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Importing your Existing Application's Library

Lesson 20 from: Quick Start to Capture One

David Grover

Importing your Existing Application's Library

Lesson 20 from: Quick Start to Capture One

David Grover

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20. Importing your Existing Application's Library

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Importing your Existing Application's Library

Can I import my Lightroom or Aperture library into Capture One? And the answer is, yes you can. I would strongly suggest, don't make it the very first thing you do. 'Cause if you've got, say, a catalog with 30,000 images in it, and you wanna import that into Capture One, it's not gonna happen like that. Obviously we have to read all the data, make previews in Capture One, set everything up. So it will take some time. But if you've been playing with Capture One for a while, and you think, okay, now I'm at a point where I'd like to bring in my existing database into Capture One, then it's a good time to do it. So, let's make a new catalog. Let's call this Lightroom import. So here's a brand new empty catalog. And we save, File, Import catalog, Lightroom or Aperture. So I'll say Lightroom catalog. You get a little warning here, that tells you what we can, and what can't be imported into Capture One. So the good news is that most of it comes in. So collections, like if you've made collecti...

ons in Lightroom, all the adjustments like crop rotation, white balance, metadata which is very important, the rating, and the color label, and keywords, also very important. Now you have to consider that the adjustments are approximate only. So it's not like Lightroom. In Capture One, they don't have the same processing engine, colors don't look the same. So if you've done plus 10 vibrancy in Lightroom, or saturation, it might not look exactly the same in Capture One. But the fact that it's cropped, rotated, rated, and color tagged, and key worded, is a huge help. Smart collections we can't bring in. So you'll have to convert those to normal collections first. So now I say continue, and I need to point to a Lightroom library. Here's one I made earlier. And what you have to do, is target the LR Cat. So the LR Cat file, just point to that, and say open. Oh, some of these... So let's say skip. Oh, I've actually moved them. Something I should have tested earlier, Jim. Hang on, let's say skip all. So, I moved some files from a location earlier. But what you'll see, let's see if I can fix that. Let's see if I can fix that. Let's do that. So let's open Lightroom. I'm gonna choose a different catalog. Lightroom catalog. Let's choose this catalog. Choose. Open. That's cause I moved some RAW files earlier. So tell you what, let's do. Let's do it very quickly. And we're gonna, make a new catalog, totally new catalog, which won't take very long. So let's go to New catalog. Okay, let's call this Lightroom import. Okay let's get some files into this. Got a nice help window, which I can't get rid of. Maybe continue? Continue, there we go. Thank you, Jim. Yep. (laughs) Import photos. Let's grab... So basically, right now David, you didn't have a catalog ready to go, so we're just gonna Exactly. create a quick catalog in Lightroom. Folks are used to that with all our classes. I did have one ready to go, but I moved the images. Oh, I got ya. That was my fault. No problem. Let's say, import these. There we go. There we go. So we have made a Lightroom catalog. Let's just quit Lightroom for a second. Or should we let it do it's... Let's try that. Quit Lightroom, go back to Capture One. Let's say, File, Import catalog, Lightroom, Continue, and Pictures. Lightroom import, open. So there we go. Catalog import complete, 81 files imported, no incompatible files, no offline files skipped, like so. So now if we open it up down here, Lightroom import, you can see the images like so. And it would come in with the adjustments, rating, and so on. Sorry for my little mistake there, but it's pretty simple. It's just a case of Import catalog, Lightroom catalog, and then point to your LR Cat, and then that's it. But as I said, don't make it the very first thing you do. You can always, if you want to compare Lightroom or Aperture to Capture One, is you could take one collection from Lightroom, and export that as a sub catalog, and then you could import that one into Capture One as a first test of such. So that's something you could do as well. But once you're comfortable, then you can think about bringing in a large quantity of images to your database.

Ratings and Reviews

Juan Sebastián Echeverri

This class is a great introduction to Capture One. David covers the CO environment including the basics of tools, tool tabs, toolbar, cursor tools, action buttons, the viewer, and the browser. It includes some useful shortcuts and best practices for an efficient workflow.


David is extremely well versed in CaptureOne Pro and he has the ability to share his knowledge in a way that is easy to follow and understand. My time in the audience was well spent, increasing my knowledge of CaptureOne basics. I would particularly recommend this class to anyone who is relatively new to CaptureOne or who is considering making CaptureOne part of their photo editing process.

Dan Donovan

A comprehensive overview of Capture One. David does a FANTASTIC job of getting you started with Capture One!

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