Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Define Your Current State
Let's move ahead and go back to something deming said and I quoted him in the last segment but let's let's let's listen and again on something he said can the grandfather if you will of total quality management said that hard work and best efforts without guidance of profound knowledge may well be the root of our ruination there is no substitute for knowledge but he's really talking about here is hey best intentions and hard work in a system that's not designed well with with knowledge and intelligence and and best practices could well ruin us and we've seen that with businesses over the years where people great people have worked very hard and those businesses have suffered and struggled and in many cases they're no longer even here today you know we're talking about the blockbusters the borders books you know the struggles kodak has have had and xerox and companies like that and the opportunities they've missed with with best intentions in mind and it's ok it can happen to the smarte...
st organizations in the world it could certainly happen to us so the purpose of this session now is to introduce a rational problem solving model and what this is allows us to do at home or at work is too when we have problems we have conflicts we have things we need to resolve let's be disciplined about it it's not jump to conclusions let's not jump to assumptions but let's dig in and it's just it's use a rigorous model so the models called demonic d m a I c and the d and m a x stands for de fine the first step in to make is to define what's going on define the current state defined the voice of customer what is the customer really asking for but just a customer really want 00:01:58.837 --> 00:02:01. and what does the customer not once be clear on the 00:02:01.16 --> 00:02:01. definition 00:02:03.37 --> 00:02:05. because we were not clear that the customer doesn't 00:02:05.65 --> 00:02:09. want tales on those diamonds hardworking best efforts 00:02:09.76 --> 00:02:12. without that knowledge could ruin us it's certainly 00:02:12.82 --> 00:02:17. heard around one all right to find how the customer 00:02:17.51 --> 00:02:18. uses 00:02:19.87 --> 00:02:23. the product or service what what what problems is 00:02:23.75 --> 00:02:26. the customer trying to solve with whatever it is we 00:02:26.65 --> 00:02:30. sell them what are they trying todo so how am I using 00:02:30.92 --> 00:02:34. this in this in the in the game this sheet what am 00:02:34.02 --> 00:02:36. I using them and eights why are we delivering them 00:02:36.8 --> 00:02:38. in aids so I use emanates 00:02:40.67 --> 00:02:44. ok good question to ask defined voice of market which 00:02:44.61 --> 00:02:47. goes beyond just our customer it looks it looks at 00:02:47.57 --> 00:02:50. our customers customers it looks at our competition 00:02:51.07 --> 00:02:54. what's our competition able to dio who is our competition 00:02:54.92 --> 00:02:58. how are we different so no matter what business you're 00:02:58.47 --> 00:03:01. in no matter what size business the solo preneurs 00:03:01.06 --> 00:03:04. the entrepreneurs any industry you got customers if 00:03:04.83 --> 00:03:06. you're in business because if you don't you're out 00:03:06.94 --> 00:03:09. of business you got a market 00:03:11.57 --> 00:03:14. what's that voice of market what's that voice of customer 00:03:14.19 --> 00:03:17. telling us do we know or do we just think we know 00:03:18.77 --> 00:03:19. big difference 00:03:20.86 --> 00:03:23. big difference between thinking we know and actually 00:03:23.22 --> 00:03:26. knowing let's to find the voice of our process we 00:03:26.49 --> 00:03:30. can map it weaken define this steps one of the questions 00:03:30.32 --> 00:03:33. I asked in the last segment was how many steps are 00:03:33.9 --> 00:03:37. in this process at one level it looks like not that 00:03:37.1 --> 00:03:39. many maybe seven or eight we gotta requisition step 00:03:40.17 --> 00:03:44. we got a diamond stud we got a red dot step in a revue 00:03:44.48 --> 00:03:47. step and if we look at it from that perspective we 00:03:47.48 --> 00:03:51. have you know maybe seven or eight steps there's actually 00:03:51.51 --> 00:03:52. over one hundred steps in the game 00:03:54.17 --> 00:03:56. it's over one hundred steps and most of those steps 00:03:56.35 --> 00:04:01. are non value added their waste pure waste but they're 00:04:01.37 --> 00:04:05. there and with gamba by going and actually witnessing 00:04:05.19 --> 00:04:08. and observing and asking a intelligent questions we 00:04:08.59 --> 00:04:10. gain knowledge about the process and that's where 00:04:10.89 --> 00:04:13. we can really start toe lean it out and fix it so 00:04:13.68 --> 00:04:16. what is the voice of process to find the assumptions 00:04:16.62 --> 00:04:20. were making the assumptions underlying our policies 00:04:20.37 --> 00:04:22. and procedures what is our assumption about batch 00:04:22.87 --> 00:04:23. ing 00:04:24.34 --> 00:04:27. what is our assumption about division of labor? What 00:04:27.4 --> 00:04:30. is our assumption about the client? Maybe that clients 00:04:30.18 --> 00:04:33. just being difficulty that's so you know he's being 00:04:33.46 --> 00:04:36. teo rigorous on his quality standards it's his fault 00:04:38.64 --> 00:04:42. maybe we can negotiate, uh you know, with the client 00:04:42.31 --> 00:04:45. and get a get a break, you know, get a lower price. 00:04:45.31 --> 00:04:48. If you'll take our junk, believe it or not, there 00:04:48.37 --> 00:04:50. are organizations out there just doing exactly that. 00:04:50.96 --> 00:04:54. All right, so let's, be clear on our assumptions, 00:04:55.04 --> 00:04:57. and we're going again in this session. Use that lean 00:04:57.26 --> 00:05:00. sigma game. Now is a platform for a lot of the the 00:05:00.86 --> 00:05:04. learning, all right, and beginning with define 00:05:05.04 --> 00:05:07. so let's review, something I covered in the last segment 00:05:07.78 --> 00:05:10. because it's, so important, I always said, the five 00:05:10.29 --> 00:05:14. principles here. Tto world class excellence. The referee, 00:05:14.05 --> 00:05:15. if you want to call it that, 00:05:16.44 --> 00:05:18. are specified value in the eyes of the customer. 00:05:19.94 --> 00:05:23. So what was value in the eyes of the customer? 00:05:25.94 --> 00:05:30. Was it's clear and if the answer is no not exactly 00:05:31.34 --> 00:05:33. cause we had quality checks 00:05:34.73 --> 00:05:37. we checked the checks and we still got it through 00:05:38.24 --> 00:05:41. in a floodway so we're somehow we're just not on the 00:05:41.88 --> 00:05:45. same page we're not speaking the same language happens 00:05:45.28 --> 00:05:49. all the time so smart companies know what's in and 00:05:49.58 --> 00:05:50. what's out 00:05:51.47 --> 00:05:55. the value stream okay we we have we laid out a value 00:05:55.02 --> 00:05:57. stream and for some odd reason it took fourteen and 00:05:57.88 --> 00:06:01. a half minutes to get me a good sheet it should take 00:06:01.11 --> 00:06:02. less than a minute to make 00:06:03.46 --> 00:06:04. you know when you look at the actual were kind of 00:06:04.85 --> 00:06:05. shape 00:06:06.86 --> 00:06:08. what about flo and pull 00:06:10.33 --> 00:06:14. did we have flow or did we have pile ups 00:06:15.61 --> 00:06:21. if we have no I'd say if if that if that organization 00:06:21.0 --> 00:06:23. was a human body it's just waiting for a heart attack 00:06:23.21 --> 00:06:26. or a stroke we had some serious clock clogs and 00:06:27.86 --> 00:06:30. clots and stuff it wasn't flowing 00:06:31.96 --> 00:06:35. so we start by looking at involving a line and enabling 00:06:35.01 --> 00:06:38. and empowering the people in the system tau then figure 00:06:38.89 --> 00:06:41. out ways to improve the system that will take us into 00:06:41.13 --> 00:06:46. kaisa later on and ah we realised we never really 00:06:46.21 --> 00:06:48. get there we never really get it done we never really 00:06:48.72 --> 00:06:50. get it right but we could certainly make it better 00:06:51.42 --> 00:06:54. s o a common mantra with kaizen is better not best 00:06:55.03 --> 00:06:57. just keep making it better just keep making it better 00:06:57.97 --> 00:07:00. and don't worry about it being perfect if it's not 00:07:00.69 --> 00:07:04. now it may not be a thie end of the week but you can 00:07:04.17 --> 00:07:07. certainly make it better so go after it quickly and 00:07:07.76 --> 00:07:10. don't let analysis paralysis trip you up on weigh 00:07:10.7 --> 00:07:11. you down 00:07:12.29 --> 00:07:16. let's review the metrics so in round one fourteen 00:07:16.48 --> 00:07:19. minutes and a half to get anything to the customer 00:07:20.86 --> 00:07:24. uh we had two good ones out of sixteen delivered to 00:07:24.97 --> 00:07:27. the customers so the customer at this point is completely 00:07:27.76 --> 00:07:31. dissatisfied I don't know if I go with a competition 00:07:31.48 --> 00:07:34. I've been loyal with this company for a long time 00:07:34.01 --> 00:07:36. kid is there something we can do to toe work this 00:07:36.88 --> 00:07:40. out? Maybe it was just a misunderstanding but we're 00:07:40.64 --> 00:07:42. not going to survive neither one of us necessarily 00:07:42.89 --> 00:07:46. if we if we allow this kind of waste toe haunt us 00:07:47.02 --> 00:07:48. okay or try to cover it up 00:07:49.56 --> 00:07:52. we started the zero and process we finished with fifteen 00:07:52.65 --> 00:07:55. and we even had a governor on that so to speak so 00:07:55.83 --> 00:07:59. susan was sort of governing her process where she 00:07:59.19 --> 00:08:01. could have really piled it up if she wanted to make 00:08:01.64 --> 00:08:05. an extra bonus or go off to a special club or something 00:08:05.63 --> 00:08:09. like that that companies used to award people for 00:08:09.2 --> 00:08:13. for selling a lot of peak performance okay we had 00:08:13.88 --> 00:08:16. just all kinds of quality problems 00:08:17.8 --> 00:08:22. oh boy just all kinds of mistakes going on there and 00:08:22.33 --> 00:08:25. a productivity of point zero two units per labor minute 00:08:25.93 --> 00:08:28. not really sure what to do with that number yet but 00:08:28.09 --> 00:08:31. it's just telling us what are our card productivity 00:08:31.2 --> 00:08:35. is once we compare that to a benchmark we might realize 00:08:35.36 --> 00:08:39. wow we are so far behind so we want to have that kind 00:08:39.3 --> 00:08:43. of intelligence to know I mean what what is there 00:08:43.0 --> 00:08:46. competition able to do and how how do we compare alright 00:08:46.96 --> 00:08:49. cause your customers air doing that all the time and 00:08:49.19 --> 00:08:51. of course we lost a lot of money and round two as 00:08:51.34 --> 00:08:55. well so as we as we look at the financials our bottom 00:08:55.63 --> 00:08:59. line was was very negative very red not good in business 00:09:00.23 --> 00:09:03. that's called either or not for profit or going out 00:09:03.32 --> 00:09:05. of business fast kind of thing that they're 00:09:06.53 --> 00:09:08. so let's review the customer analysis just a little 00:09:08.73 --> 00:09:14. bit so what were some of the things that I was experiencing 00:09:14.08 --> 00:09:17. during round one clearly a lot of waiting right let's 00:09:17.35 --> 00:09:22. review that we had a couple of conversations s o j 00:09:22.92 --> 00:09:25. marie and I were talking on the phone and I kept what 00:09:25.15 --> 00:09:28. was one of the things I kept asking for when when 00:09:28.5 --> 00:09:31. am I going to get it what am I gonna get it and then 00:09:31.26 --> 00:09:35. you also mentioned the competition that's right I 00:09:35.49 --> 00:09:38. didn't try to find out what was important to you you 00:09:38.67 --> 00:09:42. find it squiggly lines for no tails yeah when I said 00:09:42.54 --> 00:09:45. no I cant of squiggly lines and I can't have tails 00:09:45.21 --> 00:09:48. so we we got we gained that intelligence late in the 00:09:48.43 --> 00:09:49. game so to speak 00:09:50.73 --> 00:09:53. but I did say early on and it may have just gotten 00:09:53.14 --> 00:09:56. past some people I wanted six sigma diamonds now you 00:09:56.9 --> 00:09:58. could have said well what do you mean by six sigma 00:09:58.62 --> 00:10:02. diamonds well they're essentially perfect there there no flaws there's no tails there's no squiggly lines they're all exactly the same you know you could take two sheets and hold them up to a bright light and they're identical so okay but clearly had some issues with that what about customer interactions? We had a couple during this during the round one I would love to have had it on a customer service person I felt like as the manager I couldn't really pay attention to what was happening over here because I was so much interacting and pleasing you so one customer success specialist would have been helpful in that in the interaction of it all says that sure so why don't we again this is a very common practice why don't we add in this case we're going to add a customer service rep to respond to me when I'm disgruntled or when I'm needing something now the way clever cos perceived customer service is that if the customers calling to place an order to give money to give a credit card to buy something that's considered value added all right we're getting paid for that if the customers calling to complain it is not value added so adding more people to a department and then potentially offshoring it which a lot of companies have done we talked about this a break with some of you is a non value added activity that we've just now moved offshore and by adding more and more people to answer phone calls that cut that the disgruntled customers air making is a very poor way to run the business the clever cos they're saying well, what are the top three reasons why the customers calling us and let's poke a yoke that that's makes mistake proof that let's make it so that those mistakes can happen or let's provide a self service option where they can correct their own negligence? Perhaps maybe they forgot their a password or something like that let's make it really easy for them to do that so they don't have to call on eight hundred line to talk to somebody I always ask people this in work steps how many of you actually look forward to waking up in the morning and calling an eight hundred number to complain about something nobody writes like what I'm gonna have to be put on hold I could end up waiting they're gonna have to call me back it's not something we all wake up and want to do in the morning, but organizations have built themselves up around that that reactive methodology now apple computer for example looks at every customer call in some form of failure on their part, if people are calling in. Apple's response is, what did we do wrong? Maybe we didn't provide enough self service, all right, so in this day and age, it's the same thing with, like a facebook, how many of you read the instructions to facebook? You know, in a technical manual, you don't. Because it's s so many of these, uh, these new offerings, these new value propositions, are very user friendly, they're they're they're intuitive, and they're easy to tto, learn fifth graders can learn it. Third graders can learn it. So what are we doing to make our business very user friendly so that the the client gets timely, accurate, fast, effective quality service? I certainly didn't get that we did what we didn't know in round one is just what did I expect in terms of let's, start with volume, what we call throughput, how many do you suppose I wanted in ten minutes? We never asked if we said to the client or the customer john you're not what's your utilization of these sheets how do you use them and how many do you use I would have been very clear about that had I been asked I 00:14:00.472 --> 00:14:04. use thirty every ten minutes I use three a minute 00:14:04.84 --> 00:14:08. I use him wanted a time I could give you those details 00:14:08.89 --> 00:14:10. so I'm using these wanted a time even though you're 00:14:10.71 --> 00:14:11. shipping emanates 00:14:13.39 --> 00:14:15. okay I'm averaging three a minute 00:14:17.19 --> 00:14:20. I need thirty in ten minutes and I got zero 00:14:21.59 --> 00:14:24. in fact I get you know too and almost fifteen minutes 00:14:25.29 --> 00:14:26. so you were 00:14:27.06 --> 00:14:30. totally not meeting my my demand 00:14:31.29 --> 00:14:35. all right and we assess if we had we had no idea of 00:14:35.28 --> 00:14:37. each other's businesses now I always say this to people 00:14:37.62 --> 00:14:40. in in any size business make sure you know your customers 00:14:40.39 --> 00:14:41. customers 00:14:42.05 --> 00:14:43. that's skip level 00:14:44.19 --> 00:14:47. what is what is my customer doing with whatever it 00:14:47.16 --> 00:14:49. is product or service I sell them what are they doing 00:14:49.88 --> 00:14:54. with it? Who are they reaching out with it cause that 00:14:54.51 --> 00:14:57. gives us a better idea better understanding of the 00:14:57.61 --> 00:15:00. supply chain that we're all a part of whether we realize 00:15:00.5 --> 00:15:04. it or not. Okay. So as it's easy and consultant if 00:15:04.04 --> 00:15:08. he's running a consulting operation you've got a client 00:15:08.05 --> 00:15:10. who's your clients clients who's your client's customers 00:15:11.69 --> 00:15:13. what you know, if they're if they're in aerospace 00:15:14.0 --> 00:15:18. well, there were they selling to all right you know 00:15:18.61 --> 00:15:19. if they're in 00:15:20.59 --> 00:15:23. it's no payroll services if they're banking if they're 00:15:23.19 --> 00:15:26. in health care whatever what 00:15:27.79 --> 00:15:31. well your your your customers customers boy that really 00:15:31.13 --> 00:15:35. helps you position yourself for a win win with whoever 00:15:35.04 --> 00:15:38. it is it's buying your stuff if you can help them 00:15:38.45 --> 00:15:40. to a better job with whoever's paying them 00:15:41.49 --> 00:15:44. now you're now you're a partner now youre a team 00:15:45.29 --> 00:15:48. as opposed to potentially an adversary so how am I 00:15:48.09 --> 00:15:52. using these silly forms what am I doing with him okay 00:15:53.35 --> 00:15:55. in this case I could say I'm distributing them I'm 00:15:55.99 --> 00:15:58. like just a distributor and I can't distribute something 00:15:58.67 --> 00:16:01. that's got tails on it okay you could think of me 00:16:01.49 --> 00:16:04. like I'm an amazon kind of thing I'm taking in products in its services and offerings and I'm and I'm just turning around and I'm selling those and so I've gotta have it to sell it it's time a time based management's very key it's got to be good quality has got to be priced competitively all right by the way I don't typically care what's going on behind the curtain so to speak doesn't matter to me I don't see it typically so I don't really I don't really care but I care about is what I care about so this is all about what do I care about and then what am I experiencing in relation to what a mai mai expecting and then round one it was it was pretty so this takes us to the whole concept of knowledge ah questions coming from daydreams ceramics and I know john maria's a follow up it could be a discussion how this is going to apply to a one or a two person operation I mean what we've talked about so far is about different departments they're saying they're they're ceramic artists and they make tiles they are the boss there the workhorse there the customer service rep how can I make this easy to understand from my perspective sure question back would be where do you get the materials to make the tiles you said they make the tiles as well as distribute him yes okay so where the materials come from to make the tiles there's a vendor there's a supplier there's probably a group of vendors okay then what could use equipment to make the tiles so uh where'd you get the equipment all right who sells your equipment and so yes we'll get into that we'll get into that throughout the whole course all right the thing to remember is that I'm a one person business but I've surrounded myself with vendors equipment suppliers distributors published publicist publishers things like that we're all part of a system will keep continue to come back to that but make sure that you recognize you're not actually running just a one or two person outfit you're part of a bigger system you've got customers how many customers does every customer wanted the same tile the same, the same exact thing. Or are you customizing toe? All of those things so let's, make sure that we, we, we recognize, were part of this system. Part of these interrelationships and let's. Make sure that we then. Figure out the best way to position ourselves to to do that so I will be taking that on great we do have a follow up question ready fire aim wants to know how does knowing your customers customer our customers apply when you're selling to end consumers well that's a great question and so how are the end consumers using it what are they what needs air they trying to fill okay what what desires do they have so if I'm selling something rightto anand you from selling on an ipod rightto an end user okay what does the I end user using it for typically okay what what what problems are they trying to sell what needs do they have so the more intelligence we can gain about even the end user what I'll refer to in a few minutes is the big c the capital c customer client it's what leads us then into innovation because all of a sudden I might realize that you know if I'm amazon and you've read this book this book and this book you might like these these other three books I'm starting to learn patterns about you okay I notice you're using your your ipad for this this and this you might want to consider this new feature we come up with a new feature so the better you could know your customers whether they're the end user or upstream from that the better you can know your customers and their their patterns, their habits, their utilization of whatever it is, you sell them. The service. What are they doing with these photographs? What they're doing with the ceramic tile? What are they trying to accomplish with that? What? Look what? Could be status could be any number of things. What? What? Uh, what? What about gaining intelligence into who's? Paying us, and how they want to use it has given us a lot of insight as to how we can actually take take the next step, which would be innovation coming up with things they don't even know they want yet. Coming up because it's it's like lee iacocca said many years ago nobody ever came to us and asked us for a minivan okay, we did we invented the minivan so to speak by sending engineers out to grocery store parking lots two gamba and observe mother's predominantly or people trying to get in and out of tight parking spaces with groceries and kids and that's where they said, what if we had a sliding door and what if they had a vehicle that was a little higher off the ground and here comes the minivan no one ever called up and said, hey, design us a minivan nobody ever called up steve jobs to say divine us you know, designers and an ipod or an ipad so these innovations come from our knowing our audience so to speak so well what they're suffering from what their needs are, what their interests are, what their desires are and coming up with something that's the how of well which were to cover an another segment but the house while I was coming up with things that people didn't even know they wanted and I was like, wow, how could I live without this gps system on my on my phone? Think about all the apse now on the phone the flashlight it's a video camera you know, it's a gps I've been waiting for this thing to fly me home, you know? Yeah it's like but it's still called a phone by the way there's a paradigm you know we used it for all these other things but still it's still a phone smartphone now anyways okay so we start with knowledge and then the more we can know about our business our process our market our competition are our audience this is what leads to intelligence and with intelligence we get an opportunity now to innovate all right and come up with things that people didn't even know that could be done okay I like to think of when I think of innovation I like to think of but jeff bezos and amazons been doing you know it's talk about a destruct disruptive business but here's amazon that was put on the map many years ago by selling books online right back in the day when people said well nobody's going to give their credit card on the internet you meant you know some of you remember that's like it's too risky now people are buying stuff with paypal and everything else on the internet but amazon's going to sell books online what's what's that all about well you know the story of amazons it's it's done remarkably well and grown and grown and grown and now all of a sudden incidentally I but I write I've written a lot of books amazon zbig distributed mine along with barnes and noble's another others but amazon says you know what their process just so you know is when they order a book they send in elektronik order you have forty eight hours to confirm everything is time forty eight hours to confirm once you confirm it downloads a label and a picture two pieces of paper the label goes on the package with the books the pick sheet goes inside and says here's what you ordered third bar coded so off they go in the in the mail and when they received their scanned and that triggers payment to you x number of days later so there's no invoice seen there's no there's no other paper in the system is down essentially two sheets of paper and it's a very lean very flowing type of system it's a whole system and was on scratches their heads and says two pieces of paper it's too much now that's an odd thing to you know really to pieces with and but the idea is well yeah now that you know you think about it the whole book is could be considered a form of waste unless the client's actually want a physical book maybe they just want what's in the book the information okay are the artwork or or the knowledge gained from the book of the entertainment from the book whatever kind of book it isthe maybe that's what they want one so what's another way to get people that faster better easier lower price what if we could just beam it to him? You're sitting on an airplane you want a book here you go sitting on your couch sitting in your office hotel room you want a book beam it to you what we're going to have to have something to beam it to and here comes the kindle that's where this comes from it's understanding forms of waste that we don't even think are wasteful but mailing something across the country and then in an invoice in it back and forth is an option and a lot of organizations make a lot of money mail and things back and forth and delivering things that's that's it's the way of the world but why not offer an alternative not an either or because some companies get into the either or mindset words either it's elektronik or its physical what we're going to go with physical because people are never going to want to like not goto a bookstore they're never going to never wantto a physical book why? Because that's what I want well the person sitting next to me might want something very different the world's not based on what I want so we come up with options the only reason barnes and noble still in business today borders books is gone is because of that e book option all right that's a no that's that's game changing borders is calling one of the biggest, most successful book stores in history is gone and uh and barnes and noble still in play an amazon is doing very well because it's it's it's innovating why don't we now you know you've seen you've seen episodes where amazon's going to deliver stuff to your your yard with a drone okay or something like that but they're they're constantly searching for alternatives and it's fun to see its creativity it's spirit expressed in very interesting ways it czar creative spirit so um you know I just I think of the innovation as well why don't we just be me the book is supposed to get better at distributing the book to you physically and by the way can we get better at both the answer's of course and that's precisely what's going on powerful but we use that knowledge you know there are there are certain clients out there in fact if you went like lee iacocca son engineers off teo two grocery store parking lots go off teo uh uh street corner watch kids go to school these days with backpacks that way forty pounds full of books and things like that and scratch your head go wouldn't it be interesting if they were just walking to school with a little lightweight template that had the entire world library on that had every lesson you could possibly ever need on it or available to it so the school systems are changing dramatically right now because of the new technology we have all right I think about the price of some of those books if you get kids in college I've got four and I'd to go through college and two in college. The price has put a price on some of those textbooks, and you're like, wow, so the world's changing and we want to of course change with it, and it all starts with knowledge, knowing our audience, knowing our students, knowing our patients, knowing our consumers, innovating, realizing those gains and then coming up with competitive ways. Teo differentiate ourselves. So this is what we're always trying to do in business, and ultimately that leads to good habits and culture change help, peter drucker said this, he said, knowledge has become the key economic resource and the dominant if not the on ly source of comparative advantage. So we want to pay attention to knowledge basically looks like this. We're shifting deliberately from, and I think mindset, tone. I know mindset. So I say, teo, jamari, what am I gonna get my product? I think you're going to get it within a couple of minutes. I think you're going to get it it, you know, ten o'clock, I think you're going to get it. Next tuesday, do you know and see that's the question in a world class system, we know because we measure it, you know, peter drucker also said, you know what gets measured, gets managed with mick it's, managed kids have done so. Are we measuring it? And then are we managing it effectively? That's, this deliberate shift from I think that I know we'll spend a lot of time on it.
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