Lesson Info
7. Power Vinyasa: Push To Your Edge
Lesson Info
Power Vinyasa: Push To Your Edge
Que Yogi, It's bride. Welcome to the 60 minute Power Viasa class called Push Your Edge. We're gonna work our core. Our legs are but really everything and have fun while doing it. I'm not going to use any props, but if you need anything for your practice, whether it be straps or blocks, feel free to use them. Let's get started. Let's get started on our backs. Go ahead and lie down. Now, if you've taken any of my classes before, you'll know that when I start on our backs, it's because we're going to do core work. Yeah, one of my favorites, but don't worry, we're not gonna do it just yet. Take a moment to really stop to start, so let's your hands drop by your side. Your feet drop open. Close your eyes. Just take a brief moment toe. Let all of your distractions to your best ability melt away. Now. That's much easier said than done, of course, which is why there are so many different techniques to really help us be present. Practicing yoga, asana, being one of them and using prana, yama or ...
yoga breathing is a very important tool, really differentiates any sort of movement modality to yoga, just that slight restriction of the muscles of the back of the throat. Finding your Jujuy breathing, allowing the sensation of the breath, the sound of age I e. To really bring your mind into your body onto your mat and into your practice. Just remembering that as we progress through a practice might be doing some things that challenge you that push your edge. But knowing that you're exactly where you need to be, push yourself physically, maybe even mentally, but not to a point of frustration. So if you need to back off, take a modification. Please feel free to do so. Open your eyes. Take a deep inhalation through the notes. Stretch the arms overhead, hook your thumbs. Bring your feet together. Take a deep, deep breath. The biggest one you have yet today. Open your mouths, Iet outs. Hug your knees into your chest. Give yourself a loving squeeze and then put your feet down on the mat. Make sure your feet are about hips. Distance your shins. Aaron. A nice straight line and that your feet feel like they're firmly rooting into the map. Take the hands behind your head interlace. The fingers were gonna do 10 just half crunches. So just really beginning to bring awareness to the core and its engagement. Take a deep inhalation and as you exhale, curl up first. Draw the chin to the chest so you can actually see your core. Make an effort to really pull the navel down towards the spine and try to lift all the way up until the bottom tip of the shoulder blades air off the map. Nine. More like that. Inhale dropped down. Exhale to in him. Exhale for three in ham. Exhale for four, Remembering to draw the naval and Exhale five. You're almost there. Exhale six. Maybe a little shaking. Seven. Try to get maybe the bottom part of the spine up off the ground. Eight, nine and 10. Great job. Now, this time we're going to do we did. The rectus of dominance to the front of the core will just do some twisting. So hug the knees in. Not all the way in, just making sure that the kneecaps are in line with the hip points. And as you twist up, you're not going to move the knees past the hips. So straighten your right leg. Inhale, engage the toast and exhale Twist. Right elbow left me. Try to get the left shoulder blade up off the ground. Inhaled. Drop back switch legs. Exhale. Lift up. That's to just five to each side. Go back to the first side. That's three. Switch for four five halfway there. Six, seven, eight, nine and 10. Great job. Drop back cos into your chest. Rock from side to side. Just a little bit for a lot of us, especially for not used to using her core, we could end up feeling in the back. So making sure to hug the knees in release any tension there. Now from here. Straighten the legs straight up towards the sky. This is the last round of 10 point or flexor flying the toes Slowly. Lower the legs down, keeping the like straight just until you feel your core. Begin to grip. If you want to take it all the way to a point of pushing your edge, your heels are down just about an inch off the ground. Reach the arms overhead as you inhale. Squeeze the thighs together. Exhale. Lift up into that half crunch. That's one will do. 10. Inhale Exhale for two you got inhale. Exhale for three. Inhale four as you exhale. Inhale back. Exhale five. Halfway there. Inhale. Exhale six. You got it. 73 more inhale Exit eight. Inhale. Exhale nine. Almost there in him. Exhale 10. Great Drop. Drop back. Pullman. Ease into your chest. Take a deep inhalation through the nose side out. I love starting my practice with core work because I feel like I'm already done. Not quite there yet. Hold on to your hamstrings. Begin to rock up and down vertically along the length of your spine until you can get enough mo mentum to really rock all the way up onto your feet. Feet, hip's distance. Folding into Putin Asana forward full and if you couldn't quite get up, just use your hands to get yourself there but a little bend in the knees. Grab ahold of opposites. Elbows. Shake your head out, sway from side to side. You can always keep that bend in the knees or begin to straighten the legs. Lift the knee caps up as you inhale. Lengthen through the sides of the waist. Try to get the forearms as close to the ground as possible. And as you exhale, draw the ribs and the naval in, huh? Inhale to a flat back exhale, step back into a plank pose. Now, we're really gonna challenge are arm in our core strength here. But first, just make sure that your hands are in a nice aligned position. Hands, shoulders, distance index or middle fingers Forward grip with the fingertips pushed down through the index finger knuckles. To really spread the shoulder blades wide. Bring your feet together. Squeeze the inner thighs in and your button. Lift your right leg up. Point your right toes. Inhale. Exhale. Bring your right knee between the elbows for one inhale. Stretch it back. Exhale. Bring your right knee to the inside of your right elbow for two. Inhale. Stretch it back. Exhale. Bring your right knee to tap the back of your right elbow for three. Inhale. Stretch it back. Exhale. Bring your right knee to tap the outside of the wreck. Right elbow for the oblique sets. Four. Last one. Inhale. Stretch it back on, then exhale right back. Two. Centre right between the elbows. Pull it in step your right foot back will do the same exact thing on the other side. Left foot lifts point the toes. I know you're working hard. I am to just five of these inhale. Exhale to center between the elbows. Inhale stretch back Exhale to the inside of the right elbow or left. Double that IHS stretch of back Exhale right to the back of your left elbow. Thats 32 more inhale Stretch it back Exhale to the outside of the left elbow You got the stretch it back. Last one. Exhale between the elbows. Stretch it back Put your left foot down Downward facing dog Oh, I can feel my entire front body working just pushing our edge here. You got this in your first downward facing dog Shake your head out You can peddle your legs out Trust that if you're taking this class when it comes to this first down dog, he probably have your own little things that you like to do to really get the fidgets out and feel comfortable enough to hold the post. Taking a few of those deep breaths hits moments like these that you really can feel the benefit of O. J. You've just pushed yourself. You're probably breathing really hard. Your heart rate went up. Now we can use that usually breath to bring it back down to center to feel grounded again. Great. Now let's do three. Vin Yosses together will flow fluidly through each of these moves and transitions together. Inhale shift forward into plank. You know this one? Well, we were just here for quite some time. Exhale, chattering Inhale upward facing dog Exhale downward facing dog. Inhale to plank again. One breath per movement. Exhale, chattering Inhale up, Doc. Exhale Downward facing dog One more inhale floor to blink. Exhale, chattering Inhale up dog. Exhale downward facing dog. Great job. Take a deep inhalation through the nose. Sigh it out. Look forward. Step your right foot around your right hand. Turn the toes out. Step your left foot around your left hand, toes out heels in, squat down into ma Lassana elbows to the internees. Using the elbows to push the knees out wide. Bring your hands to your heart. Now this is a really great way to find some space from the inner groins, but also to utilize your hips or your outer hips, your glutes to help you stay lifted so If you find that you can't quite get this low, keep your but a little bit higher. Make sure your knees track with the second toes on each foot and really begin to push the knees out with the strength of your glutes. Maybe you don't even need your elbows. You can push yourself a little bit further by reaching the arms up, interlacing all of the fingers, but the some of the index keep pushing through the heels. Elevate your hips a little more a little more. Push to the hell stand all the way up. Inhale, exhale. Draw your hands to your heart. Great job. This is the 1st 10 to 15 minutes off this class, and we've already worked the entire body, so I'm loving it. I'm enjoying my practice. Let's keep moving. Keep challenging ourselves heels in toes out again. If you're finding that you're a bit tighter than I am in the legs and the glutes and hamstrings, you could go even wider than your map. That'll really help inhale. Reach the arms up, interlaced all the fingers with the thumb and the index and then exhale. Start to take that squat back down into my Alesana. As soon as you start to feel like the heels, want a lift pause there. If you can squat all the way down, make sure to engage the glimpse. Inhale. Exhale. Take your hands down. Step back into that plank position. Inhale shift forward onto the toes. Exhale cheddar. Wrong inhale upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog So we're going to take that variation of Syrian on the scar. A adding that Millicent a squat in Take a deep inhalation through the nose. I know I need it and sigh it out. Look forward as you inhale to your toes. Bend your knees this time. Step your left foot first the outside of that left hand and then the wrecked squat down inhale Reach the arms up, making that peaceful yogi gun pushed to the heels, rising all the way up to standing, Exhale hands to your heart. Then, once again make that peaceful yogi gun. Reach the arms up. Inhale exhales, squat all the way down, putting the hands down as you inhale exhales. Step back into that plank position. Lower down Cheddar Rhonda up dog Inhale. Exhale downward facing dog. We'll do two more rounds we're gonna add in a couple of more challenges here now, before we instead of stepping forward before we make our transition forward, I want you to take your feet as wide as the map and prepare your feet in that mall. Lawson of positions Who heels and toes out strong, straight arms Look forward as you inhale to your toes, Ben Journeys instead of stepping, just jumped both of your feet around your hands like a little frog. Then inhale interlaced, fingers rising all the way up. Exhale squatting back down, bringing the hands down to the mat You're gonna jump back into bent knees down, Doc. Then inhale shift forward in the plank through that Vin Yasa. Great job will do one more round just like that. Keep it moving. Inhale to your toes, Bend the knees If you want an extra challenge before you land your feet, you can clap your feet one time. Land your feet around your hands Inhale arising all the way up Exhale, squatting back down Same thing here. Put your hands down, inhale maybe clap your feet. Once landing bent knees down Dog inhale shift forward plank Chata Rhonda up dog and downward. Facing doc breathing here. If you need a child's pose at any time, feel free to take it. Find your strong street arms, gripped the mat with the fingertips. Take a deep inhalation here and let it go. Bring your feet together. Inhale, Reach your right leg up on back. Bend the knee. Open the hip. Really route your left heel firmly towards the earth. Try to square your shoulders and lift your right knee up just a little bit higher. Take a deep inhalation as you rise to the ball of that left foot. As you exhale, bring your right knee into your chest. Now this whole practices about pushing your edge. So if you're used to just stepping your right foot forward halfway, using your right hand to bring it forward, I want you to really focus on lifting your butt up, pulling your right knee as tight as you can into your chest. I'm stepping your right foot as far forward as you can. Great job. Spin your left heel down line your right heel up with your left arch. Bring your right fingertips to the inside of your right foot, maybe on a proper needed reach your left arm up towards the sky as soon as you exhale. Here, draw your navel your ribs in. Keeping your core engaged is the key to really keeping everything else safe. Then from here really pushed down through your right heel. See if you can begin toe. Elevate your fingers so you're in more of an elevated part of a conocida. If you want a little extra left arm up over the ear. Right arm Ford as well. Finding Dewey hasta impartial Conason. Bend a bit deeper into your right knee than inhale. Reverse your warrior. Straighten your right leg as you inhale and exhale, bringing your right hand down either to the right shin or the outside of the right foot fir tree. Conason a triangle post. Stretch your left arm up and then over the year, so my goal in this class is really to push us in every single pose that we can and Trigana Sonora Triangle is really great for that right hamstring the strength of the outer right hip. But we're going to challenge our core just for a brief moment. Elevate yourself just a bit, bringing your right hand to your right shin, then drawing your navel, your ribs in just like we did in part via Conason. Now do we hasta ensuring that you're right side bodies engaged by really drawing your left side ribs down and in. You got this three to and one rising up, bending into your right knee, opening the arms out wide. Find warrior two Ben deeply into that right knee until you feel like you're right thigh might almost be parallel or maybe even parallel to the ground. Draw the ribs and naval in Breathe. Now let's take a little flow through those same postures. First, you're going to start in your part of a con asana taking your right hand down left arm up over the ear. Then stretch your right arm Ford, like you're holding a beach ball, then inhale. Straighten your right leg into your reverse. Trico exhaled Shriek on asana left arm up and over the ear. Right arm forward. That's it, Ben, back into your right knee, finding your warrior two one more time. Do we hasaan part? Reverse Trico innocent and we hasta intrigue Onasa. Good job, Inhale. Stretch the arms straight up. Turn your heels in your toes out, squat down into goddess Now I never really liked poses like this because my hips were so weak. And what I come to realize is that my hips were week cause I never worked them. So here we are, working our glutes squat down. Open the knees out wide Feel the weight in the outside edges of your feet Squat a little bit lower, as low as you can go three to and one street in the legs Bring your hands to your hips. Turn your left toes in your right toes Forward bending into your right knee one more time. Warrior to inhale. Exhale, windmill your hands down. Reach your right leg up and back. Bend the knee open hip. You deserve it. We're still on that right side. We're gonna finish it off right here. Inhale shift forward into plank. Bring your right knee as high as you can on that right tricep. Bend your elbows like chattering Go. You can stay here and step your right foot straight back to chuck around the or shift the weight into the fingertips. Lift your left foot up. Straighten your right leg, aka pot a continuous in A to Vignes. Downward facing dog. Great job. We spent a lot of time on that right side. Now will balance it off. Balance it out on that left side. If you need to take a rest, take a child's pose. Were here and down dog for two more breath cycles. If you're still in child's pose, come on back to downward facing dog. Bring your feet together, inhale. Reach your left leg up on back bend, the knee opened the hip. As much as this is about that left hip flexor area opening up, you'll also feel you're right. Hamstring. You're right. Calf. As you route your right heel down. Inhale, come to the ball of your right foot. Lift your left knee up higher as you exhale. Bring your left knee into your chest once again, really challenging yourself here to step forward as far as you can. So lift your hips up, pull the left eye into the chest, spread the shoulder blades and step that left foot forward as far as you can between the hands. Spin your right heel down. Line it up. He'll to arch, bringing your left fingertips to the inside of your left foot. reach your right arm up for now. So the basis of your DWI HASA or the two arms up over in the standing postures is going to be your legs as well as your core. So take this moment to really find that engagement in your legs that left outer hip draws back and into the mid line. Your right inner thigh presses back behind you, your navel in your ribs draw in right on up. Over the year, elevate yourself off the ground so you're left fingertips or hovering. Keep the ribs drawing in and reach your left arm up a swell. Imagine you're holding a big beach ball over your head. Really twist the right shoulder open, then push the left heel straight in the left leg. Inhale reverse tree conocida mm. Take a moment, find your breath here, then inhale. Reach the left arm forward and then down left hand can come to the left shin right arm up. For now, if you can hear a little more flexible, the left fingertips can come down to the outside of your left foot, just like we did in part Jacques on asana, beginning to find the engagement first in the glutes that left outer group draws in, then in the core ribs and naval in right arm up and over the ear. Elevate the torso just slightly so that your left hand is now on your left shin and then reach your left arm forward as well. Each time you exhale, the naval draws in. Hold yourself up from the course center and then inhale. Rise up warrior to bending into your left knee, making sure the left knee tracks over the second toe of the left foot. Benn deeply until you feel the edge. Do you feel your physical edge? Your mental edge right? We always kind of back off of our warrior to I want you to bend deeply till that left femur bones really parallel to the ground and then will flow through those things two more times. Bring that left hand down first right up and over the ear. Then stretch your left arm forward. Partial Conason A with Dewey Hostile arms, then inhale reverse trick on asana. Exhale tree, Conason a. Ride him up over the ear and then the left arm forward is what inhale warrior. Two. Nice this time without even bringing the hand down onto the ground. Dewey Hasta and partial can awesome reverse tree conocida. And do we hasta intricate, awesome, Great job back to that warrior to As you inhale. Exhale hands to the hips straight in the left leg. Turn your heels in your toes out. This time instead of arms up, bring your hands down towards your knees in your goddess position and just begin to bring your right shoulder to the midline. Twist past. Your left shoulder should feel really nice. Inhale back to center. Exhale left shoulder to MEDLINE right shoulder open and then inhale back to center. Reach the arms up, squat down a little bit lower, bringing the arms up. Inhale, straighten the legs. Come back toe warrior to on that left side and then exhale. Windmill your hands down Who? That was a challenge. Reacher left like up and back bend the knee opened the hip were almost there. Inhale Feli. Exhale. Shift forward into plank. Bring that left knee to the outside of your left arm or left tricep. Look forward. Bend the elbows like Chuck Teranga. Keep leaning the weight forward into the fingertips may be the right foot hovers, the left leg extends and then we take it back through your vineyard downward, facing dog breathing here knowing that if any of that was challenging that you're not alone, do your best. Do what you can and with practice, things become a little bit easier. Ah, all right. The good news is, now we're gonna flow through the same exact flow. One more time. Really pushing our edge just like we did in the sequence before. We're going to do one breath per movement nonstop both sides. Here we go. Inhale, reach your right leg up and back. Bend the knee opened the hip. Exhale. Use your core. Step your right foot forward. Spend the left heel down, Reach your left arm up and over the ear, then the right Inhale reverse stricken Alcina Exhale trick on asana Both arms up and over the year Inhale Warrior two exhale sink deeper. Same thing again. Pars, Vulcan asana Both arms reversed. Rico Trico on asana Both arms and warrior to one more. Reverse par jba reverse Trico! Keep the arms up, Aziz, You inhale heels in toes out. Exhale squat down into that goddess holding four three to and one back toe warrior to right leg forward Inhale Exhale windmill The hands down Reach your right like up and back Bend the knee, Open the hip Exhale aka pot akunin Iassogna to maybe you're spending the elbows and sending that right leg back or lifting the left leg up and taking it back in Yasa Downward facing dog Let's move straight to the left side. Inhale left leg up and back. Bettany, open him. Exhale stepping forward three rounds just like this First Partial Conason A with three hoste arms Reverse tree Conocida Trico Nelson A with Dewey Hasta Arms and Warrior two Two more rounds Pars, Vulcan, Ascena, River Street, Trico on asana and warrior to last round. You've got it partial Can Osuna both arms. Oh, reverse, Trico Trico Innocent on both arms Warrior two Nice From here. Turn your heels and toes out. This is gonna feel really good. Hands to your knees. Just take the right shoulder to the midline. Open the left shoulder, left shoulder to the midline, opened the right shoulder. Then inhale back to center. Arms up, squat down as low as you can. Open the arms into your warrior to left toast Forward, inhale, Exhale, windmill. The hands down reached the left leg up and back bend the knee opened the hip Exhale, aka Paata to to your best ability will meet in downward facing dog. Maybe you take a vin Yasa, maybe a plop asana. Well, whatever it is, meet me and downward facing dog. Take a deep inhalation through your nose. Sigh it out. You're doing great. Thank you for pushing your edge with me. We have one more flow for our legs and upper body. Bring your feet together. Inhale Reacher, right? Like up and back. Once again, Bend the knee, open your help. But this time exhale. Bring your right knee all the way over towards your left elbow. Then straighten your right leg to the left. Try to align your right foot with your left wrist, then spin the left heel down. Reach your left arm up over the year finding a fallen triangle. Take a deep inhalation pushed to the right arm. Lift your chest up high. Exhale left hand comes down. Come back to the ball of your left foot, pole your right knee into the chest and step your right foot forward place your left knee down onto the ground, Inhale. Reach your arms up on June Allyson, making sure that your right shin is in a straight line. The knee doesn't go past the ankle. Draw the outer right hip back and in inhale, gaze up a za poem. Such exhale hands to the heart twist left elbow to the right knee. Now from here, don't let your right knee sag in towards the left. Really push the knee against the arm the arm against the knee and begin to really open your right shoulder towards this guy. If you want a little more. Took the left toes under. Lift your left knee up off the ground. A slight engagement of the abdominal muscles. Drawing the shoulder blades down, firming the inner thighs into one another. Maybe even looking up. Inhale fully. Exhale. Release the hands down towards the mat, framing your right foot. Step your left foot in just a bit. Spin the left heel down. Line your heels up. Hips distance, right leg straight left leg. Also straight. Inhale to a flat back Exhale Fold into pars. Votes in Austin. A pyramid posts really Just working on your right hamstring you're right calf opening up a bit, but still maintaining a bit of that Moula Banda or that lift of the inseam of your legs all the way up towards the center core. Deep breaths here, relaxing the back of the neck but engaging the outer right hip and then inhale to a flat back. Take your left arm forwards. You're gonna end up standing on your right leg left fingertips underneath the left shoulder. Come to the ball of your left foot. Start to find balance on your right foot, but moving the left hand forward so it's right underneath the shoulder. Lift your left leg up from here. Firm the inner thighs in towards one another. Draw the outer right hip back and into the midline, knit the ribs in and begin to send your right arm up towards the sky, finding a twisted Arctic Andros and keep lifting that left leg appealing the right shoulder open. Take a deep inhalation here and exhale. Standing splits. Great job if needed. Put a little been in that right knee. Lift your left leg up. Make sure that your left toes are engaged. If you want to take a deeper grab ahold of your right ankle with your right hand and pull your forehead in towards the right shin. Now we are gonna prep for a little bit of a handstand. Hop here. But if you really want to push the edge of this pose, you can lift the left leg up as high as possible, pulling the forehead in as much as you can to tap that right shin, then inhaled to a flat back. Hop your right foot back a bit. If you're new to this, take the smallest hops you can. You could even move towards a wall if this freaks you out, which would be completely normal. Plant your poems flat down, gazing between your risk grip with your fingertips. Draw the ribs in the naval in, come to the ball of your right foot, bend your right knee and just begin to take the lightest hops off of your right foot. Keeping your left like straight reaching those left toes up towards the sky will take five of these total. I've done three. This is my fourth and maybe on that 5th 1 you can hold your hand stand and we'll take it back through the Vanessa whether to step back, a plot back or hot back. You're totally fun. Uh, taking a few breaths here in your down dog, knowing that you've done your best, that regardless of what that handstand felt like or looked like. It's just a yoga practice knowing that we're on our last side of our standing practice. Bring your feet together. Inhale. Reach your left leg up and back. Bend the knee, open the hip. Exhale left knee, right elbow all the way over. Use your obliques than extend your left leg out towards the right foot in line with the right wrist. Spin the right heel down. Reach your right arm up and over the year, well, lifting the heart up high. Take a deep breath as you inhale. Exhale right hand down. Come back to the ball of your right foot. Pull your left knee into the chest. Step your left foot forward. Place your right knee down. Inhale rise up on J. Nelson, making sure that you have a correct alignment in the legs. Left shin. Nice straight line. Pull the navel in Inhale gays. Oppa's a Palms touch. Exhale hands to your heart. Twist right elbow to the outside of your left knee. Now. Ah, lot of times if we tuck in really, really deep will get a much deeper twist. But it also makes our laffnie cave in towards right. So make sure you have a balance between that last Ni pushing into the right elbow on the right elbow, pushing into the left knee on revolve Open light engagement of the front core opening of the collarbones. If you want to take it a bit further, tuck your right toes under the lift your right me up off the ground in how and exhale. Release Taking the fingertips down to the mat. Step your right foot and just a bit. Spin your right heel down. Line your feet up about hips distance. Keep drawing your left hip back and into the mid line. Take a deep inhalation as you lengthen the spine and exhale. Fold breathing here. Finding that length in your left hamstring. Now you know where we're going. We're going to use some of our leg strength in the post coming up and then really begin to open her hamstrings and then go back to using that leg strength. So just enjoy the relaxing part of this pyramid post. Keeping the hips a squared is you can inhale to a flat back, reaching your right fingertips forward until you come to the ball of your right foot. Lift your right leg up, square the hips, point your right toes, draw the outer left hip back and into the mid line, right fingertips underneath the right shoulder. Just begin to open your left arm up towards the sky. Now, if you're tight in the I t band area like I am, you're gonna feel it there. So really, push that outer left him back, pull the navel and lift the right leg up towards the sky and then begin to revolve. Open, inhale and exhale release. Both hands come down hanging over that left leg, lifting your right leg up towards the sky. Grab your left ankle with your left hand on. Really begin to pull your forehead in lifting those right toes as high as you can. Remembering that both sides air really differently, favor our right to our left or sometimes are left to right. So for me, and feeling extra tight in this left side, maybe this is your good side, and then he inhaled to a flat back. Hop your left foot back a bit. This is my favorite part of the practice on. And if it's not yours, find a way to if you're interested in it really gets in practice with issues. A wall. Get the right tools in your hands what you're balancing on. So grip the ground with your fingertips route through the index finger knuckles. When you lift your right leg up square, your hips pushed down so that you're looking between your risk and take five hops. Small hops at first, maybe getting a little bit higher each time, using the strength of that left hamstring of the hip flexors. To really lift your pelvis up and over one more. You might hold that handstand. Who and take it back then, yes, downward facing dog. Take a deep inhalation through your nose. Sigh it out. Great job as promised. You made it. Look floor between your hands. Come high upon the toes, bend your knees and jump through to see that Hebdo couldn't quite jump through than Just sit down, bring your legs forward. Hold on to your knees and lie down on tear back a really great way to balance out all of that movement. All of these things that we did to push our edge in this practice is to back bend. So my hamstrings air feeling really warm. You need those strong hamstrings for these. Back bends will start with bridge posts. Align your shins in a nice straight line, feed hips distance. Lift the hips up interlaced fingers underneath the body. Work from shoulder to shoulder till you're high up on the shoulder tips. Expand the collarbones as you inhale as you exhale. Pull the heels towards the shoulder tips to feel the hamstrings engaged and really draw the ribs in and the naval in your legs and your glutes air. Really the foundation to a strong back then, because you really want to open the shoulders here in ham and exhale. Release hips down. Undo the arms hands. Just take a moment. So we're gonna take urge Madani Rocinha together. Feel free to modify if needed. Maybe it's a bridge pose. Follow me into it. But if you find you've come to a point where it doesn't feel good anymore, maybe there's pain involved. Back off revisited Okay, so, er vidana Rocinha shins in a straight line feet pointing directly forward. They never turn out. It's when we externally rotate our legs or femurs that we heard our backs to make sure that the knees point forward as well. Take your hands next year. Had fingertips facing your shoulders but just slightly turned out. Pushed down through the heels. Lift the hips. Push down through the hands. Come to the crown of your head, then from here, pushed down through both the hands and the feet till lift your head up off the ground. Keep rolling the inner thighs down. Instead of lifting the hips as high as you can, try to press your shoulders or your heart through the gateway of the shoulders. You might even need to shorten your stance. Push down through the heels of your hands, press your chest through your arms as much as you can in him and exhale, releasing all the way down. Great job. Taking your feet as wide as the matt Let your knees drop in. Close your eyes. Just take a moment to feel to feel what your body is responding to, Maybe to feel the energy from the practice from the backbones and then to come back to your breathing. Then one by one, bring the knees into the chest. Give yourself a squeeze. Release any unneeded tension from the low back, someone just like we did in the beginning. Hold on to your hamstrings and begin to rock up and down vertically along the length of your spine. Get another chance to try this one out. Can you come into Luton asana without using your hands? It might be a little easier this time, and if it's not, that's OK. Inhale to a flat back plant the palms step, jump, Whatever it may be. Back through the Vin Yasa, downward facing dog. Don't worry, we're not starting a flow all over again. We're gonna use down dog to get into pigeon prep. Inhale, reach your right leg up and back. Then the knee open hip Exhale right shin comes forward. Slide the left foot back until the right hip can lower down. Now, if you're really open in this pose, the right shin can be in a nice straight line. If the hip can come down to the mat and if that's not happening, you can point your right toes, make a bit of an angle, and if you're right, hip is really lifted up. Prop it up with some pillows or blankets, inhale and exhale lower all the way down into a fold over that right leg. No, I love in Yasa flow. I love moving, constantly, pushing myself to the limit more to the edge. But the wonderful thing about how balanced yoga is is that you know that when you do that in a practice that you'll also be able to slow down like we are now because you've worked so hard. I really feel like you deserve this slow cool down. So come back to your deep breathing. Maybe you're staring tension right in the face here for a lot of us, if they're short pain, backing off is the wise thing. But if it's just tension or very deep sensation, see what it's like to breathe deeply into it. A couple more breaths. Woman, take a deep inhalation with me, just like we've been doing together throughout the practice. Open your mouth side out and then, and he'll take your fingertips underneath your shoulders. Lift up to seated, sit on to your right hip. Send your left leg out in front of you. Bring the soul of your right foot to the left inner thigh. Flex both of your feet, inhale. Reach the arms up and exhale. Fold forward, grabbing ahold of what you can on that left foot. Maybe it's the foot, the ankle, the calf. If you have a strap a towel, you can wrap it around the arch of the foot, really just working on the lengthening the spine, routing the outer hips back and into the mid line and folding down deep breaths when you stretch your hamstrings in the back of the legs quite a lot throughout the practice, but I think you work them Justus much. So, using this to balance that out. What I love about John Usher Sausan is that I get to open that straight leg back of the leg, but it's also giving release to the hip flexors in the groins of the Bent like then inhale. Look forward. Just rise up halfway, place your left elbow to the ground on the inside of the left knee and reach your right arm up and over the ear. Now stretching into the right side body. If you want to push it a little bit further, you can lower the left shoulder down, hold on to the right knee with your left hand and then grab the outside edge of your left foot with your right hand. Then, as you inhale, open that right elbow armpit up towards sky as you exhale. Draw your ribs your navel. Two more breaths. Each inhalation expands, opens each exhalation contracts and engages and then inhale, rising all the way back up seated. Bend your knees, Shake them out. We're gonna rock back one time And instead of rising up into routine asana, you're gonna jump back through here. Vinnie Ossa. Downward facing dog. No, I'm sure you feel quite different from side to side. Let's even it out. Bring your feet together. Reach your left leg up and back, bend the knee, open the hip, Exhale pigeon prep, setting yourself up knowing that everybody is different. But also each side of her body can be different. So finding that position for this left side that works for you take a deep inhalation hips or scared here. Exhale folding forward. You can bring your forehead to the mat to a towel to a pillow. I like to use my forearms as a built in pillow, and even though this is a stretch or cool down pose, there still elements of engagement. So making sure to draw that outer left hip back the more you press it back, the deeper the stretch and think about pressing your right outer hip down. So essentially squaring your hips and then refocusing back on your O. J. Breath using this moment of stillness such as quiet down to cool down, knowing that this cool down is really the gateway to reaping the benefits from your yoga practice. And sometimes tension can be quite confronting, so just breathe. Two more breaths here. Noone fingertips underneath your shoulders. Inhale lift up to seat it. Sit on two. Your left hip. Swing your right leg out in front of you just to the other side. For John issues, Sausan sold the left foot to the right inner thigh. Flex both of your feet, Inhale arms. Reach up. Exhale, folding forward, grabbing what you can on that right leg. Inhale, really lengthen the spine, but send that outer right hip back and into the mid line and exhale full down. Traditionally, you're folding your forehead to the to your right shin. What I like to do with this pose and really any poses kind of experiment with different structures, different parts of the body. So if you put your forehead to the inside of your right leg, you might feel a stretch more towards the outside of the hamstring. If you fold forward right over the shen, you might feel the belly of the hamstring and then to the outside of your right leg, you'll actually start to feel a deeper stretch in the left side. Que el or the muscles that line with spine. The directors, those really gummed up muscles, I think spine supporter muscles and then inhale lift up just half way you're gonna take your right elbow to the inside of the right knee, left arm up and over the ear on. This might just be a great place to feel that stretch all the way from your obliques, and the left side of the body up into the lats of serrated, is under the armpit on. If you want a little bit more, your right shoulder will come down to the inside of your right knee. Grab your left knee with your right hand and then stretch your left arm up and over to grab the outside edge of your right foot. Lots of left rights. If you're confused, just look up here. Open your left elbow your left armpit towards the sky. Draw the ribs and naval in. Take a deep inhalation inside out and then inhale, rising all the way back up, this time stretching both legs out in front of you, shaking them out. Big toes, touching a little space between the heels. Inhale, reaching the arms up and exhale, folding over both legs, grabbing hold of maybe the feet, the ankles, the Cavs or using a strap or towel as you inhale. Lengthen the crown of the head towards the tips of the toes as you exhale. Draw the naval enfolding down, using your hands on your feet or legs to really pull the legs back into the hips. Think about the hips drawing back behind you towards the back of the mat and the crown of the head really reaching forward towards the toe. Tips in hell. Look forward, rising all the way up on lying down onto your back, pulling your knees into your chest. Keep your right me and reach your left leg forward and take a twist. We're almost there, experimenting with bringing your right knee all the way to the mat. See if it feels better to keep the right shoulder down, drawing the outer right hip towards the left heel. Inhale back to center, switch sides and twist to the other side. Same thing here. What feels best in your body. Left shoulder, blade down. Left me down. Evert is Just ring out the internal organs, resetting the muscles around the spine. Inhale back to center, both knees into the chest and exhale. Release. Straighten your legs. Let the hands drop down by your sides. The feet drop open. Close your eyes. Let the back body melt into the mats, knowing that you did a great job in this practice, pushing your edge with me. Thank you for pushing your edge and practicing with me today. Feel free to stay in Shiva Sena for as long as you like. Nomis Day
Ratings and Reviews
Briohny Smyth is an amazing yoga instructor and human. I highly recommend this course. I've been following her online for a few years and have learned so much. She offers modifications and safe steps to learn more advanced poses. She is knowledgeable authentic and kind, everything a yoga teacher should be. I'd love to practice in person with her someday. Cat Bishop Beach4good .
What a centering and focused series! I had so much fun feeling into these balances because Briohny's instructions were so clear and thoughtful. There's something for everyone here. My arms are going to feel that tomorrow!
Just finished Level 1 and it was so good!! As a beginner/intermediate level, I was able to follow along very well. Very nice instruction!