Lesson Info
Establishing Positive Money Talk & Thoughts
Establishing positive money talks, money talk and thought. And so, let's get into this. And so, the negative, this... And this is, honestly, this was one of the things that I told myself about money and my relationship with money. I am irresponsible and I am terrible at managing money. And so when I started My Fab Finance, I felt like I'd been irresponsible when it came to my money. Even after My Fab Finance was successful and I started my business because, managing business finances is completely different from managing finances as a traditionally employed individual. And so here I was, I had all this financial know-how, and I still was not spending my business money the way I felt like I should be spending it, so I felt incredibly irresponsible. And that encouraged me to spend more money on professional development stuff for my business because it was like, you're not doing enough of something because you're not making enough money, and it really was I wasn't managing my money proper...
ly. And then I am terrible at managing money. That was something that before I got into My Fab Finance, I would say, especially because I'm someone who struggled with math growing up. Like when I went to college I took two of my math classes twice, because I was just that terrible at math. Everything else fine, college, but math, did not click for me. And so I would say that I am not good at money so that led to my belief that I wasn't gonna be good with money. So I had to create the opposite of that. Which was, "I responsibly use money to improve my life, "and the lives of others." And so what I had to do with that is, I put it, I wrote it down, and put it on my mirror. That every single day I would read this to myself. Because I knew what my negative self talk was, and so I created the counter, which was a positive self-talk. I put it in a place where I had to see it everyday and I had to recite it to myself. So I want you to think of one negative thing that you've told yourself about money, and then we're gonna flip that in the reverse. And I want you to do this online too. Think about one, at least one negative thing. If you have more and they just keep flowing, if you have more than one, totally okay. But I want you to write those out, and then how can you flip that into a positive mantra that you can adopt to help you begin to shift your money mindset, when you fall into the pattern of having negative money beliefs? Do we have any online yet? Just coming through at the moment, but one just came in and Nadia said, "Negative: I will never be able to get out of debt." Ohh. And then the positive is, did she say her positive? Not as yet. Okay. It's coming. So who can think of a positive for that though? I will never be able to get out of debt. Either a new career or job to help, increase her income, so that she can get out of debt. Absolutely. Reduce costs as we talked about earlier. Yeah, and so one of the things... So if I feel like that's one of my negative I feel like that's one of my negative mindsets, and I need to find other ways to make money to get out of debt, I would say that I am fully capable and have the resources needed to eliminate this debt that I have, and my debt does not control me. And I think that's important to understand too, because debt can become so suffocating that you feel like you can't see out of it. But understanding that you have the resources and the capability to eliminate it, and that it does not control you. And so that's something that I would suggest adding that to a daily mantra. And I'll go into rituals, but that's something, that's a way to flip that negative mindset. Now I'd also say my debt does not define me. You know? And unfortunately a lot of people do commit suicide and take drastic measures because they feel like their debt is inescapable. And it is. Especially responsible people, it's harder for them to realize that, but it is. Debt is escapable, and you have different management tools available for it. So do we have another negative turned to positive? Yeah? Okay so mine was, "More money, more problems." So then I turned that one around, "With more money I can greater impact the world around me." I love that. Thank you. I love that, yes. I love that. Do we have any? Yes, Destiny says, "I feel like," now that she's completely irresponsible with money. But the other side, the affirmative of that is that she'll be more responsible from here on out and she has that awareness to now change it. Yeah, one of the things I've seen people do is, "I've done the best with what I have, "and I'm making better financial decisions every day." So I am doing the best with what I have, and I am making better financial decisions every day. So it is committing to just every day, you know, you start here, it's never too late. Start to begin to shift. I'm happy people are sharing these, though. Because now we're creating that rebound, the positive arc. One more? Can I get one more? 'Cause clearly I like doing this. (laughs) I have one. "My ability to make money is limited "by my day job, my employer." And then I turned around to, "Money is abundant "and available to me in many ways." I love that. I love it. Yeah. It's releasing those limits, right? And it feels good to understand that you have options. Does anybody else wanna share? From their creative? I used to say like, I never had enough. And then I came across this mantra, "I'm so happy and grateful that free and clear money "comes to me in increasing quantities "on a continuous basis." That's my type of mantra. So I remembered it, probably three or four years ago. Yeah. And I'll share another one that I created for myself. Was that I felt like I was wasting time. And I think that sometimes, you know, you talk about return on energy, but I felt like I was wasting time. And so my mantra was, "I forgive myself for wasting time, "and my actions create constant prosperity." And so, it was a belief, forgiving myself for any... If I mess up in the past, if I mess up now, I forgive myself for that. But understanding and affirming that my actions create constant prosperity. No matter what I'm doing, I'm doing something that leads to me experiencing a prosperous life and experience. Could you say that one more time? Yeah. I forgive myself for wasting time and money, and my actions create constant prosperity. I'm telling you guys, this is so powerful. I can tell when I don't, when I'm off of my money mindset, because I'm more likely to spend money that doesn't contribute to my financial goals. I feel differently, and I view life slightly different when I'm not. And like I say, I am not immune to it. So a lot of times I have to implement behaviors to get me back on track. And then now, it's become kind of second nature, but every now and again you need a tune-up. You know, cars need a tune-up, sometimes you have to tune your mindset. And so what I would suggest for that is creating rituals in your life that inspire you to have a better mindset. So there are different rituals that you can implement and you might not do them every week, but if you feel like, "My mindset is getting the best of me "and I feel detached from this positive space. "How do I get back to positivity?" Here are a few rituals that can inspire a better money mindset. This first one was one of my favorite ones. Expressing gratitude when you release the money. So how many of us say, "Yes, thank you," when you pay bills? Most of the time we're like, "Ugh. "That money is gone." But my friend Amanda Abella actually, this is something in her book, Make Money Your Honey, but this is something she suggested for business owners. And it's not necessarily fun to pay your staff, especially when it's coming out of your pocket or your earnings, but it is expressing gratitude when you release the money, because I don't know about you guys, but there has been a point in my life where I didn't have money to pay for things that mattered to me, or I didn't have money to pay for those bare necessities. Or I had to borrow money or I had to wait. And so just being grateful in that moment that you have the money to put towards that or to release for that particular purpose. So that's something you could do every time you pay bills, every time you pay your rent. I know that, depending where you live, sometimes like, "Oh my god, this is ridiculous." But it is expressing gratitude. "I am thankful that I have the resources to do this. "I am thankful that I am able to do this. "That I am able to pay my bills on time," or, "That I am able to support "the goals and dreams of others." The next is look for abundance everywhere, even when money is not in sight. Because we think that abundance is limited to the physical forms of money. But it couldn't be further from the truth. Abundance is having the freedom to be on this class right now. That's abundance. There are some people who do not have that freedom or have that space or have that flexibility to be here. Abundance could be being able to hear all the sounds when you step outside. Or see all the sights or smell or taste your favorite foods. Abundance could be the ability to hear someone you love's voice. So it's really looking for abundance and how it shows up in your life in the different ways. And finding ways to be grateful every day. So that might look like, you know, writing a reason. I have a gratitude journal, and I created the financial success planner for My Fab Finance, and each month we have a gratitude map, where you take time to write down things you're grateful for. Because when you're grateful for things that are currently in your life, you tend to attract more things to be grateful for. The next is incorporate affirmations in your day-to-day and make them visible. So for me, the affirmations that I spoke about, the ones that I created for myself, I have them on my closet door. So when I have to go to my closet, and when I'm looking for clothes, I have it right there on my closet door, eye-level, so as soon as I turn, I see my affirmations and I'm prompted to recite them to myself. I've also put them on a mirror in my room. Especially when I lived on my own. My husband, he doesn't wanna see my affirmations. So they don't necessarily go in the household mirror, but even as a screensaver. So for the longest, especially when I started my business, which is nerve-wracking... Do we have any entrepreneurs in here? Yeah. Which is nerve-wracking, it can be nerve-wracking. And every month is completely different. And so "My actions create constant prosperity" was my screensaver on my phone. And so for me, it was putting it in places that I would remember to look or subconsciously look that would remind me to remain positive. And then, ask for what you want. I think that a lot of... I think that being afraid is part of a negative mindset, and assuming that things will not be readily available to you. But when you ask for what you want and you get what you want or you get a variation of what you want, you start to realize how plentiful things are in your life. You start to realize how many things actually are available to you. And then you start to live limitlessly, because you're like, "I asked for this and that was available, "I asked for this and it was available. "I asked for this." And so beginning to ask for what you want, because that allows you to open yourself up to ask for more of what you want and ask for more of the experiences you want, and that way that you're more comfortable living life in a manner that you wanna live and not what everybody else says you should live. So these are just different rituals that you can implement into your life to inspire a better money mindset.
Ratings and Reviews
Tatie Diallo
Amazing teacher, she uses a simple language and gives you examples you can relate to and stress out how important shifting our mindset is the foundation of our financial freedom. I loved it and never really thought of money that way.
Kristen Arnett
Concise and easy to digest and pleasant to follow along. Tonya offered some simple exercises and powerful tools to reexamine one's relationship to money.
Rachel Garcia
This class focused on money mindset. I loved the examples for how to turn your negative self talk into positive affirmations.
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