Lesson Info
7. Establish your Domino Effect
Lesson Info
Establish your Domino Effect
My personal coach, his name is Julian Gordon, and he's helped me transform my business and so forth, but one of the things that we do before we leave each meeting is we start our domino effect. So this chain of reactions started with this domino back here, and it sets everything going forward. And so I want you to think about what's one thing that you're gonna do differently today or going forward this week that's gonna help you improve your money mindset? What's one thing, whether it's creating those mantras. What are you gonna do in order to begin to become more conscious, in order to become more conscious of shifting your money mindset? One thing. And I want you guys to share that online, too. For some people, it could be downloading an app, a meditation app. One of my favorite meditation apps is Insight Timer, and so I use that regularly, especially when I just feel like I need to reset. And I do that just to reset. So it could be downloading an app, it could be reaching out to som...
eone, it could be tapping into what makes you happy. Because we have spoken about when you are truly happy, what does that look and what does that feel like? So what's one thing that you're gonna do differently to begin to shift that money mindset as a result? Lottie says check my bank account every day, as a new practice to- It's creating a new habit. And Kim B. says, had realized that she had a lot of negative money mantras that she not just told herself, but her friends. So actively, like, pick up on that and change that. When you realize you're saying something or thinking something, just intervene and redirect with another thought, a positive thought. Yeah, because words have power. Words are incredibly powerful. What about in here? I'm not letting you ladies walk out of here without giving me at least one thing that you're gonna do differently, so, yeah? Because I do spend so much money on books, and I even started going to, like, used bookstores, now I'm gonna take it one step further and reactivate my library card. Oh, good. So I'm not gonna even pay half of the price for the book. It's gonna be a free book on the city. That is great, so reactivating your library card. Look at that; I know, right? We forget about the library, but the library has great resources, yeah. And then, it reduces clutter, yeah. And I'll say one thing that I'm gonna do. So one of my friends in the finance base, name is Jay Money, he's founder of Budgets Are Sexy. He's doing this challenge where he's getting rid of one thing every day, so I'm releasing my addiction to stuff. And I'll be getting rid of one thing in my place every day. So I'm getting rid of one thing, whether I sell it on Poshmark, whether I give it away, whatever I do, I'm releasing that. Because you can't have clutter in the house, baby's about to come. So we have to get rid of some things, but it is releasing ... I think, one of the things I did realize, I like stuff, stuff makes me feel comfortable. And so I'm gonna start releasing stuff, as my mindset to understand that you're okay even if you don't have stuff. That's my one thing; so I'm doing one thing, you guys. And we have four more, four more things. Just being mindful of what I purchase, asking is this helping me reach my financial goals? I love that, yeah, it's really powerful. That's exactly what I wrote down. Oh really, so you're gonna start asking yourself, being more mindful of your spending, asking yourself, is this helping me achieve my financial goals? Perfect. Yeah, I really thought it was helpful to think about the energy cost of things, and that's something I definitely don't think about. I think about the monetary cost. And sometimes, even opportunity costs, 'cause I have major FOMO, but the energy cost is something I don't think about at all. So I think, I definitely want to do kind of like an analysis of that, more than just the last 24 to 72 hours, and think about it over the last month, maybe. That's perfect, that's perfect. I've been saying I need a business manager, just 'cause I have a lot of transactions, personal and business, every week. But until I can afford one, I'm going to set weekly financial meetings with myself. Perfect, perfect. Just block out the time, and just look at the activity and what's happening, and make better decisions for the upcoming week. Yeah, and make that, set that as a meeting that you won't miss, you know? Because we won't miss meetings with other people, but we'll miss meetings with ourselves. So make that an appointment, like a standing appointment for yourself. That's good, so you're gonna set that reminder on there. And then we have some other stuff? Yeah, we've got R.H. and Christine, who both went along a similar line of daily affirmations, and focusing on what I want... Focusing on what I have, instead of what I want. And S.N. says going to practice expressing gratitude when releasing money, and also, Kathleen is going to establish a money-tracking journal. Oh, nice. And Nadia is going to recite daily affirmations as well. Wonderful, and Nadia, make sure you post those in a place where you can see them, even if it's on your car dashboard or whatever. I had someone send me a picture, and they had placed it on their car dashboard. I was like, oh, if you spend time in your car, and you're in traffic, just recite. So those are great. So we've covered a lot today, right? And what we've covered is understand how you're currently using your money, and what your current mindset and habits are costing you, so assessing those costs. And how much our life costs us, which is one of the most important numbers that you'll ever determine. We covered what triggers your spending and how to create alternatives, so in creating that, we had to tap into what joy exists in your life, and things that money can't buy. So, really, when we're thinking about our spending triggers, how do we tap into what joy and what really makes us happy, and focus on that instead of what might be the immediate reaction, which is to spend money. And then, how to create rituals for maintaining a positive mindset, even when challenges arise. And I do want to drive this home, because challenges will arise. I am not gonna lie and say you're gonna walk out of here and everything's gonna be perfect. Challenges will arise. Even these dominoes that we set for ourselves and these goals that we set for ourselves, we might be challenged on those. You might be challenged on them by Sunday. You might be challenged, you know, three days from now. But the important things is understanding for one, that you're the same person, it was possible to accomplish those other things, you're the same person who can accomplish these financial goals, and two, that you almost always have alternatives to spending money. And so that you don't necessarily have to respond to those triggers in a monetary way. You can respond to them in other ways that support you. And then, doing your rituals to help you stay in a place of positive money mindset. Just in case anyone wants to know how they can connect with me, I'm uniformly branded as MyFabFinance on all social media channels, and I'm not going anywhere, guys. So you can find me at MyFabFinance. And if you have questions for myself, my team, or anything that we've spoken about in this class, or you're having some challenges with your money mindset, feel free to email at info@myfabfinance.com. (applause)
Ratings and Reviews
Tatie Diallo
Amazing teacher, she uses a simple language and gives you examples you can relate to and stress out how important shifting our mindset is the foundation of our financial freedom. I loved it and never really thought of money that way.
Kristen Arnett
Concise and easy to digest and pleasant to follow along. Tonya offered some simple exercises and powerful tools to reexamine one's relationship to money.
Rachel Garcia
This class focused on money mindset. I loved the examples for how to turn your negative self talk into positive affirmations.
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