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9:30 am - Export and Edit In

Lesson 14 from: Workflows with Lightroom 5

Julieanne Kost

9:30 am - Export and Edit In

Lesson 14 from: Workflows with Lightroom 5

Julieanne Kost

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14. 9:30 am - Export and Edit In

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9:30 am - Export and Edit In

So let's, go ahead and go back to the library for a moment on dh we're going to talk about exporting and editing in so export and edit in this kind of assumes that at this point you have already finished your images right, and you're ready to move to the next step. So you've already gone through the develop module, and I have a bunch of slides here that I'm not really sure are going to be super useful, but we can we can just really quickly flip through them. So the workflow obviously is we're going to start in the oregon and organizer images that's usually the library module, then we go to develop, and then you either export your files and you might be finished with them or you're going out, put him where they're going to print him or go on a website or make a slide show. All right, but if you're going to use photo shop, this is where it gets inserted in the work flow, all right? So between developed and obviously your final thing, you're going to scoot over to photo shop. So we're goi...

ng to talk a lot about that the's air just list of all the things that you would do, but I think we've already covered all that, so we don't need to talk about that this is the important slide so after you're done enhancing your image and photo shop, I would typically say you probably want to bring those files into your light room catalog because you want to have your original raw files and then some people like let's say we we imagine that that wedding scenario again so you've got all of your wrong files in one folder, and then you've got all of your psd files or your two files, all those files that you've retouched and you've edited I personally put them in the same folder as the originals, but a lot of people make a sub folder like, and they just call it psd, and they just put all the psd files in that so it's really up to you personally, I just like my original and then my derivative sitting right next to it so that I can see it, but it just depends on how you want to organize things. My point with this slide is that after we're done in photo sha and you import the files back into light room, you then want to kind of output those files. You don't want to get in the circle where you go organize, develop and then maybe either export or enhance and come back to organize and develop you don't want to like, I like to think of this is a one way street like I'm gonna import in the light room I'm gonna make my changes in the developed module and then I'm gonna go into photo shop but I don't come back in the light room and go to develop again and there's a reason for that if you do that so let's say I have a multilayered retouched photoshopped file that I've now imported back in the light room if I go to the developed module and make changes and then have to open that in photo shop again my only option is to open a flattened version if I want those light room develop settings so we'll take a look at exactly how we would do that ok, so we're gonna use this image I think this is kind of funny because you're like hey oh never mind you know uh yeah probably shouldn't give you too many insights to my brain all right, so what we want to do is we want to at this point we're just going tio edit a small number of images right? So this isn't like you have to export five hundred images we'll talk about exporting a minute this is like I want to take this image and I want to go at it in photos so how do we do that? Well, you could go into the photo menu right here and you can say at it in but we don't really know what we're going to get right now what is it hand off well that depends on your preferences so let's go to the light room preferences right here and we'll go to external editing so here are the defaults for your external editing when I say edit in I use command ear control e to edit in I'm going to get a psd file in pro photo rgb sixteen but at three under pixels print but your land I don't want that oh ok well let me show you how to change that all right? So if you want to work with two files that's fine what's the difference there isn't really much of one because anything that you can save in a tiff file you can save in a psd file and vice versa so almost ever so you've got a path that you've made with the pencil yeah, you could say that in a tiff tiff or a psd phone I've got an alfa channel doesn't matter I've got multiple layers I got an adjustment later I've got type players I've got layer masks I've got blend mosey on both tip and psd files well hold on to all of that information right now when your finals get really big like over two gigs then you're probably going to want to either save is a tiff file or it actually switches from ptsd two psb photoshopped document is psd when they get really big it's psb for a photo shop big I don't really think that's it, but that's how I remember it all right, so it's up to you, I always say this psd, just because I've always save that way well for me, tiff didn't used to be able to save everything, and so in my mind I always save my layered files as psd files and and I always saved my flattened files as my tiff files, and those were the files that I would put into my page layout program, and that tells you how old I am because now, like if I use in design, it really doesn't matter because in design can work with layered psd files. So it's really just your own preference. Alright, what color space we're going to go into so pro photo we know is the largest color space out of these three the one trade off with pro photo because it is such a large color spaces that it can have colors so there could be colors in your file that you can't accurately see on your monitor. Because the color space of pro photo is bigger in some areas in some color range is then your monitor is going to be able to reproduce, so that would be the only trade off there you might go, oh wow, you know, I printed it and that color blue is a little bit is shifted in hue or in saturation and that's because well that was actually the color is just your monitor can't show you that color you go to our adobe rgb that's a very kind of standard color space because pretty mentioned you can get a monitor that matches adobe rgb now if you're going to go to the web you want the s rgb but here's the thing if I'm going to go in and retouch the photograph and I'm going to spend time doing this I want to take it in the largest color space I can because if I need to dodge and burn and make changes to my file the more color I have, the better off I am so some people were like no, I take it in there to srg b and that's what I export and that's fine especially because if you think about it if you know that like your color lab on ly wants us rgb and you know you're gonna put the images on the web and they're gonna be srg b and you're going to sell those images if you're working and pro photo or adobe rgb and you think the image looks terrific and you've got a lot of really super neon bright colors don't forget that when you convert the file to srg b for the web or you convert it because you have to maybe your color lab only takes us rgb you're going to see a reduction in the colors in the vibrance of some of those colors in your image, you may you may not, it depends on the colors in your image, so personally, I would rather work with as many colors as I can for as long as possible, especially when I'm doing my fine art work, because hopefully I'll be selling the stuff for a long time, and the printing technology has gotten so much better in the last five years that it's going to continue to get better. So why would I limit myself at this stage of image making, not knowing what the future's going to bring? Ok, bit death sixteen bit again, a lot more information. That's going to your file size twice is big, but for me, it's worth it until I start working on my multilayered, you know, twenty four by twenty four inch images because then they just get out of control and my files, usually that I create these composites are usually about one point five gigs as they are, and I'm in a bit, not in sixteen bit, so it is there, it becomes this kind of balancing point with like, how much time do I have that if I was just doing a single image and retouching and I would definitely keep it in sixteen bit? Resolution this is just the default resolution you can always change us and photo shot it doesn't really matter what you put here as far as how large of a file lite room's going to export light room will always are sorry I shouldn't say export and it in whatever the resolution here is is just how close or far away those pixels are going to be per inch right? So I can put seventy two in here or I can put three hundred in here light room is going to take however many pixels it has in that document and just arrange them for print so you'll get the same total numeric pixel count whether you say three hundred pixels per inch or seventy two pixels print let me just explain that a little bit more I'm going to go back to the grid view here so we can see this this image is fifty six sixteen by thirty seven forty four that is the set pixel count when I say add it in lite room's going to create a pixel base file at this pixel dimension whether I put those pixels at seventy two pixels fringe or three hundred pixels fringe I still have the same total number of pixels and I can always change that later in photo shop it's just like if you put a bunch of if we put five thousand pennies across the table here and I said, ok, I want you to put seventy two pennies per inch. We'd have a lot if I said ok, now I want you to put three hundred pennies per inch now, I might only have this many pennies, right, this many inches of pennies. But I still have the same total number of pennies. I just putting them closer together or further apart. Based on what? My output device ones. All right, so I know that, like image science is the most confusing thing in photo shop. But just if you're going to start thinking and pixels that's really going to help, ok, so let's, go back to those preferences here. Sorry, I used command, comma or control. Come on, windows to bring that up. All right, so there's, the three hundred pixels, prince compression. Nine months. Because I haven't said to tip. I want that set to psd. All right, so those are just my defaults. So if we close this, we grabbed this image. We do a command e or we can right mouse click and we can say, could you please add it in? And then I will read it and photoshopped. And by the way, it knows that I have photo shops sisi it knows what the most current version of photo shop is that you have if you have photoshopped elements, it would see that you have elements and it would just edit it in elements. So here is the image it's opened up. This could be a little bit confusing right now, this image, it doesn't really exist anywhere except for right here. What does that mean? Well, this isn't the light room raw file that's still that image that's on my hard drive and that we're working with a white room. This image was that original raw file, plus any changes that we made to it opened up as a pixel based document, but if I close it, it just goes away, which is a good thing because a lot of times all open like five or six images to make a composite out of, and I don't really want light room building those pixel based images because they're huge and they take up a lot of space and I dragged those into a single document, and then I just close them and I don't I don't need that file anymore. Now, if I wanted to save this file, all I have to do is save it, but let's, take a look right up here. Because it could be a little confusing. It says it's a d n g file but that's just because it's in this state right now where it's been handed off from light room to photo shop but like but photoshopped hasn't seemed to yet so it's just waving like you want it you want it is important. You sure? It's? Close it now, it's gonna go away? All right, so we can do something to it or we could just say, yeah, I just want to save it so command as her control s sorry about that that's under the file menu s so you can see it opened it up because it's sixteen bit and it's a large file, its one hundred twenty meg's. All right, I'm gonna close that. Um I'm gonna read this. I'm going to say, huh? That's kind of odd because I just hit save but sure we'll save you again. All right, we'll come back to photo shop and now we have two versions. I have my original dmg file and I have these saved photoshopped document let's make my thumb feels a little bit bigger he's in the plus icon there so we can see there's, my dan g file and there's my psd file, they're actually stacked together, we haven't talked about stacking but I know they're stacked because of the difference I'm seen in the colors here between the slide mount area right back here if I want to stack them so that I only see one I can click on this little icon right here let's look a little grabby handle like click on that it just put it away so I don't have to look at him that's really nice like if you've got let's say if we go back to a folder here this stacking is really nice like a flame in two thousand twelve and I go to arizona and a go you know I have a bunch of images well let's see if we can find a bunch that are really different. All right, well here's three well let's say that I've picked the one that I like the best and it's this one so I say ok let's, go up here to the library and let's stack these images only it's not under the library menu so we have to go to the photo manu, we'll go to stacking this is why that right mouse click is so handy alright so well group in the stacks and now we know the keyboard shortcuts command g so they're stacked they're sitting on top of each other I can open the stank and I can close the stack but the wrong images on the top I want this image to be on the top of the stack, so we'll go back there to photo will go to stacking, we'll say, could you please move to the top of the stack? So now my best image of a siri's is at the top, and I don't have all the rest of those pictures cluttering up my grid view. Of course I'm not very bright, so I always forget that there's images underneath it, even though it shows me its stacked when I close it, look it it says, three of three right here, I don't know how much more obvious I would want that to be, but I'm like waited all the rest of those images go, you can stack in the folder area, you can also stack in your collections, but I think it's a little bit more useful in the folder area just because I'm trying to not see all the maybe seconds, I only want to see the best image, so ok, I'm sorry, but I digressed because we were not talking about that, so I'm going to come back down here to my export and edit in we'll talk about this image that I stacked and inspect, so let's, go take a look at those preferences again, and we can do that with just command and then comma or control comma so the reason that it's stacked by default is because of this option right here, if you don't like stacking, you can just another check that and the reason that it added that underscore is because I've changed the way that I like my files to be renamed now by default. It just says dash of it and I think that's kind of lame. So what I did is I just came in here to our final naming template. We did this in the import module yesterday. We also did it in the library module, but I just came in here and I edited this and I said, okay, I want the same file name keep the same base name because otherwise it's way too confusing. If you start changing all your file names every time, so keep the same file name, but then just upended. So the underscore me, like really me? Like maybe mean amy, meet mind, mind no it's for master edited. So I know this is my master editing images. So this means that for me I know it's a psd file. I know that it's going to be my layered file. All right? Because I can't stand being confused and wasting time having like six psd files and not knowing which one is the most current so it's like this is my master edited if I then need to go and make another derivative it's gonna be like master edited dot no one we're not done we don't put a dot there we just put o one o two o three all right so this is you know you just I just came in here I just type this so final name was one of the tokens here it's right here and then I just did underscore mp there we go and then I went ahead and I saved it just like we did yesterday we saved as a new preset I'm not going to do that because I already have this one so we'll hit cancel but that's how it's changing that name for me all right so let's see some other things that we can do in some other work flows so I've got this dmg files and I've got the psd file right now I'm going to say I want to edit the psd file so right mouse click edit in and I'm going to edit it it's going to ask me what exactly do you want to add it? Do you want to end it the original a copy or edit a copy with light room adjustments? Well I haven't made any adjustments since this became a psd file so I didn't take this psd file into the develop module make adjustments I don't like doing that all right, I would go back to the original if I need to make those kinds of adjustments so here I'm just going to add an original so when I click edit it opens it up now if I inverted and save it and close it we're fine okay we come back yet we see those changes right there so they're always updated which is quite nice but let's take a different image and do something a little bit different all right? Those let's grab something we'll grab this one right here so this image right here has a lot of different effects at it in the developed module and I'm going to edit this I'm gonna say right mouse click I'm gonna say edit in I'm gonna edit it in photos show hey it's building that image it should take me directly over there when it's done handing it off it usually flips over to photo shop I was a little impatient there so I went over there just using the keyboard shortcut all right so now we're here what I see a lot of people do though is you have to you have to think like white room right now so like room said hey had this great image and you want to edit it and photo shop so here photoshopped here's my image the night rooms just sitting there like handing off that image ok don't forget you hand it off that image hand it off that image don't forget you handed off that image. All right, so you come in here and we do something like invert the file if I save it now photo shop says hey, I'm done here's your image back like rooms like cool, thanks so much. What if you quit like room? In the meantime, when photo shops done it's going to like hey, light room here's your photo light room light room here's your photo so light room may or not may not catch it on the way back or if I say, hey, you know what? Let's save this file with a different name to another server we light rooms that here's your file photo shop push up. Yeah, great, thanks. Here you go. My terms like photoshopped. Where is the file? Right? You kind of have to think like software like there's, not a ton weaken dio handed something off, you got to bring it back. All right, so think about that as you're saving your files, the easiest thing to do at info shot saved the file. Close it and light room will always catch it. But if you start doing some weird things where you're going to say that as and you're saving that somewhere else, you're saving interest in generations of it or you're I don't think that's a word it's all right, move on if you're saving derivatives and then you're re naming them and you're you're not ever giving them back to light room don't expect it to catch it now when you do this and you save it and you close it, I don't know why it's asking me twice but when we come back right now because I was in a collection and I said edit in from a collection and I can't in them back in the collection you can see it's sitting right next to it but that's also because I've got the way that I've got this set sometimes like if we go back and I say, where is this file anyway? So I say at it I'm sorry I say go to the folder in the library because I was in a collection so here it is in the library now I don't see the png file next to this right? And it could be because of my sort order, so what I might try to do is say, you know what? Maybe I should actually look here with file name uh okay there's the dmg filed there's the psd file so you're sort order how you're sorting all of your image is in your folder might have an effect on whether or not you see the original next to your psd found yes while you're editing in photo shop if you're doing like that the best practice of frequent saves can you save and stand photo shop and then do another thing and save that question and absolutely yeah so I could let's do this again let's uh let's take this image over we'll do a command e well say yes I want to edit the original and we do something with our brush we get very artistic yes I have the pencils that toe one pixel maybe we should get a different brush and yes maybe we could get a little bit bigger brush but the point was we're doing something to the image and then we do a save make sure that we can see that we'll pick something all right? So there's something a little bit bigger and we'll paint again and we save and we paint again and we save all right now here's something let's do a select all and in a little edit phil and let's just fill that with history shall way you guys know you can do that in photoshopped right just filled with history and it'll if that's a really great trick in photo shot because if you're re touching someone space sometimes you're zoomed in a lot and you like we touch me touch me touch and when you zoom out you're like whoa over retouched rain so what you could do is you could say well, yeah, but you know, I over retouched the I and a knight of the other eye and and I did the lips in the night of the skin so this I retouched that a long time ago, like twenty minutes ago there's no history for it or anything. So what you do is you just circle the area and you say phil from history and it'll go back and basically it's pulling from like, the snapshot that was created when you originally opened it. So anyway, I digress so I'm gonna make a second layer in here all right? So I'm gonna add an adjustment layer and we're just going to go teo we could do anything we want we'll go to black and white, so now I have a multilayered document. Okay, that's what is important right now? I have a multilayered document. I save this and photo shop and I close it. Okay, um it's, really nice and photo shop I think cs six and cc you khun save and while it's saving, you can still do other things but anyway, all right, so now I've got this multilayered document. This is what I was referring to when I said, oh, if I went to the develop module now and maybe we had it's um split toni anderson this is what you don't want to d'oh unless you're finished right now and you're just going to print it because if I do decide that I want to now make changes and a right mouse click and I say at it in and I say at in photo shop if I ended the original I don't get the changes made in the developed module if I ended a copy with light room adjustments it's going to flatten the image because remember I have a layered photoshopped document I have the photograph and then I have an adjustment layer how is light room supposed to add parametric editing adjustments made in the developed module to a multilayered document it can so the only two options you have here is either well, let's, I like what I did in my room I'm gonna have to basically tell light room to flatten the image now to basically merge the extra settings that I've changed on top of my layered psd phone can you quickly save it with a virtual copy? You could well don't forget even if I say at a copy with light room adjustments or even if I say at it original anything that I choose here I'm taking a new file over well, I'm not taking a new file if I say that original, but if I added a copy with labour m adjustments it's going to bring it over there as a flatten psc foul but I still have this one so I could just do a save as in fotos right? So edit a copy when I say at it all right now I could go ahead and do a save as right so we'll make this see how it's flat bummer can't get to that adjustment layer anymore well inverted again with the right keyboard shortcut all right? And then I'll do a save as and I do amy oh one and I'd hit save and we close this I don't know why he keeps asking me to save twice that's kind of weird but when I go back to light room now I still have the psd file that is multilayered that has a light room adjustment on top of it and I also have the new version that I just created how are they doing and falling asleep on the chance? Litigation questions and comments thank you everybody ok, so so now what happens if I want to set up presets for different settings? Because typically I want to open files one of two ways, so I'm in light room and I either want to open a file as a sixteen bit pro photo photoshopped document three hundred pixels prince well that's great that's already taken care of if we come back to the preferences that's my default psd pro photo sixteen but three hundred but what if I also sometimes want to open my files in a different way that's when we can use this additional external editor so even though you're thinking it says additional external editor additional one yeah, we can set this to photo shop so certainly I could set up a preset to hand my files off the painter if I'm always using painter I want to go directly from light room in a painter but I can also use this set presets for photo shop so for application you would just click choose and then you would choose photo shop is your application and then you can come down here and set this up however you want so when I'm doing my composite images sometimes I like to open my images maybe is psd maybe an adobe rgb and maybe it only eight bids. Whatever your settings are that you want here you would just set them the way you want them and then you can create a new pre sent so this would be psd adobe r g b eight bit and three other pixels bridge I click create and now I have these two pre cents well, I already had one so now we have this other new one so the cool thing about this is when I close it now if I write mouse click and I say at it in these air my pre cents so and quickly say, oh, right now I need a eight that image and s rgb or right now I need an adobe rgb image in a bit you can set up a cz many of these as you want and then you have more control when you say edit in instead of just saying ok, give me my default I don't remember what that is, but give it to me you could say all right, I want this specific kind of file I wanted to file I need these files at two hundred forty pixels bridge I need these files at seventy two pixels per inch, whatever you want, you can set up your present. All right? So there's additional options for for opening your images, depending on what kind of images you want to open. So we're going to go back down here and we're going to take a look at these four images, so I want to make a panorama out of these four, right? If I tap the n cay and tap the tab can oh, I was hoping it would make a little preview of the panorama, but it didn't all right, so we'll come back these four files I want to take over the photo shop, so this time when I write mouse click because I have more images selected, I get additional options right down here so if I just want to open these is a panorama we say merged panoramic photo shop uh if I was going to do this, you probably want to go in and maybe if you were doing architecture something you want to go into the developmental and, you know, removed or I should say enable the lens profile correction make any changes that you want there to be a little careful with the changes that you make because you know, photo shop has to stitch these images together so it's looking for areas that are overlapping so they don't go in and crop one of the images because then it won't find the overlapping pixels all right? If you don't know which way to do, the photo emerged just choose auto just choose auto this is not a photo shop class so we can blend the images together we can remove the vignette if photoshopped coughs up a hair ball and they can't build the panorama for whatever reason because they can't find the edges, then I probably shouldn't use that reference. I know you it's a million officially they're all like you all right, so but basically that is how you feel after you've waited for like five minutes for photo shop to stitch this all together and it's like, oh yes, here it comes it's gonna be beautiful here's my panorama and it's like hey, hey, where to go and learn their photo shops like yeah, couldn't do it. Sorry, you didn't overlap enough. All right, so if it ever happens where you don't get it, turned on the geometric distortion correction and try it again. This does more math, so it's a little bit slower, but it can actually find sometimes, when you don't quite have enough stuff over laughing, it will actually go and build one out of one that you didn't think would be successful. So once you hand that off, it opens it up and photoshopped photo shop. Stitch it together and make yourself a panorama.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

LR5 Shortcuts Tips and Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Free Bonus Material

LR5 Develop Module Shortcuts Tips and Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Julie Coder

I started using LR about a year ago, but I hadn't yet set up my database and work flow process. This class was perfect and really helped me dive deeper into into the program. Julieanne knows her stuff, and she provides some excellent tips for both organization and editing. Love her teaching style, as well as her photography. Some of the more recent tools (such as the range mask) are not covered, but the content is still relevant and Julieanne's tips are fantastic. Highly recommend!

Valerie Pinsent

Julieanne Kost has an amazing way of sharing her knowledge on photoshop Lightroom, with humour and simplicity that keeps you wanting more. The 2 days that this workshop lasted could have seemed long but was in fact very, very short. This course gives you all the ropes to use this amazing program, with all its shortcuts and techniques that probably aren't in manuals with a few extras from photoshop which are just as amazing. She is so contagious that you want to pull an 'all-nighter' just to put in practice all the wonderfull things one has learned. Thank you very much Julieanne!!!

a Creativelive Student

I follow Julieanne on FB and on her blog, and looked forward to this event. It did not disappoint, and in fact offered a few surprises. The exactitude of her content is always there. But the free-form, informal nature of this course kept it engaging over the many hours. I admire her style of speaking seamlessly to all skill and experience levels at once. Quite a trick -- I've had the good fortune to learn from the best, and I count Julieanne among them.

Student Work