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Integrated Project Design

Lesson 48 from: Practical Adobe Photoshop Basics

Khara Plicanic

Integrated Project Design

Lesson 48 from: Practical Adobe Photoshop Basics

Khara Plicanic

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48. Integrated Project Design


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Lesson Info

Integrated Project Design

So we're gonna make another new document. Now that we've defined our pattern, we're going to create a poster that's gonna use this pattern. Okay, so a big poster. So file new and we're going to choose in inches. What is this? It's going to be that it on 24 by with a resolution of not 300 code. That's just a lot will say 1 on and we'll choose our background and they think we'll leave it white. It will hit. Create. All right, so now we have this poster we're gonna fill in. I guess we should have We could have chosen this gray color. Okay, So if we pop open our swatches panel, if you don't have it on your screen, you'll find it from the window menu. And there's a bunch of grays here, and I'm just going to pick one. I don't even remember which I did, but sort of a darker ish gray here. And now that I've selected that it's in my foreground Swatch. So I can fill this whole background with this color by pressing Ault or option delete so filled that hole space in. Now we can apply the patter...

n to it. We're gonna do that. There's a number of ways that you can do this. We can choose, edit Phil and fill it with a pattern. But I like to do it with layers with effects or overlays. Um, because it's just easier to end it. So I'll click the Adjustment Layer icon down here and I'm gonna choose Pattern. And it already selects the pattern that we made because it's great like that. If it didn't, for some reason or if you've made multiple patterns and you just need to choose something else, you just click this drop down and there's a long list here. But whatever you've made most recently will show up here at the bottom. So here's the patterns we made earlier there, still hanging out, and now we have our dandy line pattern. Now what's cool is we've made this pattern pretty large. So this is how the pattern appears in this large 24 by 30 document at 100%. But we could scale this down if we wanted. Maybe we wanted to just be tinier, so you can you can play with that and I think as long as you're scaling down, You don't have to worry about quality issues and resolution stuff. Another thing that's neat is, while we're in this pattern Phil adjustment layer settings box, we can actually click in our document and like, position this pattern to fall however we want. So maybe this use for this pattern because we're gonna we're gonna put some artwork in here, some type design, so the pattern is gonna mostly be covered up. So I do kind of want it to be small, because other ways we won't see much of it. So I might choose, like, what saved 70 something percent? I don't know. I'm just 56. Whatever. It's arbitrary. Something like this. I'll click. OK, okay. So this is going to be the background now for our peace. What we're gonna be putting in here is a lettered quote and then sort of making it look like it's sort of matted on this background. So we're going to create now a rectangle here, too. Hold the text. So we'll use our shape tool now that we know how those work will come over to the shape, tool family, the letter you here and we're gonna choose the rectangle tool and remember that we can do shapes or paths or pixels in this case, will you shape that way? Um, we have a nice we can put the fill color in, and we can always adjusted if we need to. So I want a white Phil, so I'll click the Philip here in the options bar and I'll choose White. You don't want to stroke, so I'll just leave this set to none, which looks like this. And one thing you guys haven't seen yet I haven't showed you is that you can actually create these shapes to be a very specific size. So earlier, like when we were drawing shapes with the star custom shape tool, we were clicking and dragging. And you can do that. You can totally do that, and I have all this or if you want it to be very precise instead of clicking and dragging. If you just click, you get a pop up where you can enter dimensions. So I want this to be precisely Where are you in my notes? 16 inches. So 16 I m by 22 I n and I'll click OK, and now I'll switch to my move tool by pressing the for move of the and all A justice, you can see these magenta guides popping up on my screen. These were called smart guides when they're just great, because they helped me know that this is centered without me having to draw my own guides or turn my rulers on or any of that stuff so I can just position this right here and now. It's looking pretty good, so we sort of have this, like, matted frame situation happening. One thing that we can also do is add a little bit of, ah, inner shadow to this so it doesn't quite look so digital and flat. So with this layer selected all humans, you can see what's happening. But with this layer selected, I'm gonna come down to the effects button, and I'm gonna choose inner shadow, all right. And these settings you can just kind of tweak. And do you know how you want, But by default, you'll probably have black selected for a shadow. If you don't, you can just click right here and then choose it. The blend mode will usually be multiply by default, and I'm going to set the A pass ITI to maybe 50%. We can see a little preview happening in our image here. If you don't see a preview, you want to just confirm that the preview button this turned on over here? We wouldn't change the angle here from whatever yours, maybe to something around 2023 ish degrees. So something kind of in this direction and I chose this carefully because you'll see where we're gonna mock this up later, and hopefully this is a pretty good match. And then for distance, you can find something you think looks realistic. That's just changing how offset the shadow is. So what I'm wanting it to look like is that this is an inset Matt, sort of. So I don't want the distance to be super far like maybe 13 pixels is fine. 13 to 20. Somewhere in there, the size determines how soft edge that is going to be. So I don't want it super soft, because then it it just doesn't look very really either. So because the the distance is small, the size should probably be pretty small to in this case, so you can fiddle with it. till you like it and then you click. OK, so it's pretty subtle, But now we're gonna place some artwork in here and this vile you will find in the word art folder I haven't hear just easy for me to drag and drop. And it's this one right here. It's just a quote. She's at peace and yet somehow on fire, it's a quote from Samantha King so we can drag and drop it in. It should fit pretty well. Um, if I wanted to change this, I can I could just hold, shift and drag. And if I hold shift an altar or shift an option, I can drag from the center like this. So I'm just gonna five that as needed and click the check Mark, but And this was looking pretty good. So, like, this is our whole mock up. This is our whole design that we will now mock up in the other image. So let's save this. I guess at home, if you're following along, you'd want to sing of this. So because it's got all these layers and everything, we would goto file say it has find your place where you're putting this stuff. Here's our folder from the other day us, and I'll just call it like big poster, I guess, and you want to say that as a PSD to maintain all these things.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
Photoshop Resource Guide
Practical Photoshop Basics (PS action file)
Word Art
Course Files

Ratings and Reviews

Kim Williams

I tuned into this class hoping to glean what I cold since it was free. I ended up purchasing the class because it is FILLED with so much great information in a fun and easy to understand format. Khara is an amazing instructor - I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. Worth EVERY penny. Thank you Creative Live for offering such great material, at even more amazing prices.


What an unbelievable teacher Khara is. I have wanted to learn photoshop forever but was intimidated, overwhelmed, then I watched this course. OMG I learnt so much, more then I imagined. I am so excited now to start using Photoshop, I can't wait to try out everything she taught us. With the skills we learnt over these two days I think this course provides everything I need to know to feel and more. She was outstanding, the absolute perfect teacher for someone who has never ever used Photoshop. Also great moderation by Kenna. Thank you for this awesome, amazing, wonderful course. I am sure anyone who watches this course will agree it is incredible. I couldn't recommend it more. This course was just Smurfy!

Roz Fruchtman

I would highly recommend Khara Plicanic's Practical Adobe Photoshop Basics. The name of the class, implies that the class is for beginners, but that's not exactly true. Most of us learn Photoshop by the features we need to know at any given time. As many will agree, there are a number of ways to get to the same end. I can only speak for myself, but... I would bet that many of us don't know all the strategies that are taught in this class! Check it out, I doubt you'd be disappointed! Khara brings a fun and relatable approach to everything she does. She is very entertaining, while being a superb instructor. Last, but not least... This class brings with it a ton of useful bonuses. Warm Regards, Roz Fruchtman aka @RozSpirations

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