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Intro to Produce a Fashion Show

Lesson 1 from: Produce a Fashion Show

Jay Calderin

Intro to Produce a Fashion Show

Lesson 1 from: Produce a Fashion Show

Jay Calderin

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1. Intro to Produce a Fashion Show

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Intro to Produce a Fashion Show

Fashion shows seem like so much glory, but I know that there is so much work, the nuts and bolts, that go into that. What do you tell people when they first come up and say, I wanna do a fashion show? Have you really thought it through? I think that is at the heart of everything. I've been really lucky, 'cause over the past 20 years, the fashion week fashion shows have been a part of every day of every year for the past 20 years, at all different stages. And I think people just focus on that excitement and the glamour around it, and I think there's so much more that they need to consider before they take a fashion show on. I hate to make it sort of an ominous thing, like oh you're not gonna want to do it after this. I think the process is actually really exciting and just as creative as all the things we've talked about. So for me, it's a little bit of a reality check, but also, hopefully, that reality check is inspirational.