Lesson Info
18. 1:00 pm - Publishing Your Photography
Day 1
19:00 am - Importing & Organizing Images
39:47 29:45 am - Locating & Renaming Files
45:08 310:45 am - Select, Rate, & Prioritize Images
22:54 411:15 am - Color Labels & Filters
16:13 511:30 am - Custom Collections & Keywords
26:11 612:45pm - Q&A and The Develop Module
29:17 71:15 pm - Straightening & Cropping Images
19:511:45 pm - Enriching Color & Toning Values
33:14 92:30 pm - Using Adjustment Filters
31:14 103:00pm - Editing in Greyscale & Adding Vignettes
15:16 113:30pm - Working with Presets, Filters, & Effects
17:01 123:45 pm - Snapshots, Smart Objects & Soft Proofing
18:33Day 2
139:00 am - Q's from Day 1
29:49 149:30 am - Export and Edit In
29:42 1510:00 am - Export or Edit In Pt 2
30:29 1611:00 am - Preparing Images for Print
42:25 1711:30 am - Preparing Images for Print Pt 2
34:27 181:00 pm - Publishing Your Photography
52:08 191:45 pm - Publishing Your Photography Pt 2
24:27 202:30 pm - The Crunch Bits
38:00 213:15 pm - The Crunch Bits Pt 2
40:36Lesson Info
1:00 pm - Publishing Your Photography
So we're heading off towards the book module in order tio publish our images, so we're going to talk about book creation a few things that you might want to consider before you make your book just because even though when you get to either slideshow or the print module or any of the album models, you can always use the film strip to rearrange your images, but I just think it's way easier if you're already like in the grid view, you have all of the space where you can go ahead and you can change the order and do the customs order, so I tried to get together a collection of images before I ever go to the the book module and that way I've got him in and someone of an order I mean, it doesn't really matter if you need to change the order later because we can change the order of pages we can put images on different pages weaken swap pages, all of that, but it's kind of nice to get just your basic overall flow of your book. I think before you even go to the book module and just so that, you ...
know, in the book module, you're not limited to just printing a a book to blurb, I have some some examples of what that might look like right here, the reason that I really like the blurb printing is that it kind of gives me an opportunity like I have long term projects, but in the short term, every year, I'm just printing a book of the images for that year, and so that way it doesn't seem like there's this huge, overwhelming deadline out on the horizon somewhere. I keep this to kind of keep me going and keep things organized, because otherwise it could just seem like too overwhelming, and I would just drop it so you can. You can obviously print a blur, but you can also print to pdf, and you can also print teo teo jpeg files. So there's a lot of flexibility, so I've got my images there kind of in the sorted order that I want there in a collection, and I'm gonna go ahead and move over to the book module, so we'll take these, and the first thing that it does is it kind of does this little like auto layout, where starts creating the book based on the images in the collection, and you can turn that on or off, that happens to be a preference. Now, there's a little thing that's unique with the book module, the book model actually has its own preferences, which I found actually, which I found difficult to find, it should say so under the book menu here and this is only in the book module you actually have your book preferences who don't go to just your general preference is there specific here and here the different options so you can either have your default photo zoom zooming to fit or to fill so what does that mean? Well, we have a standard cell size with the same you know we call himself sizes, which is a little bit weird it's like a picture box if you do any layout, stuff a text box or a photo box and designer something but these cells you can either zoom to fit or you can zoom to fill now I personally like to see my entire image I don't want it to auto crop my image, which basically if the aspect ratio is different between the cell and the aspect ratio of your image it's going to zoom to phil is going to end up cropping so I typically don't do that so I just say zoom to fit so I can see my whole image later on I can always change the zoom percentage and then I turn off the start new books by auto filling because I think we can do better than that, so I'll turn that off and then fill text boxes with we have a bunch of different options right here the title meta data so the title or the caption metadata that's information that the book module and the slideshow module and the print module can pull from the actual individual files. So if I were to be creating a book, and I were also to be creating a slide show, I don't want to go in the book module and manually enter in all of my captions. I want to enter in my captions while I'm in the library module into the meta data area of the image. So let me show you what that would be like, and then we'll come back here for a minute, all right? So let's, go back to grid in grid view, you'll notice here under the meta data area, we have a bunch of different options now minus set toe location. So let's, just put this to the default for a minute and you can see that I've entered in a title for the image. So this image is selected and we see that title. I moved to the next image and you can see that the title changes. So if you enter in your titles or your captions here in the metadata area, but no matter what module you go to, light room will have access to that information. If you don't enter it here because you have things specific just to the book, and so you want to enter them in the book module, then later on, if you make a slide show, you can't access those things that you created in the book module. Does that make sense? So this meta data is going to be accessible on all the modules? If you go to the book module and type in your own metadata it's only going to be available there, so if you want tio put in captions, I just want to show you in the metadata area. We do have this area to enter in a large caption just it just gives you more space to write, basically, so that might be helpful. All right, so let's, scoot back over to the book module again, and we'll go back into our book preferences and so that's the title or the caption meta data you can obviously add your file name, and then right here you can also add filler text. The only question I ever get really regarding filler text is, will it print and answers? No, so you're filler text is like a guide or a, you know, like a guide, and so what we do is we just put in some text, but that text isn't gonna print so people don't use this because they're afraid we like if I don't go in and I don't edit all that filler text than that's going to print with some stuff that I don't want it won't it's like a guide or a great it won't print I'm gonna actually say that to fill in my title metadata and we're going to constrain our captions to the text safe area so we've got some guides here with each page so that we don't put text outside a certain area just in case it's it gets crock tickets offset a little bit so those of the book preferences let's go ahead and take a look at our different book settings here actually I might want tio clear the book I think we'll clear the book so let me go toe auto layout and I'm just going to clear the layout so now this is this might be what you're seeing depending on your preference is when you come in with a collection of images to the book module it might just end up looking like this, so now we want to go into the book settings and we just want to look at what what we can create so I think I mentioned the blurb option here we can also use the pdf and we can do the j peg so one of the things that I noticed is when you have blurb selected you can actually use in the lower left hand corner this option to export the book to pdf but the important little safety tip is that if you use thie export book to pdf you actually get to files you get the cover and you get the contents of the book so if you know that you're going to want this as a pdf file I would suggest you just create a pdf file that makes sense because you don't want the two documents I mean if you have acrobat and want to put those documents together that's fine but really it's kind of to prove your book so if I was going to blurb I said yeah but you know what before I send that off to blur I just wantto print a copy for myself and I want to thumb through it that's what this export booked a pdf is for at least in my mind all right because when you go to pdf you you don't have the same options here for the book all right and then of course we can also select j peg for the cover of the book all right so we go back up to blurb that so we'll start with you have your option from a few different aspect ratios now I know that this is sort of limited we let you have the seven by seven and the twelve by twelve and then some standard portrait and landscape if you have the idea that you're going to create your own, like wedding album, but you know that you're the person that's going to print your album like only once in eleven by eleven look that's, ok, because you could choose j peg and then just figure out the math. Say ok, well, I want three hundred pixels per inch for my j peg for my let's do ten inches because that's easier math. So I want three hundred pixels branch for my ten by ten inch book they say, ah, but, you know, adobes not giving me that option. Instead, they're gonna ve me a twelve or we could do a seven by seven inch book and you're like all right, well, seven by seven and three hundred pixels prince is twenty one hundred and you want a ten by ten inch book a three hundred, which is three thousand. So why don't you set up your j peg? Not to be three hundred pixels per inch, but get your calculator out and go. Oh, I need to be four hundred twenty pixels per inch or something. It seems like it would be too much for the seven by seven book it will be but once you've got these j pegs even going to photo shop and just say, hey, I want to re signs my image without adding or subtracting any pixels and it will just say oh, so you don't really need this book it like four hundred twenty pixels prince when you brings it down to three hundred pixels print because you have fewer pennies sitting closer together it expands the number of inches of books so now you don't have a seven by seven you have a ten by ten all right? I just don't know the exact mouth off the top of my head I'm sure anyone I sit next to in adobe could calculate that like that but not me all right? So we're going to go ahead and just select for now because we are going to do this blur book we're going to do the large no let's do let's do a landscape book because I have some landscapes, some portrait all right? So it does warn you that you're going to change your book signs but that's fine, I'm going to change the size and relay it out because remember I don't have it turned on to auto fill, so it really didn't do anything except change what we see right here and now we get to pick our cover so we can pick a hard cover image ramp or a hard cover dust jacket the image rap is all I want the dust jacket, of course, is going to be that that secondary like jacket that comes over a book, so we'll just do the image, right? And what paper type do we want? So we have a number of different papers. In fact, in light room five, we brought back the standard size paper or the standard type paper. Personally, I'm going to spend the money, and I mean to go with one of the pro lines, so the pro lines are a little bit more expensive, but if I want to do and uncoated or a matt image, I'm going to use the pro line. Uncoated, if I want something a little bit glossy, I don't want something super glossy that's why we have this pearl photo or we have a luster, we don't have a super super shiny book because most people don't really want that they wanted kind of a luster, so I would use the pro line pearl so let's, go ahead and select that and then there's this thing called a logo page, and I've got that turned on, and you'll notice it's just this last page right here has a little blurb logo, okay, so like, well, yeah, we could do that, you could do that because look at the difference. The estimated price just based on one page, one photo per page right now is what it's basically is like eighty dollars with a local page on, but if I turn it off because ninety two well, all of a sudden I like that logo page. I'm going to turn that back on and then it will discount the price of your book, so I turned that on, all right? So let's, go ahead and do well, we don't want to really do an auto lay out because I think we can do better than that. Well, we'll see what's it set to auto lay out what you're going to give me. It looks like you're giving me two images per page, not bad. Oh, that's because I have it changed to my portfolio outline I thought that was a little bit better than when I would get by default by default. I think you just get one image per page, so what you can do is you can come in here and you create your own auto layout. Presets this is just a starting place where you want the majority of your images to end up is that two images per page three images per page you want light room to do some random stuff, you can choose that all right here in the auto layout preset editor so have your left side of the book and the right side of the book. You can determine what you want. Do you want both sides of the same? Do you want a blank left side and on ly photographs on the right side it's up to you in this case, I'm gonna go ahead and say I want the same is the right side, so whatever I select over here, that's what I'm gonna get a little left side so let's just say because I paired up most of my images, I want two photos per page, so here I've got my two photos. Whenever you select from the list here, you'll notice that we've got a bunch of different templates. In fact, I believe we have, like over one hundred eighty different templates, whether they're one photo or two photos, I think I can actually make this larger, too, so we can see more of them. There we go to fotos for page three photos per page, that's a bit much for me, so right now I'll do two photos per page and let's, go ahead and just stick with this one right here and do I want to zoom the photos? Well, I want to zoom to fit member, I don't want them zoomed in, I do have this option here tio to match the long edges but what that does is it takes like if you have a horizontal and vertical, it'll match the long edges in order to kind of make it look a little bit more aesthetically pleasing a little bit more balanced with the book, but I'm going to go ahead and just keep it set to what I've got it and I'm going to add my photo text I'm gonna line them with the photo and we can go ahead and select either from the list of different textiles or we can create our own so that's really nice. So once we go into the text area here and you pick a font and you pick a size and in the style of everything, then you go ahead and save that and then you can use that here, so let's, go ahead and use the window seat book style all right, and I can either at this point save a new preset or something that we really haven't done yesterday or today. I'll go ahead and just update this precent so you can always go in and update your presets in fact, remind me, like asked me that question later because when you're creating templates and stuff, sometimes you just like you make one mistake and you just want tio created another one and renaming it you just want to update your presets so all right, we're going to go to the print module and I'm going to show this left panel and I just want to show you that if we're up here in ar you know, we add one of these presets and we apply it and we make a change to it right mouse click you can update with your current settings you could also rename your presets this way because people yes people always asking that like I just misspelled something how do I rename it? Trust me, this is the first thing I found because I'm a spell everything I just tell my mom that she needs to get all that money bank from the tutor because I saw a tutor for years and it didn't help me so I blame a language the english language we have so many words like really I after yet what's the rest of that? I don't know I don't know every proposition english language be helpful thing position because it's not that I'm afraid that I'm going to forget this's the pathetic part I'm not afraid I'm going to forget the short kinds with the tools I'm afraid I'm going to forget the alphabet and that's so much more embarrassing and on the tool so the family was still pushing for all right? Well, we're in the book module now so I just can only concentrate on so many things that wins all right so now once I've made my changes to the auto layout and I've got my pre set here then I can click on auto lay out if you want to clear it beforehand you can click auto layout and it'll go ahead and lay out that book and one of the things that I just want to take a look at now because now I'm looking to see that this is like a twenty six page book I was just looking at the estimated price okay it's eighty three dollars all right so that just gives you kind of a guy I like to go back and forth and kind of look at that that's I play now I look like I know how much is this going to be maybe I don't want to maybe I want fifty pages not eighty pages or I want two hundred pages all right so let's go ahead now that we've got the auto layout we kind of need to look at maybe what should we look at first what is the easiest thing way have to learn how to navigate the book that's right so we have three different icons right down here they all have keyboard shortcuts so right now we're kind of looking at all of the pages if we use the plus icon the plus icon will zuma's in the minus icon will zuma's out and there's no other keyboard shortcut without there's no modifier you'll notice that a zoomed in on page twenty six because that is the page that is highlighted by come up here and we click on page two and I use the plus icon that will zoom us in or if I used the minus icon, it will zoom us out. So this is the multi page view right here. If we want to use this icon in order to go into a double page spread, we can go ahead and click on that, or we can use the final icon right here in order to just view a single page now there's keyboard shortcuts for all of these, and they're right next to each other, which makes it really convenient. So it's command e well, take us to this multi view command are is a double page spread and command t goes to the single page. Unfortunately, those three short cuts are also very close to command w, which will close playing for homes. So just keep that in mind because I can't tell you how many times I've done it where I'm like, oh, and we're going to restart because once you do command w, you get through this window and you're like, oh, but wait. Wait, how do I cancel this and it's like, oh, I'm sorry, you can't cancel it, so you actually do have to quit out of light room and then you have to come back in there and say, I am sorry light room. I didn't mean to close u I thinkit's it's on purpose, so it's like, really seriously, why would you have a closed white room? Really? Ok, so just remember command e command are in command t or you can just double click, right? So if I'm on command e by double, click on a page, it will take me directly to that page, then I can navigate. I can move from one page to the next page, using my arrow keys. If I want tio or I could just use the icons right down here in the tool bar, right, and move from one page to the next and I believe you. If you double click on a single page, it will actually take you back to the multipage view, so pretty easy to navigate around if we do zoom in. One of the things that we might want to just take a note of is that you can actually see that the captions were added here and the captions were out of there quite small sorry about that, so I'm not sure if you'll be able to see them that well, if I do a little shift have we can zoom in a bit, but those captions were added based on the a type that I had are sorry, actually, based on the text there, and if I click on this number, I said you could save a preset there. So here in my type area, I actually have a custom precent, all right? But we'll get back to type in just a few minutes, so let's view all of our images and let's, go ahead and start making some changes. So probably, at least for me, when I make changes, I want to start with a cover, right? So when you double click on the cover, this is the onley double page spread that you actually can't zoom in again. I can't see just the front or just the back. I don't know why we just treated a little bit differently, it's just it's just the way that that is so so in order to change this, if I don't like this template, and in fact I don't I can either use the page panel right over here to change it, but I think it's really easier just to click on this downward pointing arrow. So here are all of the different templates that I can use for this cover so we can scroll down and see if we find a temple that we like that looks to me like this is a nice template, so here we've got if I click on that let's show our guides so we can see exactly what's going on what I have and what we could kind of tell from the template is on the front page, I've got an area for a photograph, and I've got some text and on the back, I've got a smaller image there, as well as some text. Now, some of these templates, I know when I say that we only have one hundred eighty templates people feel very constrained, especially if you already like, if you use in design and you're laying out all your own wedding templates, then you come here and you like, really, I can't I can't just pick up this box and move it anywhere. No, you can't. Now I can add text in that box, and then I can change the cell padding to move it up or down within the bunks. Even if the boxes small, I can add more text and it will make the box bigger if I have a lot of text, but I know it can seem a little bit constraining for some people and I mean, if you're really going to get into page layout and stuff, then you probably want to be using a tool like and design anyway, but this is great for what it does so let's, take a look at how we can manipulate this. Well, this first image, I don't like this image for the cover, even if I zoom in, I don't like the image. If I write mouse, click, I can zoom it to fit the cell, but it's just not a very interesting image for the first page, so let's, grab this image and drag it up, so all I did was I just grab the image from the film strip and drag and drop that in there. Then I can write mouse, click and say let's, zoom that to fill the cell. They don't like the position of it, so I can just click and dragged to the left or right in order to reposition. So as soon as the aspect ratio of the cell and the aspect ratio the photo don't fit, you can obviously move it around with in that cell, and I actually really like that feature because I think a lot of people spend a lot of time cropping their images if they're laying out books in some other way and with light room, you never have to crop your image because I could just sit here and play with the zoom and I've got the set sell so I could just play with a zoom to fit my image into that cell without ever having to go and say, well, I want this one crop oneto one oh, I better make a virtual copy because I also want it in the book and in the book I wanted crop to a different aspect ratio, so forget it. Don't crop just say zoom to fill and then you can move it around. The aspect ratio is different, all right, same here with the back image I'm going to zoom in to fit, scoop that over. Did you notice the filmstrip just moved when I select a different image? One of the nice things is that the film strip will always show you the image that you have selected in this case with the last image, so it did kind of scoot all the way to the end. If it's if it's a different image like like this one here, if I click on it, you notice that it will always try to put it right in the center of my film strip and it's also got an image count above the image, so it says, hey, this image is actually in your book two times, so that's a good thing because sometimes you don't want an image in there twice, but since these air just on the cover, that will work just fine. All right, so how about some text? You can see that when I click on the text or probably you can't, because it is so tiny right there it entered in the caption or the title think I put those in title entered in the title, but we'd come in here and let's, go ahead and change the size there we go, we can see the title, I don't actually want the title, I actually want this to say window seen, so I'm going to just type in window seat now it seems to be right aligned so let's, go ahead and change that as well, so if I scroll down here, we can see that it's right aligned, I actually want it left a line, I would like it a little bit larger, so I can either use this slider here or look at the text in the book module has a targeted adjustment tool so that's pretty cool if I select the targeting of adjustment tool if I click and drag to the right it gets bigger dragged to the left gets smaller it increases the size as well as the leading because they're proportional there and I wanted to actually do that I think if I hold down the control key and I dragged up now I can change my tracking if I want to so the tracking is the amount of space between each letter form all right? And you can also change like the baseline shift and you can you don't have to select the whole piece of text you can just select you know, some of the character so I could put back my targeted adjustment tool and then I could come in and I could say, well, I really want maybe the word seat to be bolder I maybe I wanted a different fund in which case we can go ahead and like the father we can select from the family here so right now I'm just going to leave them the same well, you know what? Let's make the whole thing bold so it's like the whole thing and but I want marion sure we'll stay with married and will stay with just bowled, not black, ok, so now here's where people say yeah, but I don't want it exactly there I want it down a little bit it's not quite in the right position and they think that that they're super super constrained but you can actually come up here to the cell area, and you'll notice that their cell patting now this is actually the most confusing thing for me. I can never tell if they're all linked there all unlinked, but when they're white and bright and light, they're linked. So if I click here, I will now unlinked them because otherwise, if they're all linked and I move one, they're all going to move in. So if I say, oh, you know what? I want to bring it a little bit down from the top, so if I move the top yet at the same time, the bottom and the left and the right are moving right that's because their link so I unlike it and then I say, no, I just want to scoot it down just a little bit so you can move your text using the patting within the cell and it's the same for your photo. You select your photo and you want to move it up or down or left or right a little bit because you have some cool aspect ratios that you've cropped tio or whatever and you can do that using the cell here. All right then if I had somewhere text I can enter in some more text there but let's not take the time to do that let's go to the next page is in fact let's zoom out a little bit so we can see a bunch of pages now what if I want to reorder my pages right so I don't want page one here I want page two there you just select the page you drag and drop it you get that little yellow line there that tells you you can drop it if I've got two pages I can select both pages and then drag and drop it and we can move a spread in fact I could move a spread and break oh no I can't I can't I thought I could move a briton and no no look into the life can't be that sorry all right? So we'll look at this and we'll just scoot this wait okay? Important safety tip you gotta watch out what you're clicking on can't get all excited you can't get flustered because just had the wrong thing instead you have to click underneath here if I want to move this page click on the yellow and then you can move it if I want to click the photo which is what I just did a second ago if you click on the photo and I moved the photo those two images will swap so even though I kind of told you the beginning major collection and put your photographs and basically the right order you don't have to worry that much about it because you can reorder them here however, I have noticed that if I have a collection and I'm making a book out of it and then I also want to make a slide show if I want them in the same order I should do that in the collection because even though I have moved look att these two photos used to be on page one and I know that because they're first in my collection so changing the page order in your book doesn't change your sort order in your collection you still can I could come down here and I believe I can just drag and drop oh I can't custom order oh well I can but it's going to take me a moment see it light room is so helpful all right so what it's telling me is that I can do this as soon as I save my book so just like we saved our print right we saved the photos on the template we say that as a print collection I can create a saved book and as soon as I do this window seat I'm going to call this might create live one we're gonna put it inside we didn't we have another one we'll put it right inside our book creation I think there's another one there but that's ok and we'll hit create so now I have saved this so just like we were in the print module where I say the photos and the template together now whenever I go back to the grid view I no work on other things but then if I come down here you can see here is the a collection of images but here is the actual book collection so when I click on this arrow right here is going to take me directly to the book module and everything I do from now on will automatically be saved. So if I you know, if I move this over here I never have to worry about saving another book it already it's just going to say it's just like anything in that room, right? Like when you're in the developed module you make one change make another one you make another one it's saving all of those changes here in the book module I've said, hey, this is a great place to start and from now on pay attention and every time I do something keep track of that and save it for me okay all right, so we re ordered pages we re reordered the photos if I want to change out a photo like if I want this image we can just drag and drop it and it will go ahead and replace that so now I know that this one isn't being used we also know that one's been used twice so I'll just go ahead and feel that butt really be easier if I was just going to switch him right I could just drag this over here and then it flips them okay, so now what about changing the the actual page itself? I kind of like page one through page six but when we get to page seven it seems like my image is a really small so I wonder if there isn't some other template that would make my image is a little bit larger on this on this page and you can see here where says ad page text by the way so this is new delight room five because people didn't really discover that you could add your own caption on every page but don't forget if you're adger captions here using page text it's not in the metadata that's specific to this book so when you go back and make a slide show and you go aye internal those captions if you get him in the book module they're held in the satchel they're not allowed to go over to meditate and be used in other modules all right? So I want to change this template so we use the downward pointing arrow or you can use this page panel over here and let's say we want to keep it to two photos we just want to rearrange the way that they're laid out, so we just want to select that one instead and there you go now maybe there's a bigger one, maybe I can actually get these a little bit larger. What about this one right here? S o now let's say you like this one. The problem is, is that you're not liking the distance between the photograph and the caption underneath it so we could go ahead and we can click on those captions I'm gonna hide my module picker for minute I'm gonna hide the film strip just to see if we could get that a little bit larger. All right? So you can see now I have this one selected and I also have this one selected right down here, so I was holding down the command here the control key to do that and now I'm going to go here to my text so you can see that we have photo text and because I have them both a line, if I make a change to the offset, they're both going to be offset. So I'm going to change this from nine maybe down to five and tap the tab came with that does is it just moves them up a little bit closer to the photograph. Right, because I also might think that I want a little bit more space between the photographs as well. Well, then I can select the images themselves there. I selected both of them. I had the shift key, but the command key would have done it a cz well, and now I can go to the cell area, unlinked my padding and just say, hey, just can you just bring it up a little bit from the bottom? You can see now I can really start arranging where I want these I want them to be if I want them to move over to the right, I can add a little bit of left sell patty, and if I want to, you can move, your image is around. You can move your text around within the cell, but you can also move your text around in relationship to the photograph. So I could also say, you know what? Let's, go ahead and select this tanks in fact, let's. Just select one of them and I want a position that one above it. So that way you could have two images and position your caption above the top one and then below the second one so above, over or below all right, okay, so if this is something that you liked, I'm not sure that it's something that I liked but if it is something that you've spent a lot of time with actually let's do this I would prefer I'm going to do a four up let's make a four page up so let's see what what we can get there I want all four to be the same size all right and I want full bleed all right so now I have four images now I actually don't want the photo text so I can go ahead and uncheck that click on this photo text and uncheck it so now it's not showing let's grab two other images I'll go ahead and drag that one there will drag this one here if I want to select quickly all of my text cells are all of my photo cells we can use command shift a or command option shift a basically the whole right side of the keyboard with all the cells but I'm going to select all my photo cells right now it's like and then zoom them to fit now again and come in here let's click off of them and then click on each one independently in that way we can screw them over it is not cool this is on the way it looks like a unicorn you know it's great it's on the way between san francisco and l a but I fly that route all the time and I on ly we've only been on this side of the unicorn once it's so cool, so because I hate flying. I don't know if you know this, so I actually have a book called window seat, where I took pictures with a five or six years I'm actually turning into a an app, so like a little book using gps, which is a whole other story, but because I'm terrified to fly hate flying, but when you put your camera between you and the scene, then all of a sudden it, like, removes you from the scene, and so now I could take pictures and take pictures, plays it's just so beautiful. The only problem with this layout is that I don't like the way that they're all just kind of butted up against each other, so I do want to add a little bit of cells spacing. The problem is we have two unlinked I'm to do each one separately because I don't want I want them to bleed on the edges. I just want a little bit of a river in between them, so I actually have to think about it actually say, ok, well, I've got the one image selected here upper left, so I've unlinked this and I just want a little bit of padding on the right and a little bit on the bottom and let's make this just numeric so we could go for and then for right because it's going to end up doubling because when I go to the next one and I say ok, this one I need left four and then top for they were going to come down here and we're gonna unlinked them all and and I need the top two before again and then this time I want the right so where am I? What? What? What? They blew it okay, wait lincoln mall bring him on over to zero unlike what do I want to hear? I want the top two b four and then I need the right to before okay and this one we're going unlinked and this one I want the top two before you can see that I would not want to do this and the left before and I think this one's messed up too isn't the bottom? Yeah, I don't want the top two before I want that to be zero in this too before you can say like that's the last time I ever want to do then and I wanted to do it again so in light room five you can actually save these pages as custom pages and how would you do that? You can write mouse, click and save his accustomed page a lot of folks do not know this they just and I don't blame them because who just right mouse clicks and looks through the menus so save as a custom page right now where does that custom page reside? Well, first of all, you have to know that it's it's limited to the book lay out so when you make a custom page if you're in like a square format book, don't expect that custom page to be visible in a horizontal or vertical book because it really doesn't make sense you you've gotta have the aspect ratio of the book correct, but people do look for all right? Where else is it appear? It appears here under the page menu if we use this fly out menu right here, you can see now that it says custom pages if you've never saved a custom page nobody's going to see this all right, ok, so if we look atmore images, here are more pages and I decide now that I don't want this page because I've just used those two images we can write mouse, click and we can actually remove the page all right? And then you'll notice it doesn't leave a gap or anything it just closes up so that it brings the next page over all right, if I want to insert a page, I can do that at any point in time so I would select maybe page nine and then weaken right mouse click and I'll just say at a page so when you add a page it adds a page that has the same template whereas I can also right mouse click and say at a blank page in which case it just adds a page with nothing on it and I would have to go and select whatever template I want so let's look at some of these other template we have some templates here we have some multi page or two page spread double page spreads right? So if I select this one and then we zoom in here and I dragged one image to the left side and then I can drag another image right here we can right mouse click and say zoom it to fit and so now we have our double page spread we have a little warning icon. This little warning icon right here says you really don't have enough resolution to print that so it's morning me and saying you can still print it so if we click on it it will say it might not print well of this size it'll printed one hundred eighty six pp I so that's nice that it figures it out for me but the minimum recommended is two hundred so some of these images weren't even one hundred fifty and they did not print out that poorly. I don't think so let me see what's like this image right here now some of you are gonna think it's got like this red cast to it but that's on purpose so don't think like, oh, I can't print it's gonna have a red cast the name of the book was the red thread so there was a thread going through the whole thing the whole thing has that little red thread all right, but that's up to you I mean, there was nothing I could do about it and that's people always ask, well, what do I do? How do I up sample my book or my images? Well that you kind of have to think about when you're taking the picture, right? Like if I really wanted high quality images probably shouldn't have shot with my iphone like four years ago, right? Because they were not that great. So there's nothing there's not a lot you can do you have to resize up and re sample of the image and make up information? I mean, if I'd shot with my big girl camera, then I wouldn't have that problem, but I've been girl camera was in the overhead above me, so I didn't get to use it all right um what else do we need to talk about we change that we change the images we save the book we change type we change the page template were cruising through here um all right let's talk a little bit about the other layouts I think yeah I have other examples I too have other examples oh see that's that keyboard shortcut I meant to hit command e and I hit command w so we'll go ahead and close the book yeah again old dog no new tricks do you have any questions online while every launch this yes way dio yeah we have to get a few whenever you're ready to say from okay we actually had a quite a complex on from agnes joanna is joining us from belgium andrea this is the right time to take it but I'll throw it out there thanks agnes you could always move on we've not but she says it's a stupid question but she's a beginner but nothing was any such thing as a stupid question I'm getting confused with cm like a versus rtb because she read somewhere the cm mike is meant for printing on archie bees meant for the screen but the albums that you're preparing in like a light book are based on rgb photos so how does it affect the printing of photo book consists of actually be printed photos what about the color conversion it's all magic so actually it sort of is in the case of printing directly to blurb, because all of that is handled behind the scenes, so blurb has just like when you print to your the french are like an inkjet printer at home, you have a profile for that printer? Well, blurb has profiles for its printers, and so when you actually say, send the book to blurb, all of that changing of color space is actually being done on the back end, you actually can't control it like we are just doing the conversions into the printer space for you. But there's, another big issue with our g b and c m y que that I'm not sure I'm going to touch on, I'll be brief about it, but I don't want to be misleading. So when your images aaron rgb here, yes, something has to convert them to see him like a usually it is the printer profile that is it's not necessarily converting them to seem like a breeze like you're absent printers. I understand that the incas same way k, but it's not the same process is if you are printing to a printing press where you actually have four different plates so there's this stochastic printing, which is your ancient there is on demand printing, which is going to be something like blurb and then there's also you're sam wyche a plates that you need to actually create if you actually need to create plate sam wyche a plates you cannot do that in my room you have to do that in photo shop but if you're going tio print something to in inkjet printer and you have the profile there if you've got the profile for your color lab that's taking care of it and putting it into the printer space all right that is probably the most abbreviated talk ever given in history on cm like a it's a complex bond thank you for all this okay there anymore that are easy yeah but um r j twenty three has a question he wants to know how are you getting the price of the book I know earlier you had mentioned a price when you were going through there where did that number come from that price it figures it out and if you want to learn more you can click the learn more button and it will take you to the blurb site as to how they price their books all right so let's just I'm going to switch over to another book that I had already created and the only difference in this book is that it has a few different templates that I just wanted to show so if we just go here to the first page so here's a different template where obviously there's a lot more text. Oh now would be a good time to show what you can do with text so let's, actually grab our text right here are type and if I want to click in here and then I can select some text oh, it's a little difficult, sometimes to to select the exact text, because sometimes you'll be selecting the margins there. The cell patting you can actually pull and drag on those. But if I want to select all the text, I can just swipe some of the texan and command. Aor control. Ada, select that text and let's. Go ahead and change the font here. I already talked about this. I think I did. Okay, but I'm going to come back down here and let's. Just pick. How about myriad pro? All right. So you can pick your fallen and family. We use the target adjustment tool. I didn't mention that you can change the color of the text, but you can size opacity. We already talked about that and letting auto lending. We can add additional columns. That's going to be a little silly in this narrow but of type that I have. But you should know that you can add columns. If we do add columns like this, I was trying to figure out ok, the math, like how many extra lines do I have here and how many returns would have to hit in order to make those even but you really don't have to do that because remember there's cell panning so I can say all right unlinked all and then just bring up the bottom until your columns or even so yeah there's always a way to trick light room like weight that I could use that in a way that it wasn't intended and now I can even out my columns all right and then we go back to type I think that's it's the different alignment options all right when we go to text we talked about the photo text that's the text that's gathered from the metadata and assigned to each individual image and then we also have the page text and if we turn that on you can actually add text and add your caption right here right and if you have a lot of text it'll just keep expanding and growing all right let's go to the next page let's go ahead and zoom back out next page next page let's go. All right we saw those two layouts we saw those two there's one with just a little bit larger one on the left here we've got to that or a different size here we've got another one on the right that's off centered that one okay, so this one just know that if you've got your guide showing if I toggle those off, then if I don't think if I've got a template that has room for two pictures but I only drive one picture in there then even though when I show the guys that showing me hey, you can put another picture here if I turn off the guides or if I printed obviously it's not going toe won't look empty it's just gonna print lee like how it looks right now okay there's the four up there's two o these have little edges so we've got a bunch of templates that have kennedy's edges around them that you can use if you want tio but we don't have templates for everything, so the one thing that we don't have a template for that I really wanted was a nine up I just want nine images up I always photograph square and it just seemed like a real basic thing. So again I thought, how can I trick it? So I thought, well, I'm getting out of a book module for a minute because you know what I have I have the ability to go over to my print module in my print module I could make whatever lay out I wanted, so I think I have let's go ahead and go, yet my life is a work around assumes all the software is perfect everywhere in the world I wouldn't have a job all right, I always think about how am I going toe make this work with what we have, right? Because at some point, as they say in the software industry, shipping is a feature meaning at some point you have to ship the product, the engineers out of their way like they never want to leave stuff undone, right? They just want to develop forever and ever and ever know we could make a better we can make it better and finally someone like no it's going out the door so all right, so single image contact sheet, right? If we go to the layout area here, I might want let's say, three rows, three columns oh, I better make my page size and everything let's go down to the print size that be smart to start their first. All right, I'm going to print out to a j peg final let's say I wanted this this doesn't really make sense in the window seat book that I'm making right now, but let's say, isn't there there's a book that's twelve by twelve inches, so I'm going ten twelve and then twelve inches all right and let's take off that black we don't need that black back from there, we'll goto layout here and you'll notice here look at once I go to j peg see how I can take off all of the margins because you don't have to have margins for j pegs, so now I can say all right, I want three rose three columns to a quick little select all go to my layouts on my sorry my image settings and say zoom to fit. So now I have this nine up template, and if I wanted teo, you know, we could go ahead and we can add a little stroke border. In fact, if I make that white and we're printing on white, well, just look like I've got a little bit of extra room in between each one so great, so if this is what I wanted, I'm gonna be a little careful here because I know I have a lot of photographs, so let's say I'm just going to select these nine because I don't need to sit here and wait till it prints everything, but if I said print this to a file and then we'll go to the desktop and we'll just call this nine up test and then I'll click save and now it's going to go ahead and do that, you can see there's the little preparing the print job right there so it's rendering out each one of those on that paper, I don't really look at my other print job setting because I was kind of in a hurry we have three other peopie I lo sharp name that's good glossy we're going we're going to glossy we're going glossy paper j p okay so everything was set find there you'll notice that for color management now instead of picking a printer profile because I'm going to a j peg I would pick a color space so it art adobe rgb is just fine we could go back to the grid view at this point and uh where did I say that to the desktop thank you so one of the ways that you can import in the light room like I have this file on the desktop now right? So I can drag this down on top of the light room icon and will actually bring up the import dialogue facts if I want to because I didn't put it into any folder that was already imported in the light room so I'll go ahead and just click import I don't really need a smart preview I'm gonna add it in place so here's my current import well, I want to add that current import into the collection that I'm working on which happens to be this window seat so I could just drag it down we'll drop it in there we'll say yeah there it is take me right over to the window seat to open the book I decided you know what I just want here? I just want one image her page let's zoom up to the top and then we have a full bleed right there we sure do so now I believe that was a little last image so we'll just drag and drop that right there hey see, we can fool even the book module so obviously it's a little bit more work obviously have been a more proactive beta tester maybe I could have got that template in there but it wasn't so it's my own fault so now I have this work around ok so that is those are the book settings I think that's that's enough with the book settings as faras blurb goes I'll just scoot over to pdf for a moment three only thing we really need to know here is that when we're picking our pdf we have additional pdf options right there yes but sorry it was just really back incident pointing to a j peg could you print it to a pdf and on the same trick with your nine up or does it only work with jay pick um well light room can't import a pdf file want want want so there is where it's going to break down that work flow so yeah j peg but you know what? Okay the paris cover your ears right now if you have an image and you save it is a j peg with the quality of one hundred visually, depending on the image but visually for most images, you're not going to see a difference with a j peg quality of one hundred versus the original when you actually print the file. Now there there are instances where you will absolutely see the difference if you've got this beautiful sunset and the colors are barely changing between the top in the bottom it's just going is beautiful like this. Violent, too. Just a little bit darker purple or something. And there's barely any huge change over a long distance. Yes. When you say this j peg, you might get banding in that sky. No, we cannot print to it to file. The only option you have is to print too. A j peg file. So so keep the he would like to request that feature, wouldn't you? Yes. Could you do the nine? I've been photoshopped is pretty, isn't it? Oh, absolutely. Yeah, you could do the nine opened photoshopped, but that would require opening your files going to photo shop. I'm trying to think there's. Probably an easier way. Probably automated. You could. You could build an action or something. But if you send your images like tear to your color lab, some of them want a j peg of one hundred. Of the quality of a hundred some of them say ninety and some of them say eighty so just we've just done a lot of testing if you save your j pegs with the quality of one hundred obviously that's the highest quality it's going to be the biggest file if those files are too big and because ftp and if you've got two hundred images you're sending and they're all eight meg's or something that's going to take a while if you save is ajay pig with the quality of ninety, you're almost going to cut your file size in half and if you say that with the quality of eighty you'll probably lose like a little bit more we think about that one hundred percent ninety percent you're going to lose at least a third of it and with eighty percent you might cut it in half now depending on the delicacy of the image how delicate it is if it's a really, really high frequency image tons of stuff going on you're probably not going to see the j peg artifact in or compression but really smooth beautiful like you know something that barely changes color over a big distance you can start to see the artifact and so you really just you have to export a few of the files and an open him up and look at him and see if you can see the artifact
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Ratings and Reviews
Julie Coder
I started using LR about a year ago, but I hadn't yet set up my database and work flow process. This class was perfect and really helped me dive deeper into into the program. Julieanne knows her stuff, and she provides some excellent tips for both organization and editing. Love her teaching style, as well as her photography. Some of the more recent tools (such as the range mask) are not covered, but the content is still relevant and Julieanne's tips are fantastic. Highly recommend!
a Creativelive Student
I follow Julieanne on FB and on her blog, and looked forward to this event. It did not disappoint, and in fact offered a few surprises. The exactitude of her content is always there. But the free-form, informal nature of this course kept it engaging over the many hours. I admire her style of speaking seamlessly to all skill and experience levels at once. Quite a trick -- I've had the good fortune to learn from the best, and I count Julieanne among them.
Valerie Pinsent
Julieanne Kost has an amazing way of sharing her knowledge on photoshop Lightroom, with humour and simplicity that keeps you wanting more. The 2 days that this workshop lasted could have seemed long but was in fact very, very short. This course gives you all the ropes to use this amazing program, with all its shortcuts and techniques that probably aren't in manuals with a few extras from photoshop which are just as amazing. She is so contagious that you want to pull an 'all-nighter' just to put in practice all the wonderfull things one has learned. Thank you very much Julieanne!!!