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Final steps: Here You Come Again

Lesson 9 from: Refind: The 1 Day Home Interior Design Makeover Course

Jonathan Rosen

Final steps: Here You Come Again

Lesson 9 from: Refind: The 1 Day Home Interior Design Makeover Course

Jonathan Rosen

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9. Final steps: Here You Come Again

<b>One last Q&amp;A to make sure you&#8217;ve ticked all the boxes. If so, you&#8217;re golden!!!</b>

Lesson Info

Final steps: Here You Come Again

Hey, are you ready to come home? All right, welcome. We're ready for you. Come on in Jonathan, unbelievably gorgeous. Uh I can't even believe this is my house. So let me just explain to you a few of the things that I did to try to, you know, fill out what you already had because you had a lot. I mean, fabulous paintings everywhere. You look, you definitely needed a cocktail table because what you had before was so big and so heavy and so dark and it kind of brought the mood of the whole room down. And these end tables that I found at the local vault I think are so sensational. They're so versatile because they're both drop leaf, I turn 11 way and one the other. I found this wonderful little lamp upstairs in the attic and we managed to find a shade that fit and I just, I think it's so superb. Come take a look at some more. I would really love to remember those screens of yours that were down in the basement. Yes. Well, they found a home. They look incredible. They really do. And again, ...

they bring light into the room. I don't know, it kind of gives the place a little bit of a restaurant vibe. How did you get them this way? It took a little work. But I mean, I think they look amazing and I put all of your silver in here against that blue backdrop which I think really looks sensational. Lovely. And I put your blue and whites in. I believe that's your grandmother's piece. Why don't we go see some more? Let's do that because I can, I, I'm, I can't believe it. I don't even know if I can take another room. Jonathan. It's like what? Oh, Jonathan, I love this. I do too. I think this will be such a fun place to hang out. Maybe have cocktails here before dinner. This was a challenging room because you have this slice of wall here and then you have this little slice of wall here. But then there's no other wall space in the room. So with so many pictures to hang, there was so little space to go. So I, I went up, oh God, I love this and I put all your garden books here. It used to be sort of a catch all room and now it really feels like a multi purpose room and these chairs I thought you hated. Well, I didn't hate them, but I didn't know, I didn't know if there was a good place for them and I think they really work here. I mean, they're a little funky, you know, but they work. You were the only one I would ever trust to do this. Oh, well, it was my pleasure, honestly. And thank you for having so many beautiful things to work with. Made it easy. At this point. You're completely accessorized and your flowers are in place. Dim your lights, light a scented candle, turn on some music that suits the mood and take one last step back by now, you're a pro at this mode of detached observation. So for the fourth and final time, stand at the threshold of the room and look at what you've created. Do you like what you see if so why if you don't like it, why not? Are there certain things you can do to refine it if so go for it? Does the room breathe? In other words, does it have good flow? Is there good circulation in the room? Are there plenty of seating options? Does all the furniture speak to each other? Does the room need more editing styling? If so, do it remember the three words at the very beginning of the process? Take a good look around and ask yourself. Is my room a reflection of my three words. If your room manages to convey those feelings, then you've done it. If any of the words don't apply, ask yourself where the disconnect is, it will most likely be as simple as making some last minute tweaks Now let's return to your original checklist from chapter one. Have you enhanced the best assets of the room? Have you minimized, diminished or distracted from its flaws? Have you established a focal point around which your seating is centered? Do you have a fluid furniture plan which allows for comfortable conversation? Are there pretty pictures to look at from every vantage point in the room? Have you been able to achieve balance in the room by evenly distributing the weight of your furniture throughout the room? Have you created a feeling of harmony? Does it feel good to be in the room? If that's the case you've done it? Now, go grab a drink and relax in your new space. You've earned it.

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Isabel Wilson

Love this course! Jonathan makes it sound simple, which makes me want to get going with a living room makeover! Thank you!

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