they'll tell you until tell you right now they wanted thirty and ten minutes to get zero, okay, when they did get there first order it wasn't any good. So we had missed in late deliveries. Here's the data with poor quality, right, can I prove it course I can? Fourteen out of out of sixteen defects at the customer not to mention what we had internally we're long cycle times can you prove it well it took fourteen and a half minutes in terms of total cycle time to getting to the client and if we measure the individual cycle times to do one sheet and added it up well we took a very long time to do something that could have taken under a minute perhaps hi inventory can you prove it yes negative customer feedback can you prove it here's the data don't a lot of these change events that we run these kai's ends and things well actually get riel clients to either come in or will get quotes from them will blow him up and stick him up on the wall and when we bring the the leadership team in to get grounded in reality get grounded in the current state we look so here's a here's a quote from this company thiss customer here's a quote from this company or this customer and they're brutal so that's like so like the undercover boss kind of thing right no we lost revenue not another word we left money on the table can we approve it well yeah but instead of these fourteen that got rejected if they would have been good that was that's one hundred forty dollars in this game so we left revenue top line on the table and only captured twenty dollars here we lost money. We gotta read dollar symbol there, yes, indeed. Low productivity. We don't know exactly how low in terms of reference to something else, but we could find out we will. Okay, I'll give you a clue. We expect at least point seven five productivity when we're done with this point seven five where point zero two those two numbers aren't even close imagine going from point zero two two point seven five okay I mean approving improving it tenfold I would move it from point o to a two point two we need to get two point seven five that's ah significant increase hi overtime costs we had the run four and a half minutes of overtime we didn't charge time and a half for extra payments for that but just the same uh was a high cost and we had employee morale issues with people just saying you know I'm I'm frustrated this is ridiculous I'm on a losing team maybe I should just polish up my resume and come up with a better of a career plan or whatever so that kind of thing happens incidentally all of these beauties were identified before you even played the game so the game you went through in round one is very predictable it's a bad system it doesn't matter who you are how good you are it's sticking dots are dark drawn diamonds it shows up every time it's a good people on a bad system bad system wins so these top ten you tease show up all that the numbers change obviously you know some of the actual numbers but the units don't there there every time every time in round one so if we say you know what these are top ten we could go on and on we could dig up more you tease but we're not going to boil the ocean let's figure out what what's behind these top ten younis how do we do that well we pull out our analysis piece of demonic now here's the important thing about domestic so far so often and you could challenge me on this if you like when we're facing a problem or some conflict oftentimes we skip d I am and a and we go right to I know what we should do here's the here's what we gotta do here's the solution and we often make things worse or we solve one problem and create two or three more so the idea of jamaica's rigorous is it might be is to say time out we're going to get aligned as a team we're gonna figure this out together and we're going to start with definition so the idea is as a team we need to agree on current state and be aligned we need to agree on the baseline the before the fax and get a line next we need to agree on the root causes and get a line I'll tell you what if we're aligned here here and here by the time we get to here we're a team we're not fighting over solutions and ideas here's what we should do and I disagree we should do this now I disagree I think we should do this we're not in conflict because where we've already built some credibility and trust among the team so we're more aligned this then becomes much more of a synergistic effort as opposed to a competition between option a or option b it's it's critical okay so in the measure phase we uh we're in the analysis phase following the measure phase we've got our top beauties we're gonna introduce um cause and effect tools this is where knowledge is gained so far all we have his data and data is not knowledge data is data and knowledge is something different so we're going to look a tte gaining knowledge there's cause and effect tools were going to be looking for what I like to call the major levers you give me a lever long enough I can move the world that kind of concept so what are those leverage points I mean if I could just solve one leverage point and make twelve beauties go away or ten you tease go away wow I'd be that'd be impactful I don't wanna have twelve different projects for twelve different beauties all right fight himself twelve beauties with one or ten you tease with one that's that's that's ingenious so that's what we're looking at here all right so what does major levels levers we're going to some process analysis so what's that process you know look like and capable of and then we'll take off just a little bit of time on something called theory of constraints toc and that's to queue up a kaizen we will do in the next session and in the next segment all right where we uh we actually do ah a theory of constraints type kaisa and that'll be fun a lot of exercise exercise is coming up to bring this all to life so let's start with the cause and some of the cause and effect tools that I'm going to cover here I'm going to start with something called the aipo diagram which stands for input process output diagram this is a great tool for gaining knowledge we'll also take a look at something called the issue cow a diagram where the fishbone chart very simple tool but it's an organized way to brainstorm and gain knowledge the five wise is brilliant great toyota tool among others the causal circle and the causal circles a brilliant tool to look at are you tease in relation to one another so we could play with that we could look at a cause and effect matrix it's another useful tool and a reality tree or a logic diagram so these air just a combination of different tools so here's the idea you know again the plumber shows up and they've got one hundred tools in there took you don't want him using all of them but you do want him to use the ones that are going to make the most difference in the most simple and timely and meaningful way. So a lot of times, it's. More like what tool, though I need to use in what circumstance and that's, how these tools are designed, they all have strengths, and they all have limitations. It's. So we have to know, and given the circumstances, which tools should I use in which circumstance? And I'll and I'll talk to it through so let's. Start with the I po. And, incidentally, where? We're repeating here and shifting back to this translation this transformation, if you will from this I think approach to life and approach to business to the I know so this is again this is about knowledge and one of the most simple yet impactful knowledge getting tools I know is this aipo diagram so it works like this we have a process and it could be anything and we have outputs from that process that we measure and this is where are you tease will show up these air effects and we have inputs so this is ahh probably something you learned as in algebra is why is a function of x the transfer function back and maybe I don't know seventh grade or something like that so why the's air the wise and these are the x variables why is a function of x which is simply another way of saying we reap what we sell we reap what we sow here's what we're selling here's what we're reaping and it can't be any different the world and the universe is in perfect harmony and balance all the time we just don't think it I think that it is we don't see it that way but if we don't have contrast we don't know anything we can't know up if we don't have down we can't know light if we don't have dark without contrast, we know nothing so when you start to look at life that way and you start to look a business that way and this yin and yang of the world wow all of a sudden things change way the world's not 00:18:03.327 --> 00:18:06. flat it's not standing still it's it's a whole different 00:18:06.34 --> 00:18:09. perspective so we start by saying all right, well, 00:18:09.69 --> 00:18:11. what process do we want to look at 00:18:12.64 --> 00:18:15. and I like tio you know and for simplicity's sake 00:18:15.35 --> 00:18:17. so let's just let's pick a process we all might have 00:18:17.89 --> 00:18:20. some knowledge about like 00:18:22.14 --> 00:18:26. you know, the human body we'll have one of those so 00:18:26.25 --> 00:18:29. the body is processing things all the time and what 00:18:29.89 --> 00:18:33. might be some of the critical outputs of a human being 00:18:33.28 --> 00:18:34. in a human body? 00:18:35.54 --> 00:18:37. Well, do I feel good or did I feel lousy? 00:18:39.04 --> 00:18:42. All right um I'm in a good mood or not good mood 00:18:43.54 --> 00:18:47. all right what's my we'll have physically how am I 00:18:47.58 --> 00:18:51. doing? I can I can look at critical to measure outputs 00:18:51.33 --> 00:18:53. critical to what quality outputs 00:18:54.84 --> 00:18:58. in consultation with my doctor. Okay? Cholesterol 00:18:58.94 --> 00:19:03. levels, bodyweight all right blood sugar levels whateveryou 00:19:03.66 --> 00:19:07. wantto deals are all measurable critical outputs 00:19:08.24 --> 00:19:13. now knowledge is when we know the relationship between 00:19:13.46 --> 00:19:17. the axes and the wise we know that if we tweak this 00:19:17.14 --> 00:19:22. x and eliminate this what axe and substitute this 00:19:22.22 --> 00:19:24. acts with the different x we're going to get a totally 00:19:24.84 --> 00:19:27. different why totally different output and we can 00:19:27.76 --> 00:19:29. predict it that's true knowledge 00:19:31.64 --> 00:19:34. so when we run designed experiments and things like 00:19:34.0 --> 00:19:36. that to know ahead of time where something's gonna 00:19:36.44 --> 00:19:39. land or where something's going toe, how something's 00:19:39.05 --> 00:19:41. going to perform that's knowledge, we know ahead of 00:19:41.58 --> 00:19:44. time when I'm going to get my order and that it's 00:19:44.08 --> 00:19:47. going to be right first time because we've designed 00:19:47.63 --> 00:19:49. it into our business and to our business model and 00:19:49.77 --> 00:19:53. our business system and into our measures. So this 00:19:53.33 --> 00:19:56. is where we really start to learn that, you know, 00:19:56.95 --> 00:20:00. if I eat certain things and avoid eating other things, 00:20:00.9 --> 00:20:03. and I do certain things and avoid doing other things, 00:20:03.46 --> 00:20:06. and I know all of the critical input to a healthy, lively, profitable, productive, joyful output. Wow, this is where tools like this apply at home as well as at work. No question about it and years ago is when I would be instructing black belts and people like that on these tools, I'd say here's your homework assignment, do one of these on yourself, see in the morning you can try that doing, I appeal on yourself and and see where it takes you because you could put any kind of number. Is that any kind of measures over here, financial performance in your life, debt load, things like that? Relationships and things like that physical, of course. You know, and then that's ah, it's, a way for us to really gain knowledge about x's and y's, inputs and outputs causes these would be the causes, and these would be the effects. So we take a process and we look at to the diamond department, you say, well, we've got hurt over there. Maybe we need get somebody besides kurt to do it or no, maybe maybe it's, not kurt, maybe it's, that ruler at that rulers, not exactly user friendly. All right, maybe we've got policies that's got got him handcuffed procedures and methods that are messing things up, maybe it's the environment that the culture itself that's, uh, that's the problem. These could be any number of things. These air just examples. All right, this would be like if we're if we're baking a pumpkin pie. Okay, we've got tased, we've got look, we've got I don't know what you like and pumpkin pie you know sentiment you got you got you so it's warm it's tasty looks good it's all right so what where we have to have over here to get that predictable repeatable huh? Absolutely wonderful pumpkin pie for for a baker 00:22:06.38 --> 00:22:10. okay so it's uh what we gotta have ah baker who knows 00:22:10.64 --> 00:22:11. what they're doing 00:22:12.99 --> 00:22:15. because cap who says I have a feeling that turn around 00:22:15.67 --> 00:22:18. what it would have been higher if the job of drawing 00:22:18.11 --> 00:22:21. diamonds had been given to the artist identifying 00:22:21.44 --> 00:22:24. the right person to do the right activity is critical 00:22:24.27 --> 00:22:24. right 00:22:25.88 --> 00:22:29. yes except that you put a good artist in a bad system 00:22:30.18 --> 00:22:34. who wins so I get you know yeah absolutely we could 00:22:34.22 --> 00:22:37. have tried to put a we could have we could have put 00:22:37.19 --> 00:22:38. another person in there 00:22:39.85 --> 00:22:41. and I would love to run if we had the time to run 00:22:41.89 --> 00:22:42. that experiment 00:22:44.71 --> 00:22:46. sadly we would not make money 00:22:47.94 --> 00:22:51. we would here's the punch line we cannot make money 00:22:51.68 --> 00:22:52. in round one 00:22:53.74 --> 00:22:57. that's not possible so whatever we went through in 00:22:57.63 --> 00:23:01. the first round was just totally normal because this 00:23:01.09 --> 00:23:04. is it was the system not the people and that's the 00:23:04.09 --> 00:23:06. but there's an illusion and that a lot of people think 00:23:06.19 --> 00:23:08. no no no it's not the system it's the people I know 00:23:08.64 --> 00:23:10. I could have done a better job or somebody else could 00:23:10.46 --> 00:23:11. have done a better job 00:23:14.68 --> 00:23:15. prove it 00:23:16.73 --> 00:23:20. because of the data repeatedly saying kurt's ready 00:23:20.09 --> 00:23:23. to give up the pen yeah yeah prove it but but and 00:23:23.93 --> 00:23:25. I'm not trying to be difficult I'm just trying to 00:23:25.74 --> 00:23:28. say that's how that's how powerful the system is and 00:23:28.88 --> 00:23:32. we have tio we can try to cheat it we can try to manipulate 00:23:32.39 --> 00:23:35. it but if we can't recognize the system and come up 00:23:35.17 --> 00:23:37. with a way to actually influence change in the system 00:23:37.34 --> 00:23:37. itself 00:23:38.98 --> 00:23:41. that's where we uh we just end up working harder and 00:23:41.59 --> 00:23:43. harder and harder and falling further behind for not 00:23:43.76 --> 00:23:47. for not clever so this is the aipo diagram and it's 00:23:47.44 --> 00:23:52. just a great way tio interrogate and drill down into 00:23:52.42 --> 00:23:55. the relationship between exes and wise can use it 00:23:55.81 --> 00:23:58. on anything and I do highly recommend that little 00:23:58.65 --> 00:24:01. homework assignment play with this on yourself it'll 00:24:01.38 --> 00:24:03. make all the difference in the world when you start 00:24:03.13 --> 00:24:05. thinking about what a my sewing in my life 00:24:07.8 --> 00:24:12. that's it's it's propagating to what I'm reaping you 00:24:12.1 --> 00:24:14. can actually start backwards which is what we do we 00:24:14.13 --> 00:24:17. start with the duties and take it upstream it's a 00:24:17.84 --> 00:24:19. little bit easier and more practical way to do it 00:24:19.84 --> 00:24:21. let's start with something that I'm not real happy 00:24:21.69 --> 00:24:25. about take it upstream by the way you know one of 00:24:25.35 --> 00:24:27. the most profound not talking but more about this 00:24:27.69 --> 00:24:33. and uh and session three and segment for the end is 00:24:33.13 --> 00:24:35. ah I thought what we think 00:24:36.57 --> 00:24:39. is one of the most profound inputs of all. So what 00:24:39.86 --> 00:24:42. we think, if we think it long enough, becomes belief 00:24:43.6 --> 00:24:47. and what we believe manifests into reality, so right 00:24:47.45 --> 00:24:50. or wrong, what we think or believe right around will 00:24:50.95 --> 00:24:55. reveal itself to us as a personal truth. It doesn't 00:24:55.51 --> 00:24:57. make it a universal truth. 00:24:59.64 --> 00:25:02. Issue cow a professor issue kao is well known for 00:25:02.54 --> 00:25:06. this uh diagram called the fishbone anybody want to 00:25:06.39 --> 00:25:11. guess why it's called a fishbone so it's uh it's away 00:25:11.12 --> 00:25:16. it's an organized way to do ah a root cause analysis 00:25:16.62 --> 00:25:17. on one ut 00:25:18.8 --> 00:25:21. so the limitation with this tool is what we got ten 00:25:21.28 --> 00:25:23. you tease identified we're going to do ten of these 00:25:24.0 --> 00:25:28. well we could certainly but maybe not the best tool 00:25:28.02 --> 00:25:30. for the job when we have ten ut staring at us like 00:25:30.6 --> 00:25:34. we had in the in the game but if we had one specific 00:25:34.43 --> 00:25:40. ut like tails in the diamonds okay well why do we 00:25:40.45 --> 00:25:44. have tails and the diamonds and so the wise because 00:25:44.71 --> 00:25:47. because root cause analysis is all about asking why 00:25:48.05 --> 00:25:50. which many times his kids were told stop it I told 00:25:50.93 --> 00:25:54. you why don't ask out again annoying question and 00:25:54.98 --> 00:25:57. business and in consulting and in root cause analysis 00:25:57.93 --> 00:26:00. wise one of the most important questions we can ask 00:26:00.62 --> 00:26:03. fact there's a whole chapter on why in the books entrepreneur 00:26:03.9 --> 00:26:06. and there's a whole chapter on why not theirs you 00:26:06.18 --> 00:26:09. yet and you're yang as well so why are we experiencing tails and the diamonds that really hurt us I'm going to do it thea the materials were using you know it was a guy I need to do with the people training the instruction gunning to do with our measurement system maybe the customers just being too difficult, too picky. We don't have a good measurement system. You going to do with the equipment we're using the ruler, all right. And, uh, what about the method? Maybe it's, the method and current even talked about. I'm tryingto come up with a more efficient method and figure out a better method could be the method. It could be a number, you know, some, some miscellaneous category. But what why we getting tails and this would be a tool to then I really think that through and just say wow well there's with that ruler you know it's easy to go past the dot home maybe it's kurt's eyesight I mean that's one you know the idea is we need to deal dig down and find out why all right it's a great tool for organized brainstorming and it's it's especially helpful because it gets us thinking about categories that we might not otherwise think about jeez I never thought about the measurement system maybe we thought they were good in the customer thought they weren't we're on two different measurement systems that never happens yes it does so or maybe we've got a lousy method okay so the fish bone is a great way when we're dealing with a single beauty and we're trying to find solutions to that single ut when you see an arrow often arrow that's a third level of why so why this because of the machine what machine? The ruler well why's the ruler a problem because there's no stopping point on it's easy tio go past the dot but why is there no stopping point so we could actually have a fishbone chart with arrows coming off arrows coming off eros which makes it really look like a very bony fish and the way we way fill it out again. This isn't the course material so people you all have access to this but we uh we pull a team together to identify the various causes to a specific problem all right so we stayed the undesirable fact we put that at the head of the fish we construct the actual chart incidentally, the chart I I used here was what's often referred to as the sick six m's they're all m words but there's different categories you can customize it the way you want sometimes people use peas for example procedures people process product policy things like that so you can you can customize these any number of different ways the idea is if we got we got all of the the main categories covered so that we don't miss anything and then you drill down you just start brainstorming and you just continue to ask why is this going on why why why why why and we interpret the data for test to test the root causes you know and we're looking for those things that keep showing up so that you know the ruler keeps showing up maybe or the measurement system just keeps showing up so maybe we need to drill down and find out some alternatives what could we do in lieu of a ruler? What could we do in lieu of the measurement system and then I'm always challenging teams to think in terms of mistake proofing or polka yoking a process making it so that it can't go wrong, you'll notice pokey yolk all around you, there's only there's only certain ways you can plug certain chords into certain now. Well, it's it's, not it's the only way it's going in there. Okay, so you've got, like, on the side of your laptop, you've got different types of places to plug things in, but they're not all the same. They're purposely designed to be different, so you don't put the wrong thing in the wrong whole and mess up your computer. Okay? So poky oh, you know, your lights go off in your car now, automatically, or they remind you to shut him off those they're all pokey oaks saying I don't leave your lights on reminders, automatic shutoffs, fuse boxes, seat belts, air bags, all pokey oaks. Okay, so we're looking for ah root cause it's going to then eliminate perhaps multiple undesirable effect. So if we did something about that rule or something, multiple effects might go away, not just the one we were a minute. That would be a leverage point. Five wise is one of my favorites and we can build the five wise into the fish fish bone the ishikawa that we just looked at because the idea of the five wise is too drill deep. So to drill deep into the five wise would be things like. Why are we delivering? Late? First answer would be because we don't have the right product at the right time. Well, okay, so why don't we have the right product at the right time? No because uh because we take too long to produce it that's maybe one why one reason why or we produced two an inaccurate forecast so we're producing to a forecast that's not accurate so we got too much of the wrong stuff and not enough of the right stuff things like that well why did we take too long to produce it so we're drilling down to these these five wise well because we don't have the right materials think about the fishbone now here's material we don't have enough people to produce it there's your manpower we don't have enough do we don't have a fishing equipment there's your machinery method's inefficient inefficient work methods so why don't we have ah fishing equipment and you get down too somebody's just decided it's not a good idea that we don't say I'm not seeing a good return on investment and nobody's made a good business case or we're ignorant we don't know any better things like that so you get down to that fourth or fifth level of why and you're almost always to something really interesting here's the challenge most of us never get past the second maybe there's just be first why first or second wife well I was uh I was kate late for work her car wouldn't start well why didn't our car start the battery was dead well she should be reprimanded being late for words not acceptable yeah that's that's about the second level of why you are that's, where it takes you, okay. Or maybe we should have somebody decides kurt drawn the diamonds, or, you know, that kind of thing. Well, I wouldn't have car started. The battery was dead. Why was the battery dead after lights on? Why did you leave the lights on? She forgot. There was no reminder. Now we're at poker yoke level. So this is where the engineers were saying, well, why don't we shut him off for you? Why don't we give you a bell or a whistle to tell you that they're on okay? And so this is where we design in success and design out failure. It's, uh it's, often known as pokey oaks, it's, it's. Awesome. All right, so the five wise is just a wonderful tool. I could say so. Why you just in the ruler so much, kurt. My half, too. 00:34:11.06 --> 00:34:11. Why do you have to 00:34:13.46 --> 00:34:15. it's? Only way I can connect all these dots 00:34:17.16 --> 00:34:20. to make diamonds. Why is that the only way? 00:34:22.52 --> 00:34:24. Well, it's specified right here in the procedure and, 00:34:24.95 --> 00:34:25. you know 00:34:27.66 --> 00:34:27. no, 00:34:29.12 --> 00:34:31. you get down to that third fourth level, it starts 00:34:31.88 --> 00:34:34. to get interesting. Well, maybe there's an alternative, 00:34:35.06 --> 00:34:35. right? 00:34:36.76 --> 00:34:39. Why you flipping the pages so much? Everybody was 00:34:39.27 --> 00:34:41. flipping pages, that's, a lot of motion and non value 00:34:41.63 --> 00:34:44. added work. Why we flipping all these pages? Because 00:34:44.66 --> 00:34:47. there's, a staple in it, wiser staple in it 00:34:48.56 --> 00:34:49. because that's procedure, 00:34:50.66 --> 00:34:54. why is that a procedure based on policy? We have two 00:34:54.25 --> 00:34:55. batch. Why we batch 00:34:57.26 --> 00:34:57. more efficient. 00:35:00.02 --> 00:35:03. We're at assumption, and we're at a level where we 00:35:03.47 --> 00:35:06. we, we really have, ah, opportunity to test certain 00:35:06.39 --> 00:35:09. hypotheses and find out, maybe that's, not quite right, 00:35:09.96 --> 00:35:12. that's, where it really gets interesting. I love that 00:35:12.03 --> 00:35:13. five wise, I love this tool.
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