Q & A
Lesson 26 from: Powerful Communication Owns the RoomBill Hoogterp

Q & A
Lesson 26 from: Powerful Communication Owns the RoomBill Hoogterp
Powerful Communication Owns the Room
1Students' 30 Second Speeches
09:22 2Communication Exercises
18:13 3Brain Works: Rewire, Refind, Reconnect
24:09 4Mirror Neurons
35:15 5Be Memorable: Paint Pictures, Evoke Emotions
42:40 6Using Strong Language
27:05 7Voice Modulation
52:32Body Language
26:15 9Power of Stories
29:41 10Dial Testing Student Stories
38:56 11Involve the Audience
45:04 12Body Poll Exercises
31:29 13Handling Distracted Audiences
25:25 14Using Names
17:27 15Team Presentations
23:11 16Active Listening
42:21 17Reading the Audience
14:05 18Think, Edit, Speak
30:00 19Imagine Your Opening
39:11 20Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
38:40 21Students Present What They Have Learned
11:15 22Close with Action
44:10 23Putting the Pieces Together
22:13 24Map Out Better Meetings
17:20 25Power of Recognition
37:33 26Q & A
10:28 27Elevator Pitch
28:47 28Dial Testing on Student Pitches
52:51 29Motivational Speaking
24:37 30The 2 Minute Talk
33:03 31Improve Yourself Now
13:33Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Q & A
This is your time. What do you think would be useful? Could you give us an example of a process gold meeting? What does that look like? A process goal is let's talk about this topic so we need to talk about our policies in the hospital let's talk about this policy and after sixty minutes you may make a decision you may not you may get stuck in the weeds most people we get stuck too high or too low if you are presenting to group we all talked about myers briggs yesterday there's lots of other personality test indicators but one way we think about it some people are mackerel before micro and some people are micro before macro so admires breaks its snn some people I have to know the big picture of what we're talking about or I cannot hear the details some people I cannot get my head caught in the clouds unless you give me a concrete example to details what is it we're actually talking about which way is right? We're all just wired differently each one is right for us. The problem is we te...
nd to only believe that our way is right no, I tend to prefer macro before micro finally have the big picture I think the details are not a good use of time so if you have an audience that's mixed which one should you start with? Macro micro mackerel! Mackerel! It doesn't matter. You have to touch both right away so you can say we're gonna start with the big picture and then give some concrete examples and solve both or you could say we start with some concrete examples of a question and come back to why this is a big question for us, but you have to reference both otherwise, I start to tune out a little bit know your audience there, just like we were learning yesterday. If you're gonna be talking to a bunch of finance o our engineers, they tend to be more microt as opposed to macro, so maybe tailoring to talk more towards that micro level, as opposed to the macro level. Very good everything's fifty, like the power core has to be plugged in, and both did you always customized at least fifteen percent on both ends. You're always customizing you think, there's any differences in the way you instruct men versus women, melanie tell m o is asking on like he's saying it's, an amazing class she's getting a lot out of it, but she'd love to learn tactics to help women in particular be more presidential. But do you think there is a difference between detect techniques for men or women? Well, one book I recommend lean in by sheryl sandberg's, fantastic on the same subject and one of his trust your instincts mohr and act on them faster women will tend to wait till everything is perfect and buttoned up before they take this step. Okay, now I'm gonna say it I'm already I've got a bed in my mind men like we have have figured out we say it is if we one hundred percent confident and so women should be more confident don't wait for one hundred percent I'm a big fan of eighty percent ready on your mark get set got the general idea you have a structure you jump in, you adjust a little bit if it's one hundred percent set your to wed to your own structure men we could be a little bit more prepared we could be a little more humble about where we are but one of the things for women is interrupt mohr early if you're not sure interrupt, ask questions short open questions equate to to insert yourself into the conversation and control it. We control meetings and presentations much more with questions than with statements who controls the conversation maur the lawyer in the courtroom or the witness on the stand, the interviewer or the celebrity standing there? So when you have questions it's actually the secret way to have the most influence asked great questions interrupt how could we make that better and these little things assert you into an executive category wow she's she's she's right? What could we do about this? Yeah, I wasn't so clear on that. Thank you, but trust your instincts more and act on them faster. I hear it all the time from women and one on one coaching. I had this idea but I didn't say it I had this thought I didn't act it wasn't quite ready say never underestimate the power of half baked ideas because when you bring a group well I'm not really sure where to go with this, but what if we did a little bit of a then somebody can add to that someone could do that, but if you just come with abc everybody agree with me or don't then you're shutting us out so beat making yourself open is a strength great question uh torres online who is asking? Especially with recognition can you just ask the group you're presenting to what their currency is what's important to them before you recognize them? What do you guys think? Absolutely yeah, I think so. I think there's nothing wrong with saying what's your favorite and that's a great it's like sean this thing I want to find out in the interview process what's your favorite cereal is they'll think it's a silly question but then they'll be surprised to find the box of cereal on the desk it's a sean a signature move but it's something asked if you're trained in myers breaks and some of these things, you'll see that we all speak in the language of our preference, so just the way we talk tells you everything about how we take in information about how we make decisions if you're attuned to the smallest things so richard's not his head, he knows anything you would add to that. Yes, you, uh you hear someone say, I think versus I feel, if you say I feel to someone who thinks that it may not resonate, so it may be better to say, how do you sense this? Very good? And someone says, give me an example, what do they want? More micro or more macro? Very good, so we're constantly thinking and talking, even if we're not aware of how we're thinking talking, but the short version is, if you don't know, ask well, come on, bill, you didn't come all the way from new jersey to tell us the whole world wide audience if you don't know what the audience wants, just ask, just ask, you can ask informal ways, informal way structured way it's easy ways what's your favorite beverage what do you like to do? What what's your favorite way to get things done? Do you like to work in teams and then just keep getting you don't have to hundred percent customize but even a small amount of customizing makes people feel different and if you think of customizing this could affect everybody's industry two can affect health care everybody's not going to get the same medicine like they did fifty years ago you buy a car or all the car is the same how many options are there on the car? Your clothes a customer everything more more is about customization websites your web experience you want to go to pick any famous website you can customize how the home page looks for you this is the wave of the future so you're doing it on small and large scales with every audience with every situation you're doing it could be overwhelming but if you just kind of trained yourself let me just do a little bit of it little bit of recognition a little bit of customizing it's just starts to flow there is no perfect there is no I covered everything there isn't there's no I made everybody happy but from where we are to where we can go even twenty percent change can make a big difference. What about informational meetings where the goal is to provide information? Um that can change the audience is opinion of like say whether they want to sign on with you or not what would be the product they're like you know what this is um what you're compact competition is doing and then yes or no it's a great question you're wrestling with the real art of the science, which is how do you turn something that's not a product into a product and most meetings and most worlds are updates that's everybody talk about what they're doing and there's no riel action and the efficiency stays relatively low. You get the head meetings where it's like tell us three things you learned this past week that's new and industry cool so then what's the action like now implemented in your next good or stay at the end let's see if we notice a pattern of those and one thing we can all act on a little bit ourselves or around the room at the end what's one thing you're going to act on a little bit more based on what you've heard even these baby tiny steps at least the efficiency so low I got nowhere to go but up all audiences ask three questions in all presentations doesn't matter if it's one on one small group large grouper millions through a camera what so what and what's next when you hear somebody when you hear be right now, all right, what's he talking about now so what what's this got to do with me and what's next, what do I do with this? So you start to see that rhythm you're not gonna hit everyone perfectly all the time but the one that most people forget they do the what brilliantly so what once in a while and what's next they never even think of so I was just trying to get you to begin to think about well, what do I do with that? And if there's nothing to do you guess you can say that let's just inform each other and be done to move on it's still useful or has a purpose it doesn't mean it's not effective it's just generally not efficient we're gonna come back with building up to our two minute talks an elevator pitch while we're all in sales, all of us we're selling ideas we're selling ourselves, we're selling our passions so we're going to learn some techniques and how to do a really powerful elevator pitch. Three simple steps will start with fun things that we all like in everyday life that we could sell and recommend to our friends and then slotted over into our business life. How do we take our normal business? Our work, our products that we're selling our ideas in practice will use the ipads everybody at home I want you to grab something to record with could be your smartphone, tablet, laptop, full hollywood crew you have on standby some way to play it back come on, bill there's. No way you can know if I'm actually alone in my room record myself. Trust me, we will know we have our ways, okay, maybe we don't, but I want you to do it anyway. Think of that mountain. We talked about the beginning. If this is the top where you want to be, that rock star presenter, and this is where we all started, and this is where you are now, just hearing the techniques. It means you're gonna go around the mom, you gotta learn. You see all this from a different angle, but you're not climbing unless you're doing the exercise is the only way to get the mountains to stumble, to be other breath, to try it. That didn't work. Tried again. It didn't work that's, the only way I can eliminate that step and everything you've ever mastered in your life. You went through those same steps.
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Sheryl Mendoza
Super love this course! It's powerful, very engaging, insightful, and truly amazing! There are always golden nuggets on each class that you can implement right away! So grateful for this course! Lots of blessings to you, Bill! Thank you so much CreativeLive!
I am just of the 8th module and cant seem to have enough...i wish there were more hours in a day...it almost feels like binge watching...its gotten me so hooked!!!!! Love it, great course Bill!!! Would recommend it 200%. So practical and really such great techniques!!!!!!!!!!!
a Creativelive Student
This is the best online training program I've ever purchased! At such a low price, you get a 3 day training from a master teacher in his field. I find Bill's sessions to be lively, engaging, and lots of fun. I've learned enough from just Day 1 to lessen some of my fear of public speaking and agreed to a new speaking engagement. I highly recommend this program, and will look into Creativelive trainings in the future. Thank you so much!
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