Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
Lesson 20 from: Powerful Communication Owns the RoomBill Hoogterp

Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
Lesson 20 from: Powerful Communication Owns the RoomBill Hoogterp
Lesson Info
20. Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
Powerful Communication Owns the Room
1Students' 30 Second Speeches
09:22 2Communication Exercises
18:13 3Brain Works: Rewire, Refind, Reconnect
24:09 4Mirror Neurons
35:15 5Be Memorable: Paint Pictures, Evoke Emotions
42:40 6Using Strong Language
27:05 7Voice Modulation
52:32Body Language
26:15 9Power of Stories
29:41 10Dial Testing Student Stories
38:56 11Involve the Audience
45:04 12Body Poll Exercises
31:29 13Handling Distracted Audiences
25:25 14Using Names
17:27 15Team Presentations
23:11 16Active Listening
42:21 17Reading the Audience
14:05 18Think, Edit, Speak
30:00 19Imagine Your Opening
39:11 20Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
38:40 21Students Present What They Have Learned
11:15 22Close with Action
44:10 23Putting the Pieces Together
22:13 24Map Out Better Meetings
17:20 25Power of Recognition
37:33 26Q & A
10:28 27Elevator Pitch
28:47 28Dial Testing on Student Pitches
52:51 29Motivational Speaking
24:37 30The 2 Minute Talk
33:03 31Improve Yourself Now
13:33Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
You all have really cool things that you're involved in your business, your work, your charities, your issues, whatever it isthe so now each of you is going to do a thirty second opening on stage, and this is a chance for you promote whatever you want. I want to promote this charity I've been volunteering for I want to promote my vlog I want to promote my business whatever it is, but you have to use all these techniques and you picked the technique that fits you can start within imagine you can start with a body pole, you can use words, you can combine them in some creative way, but they're all different forms of the scene is russ said so articulately yesterday, so you're gonna do whatever you want and we're gonna dial you, so when it's your turn to go up, I would like to and brian, maybe we'll get a seat filler to dial for whoever's on stage to take over there dial so you each go up whatever ordered the spirit moves you, you do your opening thirty, forty seconds no more on your topic.
Whatever you want to push, promote or talk about the rest of us will dial you, starting with fifty upper down from there, and then we'll watch and play back and learn from each other or break out the idea. Let's, take thirty seconds to think about it. What topic? You want to talk about what you want to promote, unlike community. Won't you do the same thing? Hmm? In my real business in my real life might be something you have coming up next. Meet a median. You've got to do a pitch. You've got to do a presentation or a speech. Say, what would I really do not take these techniques and apply that when you first get on stage or as soon as you start the meeting, what are you going to begin with? And that's what I want youto began type in what would work for you if you're if you're watching, but you're not in the chat rooms, practice out loud, close the door, just practise it. See what sounds if you've got your smart phone record yourself, the camera is always the best coach is going to show you so many different things. Okay, so I'm having a hard time remembering my content. I start out with my, you know, one or two idea and then I get lost by the time I get neither do you have any techniques for helping us remember remember you're no no book in your pen, and this is one of those training topics communication it in some ways I hate to agree with you publicly but this is perfect for download because no matter how smart you are and I'm not that bright but I have from from friends who are no matter how smart you are you cannot master these techniques in one run it's just not possible he was two, three four times and this certain topics that lend themselves you've got to go over and over and practice and practice toe acquire so what do you do when you forget yourself? Let's say you've got six main things you have to cover from the audience but you might forget what they are you don't want to hold this because it's now a barrier so what you do is you write it down you write one, two, three, four, five six and you just write out the headline raise your hand if you read a newspaper from time to time magazine's what do you read first the headlines of the stories why do you read the headlines first short simple easy to get the big picture from okay remind you if you're interested in going further very good. So write down your headlines really big like twenty eight thirty six point funt and then as you're going through go through section number one you go through section number two and then you forget where you are you deflect to the furthest person in the room richard, you know what I'm talking about right and you're right back on their issues your brain seizure I see the headline your brain fills in the story you don't need to see any more now why would I pick the person furthest from me? Not the person in front of me. Everybody exactly. I pick richard, not shawna because then everybody looks at him for two seconds and that's all I need to recalibrate bill, I lose my place where you never lose your place is I lose my place all the time I just don't care because any time I want like a magician, you could deflect a little bit of energy or I could be even be comfortable admitting I forget where I wass and then your brain just needs two or three seconds to re calibrate makes sense in theory. Okay, back to your brilliant openings. You decide what order you want to go in who's our seat filler gonna be so when you're up brian's going, take your spot and he's going to dial you thirty forty seconds. Roberto and I will be natural timekeepers so we're not going to cut you off in the mill or something wrenching, but you start to go a little along with well say, wrap it up, okay, who would like to begin all right, richard and we'll get our kramer from seinfeld seat filler over there and all of the stuff we've been learning is in play you can use a problem use your body language used something different start doing something different you've never done before but your goal is just to have a great opening on a topic of choice whenever you're ready we'll begin imagine you're driving down the road on the way home home to family mobile phone buzzes it's your kid I love you you're waking up in a hospital room did you kill someone let's talk about texting and driving good so engaging a couple people forgot to dial but we'll get that back on all right? Who wants to go next? We'll watch all of these would give a little bit of feedback we get from our online community as we go so retest come on up and get city but I want you to notice the positives what he did so many things well but what struck you right away that he did well what was his best pause right after I love you before you wake up in the hospital and then they kill somebody he had super long pause and that that lets that feeling ripple and grow instead of cutting it off he let it amplify very well done every time you change subjects he would begin to change positions all right niles to fifty and never stop dialling we're gonna give him good data for himself oh seven dollars so you are human dial ready can I was sure of hands how many of you guys are good at staying in touch with your folks? Friends, family, relatives all right, about fifty fifty I imagine there was a softer integrated in your gmail and to tell you just do this one thing today email this person or call this person and for those very special people it would even look up your google calendar I'll tell you this is a good time for you to go have coffee are available time for you to go have dinner. How many of you guys would like to try that out? Nice that's a huge market thanks guys. Go to abc x y z dot com and sign up for that beat us after you got this really good energy going but you're like the cage tiger you never stopped moving so once you go into rock solid movement so step into and you gonna have coffee step in this case so you're gonna have coffee and then show me body language like you're having coffee go it will look up your calendar and tell you when to have a coffee good but dull rock your calendar and says time to have a coffee you try that, I'll tell you what's a good time to have a coffee good solid or tell you when your cousin's birthday so I said back and forth come over here and be really solid. Go or I tell you and it's, your cousin's birdie could see the difference. You taking your energy and your coming into bone plant deliver it. And when you're ready, you step out. Okay, tiger, you can have a seat now. Thanks to go next. Never stop dialling, jennifer. No names. I want you guys to close your eyes and imagine that you were just diagnosed with hiv. Don't you guys open your eyes and show me with your thumb? If you felt good about it if you felt bad about it, scared any of those motions? Great. So now, show me if any of you heard of cheer us up. So that's. Great, because I wanna talk to you guys a little bit about yourself today. It is a nonprofit organization that raises money for hiv and aids awareness. And I would love to talk to you guys about how you can help teo raise awareness as well as raise money. All right, who wants to go next this time? I won't have brian do the dial. So whoever china you get one dial off now, as you're seeing, the data is on ly your gift to your colleague. You care about your colleagues you want to get good then everytime it's they did something nice crank it two hundred every time you did something didn't they worked and you gotta let them know by cranking towards zero don't be a dial sitter forty nine to fifty one is useless ready and came let's step out of your comfort zone and tell your story funny story as you requested you'll know that I came from fatima right took me twelve hours to get here five days and I decided a backpack was enough I didn't want to be carrying things around and going through customs and was so difficult so I had everything they're locked one of the airplanes they give you the custom think to fill out and they asked for my passport number but it was inside my bag back so we went looking for my bag back I couldn't find it so I start opening one after the other and I couldn't find it off course the whole hurt blame knew something was wrong what's going on you okay lady that's my backpack and that's the only wanna have no clothes nothing otherwise but I put it there I'm sure so everybody pizza just, you know, getting up trying to find my backpack and everybody started opening and putting back out of the of the little beans and everything no one could find my backpack finally this key that was sitting beside me he just climb back here and he took it out on the party silver that was a good one they found my backpack but I had locks on every super like they don't work so everybody was trying to open a lock on it didn't work so I was giving up on this nice lady told me try my do happy same t s a kind of luck so everybody to that lock the key they had and everybody tried to fight I couldn't open it so you know that was a party for the airplane the dandy party restarted when it came down because my palate was inside and they need to take my tablet out well, what was can the whole thing till they send me to look for this big clipper things and that this guy just comes out with this huge thing to try to open this tyree lock so he broke it and finally my double this out and had to buy a new lung and I want it here with you guys so that's my story right? Who wants to go next? Stiles to fifty never stop moving whenever you're ready so imagine if you're trying to teach your grandma how to use a new software and she's so frustrated she knows she's clicking around she can't get it to work and you're thinking it doesn't have to be this complex and this is why use ability is very important you have to keep the software very simple right? Wei wants that you more chance say what could do to make even better and this is what the great speakers do all the time nobody's perfect every time was like well what we do different what could we add you keep adding those up there is no perfect there's on ly connected and memorable and better alarm wake up close car bart train office computer phone meetings emails, meetings emails meetings go home tv one drink two drinks how many drinks sleep alarm wake up when you look back on your life what will you remember? Thank you make me so proud she misused the calendar that protest was talking about you guys using some of the great techniques you're trying new things and integrating them into your own life presentations ready begin children running down the streets parents chasing them they're crying smoke in the background billowing clouds of smoke that's all you see limousine motorcade rolling down the highway shot rings out for my grand parents the defining moment of our society wass world war two for my parents it was the assassination of kennedy for me it was nine eleven too many of these occur in our lives we have to steal something different who hasn't gone yet imagine yourself now but better think about your health imagine watching your grandchildren gold heck, play a whole soccer game with them when you are a grandparent imagine you walk into a room and people notice you and you don't say one word I'll show you how what you wear can matter imagine fitness if you want those abs you can get them think about the food you eat think about how you can set your mind to it and imagine using your full potential your dreams, your passions you can achieve them in my block and my youtube channel that's all I want to do for the rest of my life help bring everyone to the best that they can be how is it not important? Tto learn toe love a better self at gina heart lifestyle dot com we're getting really great feedback about the actual way off. Students today presented their last topics and everybody seems to agree that jack has been really powerful. Jack is blowing it away, says bull moon on mona says he wins the most improved award well actually as funny because I remember seeing that for a couple other people as well. So I think that it's kind of a tie for most improved among everyone everybody's getting really positive compliments lori is saying that, you know, everyone was very engaged in very entertained richard also somebody else that most improved so as rusty's saying everybody's doing well I love that because in school we tend to give awards and society is the worst most valuable but it really is most improved that wins the day because even if you improve a little bit each time progress becomes unstoppable I've had the pleasure of coaching working with a lot of people doesn't matter where your talent level is if you keep improving you're gonna go to a whole new level people other people thought couldn't do it all of a sudden they passed everybody who was ahead of them because they just kept at it okay what did you do? You remember the most other than yourself but I want youto zoom in on what worked which techniques were they using that were effective they made them their own they had their own ideas about what worked I really liked richards he had had paws right before the question did I kill somebody right and after really made it jump up good what else? Well to remember and why similar coming for jennifer uh the way she led to the climax that last sentence grabbed it made it so memorable I didn't know where she was going and why does that work? Because we're all alligators were all lean in to say where is she going with this and then she reveals something that makes it all about us she made the audience the star she made us the hero in our own story but from her story to our story shauna either thought a couple of people actually mentioned that about jennifer I'm sorry I don't can't quite give the right credit to the writer chatter here but they were saying they would uh losing it going through the list but they found your ending was so powerful it suddenly all made sense what are you saying that I love jennifer story yeah mary lou I remember richards and jack because they're both so evocative and you guys are getting better better it's stretching and owning more of the stage more of your range each time it gets easier and easier to step out of your comfort zone because your comfort zone is getting a little bit bigger each time and now it's more fun you could never go back to just being like this not that that's where you were but for a lot of us we will resist because they over we overcome that the new habits are overriding the old software it's normal for us to move our hands it's normal for us to use our voice okay let's think about where we've come from some from the moment you walked in yesterday morning but we didn't know each other at all hadn't met to where we are now what changed and why did it change what's changed in you and why did it change or what's changed in the group and why did it change wait think we've become more comfortable in, you know, something you said earlier stuck out to me, which was teo climb the mountain of success. You have to go through the valley of discomfort, and I think we've all been there and found that it's not as uncomfortable as we imagined, and you made it safer for the online community. So all people want sis and people watch the downloads over and over. Well, these guys had the courage to get up there and try it the gods things work, they don't work. Who cares? It's the trying that winds it's the bravery that wins and that's what communication is when you care enough about a topic to be willing to try that's where progress comes from. I think people are nervous and afraid to do things related to public speaking because of that judgment, but we've created a space that feedback is the most valuable thing and that's it thus way to improve. So you don't like being judge, you're being judged electronically, so we've got the real world. They're gonna judge you. They re being judged. Yeah, so what? I have a job to do. I have something I want to communicate. And I'm not trying to be perfect there is no perfect it's all about just connecting and getting everybody to remember what you said or feel what you want them to feel there do what you wanted them to do all right I want everyone to pick a partner and get something to write with and some pens pen and pencil pen and paper sit next to a person now we're gonna play them back we're gonna run through all the data and we're gonna play the dvd and as we do I want you to take special notes when you see you and your partner up there I want you to write down as many positives you can catch and why they were I don't care about good and bad I care about up and down so if you're partners line goes up I want you to write down while it went out because you did x he went down because you did why do the same thing for yourself when you see everybody else the other six up there I want you to do it in your head the more you're doing this in your head folks online mohr you're becoming the expert in your mind you're correlating wow when he was his human self it went up when she used week language it went down so the more you correlating that the strongest becoming in them grams in your brain think of it this way your brain is like a jungle and most of the time we use the same corner of the jungle all the time we go to work the same way every day we read the same kind of books if somebody ask what you think of a politician you have the same opinion you always had were only using a portion of the jungle when you do these uncomfortable things exercises icebreakers or throwing you to a new part of the jungle where there is no path and you're forced to form new neural pathways backto what makes sense that's growth so the more you do this in your head why is it working in war wise it not the more you're forming those pathways will want to all of them and then I'm going to ask each of you one thing you would have done differently yourself a different ending a different phrase something that would make it even one bit stronger and I'll ask the online community to the same thing they might say for lorries I would add this sentence at the end for jennifer I would do this part ever I have the idea so we're all coaches together let's run the tape right and I was sure that you guys are good at staying in touch with your folks friends found your letters all right fifty they imagine it was a softer and degrading in your gmail and to tell you just do this one thing today email this person or call this person and for very special people even look up your google calendar and tell you this is a good time for you to go have coffee are a little bit of time for you to go have dinner how you guys would like to try that nice that's a huge market thanks guys go to abc x y z dot com and sign up with us after you close your eyes and imagine that you were just diagnosed with hiv don't open your eyes and show me with your thumb if you felt good about it, I felt bad about it scared any of those motions great. So now show me if any of you heard of cheers so that's great because I don't talk to guys about yourself today is a nonprofit organization that raises money for asia and aids awareness, and I would love to talk to you guys about how you could help teo raise awareness as well as raise money. Okay, let's come for stone until your story funny story as you requested, you will know that I get right twelve hours to get here five days and I cited back wasn't I didn't want to be carrying things around and going to customs and so the people so I had everything their loved one of the airplanes they even customer think around they are from my passport number but it was in simon back so I'm looking for what are the other evening fight it off course a whole airplane museum was going and then only wanna have no clothes nothing footing there sure. So every one of these I just you know getting off trying to find my back that opening and putting backs out of the way grille and beans and everything from them finally this key that was sitting beside me he just climb back here I need to get out only problem so that was a good one they found my back but I had a loss on every super work so everyone was trying todo anything worry so what giving up nice and they told me try mine you have to say do you think so? Everybody knew that the key they had and everybody is like you couldn't open it so you know that was a party for the early but then we started going down because my husband was in the side and they need to take my talents out we can be home so I sent me to this big cliff for things and then this guy just comes out huge day to try to open your locker so he broke it finally my help myself I had to buy a book and now I'm here with you guys so that's my story so I don't cover everybody but just jump out online community all they care about now is better of all those four that's how ideas what it could do to make any of the four better you guys they were all great they were all fantastic but all we want to grow what could make if you were to do the same ones again what could they do differently that would make it even stronger what a jump to me with the shorter wass that she still uses a lot of soul on so some weak language every time you use it's gonna pull it down like an anchor you also talked about what's the name of the charity what is it? Cheer sf cheer s f so say it again like the writing down a phone number cheer like cheerleading and then s f as in san francisco very good I couldn't understand what you were saying the first two or three times it's not because you're talking too fast it's because you need to enunciate and enunciation is about micro pauses if you really want him to remember that number or that charity cheers self what is cheer s f it means bubble ball don't be afraid to go over a couple of times because that's what that one needs to land good what else at it part of the thing can't it speak slowed out when you pause you just look sr he look wise they may not they don't need to know that you're not sure what you're gonna say that just be comfortable with that silence what else could make one of them stronger and looking at my my own um I still feel like my body gestures air tight on dh that my vocal range is still very much in the middle good I see that there's a correlation yeah and you know as I talk in a room with people I don't talk that way so I see a different person up there than I feel like I am usually and that there is an opportunity and you're harmonizing remember you don't have to go to one hundred but if you jump ten points and volume and needs to be a clean jump toe have the effect that you want good uh willowbrook photography unfortunate I don't know the second person we know who went second they need to stop walking back and forth he looks like he's stressed in a bad way I think that might have been richard actually were you second of your first okay already talked about the cage tiger are powerful retest but it's interesting richard that you picked up on this yourself because people water bree did say richard use more vocal modulation including most people think loud but let me hear you say whisper very good and you saw who had the most effective whisper of the last four all those videos laurie and you see what happened when she did it straight up whisper works it really does okay, so we're not gonna watch next for baywatch at same mindset what's working hideaway how do we make it even better so you're trying to teach your grandma how to use a new software she's so frustrated you know she's clicking around she can't get work and you're thinking it doesn't have to be this complex and that's why I use ability is very important you have to keep the software very simple way clothe meetings females mating e mails meetings go home tv one drink two drinks how many drinks wake up when you look back on your life what will you remember? No parents chasing writhe smoking that round building houses that's all you see little limousine smooth for my grand parents the defining moment of our society was well for two for my parents it was the assassination of kennedy for me it was nine eleven too many of these current lives way have to do something different imagine yourself now but better think about your house imagine watching your grandchildren gold had play a whole soccer game with them when your grandparents imagine you walk into a room and people notice you don't say one word I'll show you how what a matter of fitness if you want those abs you could get them thinking about food think about how to consent your mind to it and imagine using your full potential your dreams, your passions you can achieve that in my mind that's all I want to do for the rest of my life help bring everyone to the best that they can be how is it not important tto learn to love a better self at gina heart life staff all right it's pretty quickly go through the four what could make even better start with gary? Everybody was fantastic what's one thing that would make gary's presentation better if you could do the same one again uh longer pause between uh the setup and talking about use your experience and maybe a little bit of a revealed so you say in silicon valley we all sit next to our grandmother we've got our chair and grandmother sitting right there even if it looks empty it's not empty her grandmother's sitting there why? Because when you create software you have to make sure that someone that you something your grandmother could use it's not that they're not smart my grandma's smart cookie but she's never done this before will she work with it? You start with something that doesn't make sense and bring into something that does what could make jennifer's better or for gary uh waterbury says use body language versus body noise very good god gestures but they're not gestures that reinforce your message could how about jennifer I think if she has started with something to bring us into the words will have bean better because I was out there for a moment I don't get it I didn't get it at the beginning and he was a wonderful end and you start with a question so you could say I'm going to ask you a very important question for your life but first then you do your whole thing then you step out of the question is another thing I want you just when you finish fade to black you have your great answer instead of waiting two seconds you have your finish and you're like oh thank you thank you for not helping you you're powerful statements you wanted to ripple and grow so just stay presidential fade to black and step off who's next I was jack so what contract to better he was all fantastic but that's not why we're here we're here to grow it could make it even better I didn't feel the contact with the audience good I was going to say I contact you use the space very well but was looking down and walking rather than looking at us and how many scenes did he have? They're really three that he revisited twice or most of them twice so somebody be worley pointed out that you left out a story set up for world war two yes and so there wasn't that consistency and number okay and you can harmonize them even with the step. So what do you use a little the stage or not? You can say ve day vj day louisville motorcade convertible a shot rings out smoke billowing for my grand parents generation was all about world war two for my parents defining moment was this session you get the idea she set them up you don't need a lot of space to do it you can if you want but even that small amount if you're sitting at the desk if you would be the news anchor same thing ra one door number two door number three each time you go back, the brain registers and our last speaker wass jean do better or different um I wrote a couple things. So one is when she said she will she could help everyone be the best that they can be. I think a lot of that could be it could have just been turned into you. I can help you be the best and then that way she's talking to me as opposed to kind of this this concept I like that it's all about connecting to them and then the second thing I had written about was vocal modulation there was little there was a zone there uh and it was touching the top of the bottom his own but it could be expanded good. I want everybody to think about your main ah ha off the whole day. You go share while you're seated, but thinking of your aa hab acting it out? Uh, yes, and girl for gina. Gina has great voice and energy, but her arm gestures need to be more married.
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Sheryl Mendoza
Super love this course! It's powerful, very engaging, insightful, and truly amazing! There are always golden nuggets on each class that you can implement right away! So grateful for this course! Lots of blessings to you, Bill! Thank you so much CreativeLive!
I am just of the 8th module and cant seem to have enough...i wish there were more hours in a day...it almost feels like binge watching...its gotten me so hooked!!!!! Love it, great course Bill!!! Would recommend it 200%. So practical and really such great techniques!!!!!!!!!!!
a Creativelive Student
This is the best online training program I've ever purchased! At such a low price, you get a 3 day training from a master teacher in his field. I find Bill's sessions to be lively, engaging, and lots of fun. I've learned enough from just Day 1 to lessen some of my fear of public speaking and agreed to a new speaking engagement. I highly recommend this program, and will look into Creativelive trainings in the future. Thank you so much!
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