Lesson Info
2. 9:45 am - Locating & Renaming Files
Day 1
19:00 am - Importing & Organizing Images
39:47 29:45 am - Locating & Renaming Files
45:08 310:45 am - Select, Rate, & Prioritize Images
22:54 411:15 am - Color Labels & Filters
16:13 511:30 am - Custom Collections & Keywords
26:11 612:45pm - Q&A and The Develop Module
29:17 71:15 pm - Straightening & Cropping Images
19:511:45 pm - Enriching Color & Toning Values
33:14 92:30 pm - Using Adjustment Filters
31:14 103:00pm - Editing in Greyscale & Adding Vignettes
15:16 113:30pm - Working with Presets, Filters, & Effects
17:01 123:45 pm - Snapshots, Smart Objects & Soft Proofing
18:33Day 2
139:00 am - Q's from Day 1
29:49 149:30 am - Export and Edit In
29:42 1510:00 am - Export or Edit In Pt 2
30:29 1611:00 am - Preparing Images for Print
42:25 1711:30 am - Preparing Images for Print Pt 2
34:27 181:00 pm - Publishing Your Photography
52:08 191:45 pm - Publishing Your Photography Pt 2
24:27 202:30 pm - The Crunch Bits
38:00 213:15 pm - The Crunch Bits Pt 2
40:36Lesson Info
9:45 am - Locating & Renaming Files
What else do we need to know about this that's? Everything about making folded? Oh, so what happens if you do? Because you won't listen to me, you won't listen to me, you'll go and I'll quit and you'll be like, well, what do we have here? So maybe on my baby on my desktop, I've got a folder called creative live, and I got my image evolved into that. Oh, you know what? I didn't go to australia in two thousand thirteen e I went in two thousand twelve, so I'm gonna put it out here. I'm just gonna move that around. Oh, and you know what? One of those cactus files? Yeah, I sent that one to a client and I'm just going to put that loose somewhere. You people do this. I know you d'oh. I've seen you it's so not tidy little have folders and piles all over their desktop. Oh, ok, so we've totally changed the way our files are arranged. We go back in the light room, we say highlight room, how you doing today? My room goes, I was doing fine, but now we can't find some things, so you'll notice that t...
his folder right here cannot be found it's got the question mark next to it, so if we write mouse, click and we say, find missing folder we just need to go and find it probably the easiest thing to do like if you really don't know where it is is just type in through the search like just type in the name of the folder like go look and say oh that's the australia folder all right but I happen to know that we put this on the desktop here and then we went to demo files no no we didn't do that to create live image vault and then we went to australia we apologize profusely we say choose and it says ok it's here now weii goto the cactus on ly one image was moved it should be showing out my view stuff here is probably very different from yours what you're seeing in this view in the grid view because I like a lot of information about my image is so under the view menu you'll notice that I've come down to my view options and instead of just showing the compact cells because this doesn't really tell me very much about the image I think it like usually it shows I don't know what else that shows like an index number maybe yeah, not helpful for me at all so I always go and changes from compact cells to expand it sells ok, I know that I'm a little too obsessive compulsive about some things but here's the thing like if you don't know your tools then you can't get repeatable results, and you can't speed up your work flow if you're doing your workflow different every time. So for me, knowing your tools and master in your tools, whether I mean you wouldn't go on a photo shoot without knowing your camera without knowing when an f stop or shutter speed and I esso is right. So it's, I feel the same about my software. The more you know about this stuff, the easier it becomes, and once you master this stuff, then it just becomes your workflow and the best part about that is if you know what your workflow is and you always do the same work flow, you can write it down and you can hand it off to an assistant because assistance used to roll film, developed film get stuff like process like all that stuff you don't like to d'oh, I hate doing this stuff you could get him key wording for you. Yeah, all right, so you want to write down your workflow know your workflow and then you can hand off your workflow or you could just not keyword now I can work okay, so expanded sells the other thing that I don't care for is this tent grid cells with label colors the reason I don't like that is because then if I do mark something is like reddit tense the whole thing read I don't like a lot of color in my interface because that's going toe have an effect on how I see my images so I turn that off and then I just say you show me the little rating in the footer including my color labels will just get a little dot of red down there as opposed to screening that the whole like slide mount if we know what a slide mount is it looks like a slight mount okay, all right. Anything else that I change here I like instead of the next number so right down here look it whereas has expanded cell extras I can choose from anything here as far as what I want to see so there's a ton of stuff you can look at so for me it's important to have the bass name and then the file extension is up here in the upper right then I see the actual crop dimensions because I know pixels and I know okay if I want an eight by ten, three hundred pixels per inch the long dimension has to be three thousand pixels. Great. I've got enough here so I know immediately whether my file is big enough to print with the client wants and then over here I just have megapixels because there's actually not that much more information than I usually use I mean, you could dio your eyes so speed if that's important, if you want to be able to look really quickly hey, where they shot it four hundred or one so you can choose from all those there's also the loop view area, right? So the loop options go ahead and turn that on you cantata, go through your loot view. Sorry, I'm about to the wrong side. You can talk through the luv you just using the key. So once you're not in this dialog box, I goes from info one to info to to know info so you can put in three different parameters for each one super helpful if you're teaching. So if you want to show somebody, especially if you're teaching like the camera, what would a camera settings dio? Well? Let's, take a look at what depth of field is at two point eight versus f eight percent f twenty two you could immediately see with a little info laid over right there. What the difference is in depth, the field. So as a teaching tool, this is great. And as a self teaching tool, this is great as well, because I could come in here and say, all right, well, my first one, all right, we've got that f sixteen and then we go this one's at five. Six. So if I want to look at both of these images next to each other, I can select both of them and I don't have to go back to grid view or anything. I could just use the film strip right here and now, if I tap the n cay, the n cay goes to survey mode. So infer survey. Now I can see both of these next to each other and go. Wow! So look at the depth of field really makes a big difference here. It's only slightly blurred. Where is here? It's really blurred. So there's a difference between f twenty two or whatever. They too were that I said so. Just an interesting is you're working with your own photography. If you're thinking like I want to see what that information is when they go back to just the overlay we were looking at, what, five, six and now, because I only have the two images selected down here in the film ship, when I use my arrow keys, I just go left and right between the two and you can really see the difference there, and you can read the info so quite helpful, tool. Ok so that was the folder that was moving files oh I didn't show you renaming files so we'll go back to grid view because there is a huge difference between grid view and luke view in grid view whatever images you have selected whatever you do light room applies that to everything when you're in a loop view we have this kind of thought of more selected so all right let me get my thumbnails a little smaller I'm just using the minus key here too make my thumbnail smaller no other shortcut just minus and plus and then I have to come back we have to talk about that missing file okay if I have this image selected and the night shift click to select all these you can see that this image is more selected it's it's a little tag bit brighter than the other ones if I click over here this image becomes more selective. Well, if I'm adding something like a keyword over here if we go over to key wording you can see that the key words came in from when I imported the files. If I want to add another key word I certainly could and it would be added to all of the selected files. However, if I go toe loop view by tapping the iki or by clicking right down here now if I add a keyword it's only going to be applied to this image that is an important safety note it is a feature, not a bug so that means you can't galatis we did it on purpose this way. Okay? And the reason is I just will promise you you'll forget at some point that all those other files were selected and I'll be like yes, that is the best image and you'll tap the two key to give it a two star if women loot view you have multiple images selected the on ly give the to start the one you're looking at we just assume I don't know that you know that all those other files air selected you might have even hidden this right you might not even be a viewing your film strip you might have two monitors you might be looking at one monitor not your great view on the other monitor so you got to be careful so let's bring back the film strip there. So now if I tap to or whatever it's only going to apply that rating here tap the ikey that cycles us through the info and that's on that little chief sheet. You guys have all these shortcuts, so if you have been amazing I tried to write a letter by hand the other day. First of all, I had to write it like three times because they kept messing up like I like practice writing but very strong fingers I think we've all forgotten howto hand right you know, very strange I can't do it either you know the same it almost hurts my hand yeah I now have a doctor signature e could be a doctor you play one on tv all right, so I had to get back to let's go back here with this missing file so mine is not showing me this missing image it should show me a little question mark here. Why is it not showing me a question mark? Perhaps because I'm it's not lost it's like it knows where it is but I know it is lost so let's go to the let's go to the this is what happens when you know enough keyboards work it that you don't go toothy ok find all missing photos, huh? I knew there was one missing this one's missing so it tells me as soon as I say missing photographs right there then I should be able to click this little icon it's really interesting. I thought that was a question mark so I'm either going crazy or they change the icon on me I don't think they changed the icon maybe they did that's my smart preview icon that shows up over here but if I click on it it's basically warning me it can be edited right now because remember when we imported it I brought the smart preview so even though it's missing I can still do do things with it but I would I would feel more comfortable if I knew where that original was so here's the thing instead of clicking and clicking and clicking to find it just swipe the name of file and copy it just command see copy into the clipboard so yes I would like to locate that because you don't know where it is because you can't see it but anyway if you type in command v to paste it would just pace that like no one thinks that they can copy from a dialog box and paste if you never get an error message in light room or in any application like some morning dialog box and you don't know what it is and you're not sure whether you should click ok or not swipe it copied to the clipboard go to your browser and do a search on it because especially if it's a very specific you know warning trust me the engineer speak a whole nother language right so are you going to really ask that question like with the same burbage ahs like a normal customer person as our engineers do when they design it no we love our engineers I think what would it be like to walk around all day and have to explain things to me that's what they dio I walk in their office and I chris and because this big sigh when I walk in like I know but I don't understand explain it to me like I'm a check all right? I'll try to dumb this down for you in like please could see then it's what's greatest like you guys are probably just as technical as I am I just I just get access to the software earlier so that I have time to figure out what it all means and then try to translate it into my own words and then trying to get that out there so anyway pasted in pasted in there it will find it you'll say yes, there it is you'll hit select oh I forgot to show you there was a little thing that's a fine nearby photos and it's on by default just leave that on so that if you're missing five hundred images and it finds like you've put them all into one folder somewhere, it'll just re link them all, which is quite nice all right? So now this image I'm not exactly clear on where it is, right? So what I could do is I could say, well, I know where I want it to go I wanted to go in the cactus folder so I'm just going to drag and by the way you have to drag from in the imagery you can't drag from this slide mount which is once you learn that it's a lovely thing to know so you have to drag over there and now I've moved that over all right so there's my cactus images something else about selecting if you've got a bunch of images here and they're all selected if you want to de select the images you can use command d or control d two d selective hearing windows but if I want to de select everything and yet select one still so like I want to de select everything except for this one well if I click on it it just shifts the most selected value to their by click on here now that becomes the most liked it but if you click in that gray area everything else will become de selected except for that one image that's a quick way to de select everything except for the one image that you click on does that make sense because like if I had these three images let me get my thumbnails little smarter okay I've got the first row selected if I just want this image selected no big deal just click on it but if you've got all of these selected instead of doing a d select you could just say no I want to de select something click in the gray area but I want to select just that one boot there it is so that should be easier right? Why does she know how to talk okay so renaming files. Geez, you guys okay? Renaming files. Very easy. Select all the images that you want to rename. I did a command air control a that selects all come up here underneath the library. Option you, khun cf two is the default shortcut for it. You can use f two brings up renamed photos. So if you want to do the second way that we imported, where you use the operating system to copy all the files to your hard drive and then you use light room to import them, you don't get the option to rename so here's where you would rename those. So here my eighteen photos and look, remember when we spent the time to create that template that template, we can access it right here. There's a file naming convention. The only thing with this it doesn't remember your start number. So if you are using like one sequence, like for the whole year, you kind of have to look and what I would d'oh, um, is I would just say ok, well, let's, look a two thousand thirteen and then all of these images air with in the two thousand thirteen oh no, australia's not so let's put australia back in there. We'll pretend like it was in two thousand thirteen so now what I would do is I'd say well, there's seventy six plus eighteen my mouth isn't that great, so I would just use a little option to show the photos and the sub folders that gives me a total count would say, oh, I have ninety four images there, so if I imported more files I'd say, well, I need to start renaming on ninety five that makes sense the thing is if you you know, if you include this like if you were trying to if we were trying to rename australia, I wouldn't want to see australia in here because it would be part of the count, but most people honestly they're not going to be is where does I am? And they're going to use a different found a memory templates renaming template so they'll do select all here they'll use the keyboard shortcut f two or come down to rename photos and then they'll come up here and say no, I have clients I actually have clients who pay me to take photographs julian I'm not like you how did you guys do it? I don't know how you have clients that's why I have a job at adobe I want to make my own artwork clients always wanting to change things like and that's guy a little more blue no no, it'll overpower the dress. All right, so we'll use this, uh, let's use one that actually has a custom vile name in it. Right? So as soon as I do not look and I get this custom text, so if this was instead of cactus all type in cactus because that makes sense, but you could type in. You could type in smith or whatever your client name is. And then your start number for me. I don't like to put a little underscore at the end just because it separates the name from the from their right. And it looks like we had a date in there to the two thousand thirteen but you click ok, and they're all renamed so it's really easy to rename files. I would suggest that you rename your files here, then when you export your files, we'll talk about that when we when we actually do the exporting. But when you're exporting files and stuff, you know, I don't usually rename the files. I will upend the file name. I will add something to the end of it, like all at an emmy for master edited if I'm going to photo shop, but I keep the file name the same, so that all the derivatives of my original file always start with the same base name. So I wouldn't like change that would be a nightmare what if you shot a wedding and then you upload it and you change the file names on all the images that you uploaded? And then when people were ordering files you're like oh, so which one does that correlate to? Yeah, so I don't just add something like l r for lo rez or you might know you might be using the final extension say, well, I know all my psd files are layered I know all my j peg files or the ones that I upload to the web, but then I don't like using the file name extension as like a trigger for what's in the file I would rather put like l r for lo rez l r e m for email, you know, things that I know like or if I've done today master edited and then f means flat asked me and sharpened matte paper could be mp so there's like finally mean is really important when you get to the derivative state so that you can tell all of your different ah that's, my layered photoshopped file that's my flattened, photoshopped file that's you know my retouched to file that's the file I sent to the client so just trying to help yourself instead of having to open five different psd files to figure out which one's the one you want and by the way, when you don't ever call a file of final it's going to jinx it will not be a final file then you'll have to be like, this is my dog final dot done final done really final dot done, dot really like, can I go home now? Yeah. It's just o one o two little three those were derivatives. All right, all right. How we doing over there? Well, tim white says is they're setting, which will allow you to export files with history so that the history is visible if you import into another catalog. No, not that one. No, because history is catalog specific. Okay, yeah, s o a few things I know. I'm not sure why tim, I kind of assumed you know why he wants to do that. He could. What I would do is, like let's say, I mean, if he's doing this for massive amounts of images than that's just kind of know and he should just forget it. But if you had, like, six or seven images where you had me maybe two or three different history states that you wanted to keep, you can convert a history state into a snapshot and I'll show people how to do that probably thiss afternoon, great when we're in the developed module we've got another one here from sam cox in colorado. I know that you had mentioned about importing images from different memory cards. He wants to know if you're shooting with more than one camera at, say, an event, do you use a different or modified naming convention to keep track of the different data coming from different cameras, but at the same time pass? And so it could be kind of confusing, okay, that's a great question, but no, I wouldn't, because I am so weird about my sequence, I don't even rename my files until after I throw everything away, thanks to all my files, and I believe I don't remain my files because then there would be a gap in my sequence. I know it's a ridiculous thing. This is not something I'm suggesting everyone dio, but actually I am suggesting that if you have clients in the salesroom because they always want to know what happened to that picture when it what goes from, like, nineteen to twenty two, they're like where the other pictures and what do you say to him? They were terrible, you know? You don't say that so, eh? So what? You could dio, uh, let's see let's, go to two thousand thirteen, so I'm now looking here in my grid area of all of the images from both australia and the cactus images, I'm afraid these were all photograph with the same camera, but look, if we go into my filter area, which we'll talk more about later under meta data, I can actually look at the different cameras that were used. So if I have multiple shooters, I can actually go in here and say let's, look at all the images from shooter a versus shooter be so I can keep track of actually, who photographed even just this is an excellent way if you ever have to change the metadata the capture time, there's a lot of times we have two people photographing a wedding there. Cameras are not going to be sink right. The clocks will not be right, so you could go in here and you could select any number of images so let's, just select this row for a minute. But you can come up here under the meta data area and you can actually at the capture time of any of your images. So let's say the time clock like let's say you have your second shooter came out from new york. So you win here at the capture time you say, oh, I need to shift this by a set number of hours because they forgot to do the time zone adjust because right otherwise if you're viewing them all by capture time, you're going to have, like the ceremony and then it's going to get to the reception and down here, the other photographers ceremony is going to start popping up in the lobby jumbled and I've seen people go in and try to make, like a custom sort order of everything, but you can actually come here and just shifted by a set number of hours or if you just got one person that's like five minutes off you pick the first one, we'll you sorry, you don't pick the first one, you pick all of them and then you say, ok, my camera was off by twenty two minutes and you can actually just adjust the first one, so you have to do the math. You have to say, ok, well, it wasn't really three o four, it was really three forty four, so it takes that first image and does the offset of that much. It takes the second image and off so that that exact amounts you only have to do it once you have to know how much it was off, and then it will go through and change the capture time for all your image, okay? I'm hoping that was what there's other really cool stuff with a sparse serial numbers go that I'll just show here under light room if you go to preferences when you're setting up presets which we'll talk about later this afternoon these precepts here you can actually make pre set specific tio eso sevens and camera serial numbers if you've got two people's maybe she's photographing with two different quality image of cameras you might need different noise reduction for your interior shots on one camera than another and you can actually set that up so that all those images come in anything with like s o eight hundred or above gets a different amount of noise reduction than other files so this is why I like rooms really good with these batches like big batches of images you just have to kind of noodle in here and look at all these settings which I know like when I do email I don't go in there and look at every single icon in my free time on friday afternoon but it's actually really good idea to do that we've got so many people in the chat room seventy people joining us today who clearly are very well versed in like truman we really appreciate all your questions but a lot of them are about presets so I think we will we'll deal with the preset questions later on we get to that section this afternoon but we've got a truly global audience has always got people in australia in south africa we got somebody in the uk wherever that is on we got married is joining us from bucharest actually married three months before marries asking would you recommend to add to the files to light room or copy them so I prefer to add referred as because it well but here's the thing it might not seem like that much like if you just haven't ate good card and you're just downloading then the difference between having the operating system copy the files and then you going in the light room and adding them the time difference might not seem that great but if you've got like, you know if I'm not photographing all day and I'm in yellowstone or something and I've got three cards worth and their sixteen thirty two gigs cards it's it's a significant amount of time in to copy the files so I ad in place plus than it just allows me to go in like here's the other thing so if if you copy the files from your card to your hard drive through the operating system if something goes wrong you know right then like if there's a dialogue boxes hey that car, that car that file couldn't copy you know that there's a problem either with your card reader or the card light room has nothing to do with it all right so I like to chunk things out in their smallest little steps so I know if there's a failure and I know now okay well it's either my car to the card reader or the cable it has nothing to do with light room or my operating well it could be operating system that be terrible great one more here from d hunt she's asking is there a way to have a smart preview file in two locations that could be sink uh no why? This's what this is what questions get hard so I'm trying to figure out why they would want a secondary smart preview so that you could sink them so light room will have the one smart preview you take the files off line you may call your changes and everything all those changes are made to the smart preview you put your files back online and it just automatically takes care of itself so in that case because the smart preview has changed it would copy that set of instructions to the original file so they would be in sync if your originals are online and you're making changes to them that's smart preview is also always being kept in sync so we're kind of managing these were actually managing three files this's where it gets to be that kind of crunchy bits that we'll talk about kind of all this more difficult like under the hood stuff at the end because I don't want to get ahead of myself with the smart previews but you know we could do that let's let's go here to our catalog settings for a minute I just want to point out that if you come here underneath the general you know, this is how you can always find the location of your catalog like if you're not sure where it is so you could just hit show and so here's the catalogue that I've created and you'll notice that there's a number of different files so we'll just make this little little larger the lr can't that's your light room catalog that's your database right so there's light room the application that's in my applications folder then I have this catalog this is what I'm looking at right now this is the database that knows where all these files are. Then I've got a journal file and a locked file those air on ly I only see those finals when light rooms open with that catalog open so those are just temporary files when I quit like room, those files will just go away. They're just we just need them while we're working in the catalog this smart previews that's a totally separate file, then your regular previews latte and why are some smart, smart previews are the ones that understand what to do if your files are off line they're the ones that allow you to work in the developmental, but your regular previews are what we use in the library module and that's why when you're in the library module in light room and you go from one image to the next and everything's running along really smoothly and then you go over the develop module and you go why is it taking time to load those files? I've already made the previews ah, the develop module doesn't use previews it doesn't use the same previews I should say that you would find in the library module it will use your smart preview if the files off line but your regular previews that you make when you import your files and you tell it oh I want standard previews the's previews that it isn't library model these air actually compressed vials otherwise that preview file on your hard drive would be enormous, so they're compressed files but they allow you to go from one image the next quickly but because they're compressed, you know the engineers are all about quality and adobe and so when you use thes compressed files in the library module that's fine, because most of time you doing keyword in you doing metadata you're picking images and stuff you're not going over to the developed module, you're not changing the white balance in the developmental we really, really want that original file so that's, why are smart previews the ones that you can work in in the developmental if your files off line that's why those air separate files? They're a little bit smaller, they are compressed it's always best to use your originals online? Yes, about these smart previews this are they made with lossy format or a lossless format? Because then I'm warning you need pixel perfection later on maybe some high end photography like fashion? Yes, and then if you're doing something so that the law see there's like maybe a slightly smaller because throwing away something yes, it's an excellent question and it is lost, it is not pixel perfect, so another area that have to be really careful in is sharpening and noise reduction because the smart previews I think they're around two thousand four hundred pixels on their longest dimension, so we are re sizing them down all right? So they're not only they're they're not only compressed, they're missing pixels, so when you view them one to one that's going to be different from viewing your originals one to one so it's great that you can go somewhere and you can make changes and I could take my entire image library with me on a flight and I could be managing all those images or I could be on a plane and not have to have this plugged in but at the end of the flight, before I go to press or before I show my my demo, if I know that I want to show something that a hundred percent, I'd want to go in and check that with the originals. Yeah, I think we're going to tell us, ok? All right, thanks. Journey and sure. Okay, so navigating and stuff, so I know that I just heard that there's some some more advanced people online, so this this will get more advanced as well, just so they feel more comfortable. I know some of you guys are more advance it's two right here in the audience, but it's hard just I don't want to skip to just advance because that'll mess with people. Okay? So navigating let's talk a little bit about just the interface for a minute. So just a few keyboard shortcuts. I think we know that if you tap the tab key that's quite convenient because that hydra panels you tap the tab key again and then we'll bring him back. Shift tab. We'll hide the panels as well as thie module picker as well as the film strip. So shift tab again will bring those back, I believe it's five of six. F seven and f they hide like each one of them independently, so you could just hide the left panel of the right panel. Of course, we can also do that, just using the little arrows on the left or right hand side here, so if I click on that narrow, it will hide the panel click again, it shows it. One of the things that I like to do is I like to hide the panels on the right hand side so I will hide those while I'm doing a lot of my editing, but the thing is, if I normally come over here and if I kind of overshoot the edge, right? Like if I'm trying to use the scroll here, but I go too far, the panel will pop up, so you should know that you can either control click or right mouse, click here on windows or you know, I keep saying that the right mouse click if you're on windows, but obviously if you're on a mac, you can have a mouse, it has a right now, and in fact, it's time, we just need to have them now, it's, just time if you have a one button mouse it's time to get something all right, so what I can do is I can change this, you'll notice that instead of auto hide and show I've got auto haider manual and we can obviously do each panel separately so if I choose auto hide the nice thing about this is if I hide that panel but I kind of go too far as I'm trying to drag my slider here it's not going to automatically pop open because it drives me crazy that it pops open and then you're like all right then you gotta move your mouse and then you gotta wait in a little pop back finally so I do that I change it there to this auto hide and that way if I want to see it I pop it open and I could say oh yeah I need to make a quick developed change or something and then as soon as I position my cursor off the panel it just auto hides in but I have to manually say please pop out do whatever you want and then it will hide so that's kind of nice and you could do that per panel per module all right some other things with panels if you want to be evil you can hide panels you've been right mouse click on any of the panel headers and you could just hide them that's not a nice thing to do but if there's panels that you never use you might want to hide them personally what I do instead as I put my panels and what's called solo mode especially when I'm working on the laptop because you'd only have this limited amount of screen real estate so if you go into solo mode, what happens is see these little triangles these disclosure triangles they're going to turn from solid white to like little little gray dots like bowling pins, so if I go to solo mood now they're the little dots and if I click on any other panel this panel will open but the other panel shuts. So where is this really handy? Well like in the developed module because you have all those panels on the right hand side right? And you don't have a lot of screen real estate, so if you write mouse click on the panel header you can choose solo mode or what you can do is you can option or old click just on the disclosure triangle right there and now I can quickly go ok, I want to see my split tony that pops up and all the others are closed so I'm not scrolling up and scrolling down scrolling up now someone's going to say but julie and I would like to panels open okay it's no big deal you just hold down the shift key and you just click on the tone curve and yes, everyone sounds like that when they have questions all right, so no that's just I have lots of voices in here trust me we really like I'd like to be in your head no you don't really you know all right, so that's how you can work with those panels. All right, let's get back to the library module some of your keyboard shortcuts like grid like the g for grid and the l for a loop those actually taking from one panel to the I'm sorry from one module to the next so that's quite nice like if I tempt the geeky now even though I'm in the developed module, the geeky is going to take me back to grip if I do command p to print something it's going take me all the way to the print model and they're shortcuts for every module and by the way, if you go into the help menu right here you'll notice that each one you've got print module tips, print module help and print module shortcuts so if you just click on the shortcuts it'll show you most of the shortcuts that aaron the print module and then you just click on it again and it'll go away it's not all of them that she is much better but it's a lot of them ok, so let's go back to the library module we've talked about folders we talked about parent folders and child folders did we do that? I don't think we did sorry okay, so um this image vault holder I think we did one of these, but let me do it again if I decide that I want to see the folder on top of that so let's, go to the finder here and we go to the desktop, we say ok, if we look, we can see that my image vault folder is in the creative life older if I wanted to see that creative live folder for whatever reason we can right mouse click and we can say, can you show the parent folder? And what that does is it will go ahead and show the creative life folder on top of that. All right? Because you might want to import other images or you might what'll happen is like I have like my photography, my photos folder and then I have a photo shop demos folder there in the same parent folder, but you can't see the relationship between them until you show that parents sometimes it's just really helpful to see the parent folder. Now if you don't want the parent folder showing, then you can write mouse click as long as you've got the parent folder selected and you can say, can you please hide this parent? You know you got to give it to my parents because I always say, could you please hide this parent because I'm asking it to do something for me I do not take this for granted I cannot program this I can't program my way out of a paper bag, so hide this parent thank you. I'm amazed you work all right, so now we've got just the image vault with two thousand thirteen hundred so that's how you would show and hide your parent folder since we're right mouse clicking let's take a look at some of those other options so when I write mouse, click and by the way the areas here are sensitive so I might have the image vault folder targeted, meaning that I haven't selected but aiken right mouse click anywhere and light room knows where I am, right mouse clicking so if I let's say let's, say I went and photographed more pictures of cactus, and I've added those files to that cactus folder if I write mouse, click on it, see I didn't have to click on it to selected I just right mouse clicked on it and then I could say, hey, could you could you synchronize that holder? I put more images in there without telling you I put more images in there without importing them, so could you go get them and become aware of those? Because just because you copy more files into a folder light room doesn't import them into the catalog because you might not want him important so you could synchronise the folder or if I wanted to know if I've got a bunch of images that I just photograph, I could say, hey, could you import into this folder? What does that do? Well, when I say import into this folder, it automatically should be selecting that folder over here is my destination. So now I don't have to fiddle around and find that destination it's right there, they say yes, please. Thank you. Important to two thousand thirteen, important of whichever folder you want. Okay. All right, let's, cancel out of there. What else do we have here? Questions, comments, concerns weaken, subtract a folder. Ok, then, there's a lot of other little things that everything in the interface actually means something, which is quite nice. So you've got the little green icon right here. This just tells me hey, I've got plenty of space left on that drive soon as you start seeing it go to yellow or red, it means you're drives filling up you guys know you always want to leave. I would say twenty percent of free space on any hard drive do not fill your hard drives all the way up, leave some space, I've got a terabyte drive thing I left two hundred fifty gigs free on that drive you can see how much space is actually you have free right here if you want to some people like to see the path from the volume so you can add that as well this happens you know if you've got tons of boulders on maybe a network drive you go ahead and do that and we don't care if you put your files on a network drive that's absolutely fine you cannot put your catalog on a network drive your catalog cannot be on the network drive your catalog we do not support it could you do it well you could drive any filed any drive if you want tio we do not support it we do not support a multi user access so people who want to put the file on the network drive so that more than one person can access the light room catalog do not do this there is no check in check out on the light room catalog so if two people access the catalogue at the same time bad things will happen just don't do it just don't do it okay you can also see your folder and the path if you want to again this is just options here you obviously the shortest one is going to be the folder name on lee okay working about dropbox since people like using that and his low it's considered local right chapman as well ok, so could I put ok, so if I was shooting a, uh, weddings and I was doing a catalog per wedding, and for some reason I needed to get my catalog from one computer to another, I could certainly dragging in a drop box or use creative cloud put that file up there, and then I could go to my other machine and pull it down. But you're going to be so miserable if if your database is in the cloud because going super slow now there I'm sure there's somebody out there that has this really killer set up where it's super fast, but honestly, I put my database so number earlier, I said, I have all my extra all my files, my entire photo library is on a bunch of external drives, but my catalog is on my internal drive because that's, my fastest drive, and I want this fast because it's looking at I mean, this is this catalog is, look, this is it's looking at less than a hundred pictures, but actually what we're going to do is we're going to switch over. I'm actually gonna go over here and say let's, open up a recent catalog and in the next session will go ahead and start with my demo catalog it just has a ton of images in it it's got collections and everything is so much easier for me to show a bunch of other features so you can see here with the eleven thousand you know if I want to do a find if I'm looking at all my photographs and I do a fine for clouds all right what that is it targeted my filters I typed in my text attribute any searchable field contains and it went out and access to all those so I want that to be quick so in order to have that be quick I want my database here and then when I go in I say well I haven't viewed these images in quite some time but I'm going to go from one image to the next when I used my arrow key here I want this to be quick so I want all those previews and my database to be on a local drive can you do it? Yes. Can you transfer a catalog that way? Yes. What? I recommend running your catalog off the cloud now things are getting faster they're definitely getting faster and if you think about our smart previews tom hardy did a great presentation with the with the photo shop guys about adobe's mobile vision for photography so you could you could check that out I have another question about speech from davis thanks for the question dave at what point does a catalog or collection becomes so big that it slows down light room five is there a practical limit I would say in theory there's too many variables ok so here the variables how do you optimize light room off the light room is optimized by the cpu so how fast is your computer it's also going to be faster because so many things determine how faster catalog is right your internal hard drive how fast is that our your files on your internal hard driver they on an external hard drive how much ram do you have? Not that light room isn't like the ram loving application like photo shop is but if you have photo shop and light room open you will need I would say you really should get more than four gigs of ram I've got sixteen gigs on this internal drive with a solid state how many images how big is each image so are you photograph of your iphone so they're small or do you have a medium format back that you're using how many in the developed module how many little local develop changes do you have are you applying lens correction are you applying upright corrections all of those things will slow down the previews of each of your images there's more things to you know what if they went to my block so if you go to bloggers dot adobe dot com slash j cost and you do a search for optimize there's a white paper for light room and there's a white paper for photo shot that the engineers I think adam wrote those and those air excellent resource is for all the things you can do to get your system speedy at this point we are going to take a fifteen minute break quick by a break here in san francisco but julian, what are we going to talk about when we come back? We're going to talk more about everything in the everything else in the library module and then after lunch we're going to come and we're going to hit the develop module and believe it or not there's still a lot in the library module we're looking forward to that and we've got lots of fans of julianne's out there in the internet world we've got some of the studios will keith came particularly to meet julianne today but thanks to smith's mia saying julian is one of my heroes so I'm going to be spending my saturday night being deaky welcome to my world I e o meat must be somewhere else in the world so welcome to them aunt cathy s is saying I have requested julian many times to teach your creative life so she's thrilled that creative lifelessness took her request so thank you thank you, thanks thanks, all you people out, it's been a great morning so far. We've already touched on so much material. We talk about importing and renaming, cataloging, creating folders, working on some short cuts and optimizing workflow. So we've really just scratched the surface. We've got a lot more to talk about with julianne today.
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Ratings and Reviews
Julie Coder
I started using LR about a year ago, but I hadn't yet set up my database and work flow process. This class was perfect and really helped me dive deeper into into the program. Julieanne knows her stuff, and she provides some excellent tips for both organization and editing. Love her teaching style, as well as her photography. Some of the more recent tools (such as the range mask) are not covered, but the content is still relevant and Julieanne's tips are fantastic. Highly recommend!
a Creativelive Student
I follow Julieanne on FB and on her blog, and looked forward to this event. It did not disappoint, and in fact offered a few surprises. The exactitude of her content is always there. But the free-form, informal nature of this course kept it engaging over the many hours. I admire her style of speaking seamlessly to all skill and experience levels at once. Quite a trick -- I've had the good fortune to learn from the best, and I count Julieanne among them.
Valerie Pinsent
Julieanne Kost has an amazing way of sharing her knowledge on photoshop Lightroom, with humour and simplicity that keeps you wanting more. The 2 days that this workshop lasted could have seemed long but was in fact very, very short. This course gives you all the ropes to use this amazing program, with all its shortcuts and techniques that probably aren't in manuals with a few extras from photoshop which are just as amazing. She is so contagious that you want to pull an 'all-nighter' just to put in practice all the wonderfull things one has learned. Thank you very much Julieanne!!!