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11:15 am - Color Labels & Filters

Lesson 4 from: Workflows with Lightroom 5

Julieanne Kost

11:15 am - Color Labels & Filters

Lesson 4 from: Workflows with Lightroom 5

Julieanne Kost

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4. 11:15 am - Color Labels & Filters

Lesson Info

11:15 am - Color Labels & Filters

We also have color labels I think they're just used for whatever you want. If you know, for example, that you're going to convert for a very images to great skill that's a good thing label label in his red or all the ones that you know, you're gonna hand off to be retouched label them is blue. All right, so how do we select those? Oh, so I mentioned that one through five wars, one through five stars, right? No. Ok, I could be really lame. I'm sure he didn't mention this when you are rating, if you are rating in lieu of you and you want to go from one image the next instead of doing a right arrow moved to the next image and then watch what happens if I start rate this to great gets two stars, but nothing happens. So now I have to hit the right arrow again, but if I turn on cap locks, if I put my cap locks, can it auto advances no matter when I touch, so I go right arrow, right arrow, right arrow and then I say, oh, this is two stars two goes to the next image so I don't have to continuo...

usly right arrow after I'm starting that super humble because some people just do ones and twos they just do one and two stars like one to one to one to two to one one to you know and it just goes goes you know like when they go to the dentist and they call someone else and that's a one three three one one three three three one like what is what does that even mean like what your rating my teeth and multiple places but I'm too afraid to ask them I'm afraid of the dentist it's not an irrational I don't have very many irrational fears there's a reason people fear the dentist's same reason I fear flying don't have wings ok all right so that's the cap locks now you're going to forget that you have it on and then there's going to be the yelling but you enabled it so you have to disable it all right? So just turn off cap locks if you don't want that on all right we'll tap g again that goes back to great view you can sew color labeling it's sick it's through nine we'll give you your color labels there are more than that though, so right now I don't seem to have any color label options down here and that's because I'm still in my painting tool so the way you get rid of your painting tool is you either click here to paint back to put it back in the little slot or you just happy escape key and the escape cages puts the tool back that works with the white balance tool as well, and some other tools and develop module so escape just says, I'm done put it away. So if you wanted to actually click to star rate and everything you can, you can add your flags, see there's my flags down in my tool bar, I can come here and I can add my color labels. The reason that you might want to do this is because you've got six, seven, eight, nine you actually have purple ahs? Well, it's, just that purple doesn't have another number zero zero stars all right, so that's, how you can set your labels and you can load up your painter toll of it. So we come over here, you go to label, I could say, yeah, I want that one in black and white and this one in black and white and this one I like. All right, so now we can come up here, go to our attribute and look, it works so that's an interesting thing. A lot of times I think it's the program that doesn't work and yet ninety nine percent of the time, it still comes back and it's me, you blame everything on all took you. The problem is we don't have all tokyo yeah, it teleprompter I think calling america yes. Don't you tell us about your yes? Uh, yes. That's called user error that's what we call that? Yes that's me. All right, so I think that's all we need to talk about this far is filtering based on label color and stars but let's talk about other filters because filters air super useful and there are not taken advantage of so you can save filters so let's, just take a quick look through all of them. Now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring back my panel is there tap the shift tab to show everything and then I'm gonna go up to my catalog just to show you that you go to all of your photographs here. Now, if I want to filter on something, if I need to just find something I can use command death, which is really great because watch what it does command f takes the library filter, sets it to text and then puts the emphasis in what it is that I want to find. So if I wanted to look for barnes there's all the barnes I have in my in my catalog now how did it know that it is just that good? No, I have key word in my entire image library, so I strongly recommend it depending on your workflow if your portrait wedding, you might never need to key word your images, you might, keyword on import, that just has the bride's name and the groom's name, and that might be it because when you go back, you're going to look through that one wedding for those images. However, you might want to start thinking about your marketing material, or you might want to think about co marketing opportunities with the florist, the caterer, and just start tagging those images with either a keyword or maybe a label or something so that you could search through your whole catalog and go. I've got these beautiful floral images. I wonder if they could work some kind of partnership with the florist and they would all be right there. You just do a quick search on flower on what maybe you label them purple or something, and they would all show up so that's again why you might want to use one catalog as opposed to a separate catalog per wedding, because if you use a separate catalog for wedding, you can't go back and do that. So for me, it's really important? Because when I'm making my illustrations, I want to do things like search on cloud images, or I might need a leaf image or something like that. So I go in and I keyword every single image independently and we can we can take a look at that later in fact at adobe it's really quite nice every five years we get a sabbatical the sabbatical is three weeks so I know we're almost rivaling vacation time in europe normal vacation time in europe but we get that extra three weeks every five years into my first sabbatical I keyword in my entire image memory I did that was back in the bridge days so I can't wait in my image library back in bridge and you know so here's here's what I should tell everyone go to paris don't do that don't care what your entire image library do that at night on tuesday night yeah or just start now moving forward people don't want to do it because it's too overwhelming just start now and all the images that you're important now start keyword if you need to all right, so for me it's super easy if we type in leaf all right, so now this is kind of weird because I've typed in the word leaf but I'm getting this guy right? Okay, well, what am I searching on all searchable fields if I change this two key words now I only get these why was that? Because that photograph was taken with a leaf camera so that's why I'm getting it so all meditated means all meta data so be careful with what you search on and then you could say, you know it does contain this it doesn't it starts where that is empty it's not empty that's a nice one so I don't even want to do this. All photographs key words are empty. I have some images that's my mom, I have some images that don't have any key words. Oh, no, all right, so I better go back and key word those I need another sabbatical I'll be sure to put in for that on monday. All right, so I think you get the idea with the text let's, go ahead and put that back with contained how about attributes? So I'm gonna put none and weaken goto attributes and now I can look at different attributes. We already kind of talked about all those except let's go to a specific folder so you know you can navigate in your folder area. You know you can also use this little pop up right down here to go to recent folders, so that might be a lot faster, especially if you're going through the different modules like if I'm in the developed module to go. I got the wrong pictures selected instead of going back to grid and coming back if I've been in that folder recently, aiken, just select that folder here all right, so the attributes one of the things we didn't look at where these last three so oh there's no video in here but this is the video so if I want just look at my videos here we've got just my virtual copies and then these air just my master photos so we haven't talked about virtual copies but let's hit the escape can get rid of my painter tool we'll talk more about virtual copies later but if I use command apostrophe thank you thank you then I create what's called a virtual copy so we might as well talk about it now a virtual copy is something that only the light room catalog knows about s o if it's dependent on the database all right just like we're going to make collections in a minute and those are also database dependent so what this is is it's just another way it's another thumbnail another view of the same original file on the hard drive so you guys know the shortcut to go to black and white it's v for black and white ones now as you will remember okay last name like cost yes it's german okay, so you tap the wiki it goes to black and white by two different thumbnails it's the same photo on disk so you know like in the old days you take your photo on file and you duplicate it now you're managing to different files in light room, you're just managing to different thumbnails here, this virtual copy, but it's a pointing to the same file on the hard drives, and we're not wasting a lot of space, so now you can have different versions of your image and you use use the virtual copies like I could print this. I could select both of these we could go to the print module, and I could print them next to each other if I export these photos showing a photo lite room's going to export them as two individual files so you can process your images and experiment with absolutely no harm, no foul, because it's the same original on the hard drive, we're just making virtual copies of it. All right, so the reason that I brought that up because you can filter here on the virtual copy if you want or you could just look at your master images, all right? Let's, turn off none and then go to metadata. I'm gonna hide this panel for another minute just to show you there's date, camera, lens and label. But you can also come in here and pick from the drop down menu, so there's a ton of things that you can filter on a ton, so if I'm looking at all my photographs. Right because you do have to kind of pay attention if you're going to filter I always forget to pick all my photographs and I'll be in some sub folder somewhere I'll be like well where others other files well they're not available because I'm not looking I'm not telling like from the filter on all my photographs all right so let's take a look at some of them that I have saved so I'm always looking for textures and clouds so I just have a filter there's all my textures and clouds files great you know what now I want to make a a composite that has some metal in it all right well here's all of my images that I have key worded with metal all right let's come down here what about texture water so these air just text keywords but you could get a lot more intricate right so let's take a look for oh look the cody his real name is kodachrome yes that's correct we double click and when I'm on the road we can zoom in and we can give him a pat on the nose yes all right anyway serious this software she's not talking about your dog all right so I just did the keyword there as well but there should be one here that I'm not looking infrared to stars so here's something a little bit more difficult so here's two stars all dates but with a specific camera but you could come in here and you could say, oh, you know what? I wanted to be this camera and I needed to be this lens all right? Or you can add more of these or you can change them so you could say, well, I also need to look at aperture or you could come over here and say, hey, I need to add a column or remove a column so it's crazy how narrow you get with your filters and then over here on the right where it says custom filter where I've been choosing my filters we could come up here and we could say, oh, I want to save this is a new preset so if you're always filtering my specific things, be sure you know you take the time to set it up and then save it as a preset where my photo shopped files how many photoshopped files do I have in here? It's easy for me to see how many images of I labeled his panorama I can filter my entire library or I could go to a single folder and look at them now when you're moving from one folder to the next let's go to this arizona folder and let's say I've got a filter I want to look at just my one star images one star or greater image is ok so here they are now when I go to the australia folder I don't think anything's rated here. So let's, go teo halifax I think I have some ratings. Ok, so I was in arizona and I said, I want the attribute to be one star. Now I go down the halifax turns off the filter. Some people want that filter to stay on. So if that's the case, you could say, all right, I only want to look at my one star images so I'm gonna toggle that on, and then I'm going to click the lock icon. So now we go to arizona and it's locked. I'm only looking at one star we gotta halifax one star go to korea one star that's only gonna show me my one star greater, but sometimes you want to filter one folder by one in tribute, and you want to filter another folder by a different attributes. So in order to do that, and this gets a little bit involved. But I've I told it to go ahead and in my library filter, I've locked it so I've already enabled the locking filters. Then I can tell it to remember each source filters separately. So just know that this I know this is getting advance for beginners, you're like, I just want to filter on one star, but as you get more and more advance and especially if you're shooting stock photography or nature photography and you've got a million different birds and you've got him all like keyword and you've got to find him for a client, you can't find your files and I'm gonna do you any good because you can't find you can't sell him, they can publish so here's how you can remember each source files separately just know that you have to have it locked before you do that. So if I am not locked, if I unlocked my filter now we come back to the file menu again and I go to a library filters it won't let me toggle that on, so just know like you're going to get home and you're like, I don't know julian showed me this thing and it totally doesn't work and then there's going to be yelling so I don't like the yelling, so you have to lock the filters first, then come up here and then you can say, oh, and in addition the lock and remember each source filters separately, okay? Yes, yes, I tze there a difference between using the attributes at the top of the screen or the ones that are shown in the tool bar across the bottom? That is an excellent question, so the reason that we have the attributes down at the the donald in this film are and there is a word there is a name for that I think it's the custom picker strip or something like that all right, so the reason that the because it's only a subset right? You don't get everything here when the filters so it's nice that there's a subset but what it's really for is it's for filtering after you leave the library module it's for filtering once you've done oh I'm over in the developed module and I don't need to see all of my images I only need to see my one star or greater images or my flagged images so this part will state stay persistent as you move from one module to the next it's on lee in the library module where you have all these other great attributes except if you save a preset because look in the developed module, you come over here and you can see all of my presets are still usable that makes sense and then the other thing that's gonna happen is you're going to be in grid view in the library module and you are not a great view. Sorry loop you and you're going to be hearing every like where is my filter it's on ly visible in the grave you or you might have tapped your backslash key if you're in the grid view and you don't see your filters at some point, you've tapped the backslash key and then just hides them. So just tap it again. The toggle it on. So that's filtering.

Class Materials

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LR5 Shortcuts Tips and Quick Reference Guide.pdf

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LR5 Develop Module Shortcuts Tips and Quick Reference Guide.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Julie Coder

I started using LR about a year ago, but I hadn't yet set up my database and work flow process. This class was perfect and really helped me dive deeper into into the program. Julieanne knows her stuff, and she provides some excellent tips for both organization and editing. Love her teaching style, as well as her photography. Some of the more recent tools (such as the range mask) are not covered, but the content is still relevant and Julieanne's tips are fantastic. Highly recommend!

Valerie Pinsent

Julieanne Kost has an amazing way of sharing her knowledge on photoshop Lightroom, with humour and simplicity that keeps you wanting more. The 2 days that this workshop lasted could have seemed long but was in fact very, very short. This course gives you all the ropes to use this amazing program, with all its shortcuts and techniques that probably aren't in manuals with a few extras from photoshop which are just as amazing. She is so contagious that you want to pull an 'all-nighter' just to put in practice all the wonderfull things one has learned. Thank you very much Julieanne!!!

a Creativelive Student

I follow Julieanne on FB and on her blog, and looked forward to this event. It did not disappoint, and in fact offered a few surprises. The exactitude of her content is always there. But the free-form, informal nature of this course kept it engaging over the many hours. I admire her style of speaking seamlessly to all skill and experience levels at once. Quite a trick -- I've had the good fortune to learn from the best, and I count Julieanne among them.

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