Class Introduction
02:20 2Document & Workspace Setup
05:02 3Animation Basics
04:32 4Events and Triggers
12:25 5Animation Properties
13:05 6Animation Timing
05:37 7Working with Multi-State Objects
13:44 8Working with Buttons
07:45Layers and Naming
11:08 10Adding Audio and Video
09:20 11Combining Interaction and Animation
07:34 12Building the Nested Menu
10:59 13Adjusting the Motion Path
07:11 14Triggers and Visibility
06:09 15Multiple Actions
24:50 16Movies and Poster Image Thumbnail
09:38 17How to Publish Online
09:48 18Placing Hyperlinks
04:15Lesson Info
Adding Audio and Video
So adding audio and video is actually amazingly simple. Okay, what I might do is I might add a separate audio element in the next section because the process is exactly the same for both things, okay? It's just that you can see one of them, the other one plays. But effectively, both forms of motion. One is motion across, they're both motion across time, one you can hear it and the other one you can see and potentially hear. So placing them, really easy. You can either place them, if you've got a frame ready, so I think I'm actually gonna draw a frame, gonna tap F on my keyboard there to get the rectangular frame tool and click and drag out like so. Okay, so just gonna get a frame that's round about there, let's do that I think. So the HUD's there telling me what the actual size of that is, which is handy. It's the wrong aspect ratio for the video but I'm not really worried about that, because video normally plays up full screen anyway. But I want the element there, a little bit of text...
about the video underneath. Make believe, but you know what I mean. Then you just use the paste command, same as you ordinarily would. So Command + D there, of course, Control + D on windows. Yesterday here on Creative Live we had super super fun making an animated puppet with my pirate character. And I thought that it would be a nice way to actually kind of start the circle back with my time here at Creative Live by bringing that movie in. It's an MP4 file here, technically you should be able to link out to things from Vimeo and YouTube, but there are a couple, I've noticed there are a couple of URL errors with this at the moment. And I'm going to ask the team, the InDesign team, I'm gonna drop them a line and just see if they know anything about that. But I'm using local media here which is just great. So that's gonna come in like so. By default this is what you see. You see this hatching across the top and your user doesn't see much more than that either. Potentially, let me just go for the EPUB interactivity preview here and click on play, okay? And it is actually showing me the first frame of the video just there which is something we'll actually take a bit of a look at in more detail in the next chapter. But they'll see something there. No visual cue on on what that is. There's no way they know that that's a movie. How do they know? I could add text across the thing that says click to see a movie. Hmm, maybe not the best thing to do. So I think we'll create something else to actually trigger that, 'cause that's kind of something we've been doing here in this particular section. Now I'm not gonna do anything elaborate with it. So we'll just make as simple shape. So I'm gonna make that somewhere else. Let's create a new document from that. I'm gonna just use whatever size document here and zoom in. Actually, do you know what? I will use one of the same size because it's a good idea to have the sort of relative space in which to work. So I know I need an area about this big, in fact I'll just draw a quick rectangle there. Just for a minute and zoom in on that. Now as it happens, I don't want a rectangle. I'm gonna use the polygon tool here. So let's get a polygon and I'm going to draw, I need to change this geometry here so remember you need to hit the space bar to switch that our or you could just click and fill in the fields on this form if you like. I just prefer to draw more interactively. So I'm gonna just come along here, do this, hit the space bar, and just change the number of sides to three and just use my left arrow there to push this out until I'm actually seeing a polygon. Hit the space bar again just to take it out of that particular mode. Let's go a bit narrow like so, hover over that, tap Shift + X to swap that over. I'm gonna tap V to get the selection tool. You can see where all these accelerators, it becomes really slick and really fast, it means once you can operate a thing like that and you know what key to press to activate a certain tool, how much faster that is. And here's the thing, while I've got your attention on this particular subject, I refer to picking up a tool from the toolbox as a mouse transaction. People generally tend to work in the middle of the screen and the toolbox is on the left hand or right hand side of the screen, depending on how you've got it set up. So going from where you're working over to the toolbox, clicking on a tool and coming back, that takes between three to five seconds. And I've got a good five years in analyzing those kind of movements, so you can take it from me that is how long it takes on average. Let's just say everybody was hitting that average of three seconds but they were doing 10 mouse transactions a minute. So working quite furiously doing 10 of those. 10 times three is how much, Jim? 30. 30, how many seconds are there in a minute? 60. 60, so 30 represents what fraction of that minute? Half. Now we don't work like robots. We go to the water cooler, we go to the, we take bio-breaks, we do all sorts of other things but let's theoretically, world of theory, let's just say we did. We were working like a robot. So we scale that up, 30 seconds, half of the time elapsed, that means in an hour you've spent 30 minutes doing nothing else than going like over there, click. Back over here, do stuff. Over there click, back over there do stuff. Scale it up again to an eight hour working day, that means you spent four hours of your life going click, click. Not gonna make the make interesting YouTube video. End of sermon, we'll carry on with the subject in hand here. So I've got the selection tool now and what I'm gonna do is hover over the corner, I'm gonna hold down the shift key just to make it easier for me to constrain that and spin that through 90 degrees like so. And then I'm gonna get a couple of ellipses, or maybe just the one, I'll have one ellipse. So I'm going to tap the thing over here to get L for the key. Suddenly, momentarily, all that said, I've forgot what the thing was. But anyway, I'm gonna hold Alt and Shift so I get a circle from the center outwards like that. Groovy, I'm just gonna use that to line up on there like so. And I'm gonna send that to the back. Okay, so arrange, send to back. I do know the shortcut for that by the way I'm just making it easy here. Shift + X, let's just change the color of that. I'm actually gonna change the color to cyan just for the minute so you can see the two things together. I'm going to select both of those and get my pathfinder which actually came in with the align panel when I bought that forward and punch out from there like so. So I've got that shape, I'm gonna copy that to the clipboard. Let's come back over here to the movie. I'm gonna paste that down. Perfect size, I'm not gonna stick it in the center, I'm actually gonna stick it down over in the corner just here. And I've actually got an object style for this which will change its appearance to why it's 77%. Outside of the scope of what we're doing here, but I'm gonna use something called Quick Apply to apply that. I'm gonna cold down the Command key, that will be Control on Windows, hit Return. The Quick Apply field appears, glowBox is highlighted, that's the name of that particular style. You won't have it unless you build it. All I need to do is hit return and you can see it changes that straight away and it rounds off any sharp corners in there as well. Let's make that a button so we'll go to our buttons and forms panel. We don't need to specify button here. We'll come down, there's a video action just there. Similar for sound, so if we had a sound in here it would be the same thing apart from your choose sound. So I'm gonna choose video like so, then I get some things here. What movie is it you're using? There's only one on the page here. What's the option you wanna do? The option is I want it to play that content. EPUB interactivity preview, ready, hopefully you got all that in because we're going to wrap up in just a few secs. Let's just play that layout, okay? So along that comes, there's my button target, click it. Aargh, I be Goldbeard, I be stuck here on this island. I used to teach all about visemes and phonemes, but now I'm just here searching for crabs and fish and stones and seagulls and other things like that. There we go. Aargh, I be Goldbeared, I be Oh I clicked it again. Stuck here on this island. I'm just gonna stop it, fortunately there's a stop button just down there on that. That's it.
Ratings and Reviews
Lenore Spitznagel
Great Class! Clear, concise and timely. Tony is engaging and knowledgeable about the subject. I feel confidant about using the material presented immediately.