Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: Retouching and Compositing 360 Degree Photos in PhotoshopChris Converse

Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: Retouching and Compositing 360 Degree Photos in PhotoshopChris Converse
Lesson Info
1. Class Introduction
Learn what a 360º photo is and why you would want to edit and retouch them.
Next Lesson: Shooting a 360º photo
Class Trailer
Class Introduction
04:44 2Shooting a 360º photo
01:19 3About the Class Materials
03:07 4Viewing 360º Photos
02:00 5Beginning the Project
03:08 6Removing Chris and Joe
04:44 7Removing Additional People
03:18 8Use a Smart Object to Apply Camera RAW Adjustments
04:25Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase
Practice Files