Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Get People To Take Me Seriously
00:00:02.04 --> 00:00:04. So let's start with a quote here's another one from 00:00:04.11 --> 00:00:08. emerson it is one of the most beautiful compensations 00:00:09.09 --> 00:00:13. in life that no man can send and woman can sincerely 00:00:13.53 --> 00:00:16. try to help another without helping him or herself 00:00:16.98 --> 00:00:20. so what this is really about it's about giving and 00:00:20.75 --> 00:00:23. in giving receiving so that's that yin and yang it's 00:00:23.68 --> 00:00:29. that circle of life karma element of all of this it's 00:00:29.58 --> 00:00:32. ah it's part of what I calls energy this would kurt 00:00:32.96 --> 00:00:35. reference did a little bit uh this enthusiasm this 00:00:35.64 --> 00:00:38. spirit and when we get out of our own way and spirit 00:00:38.87 --> 00:00:42. flows through it's just uh it's contagious and people 00:00:42.95 --> 00:00:45. feel it there's an energetic frequency with all of 00:00:45.51 --> 00:00:47. this so we're gonna this morning ...
we're going to drill 00:00:47.39 --> 00:00:52. into some things in a a very profound way we're going 00:00:52.49 --> 00:00:54. we're going to take what we've learned so far tow 00:00:54.81 --> 00:00:58. tow a whole another level alright so our purpose today 00:00:59.07 --> 00:01:03. and this uh module in this segment is to define and 00:01:03.13 --> 00:01:06. discuss just exactly what we mean by leadership what 00:01:06.08 --> 00:01:09. is leadership really all about is it a position somebody 00:01:09.4 --> 00:01:12. gives you or is it something well beyond that all 00:01:12.36 --> 00:01:14. right we're going to distinguish the difference between 00:01:14.47 --> 00:01:17. leading and managing and this is not an either or 00:01:18.28 --> 00:01:20. which some people like to think you know either a 00:01:20.86 --> 00:01:24. manager or a leader you either manage or you lied 00:01:24.48 --> 00:01:27. these are two sides to the same coin and they're absolutely 00:01:27.63 --> 00:01:31. critical both so and great great leaders no that's 00:01:31.32 --> 00:01:34. great leaders rely on great management and self management 00:01:34.24 --> 00:01:35. and self discipline which is part of self 00:01:37.48 --> 00:01:39. we're gonna explore win win negotiation techniques 00:01:39.76 --> 00:01:40. so 00:01:41.58 --> 00:01:45. whatever you do whatever business you're in whatever 00:01:45.25 --> 00:01:48. business you want to start you are negotiating every 00:01:48.98 --> 00:01:51. day but whether you realize it or not when you call 00:01:51.56 --> 00:01:55. it that or not you're you're negotiating the negotiation 00:01:55.12 --> 00:01:58. is an absolutely key piece to influencing change in 00:01:58.96 --> 00:02:02. achieving successful results so we're gonna talk through 00:02:02.05 --> 00:02:05. some very specific tips and techniques on win win 00:02:05.27 --> 00:02:07. negotiation strategies were also going to take that 00:02:07.87 --> 00:02:11. aipo diagram that input process output diagram that 00:02:11.08 --> 00:02:14. we've been playing around with in prior sessions and 00:02:14.66 --> 00:02:15. we're going to light the leadership 00:02:16.92 --> 00:02:20. so we start with those critical outputs here the outputs 00:02:20.71 --> 00:02:23. I want to accomplish as a leader but now what are 00:02:23.64 --> 00:02:26. the critical inputs that I have to have in play 00:02:28.02 --> 00:02:31. two to get those outputs one of the critical leadership 00:02:31.35 --> 00:02:33. inputs and then we'll drill down into each of those 00:02:33.84 --> 00:02:36. inputs things like credibility you know if people 00:02:36.81 --> 00:02:39. don't take you seriously you're going to struggle 00:02:39.47 --> 00:02:43. motivating people to do anything all right if if you 00:02:43.34 --> 00:02:45. don't know how to do whatever it is you're doing you're 00:02:45.51 --> 00:02:48. going to struggle so knowledge is a key input variable 00:02:49.32 --> 00:02:52. I will speak more about those in the session tips 00:02:52.47 --> 00:02:56. on improving leadership credibility exactly that so 00:02:56.37 --> 00:02:58. you know again how do I get people to take me more 00:02:58.47 --> 00:03:01. seriously I've got this value proposition whether 00:03:01.82 --> 00:03:05. I'm trying to raise money for funding or I'm just 00:03:05.15 --> 00:03:09. tryingto convince my staff for my people my customers 00:03:09.71 --> 00:03:12. to buy whatever it is I buy how do I gain that credibility 00:03:12.73 --> 00:03:15. to get people to really take me seriously and then 00:03:15.65 --> 00:03:18. we can we can leave with a personal improvement plans 00:03:18.78 --> 00:03:21. from some of those personal takeaways which we've 00:03:21.27 --> 00:03:24. already been been discussing so what can you what 00:03:24.22 --> 00:03:26. what tweaks what changes what kai's ends in your own 00:03:26.81 --> 00:03:28. life can you can you make 00:03:30.15 --> 00:03:34. teo to work smarter and more effectively so that's 00:03:34.55 --> 00:03:37. this today's session so we'll start with a definition 00:03:37.27 --> 00:03:39. of leadership this is this is how I define leadership 00:03:40.32 --> 00:03:43. and I've used this definition for many years now but 00:03:43.55 --> 00:03:45. it's essentially our ability to influence 00:03:46.72 --> 00:03:50. okay which includes things like persuasion and negotiation 00:03:50.56 --> 00:03:54. but the influence people including ourselves so we're 00:03:54.06 --> 00:03:56. not just trying to convince other people to do something 00:03:57.58 --> 00:03:59. beneath the scenes were trying to convince ourselves 00:03:59.6 --> 00:04:02. sometimes to take a risk to go for it to do something 00:04:02.32 --> 00:04:06. that we might be a little bit afraid of so we've got 00:04:06.13 --> 00:04:07. to deal with our own insecurities we've got to deal 00:04:07.93 --> 00:04:10. with our own yeah buts and we'll come back to that 00:04:11.08 --> 00:04:13. but so leadership is about our ability to influence 00:04:13.75 --> 00:04:18. people including ourselves to move in a specific direction 00:04:18.15 --> 00:04:21. so movement and you see that word I tallis eyes to 00:04:21.56 --> 00:04:24. your movements the route were root root if you will 00:04:24.98 --> 00:04:30. of motivation so when we move people and it's energetic 00:04:30.69 --> 00:04:34. as well as physical when we move people to move in 00:04:34.2 --> 00:04:36. a specific direction we're motivating 00:04:37.97 --> 00:04:40. that's called motivation so we're motivating people 00:04:40.65 --> 00:04:43. to buy our products or services were motivating people 00:04:43.94 --> 00:04:47. to support us of motivating people to loan us money 00:04:47.7 --> 00:04:50. to get our businesses started we're in the business 00:04:50.36 --> 00:04:53. of motivation irregardless of the business description 00:04:53.85 --> 00:04:56. itself were all in the business of motivation we're 00:04:56.84 --> 00:04:59. all in the business of negotiation and we're all in 00:04:59.35 --> 00:05:00. the business of leadership 00:05:01.54 --> 00:05:05. despite our titles despite our levels in a position 00:05:06.14 --> 00:05:11. we have the ability to lead and so this section's 00:05:11.01 --> 00:05:13. about how to do that just a little bit better and 00:05:13.64 --> 00:05:17. it's a profound it's a profound segment if you ask 00:05:17.2 --> 00:05:19. me because this is this is where a lot of the real 00:05:19.08 --> 00:05:22. takeaways are now it doesn't talk about what direction 00:05:22.83 --> 00:05:25. so you know great leaders could lead us right off 00:05:25.04 --> 00:05:25. the cliff 00:05:27.14 --> 00:05:29. all right great leaders can lead us in a dangerous 00:05:29.64 --> 00:05:32. or ah toxic direction if you will so it doesn't say 00:05:32.97 --> 00:05:35. what direction it says things with people that have 00:05:35.71 --> 00:05:41. some way of motivating us to move influencing us to 00:05:41.19 --> 00:05:44. move so it raises some important questions and some 00:05:44.07 --> 00:05:45. of these questions there what direction 00:05:46.64 --> 00:05:49. so you've got this business idea you've got this value 00:05:49.28 --> 00:05:53. proposition you've got this idea you know in a in 00:05:53.44 --> 00:05:55. a large corporation where you're trying to get your 00:05:55.24 --> 00:05:59. boss to take you seriously and uh these questions 00:05:59.85 --> 00:06:01. whether we realize it or not are being asked all the 00:06:01.75 --> 00:06:03. time what direction is this idea gonna take us what problem is it going to solve all right what need is it going to fill so just think of this is that value proposition what what direction because if we haven't got a clear and compelling direction what are we going to run into resistance all right confusion the enemy vagueness variation a disconnects things like that so let's be clear about the direction this is where we talk about a very clear and compelling problems statement a very clear and compelling business case a very clear and compelling charter we'll talk about charters and in in the psych session why is it important to do this not just the what direction but the why why is this matter why did what value does it said we've talked a lot about the value added non value so what value is this idea going teo provide but this is where we talk again about the value proposition so solo preneurs what problem is that you're solving and why is that important you really think this through at a different level how is this better than now because if I don't perceive it is better than now maybe I don't get on board so maybe it doesn't motivate me maybe it doesn't capture my, uh my intrigue my enthusiasm so how is this how is this better be very clear about what we want why it's important and we have to also be clear about the value it provides but also what's it gonna take to get there in business we often refer to these is critical success factor so what are the critical successfactors to hit our targets to hit our goals to be successful to make a good return on our investment which is just business to really wow are our clients and our customers what's it going to take to get there if we don't know we've got an enemy so to speak we've got a we've got a factor we've got to deal with I don't know what it's going to take I'm just winging it well winging it might seem fun for a while but winning it's not a a world class way to run your business you gotta you gotta have a game plan this is not recess so you know how do we know it will work and the truth is we probably don't but we've got confidence in it because we've done our homework all right? I always say you know, I used this metaphor when when I was playing football I was I was a quarterback and you know we'd practice plays all week and we'd have a game plan and we'd have a strategy and all of this type of stuff but when you walk up to the line of scrimmage is the quarterback and you're about to execute a play, and this is a play you've run one hundred times, and you think you've got it figured out. But the truth is, you don't know what's gonna happen. You just don't that's honest. You have an idea what you want to happen. Of course, you want the play to work, but there's, so many variables, the defense's shifting, the somebody could trip and make fall and make a mistake. Somebody could get hurt, you could score a touchdown, or you could fumble the ball and lose it. You don't know. But you deal with that uncertainty with poise with confidence because if you don't if you don't as the leader as the quarterback in this case the team's going to fall apart people are looking to you for poise, for confidence, for composure for for grace and so we learned this in leadership to say you know what I don't actually know if it's gonna work but people want to know that I believe it will and that I have confidence I don't know exactly where that catapult ball is going to land but I'm pretty sure I know where it's gonna land all right because I've taken out a lot of the variation I've taken a lot of out of a lot of the uncertainty so we have to think about that howard how do we know it's going to work and a great way to answer that question is to say we'll look at some of these examples of other companies doing something similar to have that kind of research and data toe back us up next one is what could we all expect to gain? Is this just about you? The solo entrepreneur is its just about you the business leader is this just about you or is it about us? This is where we shift warm up from what I call me opic vision toe we opic vision omi opic vision is what's in it for me we're all familiar with that language to some extent we up it is what's in it for weeks it's a true team perspective what's in it for way it's win win as opposed to win lose what can we all gain from this and at the end of the day can you be trusted? Are you credible ru believable do I do I feel that energetic connection with you too to take that risk of uncertainty give you the loan give you the money give you my business all right hire you as opposed to a competitive er to help me with my problems to help me with my business so these air critical questions to take away and think through and this is what we're going to be doing here's what's going on in terms of an image from a perception factor if you will let's just say we've got average results right now we could use as a metaphor are our physical health and fitness you know yeah you know I could be in a little better shape I could certainly be in worse shape so on a timeline then let's pretend it's january first because we all no that that's quite common on january first to make resolutions and one toe to resolve to change I'm going to make a change in my life and a very common one on january first is I'm going toe work off all that holiday food I ate or drank for whatever so I, uh I'm going to get in shape I'm going to get on a treadmill I'm goingto get swimming pool I'm going to get on the bicycle or whatever it is I do january second comes in and I'm like I'm enthusiastic about this I'm going forward I'm you know I'm motivated january two comes around and stop it think about this if you've ever done how do you feel when you feel on day two like hey, I'm sore that what was I thinking? You know wait we grin and barrett and in january third comes around what's january third feel like even worse like I don't get it I thought this was supposed to make me feel better and feel good and feel more energy I can hardly get out of bed that all about well it's the lactic acid and your muscles it's a very natural reaction that's things like especially if you haven't been working out but what we often refer to this is it's the pain before the game and it's very predictable this isn't isn't shouldn't be a surprise, it's predictable so there are ways we can work around it manage it more effectively, you know can ease into the change a little bit more things like that, but there is pain before they gain and we're foolish in many ways to think otherwise. This is just part of the n yang balance of life problem is if I'm this visionary leader and I've got this vision of gain out here and that this dotted line represents vision if I've got this vision of gain and I can see myself running a very successful business and I can see myself doing these wonderful things and I don't recognize what it takes to get there the pain before the game and I convinced my team I convinced you know my my audience my people that oh this is going to be awesome you know trust me this whole you know I got this great idea this great vision and I get it people all psyched up in rallying around that and then they start experiencing the pain what happens to my credibility what happens to that whole trust factor I thought you told me this is you know this is this is painful is disruptive we hear that word a lot in business today these some of these innovative companies heir disruptive they're like now I have to learn something new I like my old software I liked my old phone I liked my old whatever now I have to learn all over again what's out it's disruptive there's pain before they gain then you've ever had work done on your house is I mean major work done on your house is there what's a day to look like what's day three look like we call that demolition right if where there used to be a wall right here I don't want so it's it's pain before the game if you've ever had surgery no you ever had a child for the wimp for the women I mean if there's it's predictable it's a pain gain dynamic and if we don't recognize that relationship and we have this pie in the sky approach people won't take us seriously they just won't take a seriously so we have to learn to manage that effectively and recognize that these were some of the critical things we have to pay attention to now this is ahh it's a fun little model to play with because this just this shows us that with what we're dealing with people all right we're dealing with a population of people whether it's small or large you recognize that normal distribution curve we we we've talked about that before but there's ah there's some light categories here there's the pioneers out here with maybe ten percent of the population is very pioneering and pioneering means they're they're they're willing to go where other people haven't gone before take risks explore very adventuresome now these air the entrepreneurs the solo preneurs the more creative type leaders you know they're they're natural at wanting to make change you know it's it's it's just never good enough we're always trying to move forward the settlement or the settler here which makes up most of ah any population ah gets into the comfort zone, gets into the settlement and just get used to it and likes it and and that's very important because we know what we're shooting catapults and we want to shoot it into a cup we need a settlement population to just follow the procedures and not wine and complain about him and try to reinvent him all the time we we need that stability in our organization so this is all part of the standard work system we also have to be aware of what we call sometimes the cave folks over here c a v is actually an acronym it stands for complain about virtually everything or cynical about virtual everything and and in almost every population we we go there are people that just want to whine and complain about everything it's just never good enough now the key is if we're working on a team well couple of rule of thumbs here number one never put a cave person in a leadership role in a management type role because it's it's it's toxic it's it's it's it's very negative and it's just it's a disease don't don't do it some people say you know what I want to put a you know so and so on a on a kai's in team because if we can change them boy that'll change change a lot of things in the organization hear this a lot don't go there because what happens is the project now becomes about them as opposed to the true mission the mission isn't this person the mission is whatever the mission is and if you get confused about that. You know, the wheels are going to fall off. Don't don't go there. Most people work with him, whether whatever system we give them so let's, make sure we focused on giving them a good system. Let me start talking about this difference between managing and leading no managing essentially in a in a nutshell is getting getting people to a standard shooting the ball in the cup it's managing a process it's managing our time it's managing a project very important self management starting on time finishing on time okay it's ah it's coming prepared these are all very important management components and critical and great leaders know it leadership something different leadership saying what about the standard what what could we do to raise the bar a little bit what could be to teo to get it done in less time or with more precision and more accuracy okay or what could we do to completely re invent or innovate something radically new and different? So the leader ship component is all about changing the standard the management component is about meeting whatever the standard currently is both are important isn't this true? So a few more specifics around this one is when we're managing we're taking responsibility is that important? Absolutely taking responsibility when we are leading we're teaching responsibility it's that important? Absolutely so we're not going to argue either or in this case we're going to say we need to do both and when I was learning this and and still practicing it will always be practicing it. It helped me get out of this dualistic box that I was in this either or and they're you know they're people there in books out there talking about you know this in a very either or right wrong good bad kind of way and this is good good this's right right if you will managing seeking agreement agreement comes from the head the logical rational agreement so to speak leadership is about seeking commitment commitment comes from the heart it isn't just about getting people to agree to do whatever it is but to feel it and tow tow appreciate it and be grateful for it all right that's leadership manages about controlling behavior that's the sea and domestic control is important we need to control our variables so that we can shoot that catapult the cup so that we can control our inventory and get the flow that we want we can control what we what is controllable those sea variables way talked about in an earlier session we have to control what we can control nothing wrong with that leading is about changing the assumptions beneath all of this and I'll circle back to that in just a minute because it ties into the next two listed up here man engines about transactional we got a deal you know a quid pro quo quo you buy this you pay me this that's that's transactional transformational is about changing the way people feel the way they see the way they approach their work where they approached their customers it's really drilling down to that deeper level. Jane did you have a question I was just going this is an observation about because it seems like a lot of what you talk about get assume it's more for corporations but when you lay it out this way actually the artist I'm speaking for artists here are the leaders of the change agents so it's really interesting that you bring up to this point well it circles back to the what we talked about in an earlier session what right brain left brain lumen on and you've heard me say were whole brain way have subs right left hand's what one dominates the other typically but we can learn to exercise both and appreciate both value both and respect both and in fact we can even surround ourselves with people team members who bring that a greater sense of balance to the team and you'll see this with with great entrepreneurs you know, folks that started out with something in a garage or a apartment to our college dorm room and built it into a billion dollar businesses surrounded themselves with balance all right? So we have to know how do we surround ourselves with someone who's going to bring greater balance into the equation all right? Because we can't be everything to everybody ourselves it's theirs we have limitations and the wise know this so when we think about this now that difference between transactional and transformational that difference between managing behavior at this level we've looked at this earlier and leading at the perception level, the assumption level, the paradigm level. It's, a powerful dynamic, and I'll give you another little brain teaser here to play with. So, in this case, and you can do this at home. Tio, we're just going to draw a few dots up here. We're not done with that yet. All right, there's. Nine of them in this case. And here are the hair, the rules for this exercise, with four straight lines. And, yes, they have to be straight lines this time. Four straight lines. You have to connect all nine dots. You cannot back up. You can't back up. And no lifting of your pen or pencil or marker. So you can't draw a line and lift it up and draw another line and lifted up and draw another line. Something like that, and you can't back up, you know, so to speak. So you've got four lines, and you have to connect all nine dots, and I'll give you one minute. Teo, try to figure this out and try this at home to just draw off the dots. Four straight lines, no backing up and no lifting. Incidentally, if you figure it out with four lines, I will then challenge you to do it with three. Four. Nine. Yes, right. All nine dollars have to be touched. Not for everybody. You get four. Yeah, good. Then you can try three, and when you figure three out, I'll challenge you to do it with one. Now, now you're going. Are you kidding me? Which is doable, too. All right, well, our time is up and I'm that I didn't. I see it. Anyone get it, you including our bio it's not uncommon for people to struggle with this, it's. Just another one of these, you know, brain teasers where we're trapped inside a paradigm. I'll give you a hint. In this case, we're trapped inside a box and as long as we're inside that box is is not possible. So oops, what's the box. You might be trapped inside this box, which is an illusion in your mind. I certainly never put it there, and if you're inside that box, you're going to try. But you're going to trial kinds of stuff, and you're not gonna figure it out. So the only way to do this with four lines is to say, well, all right, let's, just say that's one that's, one line ups, here's a second line up, there's a third line. It could probably guess nowhere. The fourth line is right now. Why didn't people struggle with that? The box, because this is outside the box. So where do you think that little slogan that'll mantra that little term terminology phrase comes, think outside the box and people that I don't know? What, what box it's the box we all have all the time. We all have mental boxes, their programs that we run on, and they're sub conscious there, beneath the conscious level, in most cases, meaning we're not aware of it. So awakening, all right, awakening is about this. Ah ha. Moment we have, where we suddenly see things very different. Okay, you can do it with three and the idea of three and just you'd need a very, very big sheet of paper to actually to do this one. But the idea of three, if you really want to play with it, is, you know, you start on the very outside. I'll make the dots just a little bigger to illustrate this. It's, starting the very outside of this one, and you'd connect at the middle of this one, and you'd connect at the very outside of this one. And if you took that out far enough, guess what you'd get, teo, a point where you could come back and actually do the same thing, catching the top of this one, the middle of this one, the bottom of this one. So you'd have this, like giant z. So it is, in fact, doable how to do it with one, and actually made this one up. Yeah, but it's true, I never told you how you know how thick your marker you're you're writing. Instrument had to be. So just to illustrate this if I just if I had these dots you know if I just just to illustrate because I don't have a huge marker and I had this big fat wide marker you get the idea right just like a paintbrush that's easy I just had a paint roller there there's a line but that's out of the box kind of thinking right and that's where we were sitting here and we're struggling at this surface level solving problems managing behavior and and and we're getting frustrated because we're operating on assumptions that have us trapped and we don't even know it and then we say things like it's not possible that just can't be done you know those benchmarks we saw earlier on about getting a product to the customer and sixty seconds are you crazy we're taking fourteen and a half minutes and then around three we're doing it like thirty eight seconds we're blowing our own minds but guess what happens when we blow our own minds that's transformation that's transformational change and that's what great leaders do because they have a tendency to sort of blow people's minds is it disruptive yeah of course it's disruptive but it's it's game changing it's game changing so whatever business you're in what can you do to be just a little bit disruptive in a positive in a good way? Because that's where your that's where that's where you were while you're your customers all right manages working in this system is that important my of course it is got to do whatever we do really well we gotta shoot that catapult and the cup over and over again we got a precision and accuracy pleadings working on the system I was coming up with a better way to to do it and if you're so busy in the system that no one's working on the system we could be uh running six sigma experiments on floppy disks that no one wants any more we're not that's not healthy managing is analyzing its the a and d make we've got to analyze thean puts in the outputs we we've got to use that left brain that logic that rationale leading synthesizing is pulling people together it's it's it's it's it's connecting the dots which sometimes seem unrelated using tools like the reality tree even with those analysis tools like like the reality trees amore right brain to tool more intuitive connect dot tool and the matrix the weighted matrix that we covered earlier is that more left brain tool so in a lot of sessions that I'm working with people say who wants to work on the matrix and they'll do the analysis on one side of the room on the same you teases another team taking those same beauties and using a reality tree and what's really interesting is when they come back together again and they've arrived at the same root causes or leverage points talk about alignment talk about people going whoa I whoa really you got the same thing we did using two different tools with two different teams working independently that gives you verification and validation to some extent that you you're on the right hunt you found the right lovers all right emphasized content data for example here on when we're managing and when we're leading context content without context can be a trap we've got all kinds of data fax we don't know what they mean way got him that's ah that's a non value added trap so you know what the day to mean what do they tell us what story and you often hear me talk about a story so it's connecting the dots if you haven't noticed this workshop connects the dots so what we do and it's you know session one segment one compared to session one session three to segment two in session for there are connected is that there's a story behind all that this all right working from independent thinking two interdependent thinking that's that shift from independent functional efficiency efficiency which is important we want to be efficient whatever it is we do, but we also have to be interdependent. Lee connected the value stream idea the orchestra so we gotta have good tuba players and we gotta have good percussion and we got a good violins and what not functional expertise, but we've gotta have ah away of pulling it all together using things like tact so that we play is one that we synergize synthesize so when we put all of this together we're back to this very powerful change model and dynamic where here's our current system and like einstein said if we keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results uh well that's insanity so while we are managing whatever it is we're managing our businesses air startups we're drilling down to you know and I know a cat you called it calling a time out and let's just let me take a time out let me step out of my system out of my business and let me no let me think about some value had non value add differences let me let me map a process let's just take this process that's highly variable it's we don't even have a process everybody's reinventing it every time and doing it different let's get together and map it out and see what we can learn so step out of the system to drill down to the to the level of transformational leadership managing is using authority is pushing so to speak sometimes we need a little push sometimes we need a little you know what authority saying hey these are the rules following I don't want to shoot the catapult that way I want to do it a different way I want to do it my own way! No we've got standard work here you follow this procedure until we come up with a better one if you got a better idea on how to do it teach us and we'll make that our new standard but we're not just gonna wing it we've got we got a ringer here and if you notice this paradox great companies that appear to be very flexible if you look behind the scenes there rigorous in terms of discipline and self management look a federal express for example I'll pick up a package anywhere and delivered anywhere by a certain time do you think they're just sort of driving their trucks around looking for stuff to do and flying planes going let's let's land here course not it is a rigorous system you go to disney and the parks are clean and organized and things like that there's a whole system a subsystem underneath those parks there's tunnels and there's there's discipline I mean when mickey mouse signs on autograph in california and mickey mouse signs an autograph and orlando florida they're almost identical why is that? Because if your kid's comparing mickey's autograph for some other kids autograph and a fast now make his autograph there's variation that's that's you got you don't know where that's that's variation they're fanatical about detail that's one of their six principles fanatical about detail rigorous about detail so you want to run a really great company you've gotta have rigor and you gotta have discipline you've got to regulate and control you have to have governance some people especially you know the creative types if you well I just I need space I don't need all that stuff will you do if you're going to run a successful business and if you are it's not something you're comfortable with your good at find somebody who is tau help you bring out that bring bring bring that balance in play all right uh leading while regulating and control is important well so of course his motivation and inspiration inspiration means in spirit and spirit means fearless your spirits not afraid he can't be your ego is but not your spirit we'll talk about that more later later segment managing involves the how the training how do I do this how do I shoot the catapult how do I put down the dots? How do I how do I do whatever I do that's absolutely critical all right leading takes a step further and says do you know why it's important that you do it this way you know why it's important that you wear a seat belt you know why it's important that you stay within these boundaries you understand why that takes it to a deeper level managing of course is about maintaining and maintenance is is critical leading is about empowering and we're going to spend more time on empowering because it's absolutely absolutely key teo to being successful in any business so let's talk about some of the forces against people and you khun you contest this if you will on on your own staff are on the your family people but you start to really just without judgment without criticism with just contemplation contemplation is just looking at things oh and suspending judgment and disbelief and things like that just it's just playing with that keeping an open more perceptive mind what are some of the forces against people? Well fear all right especially subconscious fear that we're not even aware of incidentally people become attached to things we all have attachments and when we become attached to things whether we know it or not we fear losing them we fear losing relationships people in our lives assets, jobs, security we fear whether we're conscious of it or not we live in a world of fear because we've attached to things and now we we worry we stress about losing them going on all the time and that's an energy fears an energy frequency that is calibrated and measurable scientifically measurable you can measure the fear factor so to speak and we're actually going to demonstrate a little bit of that later later on in another session but fear and fear comes from the ego the ego is a thought system I'll talk more about that in another session as well but the ego is ah a belief in scarcity there's never enough the ego is dualistic it's always win loose it's. Always divisive. And it drives in security. So the ego is just, uh a disguise, if you will, almost or root cost insecurity, and I'll talk a lot more about these in detail and in a later session, disbelief is a force against us. I don't really think I can do it doubt all right, which is one of the reasons why I wrote a book called beyond doubt. It's amazing what happens when you get beyond doubt and you live in fearlessness because, uh, these things that we used to hold us back is it's an illusion, fears an illusion of the mind it's a creation of the mind. So what scares one person doesn't necessarily scare another, and vice versa. I think about fear that's interesting is that it's never in the present it's always a projection into the future. So it's a mind game? Okay, whenever we're afraid, we're projecting into what we're afraid of, something that might happen in the future, never in the now, it might happen in the future, and we assume it will. So we become afraid we could assume it wouldn't, and we're not afraid, so fears based it comes from assumption it doesn't come from fact, even if somebody was holding a gun to your head and you were afraid, what you afraid of, they might pull the trigger well, they might not. So what, we'll pick, what what assumption do you want to base your life on that they will hear that they won't, because it's, and incidentally, fear has a way of 00:40:12.252 --> 00:40:15. manifesting into reality. So whatever we hold to be 00:40:15.19 --> 00:40:18. true, we tend to make true. So the very things we 00:40:18.82 --> 00:40:21. fear most in life have a have a tendency to happen 00:40:22.35 --> 00:40:25. to us, because we've actually co created that. We've 00:40:25.07 --> 00:40:28. manifested it. This is a powerful way than to start 00:40:28.68 --> 00:40:30. to look at, well, if I could hit the delete button 00:40:30.77 --> 00:40:33. on fear, and I could hit the delete button on ego, 00:40:33.96 --> 00:40:37. and I could insecurity and doubt and disbelief, I 00:40:37.2 --> 00:40:40. could. I could delete those programmes from my mind 00:40:40.25 --> 00:40:42. from my subconscious mind what would happen to me. 00:40:45.18 --> 00:40:47. You live in peace here live with freedom you'd live 00:40:47.99 --> 00:40:49. a joy you'd be happy all the time 00:40:50.88 --> 00:40:53. you know it's ah it's very powerful transformation 00:40:54.31 --> 00:40:58. external locus of control or place of control essentially 00:40:58.2 --> 00:41:01. means that when things aren't working for me or or 00:41:01.5 --> 00:41:04. even if they are it's because of something external 00:41:04.91 --> 00:41:05. to me 00:41:06.7 --> 00:41:10. that I don't have much control myself it's a victim 00:41:10.03 --> 00:41:14. consciousness all right good or bad I'm a victim of 00:41:14.66 --> 00:41:16. of something else 00:41:17.22 --> 00:41:21. I don't have any control over my own outcomes and 00:41:21.43 --> 00:41:24. you you'll notice we live in a society particularly 00:41:24.48 --> 00:41:28. in the western world with litigation and lawsuits 00:41:28.02 --> 00:41:28. and this and that 00:41:29.98 --> 00:41:33. it's always somebody else's fault the blame game way 00:41:33.23 --> 00:41:36. get this all kind of kinds of things when in fact 00:41:36.18 --> 00:41:40. the a successful entrepreneur successful solo preneurs 00:41:41.25 --> 00:41:43. certainly is entropy endure just flat out doesn't 00:41:43.93 --> 00:41:46. think that way his entrepreneur always looks in the 00:41:46.67 --> 00:41:49. mirror first and says if my business isn't working 00:41:49.34 --> 00:41:51. if my plan isn't working if my project isn't working, 00:41:52.78 --> 00:41:56. what do I need to change? But what can I do differently? 00:41:58.18 --> 00:42:02. Teo get better outcomes I'm a pivot point I'ma leverage 00:42:02.19 --> 00:42:05. point so that's internal locus of control and you 00:42:05.71 --> 00:42:10. do the research on high performance people, very successful 00:42:10.42 --> 00:42:10. people 00:42:12.08 --> 00:42:14. and there's a very high degree of internal locusts of control they look inside first and not out there somewhere toe blame capability you know what we just way don't currently have the capability to do whatever it is we want to do I don't know how to write a book I don't know how to do a tv show I don't know how to dio to start a business I don't you know however I was right I was reading books on how to start businesses reading books and didn't have the luxury twenty six years ago to tap online for ninety nine dollars or one hundred forty nine dollars and get something this just like this so I'm reading books on on how to write books reading books on how to give seminars but that's because at the time I didn't have the capability so I had to gain it and if I can't gain it easily that tells me something is out of sync it just means maybe that's not something I meant to do so maybe I need to partner with somebody who's more gifted at it more natural at it there's a thing if life isn't easy for us there's something wrong with that we're out of synch his life should be easy and a lot of people don't believe that paradigm because they've been programmed to believe know life isn't easy marriage isn't easy relationships aren't easy you want to be successful you have to work hard put in long hours those there are programs I believed him for a long time and then I learned how to delete those credibility well, I must come back and spend time on credibility if we've got credibility we're gonna have a tough time getting anywhere because people are going to just dismiss us all right week initiative means we're let out lazy we just don't we don't don't get up in the morning and go for it now we come up with excuses you know and things like that so we've got we've got to get out of the starting block take some risk and then we have to follow through which is low perseverance if we don't if we don't learn to deal with the adversity in the challenges 00:44:15.07 --> 00:44:17. things that are bound to come uh that's what we give 00:44:17.97 --> 00:44:20. up that pain before the game game over 00:44:22.47 --> 00:44:26. game over and beneath all of this if you really take 00:44:26.2 --> 00:44:29. it down to the deepest the fifth y so to speak almost 00:44:29.85 --> 00:44:31. every problem in the world boils down the ignorance 00:44:32.37 --> 00:44:33. we don't know what we don't know 00:44:35.07 --> 00:44:37. we don't know any better we don't really have the 00:44:37.82 --> 00:44:40. facts we don't know anything with absolute certainty 00:44:41.97 --> 00:44:42. we think we do, 00:44:43.97 --> 00:44:46. but when you really drill down we realize we really 00:44:46.5 --> 00:44:47. don't have 00:44:48.37 --> 00:44:52. certainty around anything so that forces us into assumption 00:44:53.82 --> 00:44:55. and when we're in the world of assumption 00:44:56.57 --> 00:45:00. or ignorance we don't we don't know I don't mean that 00:45:00.02 --> 00:45:02. to be an insult to anybody because I was ignorant 00:45:02.49 --> 00:45:05. as anyone but it's an admission that 00:45:07.07 --> 00:45:10. we don't have all the answers so it's what allows 00:45:10.28 --> 00:45:14. us to open our minds to creativity, two's, entrepreneurship 00:45:15.11 --> 00:45:18. two. Deleting some of these things that trap us, all 00:45:18.43 --> 00:45:21. right, and the buddhist set at twenty, five hundred 00:45:21.05 --> 00:45:23. years ago, that ignorance is the root cause tau tau, 00:45:23.64 --> 00:45:25. all problems. Jesus said it. Forgive them, they know 00:45:25.92 --> 00:45:27. not what they do. All right. 00:45:29.47 --> 00:45:31. Ignorance is at the root cause of everything. We'll 00:45:31.66 --> 00:45:33. talk a little bit more about that. Another module, 00:45:33.6 --> 00:45:36. a swell, but these are very negative energies. All 00:45:36.08 --> 00:45:40. of this is is measurable as a frequency is an energetic 00:45:40.51 --> 00:45:43. frequency, and these air very low, dense frequencies. 00:45:43.62 --> 00:45:46. And they weigh us down, and I'm going to talk. And 00:45:46.49 --> 00:45:49. another session about drilling down to that next level, 00:45:49.82 --> 00:45:50. right?
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