Reset Your Money Mindset
Tonya Rapley
Class Description
Throughout our lives, we focus on building strong, positive connections with family, friends and partners. But we tend to neglect one of the most important relationships we have—our relationship with money.
How we view, handle and treat money has an enormous impact on our lives. Out-of-control spending, financial worries and too much focus on pursuing wealth can affect our happiness, well-being and our personal relationships.
Author, consultant and millennial money expert Tonya Rapley will help you create a healthy, harmonious rapport with your finances—no matter what your bank account balance is. You’ll learn how to develop a positive mindset even when challenges arise, understand how money worries are hurting you and tap into the joys in life that money can’t buy.
In this class, you’ll learn how to:
- Explore and critique your financial history.
- Understand how much your life costs and examine the true cost of ownership.
- Regain control of your spending and identify spending trigger situations.
- Figure out what makes you happy and create alternatives for spending.
- Identify negative self-talk you’ve engaged in and establish positive money thoughts.
- Complete one action that contributes to your new money narrative and achieves your goals.
Ratings and Reviews
Tatie Diallo
Amazing teacher, she uses a simple language and gives you examples you can relate to and stress out how important shifting our mindset is the foundation of our financial freedom. I loved it and never really thought of money that way.
Kristen Arnett
Concise and easy to digest and pleasant to follow along. Tonya offered some simple exercises and powerful tools to reexamine one's relationship to money.
Rachel Garcia
This class focused on money mindset. I loved the examples for how to turn your negative self talk into positive affirmations.
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