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Preview: Active Reset

Lesson 1 from: Restore & Rejuvenate

Carling Harps

Preview: Active Reset

Lesson 1 from: Restore & Rejuvenate

Carling Harps

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1. Preview: Active Reset

Lesson Info

Preview: Active Reset

I'm Carly harps and welcome to restore and rejuvenate. It is a plan designed to help you balance out stress and intensity of most of our everyday lives. Or athletic endeavors without the restorative tend to lose mobility. And we're more prone to injury and recovery times there a lot longer. This planet six yoga based classes. They're all restorative or yin style. So they're much more calming. An easel on the really designed to make you feel better in your body. Want to relieve tension, increased mobility, increased range of emotions and to make all that happen, we're gonna hit all the major muscle groups. So hips and hamstrings, shoulders, head neck We're gonna work on relieving risk, pain and tension. You might have around deep breathing. And along with that, we're gonna provide some mental clarity and help you sleep a little sounder with practices that will help you fall asleep quickly, sleep well and be rested, rejuvenated for the next day. What I want to give you is the tools so th...

at you can implement your own routine of self care so that you want to show on your maps and stretch and breathe and take care of yourself. I'm really excited to share with you