Day 1
1Define Your Why
15:26 2Why In-Person Sales Make the Money
34:57 3Switching from Online to In-Person Sales
29:24 4Types of Clients
20:44 5The Psychology of the Buying Mind
27:42 6The Buying Mind Q&A
24:43 7Shoot: Newborn Portraits
45:38Shoot: Newborn with Parents
20:42 9Pre-Consultations: What’s The Point
17:05 10Pre-Consultations: What Questions to Ask
35:22 11Pre-Consultations: The Art of Language
33:37Day 2
19:22 13Branding: Define Your Brand
32:22 14Branding: Products
27:57 15The Art of Pricing
16:00 16The Art of Pricing: Breaking Even
26:46 17The Art of Pricing: Products and Packages
25:21 18Projection Sales
28:59 19Why Use Sales Room Software
25:16 20Sales Quick Review Q&A
23:29 21The Art of Language: Sales Demo
43:36 22The Art of Language: Q&A
20:35Day 3
23Quick Review
16:14 24Policies: What to Include
40:09 25Policies Q&A
22:41 26Dealing with Client Objections
26:31 27Dealing with Difficult Personalities
40:57 28Sales Without a Studio
38:59 29On Location Sales Q&A
23:15 30Business Structure: Implementing
36:12 31Purpose: Review Putting into Practice
15:45 32Purpose: Top 10 Motivations
38:51Lesson Info
Sales Without a Studio
Now we're going to talk about what happens when you're just starting out or even if you're not starting out and you've been doing this awhile but you love to be on location and you don't really want to sell out of your home you don't really want to sell you got to do it elsewhere and it's going to be a different place every single time, isn't it? Um there's a couple ways to combat this yeah, I'll get into that in a minute I has thought that I'm like, should I get into that now we'll get into that in the next segment I don't want to die address too much, so what we're going to learn in this segment is your options when you don't have meeting space, okay, what can you do? Where can you go? How can you do this? It won't be as effective as doing it in a meeting space of your own, but it will be much more effective than just putting images online and something that you should implement right away if you want to make the numbers that you know, successful studios in the country do make making...
a home studio succeed so it's, you know, sometimes it's a difference between folks out there saying, oh, well, I have a home studio, but I don't know if I want people coming to my home or they have a home studio but it's just not being successful how can we make that a more successful place for your clients to come? I started in my home and I'm going to show you pictures of what my home looked like and how I traded it I was starting out so my brand wasn't as well established you're going to see what it looked like in the beginning okay, so everybody start somewhere so did I. This stuff develops over time and you can't do this from your home even if you have kids even if you have a husband who's a mess you know you could you could do this even if you have a wife who's got no organization skills and there's things everywhere you can bring clients into your home okay so the other question is how to handle out of town clients and out of town clients I like and very similarly to the to the photographer who does not have a studio because essentially you're traveling to them right? You would have had to travel that to them same with out of town clients I have a few clients who are in portland right which is three and a half hours from me I'm not going to drive over there I could but boy would that be expensive right? My cost on that would be ridiculous so and I have done it for clients very much so so I will do that but the prices is beyond what most people would pay so instead I've got to figure out a way to remedy that and still make my numbers okay so on location photographers actually have some pretty amazing advantage is okay you guys have the ability to give customer service that is unmatched and for some reason over the years it has been kind of this this idea of being in on location photographer and not having meeting space is starting to get like poo pooed you know people are like oh, you don't have a studio space now I have to admit the minute I got a studio space the professional respect that I got from my client's was palatable I could definitely see that people looked at me a little bit differently once I had my own studio space versus being in my home but I also think that some of the problem we have is that there is that I wasn't marketing my home studio correctly and so he had her hand out and I don't want to pass by your question without and get on a different subject and then not answer it so let's go for it what's what's on your mind pets and it seems like a studio is more appropriate you controlled for that kind of work what if you're doing specifically on site non studio based worker weddings or things that are yeah, or yeah, weddings. You photograph forces on the fortress on location at the middle of a field somewhere. I hear you. There is definitely solution for that. You can still go to their home if they're local. Um ah, lot of photographers. I know we'll just rent, like, tiny one little room for way less like two hundred dollars a month. If that which is palatable, you could do that. You know, if you have decent numbers, two hundred dollars a month is half a client. If that more like a third of acclaimed. Okay, as far as expense goes for a decent say, I mean, we're like a quarter of a client. Really? So what you could do is go to the office space or look in your town for just gosh, what do you need? Two hundred square feet? You room this big right here. This is all you need. The what? This is what, two hundred square feet? Right here at the most. Would you say, jim? Yeah, about about that. So and it's gotta have walls and look at these cool placard. Do they have here these movable walls? How cool would that be? You could completely revamp your product line all the time and show different things with movable walls like that. It's not hard to build its a couple a frame you could have a carpenter do that pretty easily for a couple hundred bucks and that would be it and that you could display work like crazy in that kind of thing shelves look at decorating magazines on how to display products. You know, looking back here we threw a lot of my albums and stuff out here just on a whim and they look great the client's gonna want to go touch and feel and see what these all are all about. So if you do, if you can't afford to just look in your town somewhere for very small meeting space, the sales room is the most important room you can have if that's all you ever do and there is just sales urine on location photographer, you have a small space where you can meet with clients for pre consultations, you can meet with clients for sale sessions that's an amazing start to your business amazing start your business and I know you guys can afford to do this. You confined now granted, if you're in new york city it's a whole different story with real estate being a thousand bucks a square foot, but my point is if you're in most towns the united states, you can probably find a good area where it's easy to park it doesn't have to be retail it could be office space okay, just as long as it's commercial you're allowed to do business it's a spot like that? Okay, so think outside the box you don't need a whole studio you just need a room where you khun show your stuff and that'll give you that same elevation of being a professional with your sign on the door rather than you know, having that feeling of having to go to people's homes but there's nothing wrong with that please please please don't believe that because you're on location on ly that means you're less of a photographer that is b s okay on location photographers all think they have no option but to sell online and that is so not true. The massage therapist is the classic example if you go to a spot have a massage it's going to cost one price but if you get that therapist to come to your home and has to bring all his equipment and all it cost you three times as much. Okay so as a photographer and I know half of you who are who are on location photographers are not going to do this because it's scary and intimidating to do because no one else is doing it that's the hard part but if you market your benefit and what you offer to the consumer and what kind of experience you provide and show the value in it then they have no problem paying the price I've got a request from a girl online I've been trying to read everybody's facebook and I just I'm the message there just overwhelming and I'm just not myself from tearing up a bit, but I I'm trying to ask an answer everybody's request, but I just can't get to everything all at once but one girl asks who's this it's the classic problem the shooting burn you know I'm trymon and market where it's over saturate with photographers they're all charging one hundred dollars for the session in the disk I'm trying to keep my price is reasonable and I can't compete you know the problem is it's not your pricing where you think the problem is just remember step outside your worth step outside of george work the problem be yeah, well her sense of self value perhaps you know, maybe she doesn't value her work and isn't differentiating herself from actually, she says she chart you know you just hit the nail on the head differentiation are you? You look different and I'm not necessarily talking about your work I'm talking about how you look to the consumer overall how you brand things, how you market, how you dress, how your website looks does it give a feeling of being worth that much procession is the product? Does the product have a unique selling point and on location. Photographer who comes to your home to sell comes to your home for the pre council comes to your home for the session. That is a very unique selling point. You just leapt heads and butt heads and tails above most photographers in the area who are not branding that concept. And let me tell you this, the first person to do it is the one who wins. Who was the first man on the moon? Neil, are you who is a second? Gotcha? Who was the first person to fly across the atlantic? An airplane? Limber, right. Okay, you know that? You you? Oh, yeah, I remember my history. Who was the second? Nobody knows who was the first woman? Yeah, she had a unique selling point. Do you see my point as an on location photographer? If you take that brand and own it and market it and push it and say, I'm the only one who will come to you and you really own it and take it over in your market, no one else will be able to be with you. They won't remember because you were the first one to do it. I'm the baby photographer in town, I am the new born photographer and bend, oregon I can honestly and very confidently say that anyone else who tries is gonna have a really hard time keeping up with me. So where this photographer who asked me about you know, all these people in my market how do I compete? You are not different enough and I don't mean to be blunt or harsh or I want to help if you are losing clients to the cheaper photographer it's because the client does not think your work is worth the difference what you do and I'm not just saying a photography I'm saying everything you do the way you treat them the way you look, the way that the customer experience the result, the products all that stuff is not worth the difference to pay then I'm getting from the growing on the street who started a hundred dollars don't if you're doing your marketing and branding correctly, you shouldn't have to worry about those people I don't even think about him anymore. I used to think about it all the time because I had the same problem, but the minute I was able to differentiate and say, you know what, I'm gonna need it babies only give me the baby photographer town no one else is doing it it was an open niche grabbed it now those of you who are large market going well, there's a lot to me warn for doctors in town who everybody knows own your zip code take two zip codes and own your zip code. Do research in your two zip codes and make sure that you can create a unique selling point in your zip coats and then market on ly to that zip code and eventually you will grow. I know implementing all this stuff is really overwhelming, and I'm throwing a lot at you and it seems like everybody wants this one. Two, three, four, five how do I do this? What's the step one? What step to what? Stephanie? I'll follow the steps. Just give me the steps, it's kind of like that. But it's not. And I want to help you from not being so frustrated by explaining how this works. Yes, there's these five piece six piece my new purpose. They do have kind of a sweat sequential order in the way they're conducted with a client. But implementing and there's in your studio is like concentric rings that all start to come together and come in eventually to the point where you're just marketing and maintaining your brand. And all you have to do is worry about the number of clients coming through your door. It's not a linear process to get there, and, oh, there's there's the destination. Good sales, great clients coming to the door. Wonderful brand, etcetera, etcetera. It's. Not a straight line. Okay, it's a circular encompassing where you have to start doing all these things and the onset. It seems like this overwhelming task to do because it's so big. But as you start doing each one, things will slowly come into the circle. Things will spiral in and you'll come to a conclusion and things will start to come together and all of a sudden bam, you've got it. You have a system in place, clients are coming through the door. Your marketing is really the only thing you're worried about your sales averages where you want them to be and your business is on fire. Okay, so try not to think of this as a linear process. I think that sometimes when people get overwhelmed, so if you think of it as a circular process going inward, it'll it'll make it not seem like such a it'll give you a picture of how it works. So on location photographers have this unique selling point that I just don't understand why some of them are taking advantage of this it's an incredible selling point that if you own no one's gonna be able to catch up to you. If you are on location from photographer and you are doing this it's very important, as I've been preaching this entire time show what you want to sell. So how do you do that? You have to take things with you showing what you want to sell is the number one way to increase your averages? It really, really is. Clients have to see it. I mean, if I told you I did albums and shows you a picture of it is that is that mme or or less different than me showing you this and letting you touch and feel hold on, browse through it and see the border and touch the pages. This is so much better for your client to visualize what their images will look like. Okay, so please keep in mind that that three dimensional product is the one thing that your client needs. Tto have to be able to make it buying decision. You can show it and catalogs that says sartet. So yes and on location of doctor does have the challenge of trying to show what they want to sell without having a copious amounts of products on display that eye candy so they have to make a catalog, they have to fight. That in some ways and you know it's just a fact you're going to have to accept it's going to be the one thing that you fight in the sales process but there are ways to do it effectively ah product catalog I showed you guys mind yesterday I only carry really ten major products okay and they're all listed in this guide with prices information on them people can flip through this and have a look at it I also have all these products on display at the studio the exact same way that they're pictured in the guide okay, so when you are in the process of doing this on location photographers you have to evaluate what you can carry with you what you can't and you will have to carry some things with you and it's going to be a pain in the heavy okay your car's gonna get loaded you're gonna want to s u v so you can carry it all you know you know what I'm saying you're gonna have to bring some samples with you bring one sample each of beautiful products I loved the girl yesterday who suggested? Is it okay if I don't have a big portfolio to do the same session with every product you petula that's a lovely idea because then the client can really see how each product differs based on the session that is it's being that's being highlight so you know if I wasn't on location from cover, what would I do? I would probably make one fine art product, you know, like our our water color prints here I'd probably bring my most expensive, delicious lovely product as the awkward thing that I carry that's a pain in the butt to carry okay, so I probably bring one and I probably bring in this size because it's manageable but it's a fine art product, it's one of our most expensive products and the client who could touch and see and feel it is going to be really intrigued. Where should I show them the boring print and this they're going to go? Uh, yeah, okay, what? We'll just take the print because they can see and touch it feel it whatever you want them to buy you show so I would also bring a few albums. I probably would specialize in albums because they're easy to carry their that's their heavy but they're smaller and I would have a certain line of albums and I explained you yesterday how my album's kind of sequentially get more and more beautiful and more and more deluxe and that's exactly what I would bring for my client. I might bring a few birth announcements just to show what can be done and I would bring samples like finish samples of canvas and a regular print, not an actual image but like cut out part evident just so they can see the texture and feel it and that's really it that's all you need to bring and your product catalog and look what that does it allows you to sit down with the clients just like an interior designer when an interior designer comes to your home, they come with a huge portfolio of all these things in different fabric samples of different paint chips and color samples and you get to look at it and put on the wall and it it's very cool it's a huge service I mean people like wow that's so nice I mean, when she comes into your house with all these things, I've never had a designer I wish, but you know, I watched tv hd tv a lot when they come into your house and put all these things on the table it's really fun to look through and they give you a full schematic of what your home is going to look like not only from above, but from the side like this they draw it all out all this is so pretty and you could really visualize what it's going to be like they have to do that how on earth would an interior decorator be able to sell the idea the creative idea if she didn't show what it was going to look like that resonates, doesn't it we are just as creative as an interior designer we're putting things in people's homes that are going to be on display it better look good, we better make it look good and so many photographers to shoot without any regard for what's in the client's home for where the image will go, there are more likely to be buy it if it's gonna work in the space, right? Especially if you use room remember using room view yesterday we popped it up on the screen and it was her home and that right there is so impactful to the consumer if you don't have meeting space, the big question is, do I need a projector? No, a laptop or ipad is fine if that's all you can afford there's lovely software programs out there for the ipad, you prove shooting sell all these kinds of things that are, you know, seventy eight dollars apse that you can use on your iphone. All right, not your ipad excuse me, go to their home it's such a unique selling point it's a game changer charge for the service? Meet them at a local high end coffee shop if you really don't want to do it partner with a vendor if I didn't have a studio and I wasn't on location baby photographer, where would I do myself sessions, baby faces the baby store that I partner with how would that serve molly the owner customers were coming into her store that she would have never otherwise had I get a car about a little space to sell I just need a computer there in a few samples in a table and that's it right why couldn't I use her baby store if I partner with her and then we have this tit for tat going wedding photographers the flower shop the place you got married what if you had partnerships with all these places in town that air that our reception then used and that the couple could come back to their reception area and look at their images because it takes a good several weeks to get the get the images done they come back to the venue a month later whatever it is and look at the images in the space where they were photographed how cool is that? Why can't you partner with another vendor like that to create something a unique experience for a client that no one else is to just think think outside the box a little bit yeah susan has a question for the so so many people had asked you know are we charging for this and we are charging extra for being on location of fozzie had said he lives in london here she lives in london and you know they don't it doesn't have a car yeah it's a too big of a city and so I mean there's a solution there's a solution if you want to think outside the box and get creative, I love the idea of going teo like a a baby store or on then maybe they'd let you keep your stuff in the back exactly mean, you know you have tto work with what you've got, but you've gotta work with what you've got you've got to think outside the box I mean, every everywhere I go I constantly have my business in the back of my mind like how can this help me is like where, whether it's their marketing or the way they treat a customer or the look of their say space and if I have a problem in my business that I'm trying to solve, I looked to other businesses to solve it for me or at least provide me with an idea of how to solve it and you'd be surprised how you get ideas from places you never even expected it. Okay, so if the budget is your issue, rent a tiny meeting room like we talked about there are plenty of areas and now london might be a bit of a challenge because it's extremely expensive to do real estate london but I would definitely partner up and share space why can't a baby photographer and a wedding photographer share the same space all right that's what I did the first month first studio I had was a four thousand square foot space I shared it with four other photographers and I paid less than seven hundred dollars a month for it which was a steal in downtown portland in like the pearl district which is like this high end rent area and it make me look like I was worth a million bucks okay so and they were commercial photographers they just use the studio for like a day long shoots and they would put it on the calendar we had a google counter that we shared and when they were there I just wouldn't schedule sessions that worked beautifully I got to put up my product on the walls they didn't really have commercial space is different they don't really have products on display that they're trying to promote to consumers it's more about the art director and the the client is coming in they don't really care about what else is on the wall it's more for advertising purposes so they don't need to see see that stuff but for my clients they had no problem with me putting that up and you know the commercial clients knew that the share the space was shared by me and they actually got a kick out of coming through and seeing the baby pictures on the wall in the family pictures on the wall there like all that's so cute you know so it can work ok let's keep going here so when you have a meeting space or don't have a meaning space bring samples with you album specialty smaller item small's the new big make really high end products like for example this product here is quite small right we'll put on the table so they can photograph this product is quite small it's easily transportable right? This album is from this box I should say it's an image box it's from cyprus album's see why p r e s s for those of you who understand and it comes with ten museum mats in it and what did I do to elevate the product instead of just putting a print in here I put canvases in here so now all of a sudden we have and we print these campuses in house and you can you can order them for your lab labs to it flat without any mounting all the time so now I have a hand printed canvas done here in studio ten of them and this box cells first seven hundred dollars in my studio small is the new big why can't you create small, lovely beautiful products that are so wonderful? I mean think about the wedding ring good things come in little packages okay? So you can market that any message can be scream to your consumers in an elegant way that makes them see them marketing is a wonderful way to influence people and not enough photographers, I don't think are taking advantage of it, so bring one larger product and then several smaller products with you so you can really highlight your brand and show how things look in a three dimensional product, create a catalogue for your larger products that's beautiful think of pottery barn and all those beautiful things that all those great companies who make beautiful things like that bring a measuring tape for the walls so you can kind of show your client the different space if you have the capacity to do it, bring a huff niggle remember we talked yesterday about the same image being shown in four different sizes five different sizes bring that with you and you could set him up on the floor. I don't always advocate showing things on the floor because that kind of it lowers their value, but, you know, in this type of situation when you're on location, I I don't think it's a possibility, use a portable projector and project onto the wall. The only thing you'll run into trouble here is if the world's not white, you know, if a client has a bunch of red walls everywhere, it's going to be challenging to project on the wall so you may want to be bring a portable screen with you. But I know a lot of on location photographers who have those little mini portable projectors, and they just carry those around with them and they have little mini printers. You confine our receipt right then and there with electronics nowadays, you can have him sign for it online. Everybody's got an intricate internet connection in their house these days, and if they don't, they're probably not your client. Okay, home studios. The way to make money. Let me tell you, this is my home studio when I first started. Okay, this is my little eighteen hundred square foot house. I'm very proud to say that I bought it on my own when I was single. Okay, home studios are the way to make money in the p p. A benchmark survey the professional photographers of america every few years does a bunch of research with a successful studios and compares their numbers that you can compare yourself against the benchmark survey, how you are performing against other studios in the country, and they determined that the home studio is the easiest way to be a profitable professional photographer because your overhead is reduced. I started out in my home. Like I said, this is my viewing room. This is my living room behind that projection screen is my tv or I watch tv every night. Okay this is how I projected you see the projector there down on the little table in front just like we had set up here that was my projector that's how I showed images my client sat on the sofa there and you see there's dog in the background on the shelf there is a couple images those air all clients a few of them are family but that's those two images up there on the over the sofa those for client images I had clients on my wall lt's my whole studio was my whole house was devoted to my brand and obviously not everybody could do that special family but why can't you take a room in your home and make it so that you can convert it back and forth? I kia is wonderful for this kia is like the genius of all furniture stores you can find it anywhere in the world and I mean I grew up in switzerland and we had like a furniture left and right and it's done nothing but improve and in that time it came to the united states you khun wai can you look at that cattle? They have made small spaces so functional organization in storage so functional you can easily do something to make your studio transform a ble or your living room excuse me transform herbal into a meeting space at the drop of a hat okay this is my dining room. The back wall there there were images I used to do pre consultations at the table right there it was my dad here in table that image right there on the left is a client when I used to shoot dogs. Okay, so this is these are just images of my old home and then you had to walk out my back door because my garage was a separate building from the house it was kind of well, those carriage house garage is it was just a little beat up garage it wasn't very good crawly it wasn't like it wasn't insulated. It wasn't like the main house so it's kind of cold there in winter time but you walked down the past because like if I was standing right here as a viewer of this image that's the front the back door of the house so you actually had to walk through my kitchen to get to the back door you then took the path and the door to the garage was right there and that was where I shot that was my studio and this is what it looked like inside behind the soft box there is a garage door okay, I had a little tiny two car garage space as my studio space for two years and it worked great. I was averaging close to three thousand dollars a sale my prices were a lot higher in portland portland market could could command those types of prices so my point is it's not the space you're in or are not in branding and marketing and positioning yourself in your community is the single most important thing you could do to make money if you look the part if people feel the part about you you're goingto grow you're going to bring in clients you're going to be able to take your business to that place you never dreamed it could go okay? I mean a three thousand dollar average I was in this little podunk cow sateen the house was built in like nineteen, twenty I mean it's just a little crappy house and yet I managed to do very, very well there and granted I was ambitious and sure you don't know that by now I want a studio, you know, I was determined and competitive and I'm gonna get myself studio and that's great, I love my city and I would never trade it. It did become a problem where having your studio in your home it does intrude on your life and being able to lock the door and close it and walk away from it at night is a beautiful thing I really enjoyed that about having my own space, but there are many levels at which you can get space you can share it you can just do a meeting room on lee you can share a meeting room on lee you could do a full fledged studio in multiple sizes so there's lots of options don't just think that just because you don't have a studio doesn't mean you can't be a successful professional photographer and you can use your home as well okay making the home studio succeed if you can carve out a separate area in your home, go for it that'll be the nicest thing because then you'll actually be able to shut the door on it at night, which is a good feeling if you cannot you will have to live with merchandising you're home, you'll have to live with putting up clients showing products it separates you just got to do it it's a simple is that you have to look the part you have to be professional tout the benefits of being a home studio what are the benefits of being a home studio? What do you think? How can you sell it? How could you market it and convince your client that come into the home is better than going to a business? Why is coming to a home better? Yeah it's cozy and intimate and you want to bring them into your life and relationship all of a sudden you can now market that you are like family to your clients they're coming to your home so why can't you market that message if you have a home studio and say that coming to a home studio is way better than going to a retail because we're going to treat you like you're family okay create that family friendly deeply personal experience for your client at the same time keep it professional you two want to get so hunky dorey cozy that it seems awkward charge appropriately for your work just because you're in home seo doesn't mean you should charge less than perfect but you should charge the same and you'll be making a heck of a lot more money than the guy who's got all the overhead out of town clients this is another option for on location photographers who have no space and really really feel like they can't get any I'm in bend oregon and I have clients in portland how on earth they come to ban for vacation it's a three and a half hour drive over a mountain pass which extends up to about five thousand feet and in the winter it snows like the dickens up there can I really expect my clients to come waltzing back two weeks later to view their images and purchase no I can't well I go over there yes but for a hefty price it's one hundred eighty miles you know I charge fifty cents a mile plus a two hundred dollar travel fee it's gonna put a dent in their budget okay, so what do I do? Skype is your free best friend okay? Skype is an online telephone software skype dot com it will allow you to screen share with your client now it does require your client to get online have a broadband connection and I have enough they have a microphone on their computer so but most people these days have these things you know, people who aren't tech savvy might not and so there's an issue there. One of the important things is to make sure you create a clear construction instruction set for your clients so they understand how to get on skype. Some of them may have to download it etcetera, etcetera but it's a free calling program for mac and pc it allows you to call and screen share with your client so I can call somebody on skype and then hit screen share and they can see what's on my screen on my computer one hundred eighty miles away it requires a broadband or high speed connection and it requires a microphone and speakers on your computer. I have a little head said I do a bunch of webinars for time exposure every month, so I have a headset with a microphone on it that I that I use and that's you know what I used for my client and I don't have too many out of town clients these days but this really, really works then you can conduct a sales appointment with your selling software and they get to see everything the disadvantages to this ours you can't see their reactions so you can't read body language voices even hard to read because it's not supported by body language so sometimes you'll say something you're not quite sure what they mean by it because the tone of their voice you know it is so that could be a little bit of a challenge you also have to worry about payment you can't swipe a credit card, you got a key and in all that kind of stuff so there are some disadvantages to it but the advantages of being able to do this in person online way out way doing it you know by just throwing the images on a gallery somewhere okay everybody's going tires after lunch we'll all go to after lunch ladies, you guys are doing awesome like everybody starts to die after just everybody even me I feel it so finalizing the sale preventing buyer's remorse worse and back pedaling it happens a lot, okay? It won't happen if you do a good pre consultation, it won't happen if you really focus on the soft sell a regretful client and you know if that's a word but probably isn't I think my spell check had a fit when I put that on there, but it's it's, it's it really does highlight what it means to have a client who's back peddling their regretful they have buyer's remorse they spent too much money they got caught in the heat of the moment now they don't want to do okay protect your business with procedures in place and respect your client's budget communicate those ordering procedures produce a visual invoice that your client can sign on that invoice it should say all sales are final should you change your mind about an order after it has been placed it is subject to a fifty percent cancellation fee once it has been sent to the lab it is deemed non refundable read that out loud to them before they sign it. Once you remove digital products from the studio they are no longer refundable due to the downloadable nature of a digital product. Okay, so on an invoice a visual reference prevents mistakes sort of disputes so you know pro select allows me to create a thumbnail invoice so for example right here at the top here this mom ordered a twenty by twenty four print ok of that image dea underscore d s c o one nine two okay there is no question that that's what she ordered she signs the bottom of the invoice ok that's my signature another she signs the bottom of the invoice and dates it she has a copy I have a copy there are no disputes what is being ordered? If I make a mistake, I know it. If she thinks I made a mistake, we know it. And when they signed for your order, cancellation policy and and return policy and all that that's extra measure against having issues like regretful clients it's their problem, if they spend too much, do you think northman really cares if you overcharge your credit card because you bought too much? You can go return it? Nordstrom's has amazing return policy. I mean, you know, chances are you won't, and they always think they know that the retail stores they trick you. Oh, if you don't like it, you could always return it, just buy it. Now. Nobody ever comes back to return it now. Granted, I don't wanna have that issue because I can't take return because it's custom work, you know, so I don't have a return policy, but there's a problem with the product. You betcha. I'll take it back and fix it.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
This was the first class I have ever purchased from CreativeLive in the 6 months I've had it and watched as I could. With a toddler and six yr old on top of a hubby serving overseas I was attempting to watch ten minutes of this when my toddler just wasn't allowing me to watch haha. After just a few minutes I had already told myself if that had happened it would be okay because I was won over already. I knew I not only needed to buy this because there was no other way I could watch it, but it was something I knew would be the BEST investment EVER! Pricing & Sales has been something even my amazing photography group has kept somewhat hush hush and I was dreading the $150-200 for a course in person not knowing if it'd have everything I needed and let's face it, I do this part-time and my husband is military so we didn't have much to throw in the way of me learning more since I'm obviously already upside down with my 'business' haha. This has been so incredibly worth it and if there were ever a course I would buy and recommend to anyone ever again it would be this one. You are so amazingly smart and talented Julia and if CreativeLive had not done this webinar I would have never learned about you this way and learned such valuable information that I cannot wait to implement in my business. Also for any moms wondering, it's worth the cost not just to pause and continue with munchkins throughout the day but it is the best thing you can buy that has so many different tips and ideas to help save your business from becoming a hobby again which mine was about to haha. Thank you so much again for this!!!
a Creativelive Student
Okay, I've finally watched this course all the way through and can review it. I wasn't able to watch the live broadcast but the topic was one that I really wanted to learn more about so I decided to purchase it without watching. I will be watching it again as there are great nuggets of information. Julia presents some wonderful insights about the art and psychology of pricing, how to deal with difficult clients and even a bit of in person sales. I liked Julia's take on how she packages her products so that she can reach and beat her sales goal. Those were all great tips! For the most part I liked this course but I wish a few things had been done differently. Because I am not a newborn photographer, and this wasn't a newborn class, it wasn't useful to me to see a newborn shoot - even though I know the point of that was to show how Julia plants the seed of the sale. But I feel that time could have been better spent demonstrating a pre-session consultation and what to discuss with clients, how to overcome objections, etc. The pre-session consultation is a big part of the pricing and sales process but I felt like it was glossed over. Julia talked a bit about how she has clients fill out a form on her website after the consultation to reinforce what she's explained to them. These are all things I would have liked more in-depth information on because they are crucial to the sales process. The in person sales session also went pretty fast - the couple was super quiet so I guess that made things much easier. The materials that came with the course have a lot more to do with marketing your studio through displays and gift certificates. They are beautiful templates - but again, I purchased this class to learn sales and pricing and would have really hoped to see materials related to the sales or pricing process - her client questionnaire, responses to common objections, her list of studio policies as it relates to sales, usage of images, etc. Also, one of the items in the bundle requires signing up for her email list. I don't mind - I just don't expect to do that if I bought a course that should have those materials included. That's my take on the good an the bad - just my opinion.
Jennifer Koskinen
Seriously? Where to start! I stumbled upon this, my first CreativeLIVE course, and ended up purchasing it I loved it so much and know it will provide not only great tips as I restructure some of my own business, but also endless inspiration for taking things to the next level. Gratitude ABOUNDS for Julia's candor, adorable personality, humility and willingness to share the "tough" lessons, as well as her unbridled passion and respect for the business of photography... On a more personal note, she introduced me to the concept of separating our inner critic from ourselves and calling him "George." Pure brilliance. Hands down THE best life skills tool I've ever heard in a photography workshop!! THANK YOU, Julia and CreativeLive!!