Strategies to Prioritizing Your IP Process
Lesson 6 from: Protect and Profit From Your Intellectual PropertyRachel Rodgers

Strategies to Prioritizing Your IP Process
Lesson 6 from: Protect and Profit From Your Intellectual PropertyRachel Rodgers
Why Intellectual Property Matters to You
21:18 2Protecting Your Intellectual Property
18:14 3Mining to Create Great IP
34:04 4Prioritize Your IP
12:28 5Prioritizing In Action with Students
30:40 6Strategies to Prioritizing Your IP Process
22:39 7How to Re-Work Your IP
25:05 8Successful Licensing with David Moldawer
25:30Lesson Info
Strategies to Prioritizing Your IP Process
Hi charlie rachel how's it going today I've been talking you up all day so they're totally ready for you did you remember to keep the bar really low because told me about this oh yeah I'm sorry so I think you're going to really have to deliver you're gonna have to bring it um just so you know so when I worked with charlie this is kind of how we work right? So it's over like a skype situation like this and he's always got a board going on with like all kinds of stuff he's drawing out like mapping things out for you it's really awesome so so charlie I'm gonna let you take it away we've talked about as you know we're talking about this step that you have to go through in an intellectual property audit right? So they've gone through this step of mining their business so we've talked about how you're not only mining the business that you currently have that you could mind the business that you previously had professional experience that you had that you can use to create new products and se...
rvices and content so now they've got this massive list they've got you know the ideas are percolating they've got you know, some ideas about what they want to create but how do you prioritize it how do you decide all right strategically what should I do first? What makes the most sense? You know? So that's where you come in yeah that's a great question actually want to start with a little story because it's a little bit representative of prioritization in your business right? So a few years ago I figured out that I fell in love are that I love black molly four and so I went to rest around a few times and they were making the guacamole at the table in front of me it was like eight bucks I was like, you know what? I could do this I could do this at home and so I looked at everything that they were doing right and I looked at how they were making it and all the stuff they put in it was like okay, make an ingredient list I might go home I'm to do this because I'm tired of paying this restaurant eight bucks to make me guacamole so I did it right get all the ingredients and I started making guacamole one day I came home and I was really ready for this guacamole so I cut open and they say 00:01:58.366 --> 00:02:01. avocado like you're supposed to cut it open I filled 00:02:01.49 --> 00:02:04. out the pit and I took the spoon and I went to get 00:02:04.58 --> 00:02:08. the meat from this avocado and it didn't go like it 00:02:08.58 --> 00:02:13. was supposed todo restaurant is hard and as I okay 00:02:13.44 --> 00:02:15. this is how they did it maybe I'm doing it wrong I'll 00:02:15.5 --> 00:02:18. use another tool so I used another tool and then I 00:02:18.59 --> 00:02:21. used another tool and then I used a blender in a grinder 00:02:21.23 --> 00:02:24. in forty five minutes later I have this sort of weird 00:02:24.82 --> 00:02:27. pico de gallo guacamole there going on it totally 00:02:27.74 --> 00:02:30. wasn't right my wife walked in the door and she's 00:02:30.51 --> 00:02:32. like what's going on because I had stuff all over 00:02:32.62 --> 00:02:35. the place right what's going on in here I'm gonna 00:02:35.88 --> 00:02:37. say well I was trying to make walking pulling out 00:02:37.38 --> 00:02:40. when I explained it she's like up don camillo are 00:02:40.36 --> 00:02:42. the avocados weren't right yet you need to wait a 00:02:42.52 --> 00:02:43. few more days 00:02:44.22 --> 00:02:47. that's what it wass the avocado wasn't right I was 00:02:47.32 --> 00:02:51. doing the right stuff but in exactly the wrong time 00:02:51.45 --> 00:02:54. right I needed to wait just another three days in 00:02:54.03 --> 00:02:56. the whole process would have been smoother and I wouldn't 00:02:56.01 --> 00:02:58. look like a crazy man with my walkman my wife walked 00:02:58.28 --> 00:02:58. into the house 00:02:59.91 --> 00:03:02. small business growth is like that a lot of times 00:03:02.13 --> 00:03:04. and then you can see what other people are doing and 00:03:04.24 --> 00:03:06. you read a lot of different information and do this 00:03:06.45 --> 00:03:09. and do this and it's sometimes there doesn't have 00:03:09.28 --> 00:03:11. the context of what is right for you and when it's 00:03:11.83 --> 00:03:14. not and that again makes all the difference so what 00:03:14.58 --> 00:03:17. we're talking about prioritization it's really figuring 00:03:17.26 --> 00:03:19. out okay we've got those ingredients which is what 00:03:19.47 --> 00:03:21. rachel's help you figured out here the different ingredients 00:03:22.12 --> 00:03:25. now it's time to see what's right for you in your 00:03:25.29 --> 00:03:27. business doesn't make sense rachel I love it that 00:03:27.92 --> 00:03:30. is a great analogy and we talked a little bit about 00:03:30.27 --> 00:03:32. that already told them about your first of all there's 00:03:32.26 --> 00:03:35. a lot of charlie isms hopefully we'll drop some of 00:03:35.25 --> 00:03:37. them today because they're hilarious but one of them 00:03:37.9 --> 00:03:40. is first of all there's a ton of acronyms so like 00:03:40.75 --> 00:03:42. I can't even keep track of them all sometimes he's 00:03:42.61 --> 00:03:47. like a dnc and I'm like what what was that again and 00:03:47.0 --> 00:03:49. then I have to like messages assistant to find out 00:03:49.25 --> 00:03:52. um you're saying about watching your own lane you 00:03:52.1 --> 00:03:54. know that's a big thing we talked a little bit about 00:03:54.84 --> 00:03:57. that but yeah I hope you're going to get into a little 00:03:57.49 --> 00:03:59. bit of that too because I think that's so important 00:03:59.66 --> 00:04:02. for people to understand that like what you see other people doing is not necessarily what makes sense for you in your business yeah the challenge here rachel is that it's easier to tell people what not to do then what to do right so I'm going to start with what not to do because that's the easy stuff that's the warm up first thing what not to do is don't just do what somebody else is doing because you think it works odds are it doesn't work because there's a lot of craziness that goes on and second off just because it works for somebody else doesn't mean it works for you right? So don't just look out into this place and be like oh such and such is making e books were doing courses or they're doing a podcast I should do that too that's a recipe for a lot of headache right s o start we'll answer some of those courses of what to do as we go forward the second one and rachel you've heard me say this a lot don't do something just because you can't do it right doesn't mean you should that's the second thing what comes that's definitely a charlie isn't that you've said to me many, many times it bears repeating third thing is don't create something just because someone asked you to do it now that's a really hard lesson especially once I start talking about some of the things behind me but sometimes it's your business girls you'll have that odd customer or two or three this to tell you how I would really like you to do this you have to be careful with that because one just because they ask you to do it doesn't mean you should do it in two there's this weird thing people ask you to create stuff and then don't buy it right that's frustrating right centers are sort of three three should thatyou are three things that they don't want you not to be thinking about what in terms of what to create or what to launch right don't do it just because somebody else is doing it don't do it just because you can and don't do it just because somebody asked you to do it. Awesome. That's it that's the easy baseline. People are nodding their heads, just so you know, theo, see that's. I'm like, I'm hoping this is working. When it falls down to figuring out what to do and 00:06:03.125 --> 00:06:06. when you have three basic questions nice on this if 00:06:06.34 --> 00:06:06. there's a 00:06:07.99 --> 00:06:11. there's a venn diagram behind me that I'll explain 00:06:11.24 --> 00:06:15. but the three basic questions are what do my customers 00:06:15.05 --> 00:06:18. or market want right so what's the demand you when 00:06:18.31 --> 00:06:22. we talk about demand two what can I do quickly 00:06:23.43 --> 00:06:27. and three what makes a good strategic fit with my 00:06:27.82 --> 00:06:29. business or what's a good strategic fit for my business 00:06:29.84 --> 00:06:34. so what's the demand what can I do fast and what is 00:06:34.49 --> 00:06:37. a strategic fit three basic questions 00:06:38.26 --> 00:06:41. now to make things a little bit more nuanced each 00:06:41.05 --> 00:06:43. one of those have three basic consideration she could 00:06:43.21 --> 00:06:45. think up I'll start with a more obvious one for people 00:06:45.7 --> 00:06:49. just the demand side of things three basic questions 00:06:49.38 --> 00:06:54. one what do people want what is my market want from 00:06:54.05 --> 00:06:54. me 00:06:55.46 --> 00:06:59. two what do they need those they're different questions 00:06:59.21 --> 00:07:02. and I'll come back to that and three what are they 00:07:02.27 --> 00:07:02. already buying 00:07:04.66 --> 00:07:07. so let's talk about this difference between want and 00:07:07.08 --> 00:07:09. need real quick is that trips a lot of us up yeah 00:07:09.57 --> 00:07:11. I was just gonna ask you that like how do you know 00:07:11.31 --> 00:07:13. what they want? You're aren't you just sort of guessing 00:07:13.67 --> 00:07:17. about what they want um you could guess or you could 00:07:17.34 --> 00:07:19. do this very basic thing ritual like asking people 00:07:22.05 --> 00:07:25. e I mean there's a lot of time where in grateful you 00:07:25.35 --> 00:07:26. and I've done it I've done it with a lot of clients 00:07:26.69 --> 00:07:28. where we'll sit there and talk for a knauer like maybe 00:07:28.91 --> 00:07:30. we should do this and maybe we should do that is like 00:07:30.87 --> 00:07:32. how about you ask to five people you're trying to 00:07:32.79 --> 00:07:36. serve right and see what they want and then I mean 00:07:36.35 --> 00:07:38. you have to take it in a grain of salt because they 00:07:38.33 --> 00:07:40. might say I want that and then not buy it but it's 00:07:40.63 --> 00:07:43. still better than you just sitting there and you're 00:07:43.52 --> 00:07:46. you know office sort of business naval gazing like 00:07:46.28 --> 00:07:50. I think they want teo I'm going to make it so here's 00:07:50.56 --> 00:07:54. thing most of us know that we need to work out a little 00:07:54.08 --> 00:07:56. bit more like we know that that's a need but we don't 00:07:56.6 --> 00:08:01. want to for different waverly and people over the 00:08:01.92 --> 00:08:04. target about what they need and we're not really addressing 00:08:04.39 --> 00:08:07. what they want then we got then we end up creating products that really address people's needs but it's not in the language that's really important to him so it from just from a sales perspective me when we're talking about this type of thing it's easier if you beg your marketing it sails into the product and I know this isn't of course I'm launching but that's where this perspective it's coming from so we want to make sure that was clear so when you ask the questions of what do they want what do they need sometimes you get two different questions right because rachel you know, I've talked about this there plenty of things that people want on the legal side of things but they need something completely different right and so there's this way in which you have to create an offer created I create something that solves both the same time and that was always going to have a higher degree of relevancy and important springer pigeon and that's a better candidate for the thing to create them something that people just need to make sense yet the last thing that you would want to consider in this demand part or what people already buying now this is a two way signal in the sense of it people are already buying ever loading crap out of something that's a signal that there's a demand for it but then you have to question like cannot compete in that space so on so forth if nobody is buying it that's also a signal that the baby this is not something that's gonna work so so you want a good level of demanding one a good level by and you also want to know what your customers are already paying for cause that helps you just selective all these different things that I could do right there already buying this from somebody else they trust me so they'll probably buy something similar for me since they're already buying or somebody else right right so that it's sort of like the validation that the market is there exactly and validates that the market is there as best you can don't go off you know internal sales documents like we're selling this much because sometimes those aren't reliable that uh basically they're lying so I don't trustem I's what you're trying to say right now I'm trying to say that sometimes the data is not now what's in the world very political way of saying that so that really covers the demand side of things right on don't know that I got broken up but three basic questions to come back what did customer what does my market want what does my market need and what is my market already buying okay that's under that question the second question is fast what cannot create quickly what can I take toe tim market quickly three basic questions there time to market already referenced that how quickly can I take this to market and start I'm getting sales on this now there's this weird thing well I should have put this in the don'ts okay everybody pulse is important don't create the encyclopedia product or service that souls everything first time out a gate I literally just told them that I always want to do that I know why I know why we do that way want to serve him I'm going to do all that great stuff but when is the last time that you really read like a war and peace, eyes product or you used so really overwhelming thing versus some quick tool, something like that. So if you see her first time out the gate, remember there's. Nothing wrong with creating a simple product are simple service that stalls one particular problem. That's. A great way to get it started and let's. Talk about it from a real business perspective. It's all about cash flow. If you're selling something, you're getting money in the door, which means you have other options available to you. Write like you're also getting a signal that there's actual demand, and you can always grow from a product. You're selling it's really hard to grow from a product you haven't created or that monolithic product that then, two years later, a guy like me will tell you. Hey, by the way, you need to break that part. So that's, the time to market second one is time to get paid. Now, this is different, right? You have to look at the cash will cycles of your business, because you can create a service or off our service or product that has a long sail cycle, and you create it. And then you've gotta wait, like, three months 00:12:05.979 --> 00:12:09. to get paid. And this goes back to, like, what can 00:12:09.11 --> 00:12:10. you create that gets money and the door quickly, because 00:12:10.97 --> 00:12:14. that gives you other options. So whatever you create, 00:12:14.44 --> 00:12:16. really think about what the sale cycle might be for 00:12:16.43 --> 00:12:18. that and what the payment cycle is, because there's 00:12:18.48 --> 00:12:20. gonna be two different things, and I'm trying to compress 00:12:20.42 --> 00:12:22. a lot into a little because I want to leave a little 00:12:22.24 --> 00:12:24. room for questions. Rachel is used to this. 00:12:26.47 --> 00:12:30. Last thing it fast to spread how quickly can I get 00:12:30.03 --> 00:12:32. this thing to spread if you can create a viral thing 00:12:32.97 --> 00:12:35. or something that has the potential to go viral out 00:12:35.2 --> 00:12:37. of this stuff that you'd mind that's a really good 00:12:37.59 --> 00:12:40. candidate right something's air harder for to go viral 00:12:40.95 --> 00:12:44. another so I'll take an example here books well I 00:12:44.75 --> 00:12:47. won't get into the whole publishing like traditional 00:12:47.09 --> 00:12:48. publishing independent publishing but the thing a 00:12:48.75 --> 00:12:51. family not books people still get excited about books 00:12:51.99 --> 00:12:55. yeah they still want to share books they get excited 00:12:55.57 --> 00:12:59. about challenges they excited about a lot of for things 00:12:59.21 --> 00:13:02. like that people get less excited about this new service 00:13:02.68 --> 00:13:06. program that you put out right they get less excited 00:13:06.47 --> 00:13:08. about some of those types of things so you will have 00:13:08.27 --> 00:13:10. to think about what's going to spread what's going 00:13:10.23 --> 00:13:12. to create excitement what's going to create buzz and 00:13:12.18 --> 00:13:14. things that all things considered or more likely create 00:13:14.74 --> 00:13:17. buzz are things that you would want to consider a 00:13:17.24 --> 00:13:19. lot and I know that you have a battery of nine different 00:13:19.72 --> 00:13:21. questions for you but I really want to give you a 00:13:21.06 --> 00:13:25. comprehensive sit of way cooperates of set of questions 00:13:25.74 --> 00:13:27. to really look at this stuff and make a good decision 00:13:27.54 --> 00:13:29. for your business yeah and that's one of the things 00:13:29.48 --> 00:13:32. we actually talked about one of the benefits of capitalising 00:13:32.5 --> 00:13:35. on your ipad is expanding your influence. So if you 00:13:35.12 --> 00:13:38. think about the viral aspect of it you know is a new 00:13:38.37 --> 00:13:41. service going to expand your influence or is taking 00:13:41.12 --> 00:13:42. some of the knowledge you have from delivering that 00:13:42.97 --> 00:13:46. service and putting it into a small simple easy tio 00:13:46.54 --> 00:13:49. you know digest guide going tio have the potential 00:13:49.81 --> 00:13:52. to go viral and expand your influence exactly and 00:13:52.68 --> 00:13:54. let's roll back to the guacamole thing real quick 00:13:57.13 --> 00:14:00. sometimes you actually really need the cash for you 00:14:00.96 --> 00:14:03. really need that time to market you really need that 00:14:03.14 --> 00:14:06. time to get paid and that's the really pressing thing 00:14:06.16 --> 00:14:10. right sometimes all the time twenty times e I was 00:14:10.61 --> 00:14:12. saying sometimes air all the time you know either 00:14:12.62 --> 00:14:17. one of you know there are times in which you might 00:14:17.13 --> 00:14:19. you know you might have a good portfolio offers that 00:14:19.55 --> 00:14:21. are selling and you really want to play the strategic 00:14:21.66 --> 00:14:24. game right and borrow a little bit and you're willing 00:14:24.66 --> 00:14:27. you know you're willing to go that route and say you 00:14:27.21 --> 00:14:30. know what like this might not be as fast but this 00:14:30.07 --> 00:14:32. is really strategically important for my business 00:14:32.47 --> 00:14:34. which splits me to third basic question is what's 00:14:34.9 --> 00:14:39. a strategic fit three seven questions there one what 00:14:39.31 --> 00:14:41. positions me correctly in the marketplace 00:14:42.85 --> 00:14:44. I only have a little bit of time so it won't go too 00:14:44.89 --> 00:14:48. much into position but you don't want to continue 00:14:48.59 --> 00:14:51. to create me to business right if it's just me to 00:14:51.69 --> 00:14:54. whoever is that lead me to is going to get all the 00:14:54.07 --> 00:14:54. business 00:14:56.2 --> 00:14:58. everybody else is going to look atyou me like oh you're 00:14:58.19 --> 00:15:00. another one of me two people like such and said I'm 00:15:00.21 --> 00:15:02. going to go buy from such and such so you don't want 00:15:02.25 --> 00:15:04. to be a you want a position in the marketplace the 00:15:04.72 --> 00:15:06. challenging thing about this ray told me I talk to 00:15:06.44 --> 00:15:11. you about this that means you have to say no two customers 00:15:11.25 --> 00:15:13. you have to say no to some of those things that you 00:15:13.06 --> 00:15:15. might otherwise do because it just doesn't really 00:15:15.37 --> 00:15:17. uniquely situated in the marketplace right right you've 00:15:17.81 --> 00:15:19. gotta have an edge you have to have something to bring 00:15:19.7 --> 00:15:23. to the table that's different than everybody else 00:15:23.61 --> 00:15:25. so you mentioned earlier I heard you talking about 00:15:25.49 --> 00:15:28. lawyers there are a lot of different legal services 00:15:28.25 --> 00:15:30. there's a lot of different business advisors was a 00:15:30.23 --> 00:15:32. lot of photographers whatever you say there's a lot 00:15:32.53 --> 00:15:34. right and that could be really overwhelming there's 00:15:34.32 --> 00:15:37. only one u there's only one you that does what you 00:15:37.27 --> 00:15:39. do in the way that you do it for the people that you 00:15:39.01 --> 00:15:42. do it for yes shrink is to figure that out yes and 00:15:42.76 --> 00:15:47. focus on that love it so too the second question there's 00:15:47.35 --> 00:15:49. creates the right type of customer 00:15:50.26 --> 00:15:52. ok that's another one of those tricky questions because 00:15:52.3 --> 00:15:54. not all customers are equal here right? 00:15:55.59 --> 00:15:57. I'm sure everyone in audience I can't see you so to 00:15:57.64 --> 00:16:01. start nodding for myself there nodding every one of 00:16:01.84 --> 00:16:04. you have had a customer that you totally did not want 00:16:04.75 --> 00:16:07. that customer client yes you wish to god that you 00:16:07.99 --> 00:16:09. have not a people person 00:16:10.89 --> 00:16:13. yes and now you got a problem on your hands lenny 00:16:13.38 --> 00:16:16. involved do you refund just what do you keep you know 00:16:16.43 --> 00:16:19. how heavy a client in the past it had a policy that 00:16:19.26 --> 00:16:22. is basically I will pay you to go I've heard that 00:16:22.48 --> 00:16:25. before actually so sometimes that's what it comes down to so when you're thinking about that offers is really what type of customer do you want to pay if you look if you do an analysis of your customer base you say you know these are really good type of customers these ones that pay on time they don't hassle me they're not over demanding they get the best results from our products on dh they talk about it those were really five good questions asked much customers but I don't have time to talk about among those of the customers you want to serve and build more off as opposed to the grumpy not going to pay you not going to talk about the service is not going to get results and that you really just wish with you love them but go somewhere okay so it doesn't create the right type of customer and then the last question within the strategic fit domain iss does this particular offer fit with your other offers? Yes I love this when we look at your total customer journey and you look at how people go from one offer to another within your business you don't want to create what I call a terminal offer which is once they get there there's no way back into the business fault so you know, this would be like rachel coming out with like a little squeezy pump for airing of retire so she's like I've got this law service and I got the squeezy comfort hearing for airing of retired you're like what the hell does that have to do with anything it doesn't write even if people by the squeezy pop how do you get them back into the vault? Right? Right and what's a squeezy prompt doing there so don't do something like that now that sounds funny it sounds it sounds really extreme except for sometimes when you do a business analysis of people's product you have this one really outlier thing out there and they're like how's that sailing and they're normally the question goes like this house that selling not well why is it not selling? Well? Well I really don't talk about it it's kind of old and like there's all sorts of stories there. So when you're thinking about what to create, you want to create something that's a natural extension supplementation or support for another product that you have. So this might be rachel coming up with a naming service that goes with her intellectual property service because one of the challenges that people have is coming up with a name that's, both marketable and trademark 00:18:28.131 --> 00:18:31. kable andi. So it would make sense for her to build 00:18:31.19 --> 00:18:33. that within her business on, and she might be stabbing 00:18:33.79 --> 00:18:35. me. And I talked about that, you 00:18:36.86 --> 00:18:38. know, we're actually talking about that later today, 00:18:38.79 --> 00:18:41. so and that's, what this is he's revealing some of 00:18:41.1 --> 00:18:42. the ideas that we've developed together. 00:18:44.28 --> 00:18:47. Eso, that's, the three questions, and then they're 00:18:47.25 --> 00:18:49. so again a summary of those three except questions. 00:18:50.91 --> 00:18:53. What positions you well in the marketplace to what 00:18:53.98 --> 00:18:55. bills the right type of customers 00:18:57.07 --> 00:19:00. and three what, what fits with the uncle offers that 00:19:00.7 --> 00:19:04. you have within your business portfolio? S o those 00:19:04.01 --> 00:19:06. air, you know, nine really solid questions. Well, 00:19:06.59 --> 00:19:09. three three basic questions with three a nuanced ones 00:19:09.78 --> 00:19:13. that I think really help you just prioritize what 00:19:13.25 --> 00:19:14. to create and win so. 00:19:16.77 --> 00:19:18. I don't know if we can take any questions that we 00:19:18.33 --> 00:19:20. have time for that but it's actually you're in context 00:19:20.67 --> 00:19:22. now that I've given your foundation for that yeah 00:19:23.14 --> 00:19:25. first of all I love that and one thing I just wanted 00:19:25.51 --> 00:19:28. to add a real quick you talked about how sometimes 00:19:28.09 --> 00:19:29. you've got like this content that you created that 00:19:29.86 --> 00:19:31. all goes together and then you got this one rando 00:19:31.86 --> 00:19:34. thing out here that you're like what what the hell 00:19:34.15 --> 00:19:36. was I thinking when I created that well guess what 00:19:36.86 --> 00:19:39. that asset doesn't have to be something that doesn't 00:19:39.52 --> 00:19:41. generate revenue just means that maybe you shouldn't 00:19:41.78 --> 00:19:44. be selling it under your brand but that's something 00:19:44.25 --> 00:19:46. that you might want to offload so you know if you 00:19:46.92 --> 00:19:50. are you know somebody who is like doing bookkeeping 00:19:50.01 --> 00:19:52. and accounting and teaching people about finances 00:19:52.61 --> 00:19:55. and then you have this random thing that's love about 00:19:55.44 --> 00:19:58. like your relationship with employees you know, maybe 00:19:58.68 --> 00:20:01. that's not useful for example toe like ariane's business 00:20:01.52 --> 00:20:03. but because she created it she might want to offload 00:20:03.96 --> 00:20:06. that to somebody like me who teaches about employment 00:20:07.24 --> 00:20:09. or employment law or charlie's another one who teaches 00:20:09.76 --> 00:20:12. about like hiring and building your team so you might 00:20:12.31 --> 00:20:15. find a customer for that you know that you can sell 00:20:15.01 --> 00:20:16. that to another business, so I just wanted to throw 00:20:16.79 --> 00:20:18. that in that doesn't have to be an asset that sort 00:20:18.96 --> 00:20:21. of lost on you, it just means it doesn't fit within 00:20:21.12 --> 00:20:23. your business and honestly too when you offload your 00:20:23.8 --> 00:20:26. ass that's like that you create room for the awesome 00:20:26.74 --> 00:20:29. stuff that you're going to create you get offloaded 00:20:29.14 --> 00:20:31. either right directly selling it what maybe more strategically valuable was joint venturing with somebody else who does do that right that way you're building new customers from that rather than just letting go of that asset so um from a website perspective though here's what I want to say remember that every pixel on your website is competing with something else so if you've got this one rando product there that you've got in your product catalog people are clicking on your other six and this one's sitting there people were clicking on that or they might you know depending upon how you set that up that's mental juice that once you drop that dead weight or figure out what to do with it will free up so that you can develop something else or that it's just not taking up poster space that's something that would sell could be sitting in there for I had a question I do you are design yeah and I have have ideas but I have the idea and I don't know when to bring in a developer what do what can trademark an idea can capture it an idea like how do I protect the idea before I go please, right. Okay. Well, that's. Sort of like a, um that's kind of like an nypd question we talked about that when you're going through the steps of your I p audit protectionist step for so that would be part of your sort of launch plan, which charlie and I have talked about, right? Like he's, like you need to do a launch. God, you know that, right? So but that's, one of the steps you want tohave in your launch guide is before you put it out there, you protect it, but I wouldn't necessarily start there. You want to build it first, right? Exactly, exactly. Get it built without protecting it because the developer is goingto build it. Okay? And I'm the one that does the design in the flows in the task. So right. So you're gonna collaborate with somebody else to build it? Yeah. Okay, I got you. So for that type of scenario, then you'd probably have a non disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement signed with that developer. You know, I have a contract. Like I said with everybody that you work with, you have a contract with them before you actually start. Brought them onto the team and, you know, started sharing that content, okay? They so much, charlie.
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Ratings and Reviews
Kerri Konik, Brandscape Atelier
Rachel definitely makes IP law interesting, understandable, and most importantly, she and her team in this course translates how it is essential in the monetary value of your content, brand assets and business valuation. Build your small business for growth, structured right with real TM protection, aka insurance, aka asset appreciation. Build a creative firm that is built to become and empire.
Kelli LaMantia
I highly recommend this class! I barely knew what IP was and Rachel explained it all in a straight-forward fun class. This course is an amazing launching pad for any small business learning about how to rake in revenue from their very own property.
Jas Faulkner
Ms Rogers' class is rich in information and her approach is friendly and accessible. If you have been avoiding learning about intellectual property because it seems too daunting, this is the class for you. Every creative professional should know the extent and worth of their IP. According to Rachel Rogers, you may be utilizing as little as five percent of your worth. Five percent? Really? You can't afford to miss this class.
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