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Dismantle: Clear The Decks!

Lesson 4 from: Refind: The 1 Day Home Interior Design Makeover Course

Jonathan Rosen

Dismantle: Clear The Decks!

Lesson 4 from: Refind: The 1 Day Home Interior Design Makeover Course

Jonathan Rosen

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Lesson Info

4. Dismantle: Clear The Decks!

<b>We&#8217;re taking the room completely apart (and I mean, everything!). What you&#8217;re left with is a blank canvas. You&#8217;ll learn the logical system for taking it all apart so it can be put back together to look more pulled together.&#160;</b>

Lesson Info

Dismantle: Clear The Decks!

Oh, my gosh. Hello. Hello, Jonathan. I am so excited. I can't even tell you really. Yes. Well, that's nice to hear. Get in here. What do you want to do in here? Well, what I really want to do is the house in California, as you know, was so much bigger than this house. I have so many things. I have no idea what to do everywhere. I look, there's something pretty. So we've got lots to work with. The main thing that does not work in any way, shape or form is the rug. There's nothing about it that works. All right. Well, why don't we having said that? Why don't we move into some of the other rooms and take a look there? Ok. So tell me what you're thinking about in here. Well, what I'd love to do in here is be able to entertain. You've got a great big table and you've got lots of chairs. So I think we need to make it feel a little bit more like a dining room, like a more formal functional dining room. Let me just show you the sun room if you could work a miracle in there. I would love you ev...

en more than I do. I'm gonna try tell me about this beautiful room when we moved in, it was battleship gray and I knew I wanted a sun room for plants because, you know, I kind of got a green thumb but now Jonathan, I've got some nice things in here. Tons of accessories everywhere, you know, me. Well, you know, the most important thing is that you've got great things that work beautifully in the sun room. I can't wait to leave and come back. Well, guess what? I know it's time to leave. Put on your comfy, moving clothes because it's moving day. Now that you've studied your room and have taken a complete inventory of all of its contents. It's time to create a blank slate. This involves some literal heavy lifting. So make sure you have plenty of muscle on hand to assist. I recruit my contractor and handyman and his guys and my assistant and I are also very much in the mix. Decorating is a very tactile hands on endeavor and being in contact with what you own puts you on more intimate terms with it. We're starting with an empty room. So move everything out, identify a location just beyond the room you're working on and whether it's an adjoining room or a large hallway, move it there, I find that it's helpful to organize whatever you have in groups. In other words, all fully upholstered pieces all tables, chairs, lamps, et cetera. It's also extremely useful to organize all of your artwork by category, oils, water colors, prints, photographs, etcetera. Organize your accessories by what they're made of. Locate a free countertop, a large table surface dining table or kitchen counters come in very handy for this reason and organize all of your objects by material, wood, stone, porcelain, silver, brass, glass, et cetera. Go through all of your picture frames and do the exact same exercise group. All the silver, gold, wood painted, et cetera. This works very well on several levels become reacquainted with items you may have forgotten all about. You may discover what else these things relate to within their own category and you'll know exactly where to find them. When the time comes to bring them back into the room. There's a tremendous visual impact and power in grouping collections or similar objects. Having them organize as such will help when it's time to style bookcases and create tablescape. Once the room is completely empty, I like to do a thorough deep clean. I wiped down walls, dust, baseboards and crowns, clean windows inside and out if possible. And swiffer floors, I also opened the windows to bring in some fresh air. We're not just changing the furniture arrangement. We're also changing the energy in the room. If it makes sense to you, this would be a perfect time to do a little cleansing ritual. You could either burn sage or incense in the room. I like to light a scented candle. If I can find a nice one on hand and keep it burning throughout the day. The scent lifts my mood inspires me and helps to create a vibe in this space that we're in the process of creating the stage has been set. It's time to bring a new room to life.

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Ratings and Reviews

Isabel Wilson

Love this course! Jonathan makes it sound simple, which makes me want to get going with a living room makeover! Thank you!

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