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Overview of Process Recipes

Lesson 15 from: Quick Start to Capture One

David Grover

Overview of Process Recipes

Lesson 15 from: Quick Start to Capture One

David Grover

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15. Overview of Process Recipes

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Overview of Process Recipes

Now you already know roughly how it works, but what you'll need to do, is explore the second to last tool tab, which is called Output. And this contains everything that you need to know with regards to process recipes. So we have a list of recipes here, and then if I highlight a recipe, you can see exactly what that process recipe is doing, as the contents change here. So, let's make a process recipe. I'm just gonna delete a couple and we'll remake one of those. So let's do the same as we did before, we want to resize these to 2000 pixels across, that's the perfect size for Bob's website, for example. So, let's say plus, like so. And we call this, JPEG, Jpeg sRGB 2000 pixels, 2000, try again, 2000px Wide, like so. So that's just naming the recipe, now we need to set up the parameters. So it's gonna be a JPEG. We're gonna have sRGB and we're gonna set some kinda quality. But we don't really know, what that output is gonna look like. Unless, we use a feature called Recipe Proofing, which...

is another good reason to use recipes. So if we zoom into 100%. So this is our 100% view, I've got my 2000 pixels wide recipe selected. I'm gonna change the width, to pixels, 2000. Like so, and now I'm gonna hit the little spectacles icon up in the tool bar. So as soon as I tap that, you see it changes to proofing and now Capture One has processed this image on the fly, so we can see what it looks like at exactly 2000 pixels across. We can see how much JPEG compression can I get away with? Do I need to have 100%? No, if I look, I can probably bring it down to and still get good quality, which also means a smaller file size which is better for sharing it of course. If look at adjustments, I can also say, let's see what the sharpenings gonna look like. So, let's turn on Output Sharpening for Screen and let's play with this until I get better sharpening. So that would do an additional sharpening over what's already been set in Capture One. So we kind of have three stages of sharpening. We have the lens correction stage and diffraction correction if we need it. We can apply sharpening in Capture One with the Sharpening tool. And then we come to process in the process recipe, we can put some additional sharpening for screen in there as well. So we know that our outputs are gonna look great. We know exactly how the JPEG compression looks. We know if anything, how the color profile's gonna influence it. And we know exactly the size it's gonna come to as well. So now I can turn off Recipe Proofing. Zoom back down to fit screen. And that's designed our process recipe. So again, we can decide what metadata we want to have and we could add a watermark as well if we wanted to. So, let's have a look at output location. So right now, we haven't chosen an output location. So if try and process this image, let's try and process it. Process. The output folder does not exist. I haven't told Capture One my output folder. And we do that in the Output Location. So, let's choose a folder and we go to, let's go to Pictures, and we make a folder called, whoops. Too quick there, hang on. Let's try again. Choose Folder. Pictures, we're gonna make a new folder. We're gonna call this Catalog Exports. Create. Set as Output Folder, down here at the bottom. So now, Capture One knows that our destination is Catalog Exports. Again, if I want to, I can put a subfolder here as well. So let's put, I can make one here, BobHeadshots. Like so. Output naming, again we can change the output naming if we wish. I'll keep it at Image Name. It will keep it exactly the same. And then the process summary tells me I'm using one process recipe, what it's gonna resize to, the scaling, the format and the approximate file size. So that's just one process recipe. So let's actually run that. So we can say File, Process, or use the shortcut Command + D. Let's grab a few more. So File, Process. Like so. That will start processing. You see there's a little orange cog that pops up and then turns to white when the process is finished. So, white, white, done, pretty much. So now if we go back to my Catalog Exports and we can fast track there by clicking this arrow. Then we can see, we've got BobHeadshots, and then we've got various different shots resized to 2000, like so. Now that's just one process recipe. If want a TIFF at the same time, I can do so. So let's just delete that folder. And, do two. So this is gonna be a TIFF, it's gonna be a full size TIFF. We're not gonna do any output sharpening and so on. But let's just run two at the same time, see what happens. So I do Command + D on my keyboard, just for speed. So that starts processing. And now we can see in Bob's headshots, we've got the first TIFF, and the JPEG, and so on. So now we're running two process recipes at the same time. You could run 10 process recipes at the same time if you wish, but it's a really powerful way to get all that processing done at the same time. Now one last thing. If we wanna check the process, we can go to the queue, and we can see that queue is finished. And then we've got a JPEG and TIFF of each of those, like so. Gonna delete that one last time and I'm gonna do one last export, just to give you a perhaps hint of what's possible. So, under Bob's headshots, I'm gonna do a / if my keyboard will except it, for some reason. Or \, there we go. Gonna do a \ and then I'm gonna use a token. Remember we saw those tokens early for renaming and stuff. You can see a full list of tokens by clicking here. There are many. You'll probably only use a few of them, but we're gonna use the token called Recipe Name, like so. So what Capture One's gonna do is gonna make me a folder called Bob's headshots and then it's gonna make a folder called the recipe name of that process, and divide those images up automatically. So if we start the process again, Command + D, like so. And we've got Bob's headshots, and we've got our TIFF folder and then we got our JPEG folder and Capture One is automatically sorting that for us. Now that's just a little kind of hint of what's possible with tokens, 'cause we can combine multiple process recipes, with multiple tokens. We can sort images by all kinds of criteria. There you've just seen recipe name, but we could sort them by the name of the album that they've come from. The name of the folder that they've come from. Its color tag. Its star rating. Any metadata term as well can be used to create folders. And that's something that will be covered extensively in the creating your workflow clause. We'll also look at session file management there as well, which is particularly powerful for doing these deeper process recipes with all this automatic folder creation. And the goal of that is, not to show off and be fancy, but the idea being if you've done a very extensive shoot, like e-commerce, or headshots, or products, is that you can go into a situation like this, select all your final headshots, hit process and have them processed in TIFF, JPEG, and other formats, delivered to other different locations, some with watermarks, some without, and so on. So, that's something to look forward to. Any questions on process recipes, Jim? Yes sir, from i-SCOOP. Okay, wow. Is that output location in the bottom left, used only for process recipes? Is it also used for quick and dirty process? It's only used for process recipes, I think, let me check. Just in case. Export Images, Variance. Destination, Desktop. Yes, it's independent, so. Great, thank you. But the nice thing about once, ideally with a process recipe, you set them up once and then you just, you just run with and such, you shouldn't have to keep fiddling with it. You can come back and think, okay these are ready to process, I'm gonna have these four, I need these two process recipes, boom, go, without even having to look at any of this. I can also point out that each process recipe in the File tab, can also have an independent location. So you can make a process recipe that sends images to Dropbox or sends images to Google Drive, for example. Or sends images to any other cloud storage as such. So as well as using the global output location, set here. They can also have their own location as well. So that makes them even more powerful as well. Thank you. Okay, so at this point, you have an idea of how to get images into Capture One, do some basic adjustments, do some copy and apply, process to final formats and have a brief kind of overview of the various different tools.

Ratings and Reviews

Juan Sebastián Echeverri

This class is a great introduction to Capture One. David covers the CO environment including the basics of tools, tool tabs, toolbar, cursor tools, action buttons, the viewer, and the browser. It includes some useful shortcuts and best practices for an efficient workflow.


David is extremely well versed in CaptureOne Pro and he has the ability to share his knowledge in a way that is easy to follow and understand. My time in the audience was well spent, increasing my knowledge of CaptureOne basics. I would particularly recommend this class to anyone who is relatively new to CaptureOne or who is considering making CaptureOne part of their photo editing process.

Dan Donovan

A comprehensive overview of Capture One. David does a FANTASTIC job of getting you started with Capture One!

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