Elevator Pitch Practice and Critique
Lesson 13 from: The Power of Body LanguageVanessa Van Edwards

Elevator Pitch Practice and Critique
Lesson 13 from: The Power of Body LanguageVanessa Van Edwards
Day 1
1Body Language Quiz and First Impressions
37:29 2Elevator Pitch Clinic
44:32 3How Body Language Changes Perception
23:48 4Microexpressions: Decoding the Face
45:23 5Microexpressions Continued
37:07 6Discover & Address Emotional Needs
37:15 7Questions & Self-Diagnosis
14:05How Your Body Reacts
19:56 9Power Body Language
54:11 10Lie Detection Challenge 2
20:54 11Perfect Elevator Pitch
35:33 12Elevator Pitch Mistakes & Fixes
26:36 13Elevator Pitch Practice and Critique
34:16 14Networking Body Language Tips
47:31 15Increase Income: Your Nonverbal Actions
36:09 16Nonverbal Sales Pitch
43:31 17Read Their Cues
38:48 18Verbal Mirroring & Sales Mistakes
29:39 19Human Lie Detection Steps 1 - 3
43:50 20Human Lie Detection Steps 4 - 5
49:10 21Human Lie Detection Steps 6 - 7
38:19 22Putting Your New Skills To The Test
29:14 23Your Nonverbal Brand
42:37 24Body Language for Photographers
22:49 25Body Language Hacks
18:35 26Negotiation Tips
35:18 27Students Pitch with Their New Skills
24:28Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Elevator Pitch Practice and Critique
It is time for elevator pitches. I know the audience was like, "Oh god, I'm scared!" But it's okay, I'm gonna be up here with you. Everyone at home is on your side. That's what you have to remember. We all want you to do well, we're here to help. Okay, so, what I asked you to do was to nonverbally script your pitch. That's because most of us, we think about the words we wanna say in our pitch. We don't think about how we wanna say it. So what I asked you to do is, in your free bonus materials, to take out that elevator pitch clinic sheet so you can script out, on the left hand side column, think about what you wanna say. Make each bullet of your pitch. In the second column, I want you to think about what nonverbally can we add? So, at the top of that sheet, I have a couple of little reminders for you, to help give you ideas, inspire you in what you can do. Here's what we're adding, and here's what we're avoiding. We're trying to add nonverbal explanation. What can we say? How can we be...
tter explain something with our hands? We're going to try to add in palm displays, showing our palm and our trust, and showing that we have nothing to hide. Visible hands, so making sure that we keep our hands out of our pockets. We're not tucking them behind our legs, we're not putting them behind our back or crossing our arms. So adding those in. Our launch stance. That is always step number one. That should be even before you even reach the chart. Making sure you're staying in that launch stance, which is your confident, natural pose. Torso aiming. T to T, toes and torso. Making sure that you're power aiming at whoever you're speaking with, whoever you're giving your pitch to. And that can be on video, too. If you're giving your pitch, you're about video and your video. Vocal power and vocal variance. So think about how we can keep our voice low and authoritative, and making sure that our confidence is portrayed in our voice. We add in that emotionality. Here's what we're gonna be avoiding, what we're trying to take out of our elevator pitches. What doesn't serve us. Tucked or hidden hands. Over-expressiveness. So sometimes either we get frozen, or we get all over the place, overly expressive. I wanna make sure you're right in that sweet spot. The body language law of the spectrum. We're gonna try to avoid the question inflections. So not saying, "My name is Vanessa?" And instead saying, "My name is Vanessa." Saying it, don't ask it. We're gonna avoid using that high voice by keeping our vocal chords nice and loose. So taking in a deep breath, and then delivering what you have to say, to stay in the natural end of your voice tone. Making sure that your volume is the same. Not dropping your volume on the nervous part of your pitch. Deer in the highlights. So the fear micro crush we get when we're trying to memorize something. So if I see it onstage, or if you see it in the video of the pitch that you make, I'm gonna make sure that you relax your eyes, to make sure that you are just naturally gazing at someone. Hopefully power gazing, which we learned yesterday and we're gonna talk about again today. Memorized cadence. So practice saying your pitch at least 10 different ways so that you can say it with lots of different variants and emotionality, and that helps it not sound memorized. And lastly, we're gonna avoid any kind of hopping and swaying. So I'm gonna try to get you to stay in your launch stance. All right, so we're gonna show you how this works in action with an example. Sachit, do you wanna start with me? Yeah, come on up! I have to apologize, also, to the audience at home, and the audience here. My handwriting is horrible. Absolutely terrible, and I was like, "I got a whiteboard, they're gonna make fun of my writing." But I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna try. Okay. Sachit, what I want you to do is deliver your pitch for us. And before you do that, I want you to tell us what are the things that you're trying to work on, so we can help you. Okay. So I'm working on the voice tonality. Okay. And the body language. So being comfortable moving my hands and including people in it. Okay, so we're working on expressiveness. You wanna include the audience. And making sure you're trying to stay low or expressive? What's the vocal-- So I don't talk too fast. So I'm talking slow, and I add emotionality to it. Got it. Okay, so, that's what we're looking for, that's what we're gonna try to help him on. Okay, whenever you're ready, if you wanna deliver it right to the camera. Right there? Yep, yep. So I work with B2B and business-to-businesses to help them get more customers and more leads. Now, as a business owner, when you think about online marketers, you're probably thinking things like SEO, PPC. And what you think is, "But how is it actually helping get sales?" Because you have a sales process. So what I do is I actually combine both of them, and help you make the website a part of your sales process so you actually get more customers. All right, cool, let's give him a round of applause. (applause) First of all, tremendous improvement from yesterday, right? We did your elevator pitch yesterday, I mean, already we have tremendous improvement. It's amazing, in just that short amount of time. So already we're there. So tell me what your pitch is. What do we start with? What's the main bullet? So I start with who I work with. Which is B2C and B2B companies that sell high-ticket products. Okay, so show me the nonverbal Es, 'cause we saw that. What'd you do, you did a combining, right? So I'm trying to show that I work with all kinds of companies. Because most people are like, "Is it B2B or B2C?" So I say, "It's B2B and B2C companies." To help them get more customers. All right, so do we like that? I thought maybe in the beginning there was a lot of nonverbal. It might be too much. I was thinking that maybe just "I work with everyone. "I work with all of it. "B2B, B2C." Does that feel good to you guys? What did you think of that? Yeah? It feels better, because if I'm not exactly in the field, I would start thinking about what all these abbreviation would mean. Right. So I think that that's gonna simplify it for you. It's all kinds of companies. All kinds of companies. Right? Real simple, and it's a very easy way to say, you too, all kinds of companies. Okay, so we're gonna use the all across hand gesture. All right, so what was next? So next I talk about what I help them get. Which is more customers and more leads. Want to help them get more customers and more leads. And what did you try to do? What are you thinking about doing? I wanted to the this or the this. But I didn't do it. Okay, so I'm thinking that that's too much. Right, he just said "all." I'm thinking we should add vocal power to that, 'cause all leads, that's a confidence thing, I help you with that. Does that feel okay to you? All right, so share the sentence with me one more time. So I work with all kinds of companies, and help them get more customers and more leads. Okay. Actually, numbers could work here. Right? Did you see that? I feel that naturally already happening for you. So I think that's what it is. You help people with two main things, right? So this is all across, and we're gonna do one, and then two. And that's who you help, right? What was that, what'd you call that section? Benefits. Benefits, okay. All right, keep going. Keep walking me down. Can I have a question? Yeah. When he says "I do this and I do that," if that showing kind of upwards, would it convey the same message as... Yes, and I also like that you actually do it in a fist. Go like this too? I actually tend to show numbers like this. But this is actually quite powerful, I hadn't seen someone do that. Like this? Yeah, you actually were like this and this. Yeah? So is weight going to make a difference in terms of the weight of the gesture? Because you mentioned keep it loose, but if you're going like this, and it's kind of too loose instead of this, more strong, more sharp. How does that play in? Let's look at it. Let's try it. 'Cause I think that does make a very big difference. So let's try just the beginning part again. Okay. So I work with all kinds of companies and help them get more customers and more leads. What do we think? [Blue Shirt Woman] I think it's close. So do this less? I think he needs to just keep it in the box a little more. I agree. Oh, okay, am I going too-- Yeah, slightly beyond the box. Such a good catch. Right, so we came a little too far out on the "all." We're like, that's on stage. You're onstage, obviously. So yeah, so keep it a little bit smaller, a little bit more casual. Stay in your box. And then do you like the one, two? I like one, two. Yeah, so do I. Does that feel comfortable for you? Yeah. So more leads, and more customers. Right. And you can keep that small. Doesn't have to be huge. Yeah, exactly, just like Jean Marie said. All right, let's try it one more time. So I work with all kinds of companies and help them get more customers and more leads. Right. That feels very, very solid. All right, what's next. So here I do what she did in the video, which is compare to other marketers. Because what I'm getting at is, most people, what they work on is SEO and PPC, and they get people to your website. Yeah. But no one works on how is that actually part of the sales process? And once people come to your site, how do you actually convert them to sales? Okay, so I missed this in the first pitch. Now I get it. We have to find a better way to nonverbally explain that. Okay. Yeah, because now I get it. You're comparing that other marketers make these mistakes, but what you do is totally different. What I was trying to do was say, so when you think of other marketers, you think SEO and PPC, and all these different things. But on your side, you have your sales process. And for them, for other marketers, it's separate. But I'm coming in and combining both of them to build something. Which maybe didn't work. So, any ideas on that? I have some ideas. Yeah? Yeah, I think, when you were talking about like other marketers do this, do this, do this, it got a little bit long, and then you were like, "I make your website work for you." And then maybe you could say you're working on PPC and SEO, if you choose to use those terms, depending on who you're talking to, right? 'Cause you don't wanna talk above people's heads. "We're doing PPC and SEO, "you have your own sales funnel. "I bring them together to create a site that sells." Something that... Is quick. So the reason I add that is, when I always tell people that's what I do, they say "Oh, so you do SEO?" So I have to address that before they even think of it, and make it different from SEO marketers. Okay, I think we just say SEO, 'cause PPC is even more extreme. So I agree with Sarah completely, I wanna shorten it a little bit. I would say, I would use this vocally, 'cause we had already two nonverbal gestures with explaining. So I don't want you to get too jazz handsy. Yeah. So I think what you can do is you can do this vocally. So your disappointment with most marketers is most marketers just do SEO. And if you say, "most marketers just do SEO," kind of as a throwaway. "What we do is," and I like that line that you used, what was it? It was quite good. Like, "we help you build your web--" What was the one liner that you had? Combine. Which one? The very end. At the very end of it, you said, "What I do is help--" So we combine both of them to actually make your site part of your sales process. Okay. So I think that that's what you wanna say. Yeah? I think, depending on who your audience is, if they're just starting out, or if they've been in business for a while. Somebody who's just starting out might not even know what you mean by SEO. You might wanna say "other marketers help you with your search engine "access so that people will click on your site, "but they don't help you with the other stuff." 'Cause if somebody's just starting, they don't even know what an SEO is. Actually I should clarify that, then. I don't wanna work with all companies. I wanna work with established companies that are already spending some sort of money on advertising, so I can come and just increase their revenue. Okay, so. That's a great followup question for after you do your initial pitch, then they can say, "What kind of companies do you work with?" And that's the answer you wanna give. So for this one, let's keep it really simple. You're saying most marketers just do SEO, we... Did you say "make your company--" We actually look at your sales process and make your website part of your sales process. Okay, so. Dismiss it vocally, and I think what it is is when you can gesture towards the person you're speaking with. So "we actually just make," and then just that one line. Okay. So skip all the other stuff and keep it really simple. So just try that one little part. So just "make your website?" Okay. Yeah. So verbally say, "most marketers do this, "but what we do is this." Just that part, or start from the... Whatever you want. Okay. Oh, yeah? Why don't you say, instead of SEO, "most of the companies make your site visible online, "and we do..." Whatever that-- So the reason for that is, like, all the calls I do, I'll call them and I'll be like, "This is what I do," and then they're like, "Oh, so you do SEO." Okay, so that's good to know. So in a networking event, he might use that one, but the people that he's pitching on the phone, they're targeted to SEO. So that's that switch. Okay, so why don't you try it just from the top? With these ones. Yeah? Can I ask you a quick question before he tries it again? Yeah. I think it might tie into this. Lipstick and glasses, clearly they learned something from yesterday. Yeah, we talked about lipstick and glasses! Is wanting to know, overextended knees, if your knees are locked in your stance, if that's gonna affect how you come across. Yeah, so it's really important to have loose knees, just because that will get you off balance if you lock your knees. We lock our knees when we're really nervous. I don't mention that, just because I don't want you to be paranoid about it. But if you can, keep that loose knees part of your launch stance, it's really important. Otherwise you end up locking your knees and it makes you even look more stiff. And also if you're in heels, it's really hard to stay up like that. Yeah, great question. All right, so let's do that really simply and vocally know, right? So I work with all kinds of companies to help them get more customers and more leads. Now, most marketers just do SEO, but what I actually do is I work with you to make your website part of your sales process. So much better! That was so good! That was-- Better? So much more direct. And very simple, I could follow you. Really good. Also, you naturally added this in. Totally fine, right? You wanted to add that in. If that naturally flows for you, absolutely do it, that's perfect. All right, so you had one more part, right? I think that's perfect. Do you need to add anything else? The main part is just differentiating from other marketers. And telling them that... All these people are bringing people to your site, but they don't care about the rest of it. Okay. Perfect. I actually think that because you said that, the way that you can add nonverbal emphasis to your pitch is by increasing your volume slightly on the thing you want to emphasize. So I wanna keep your pitch exactly like that. What you can say is, "Most marketers." If that's what's really important for you, for them to hear on the phone that you are not most, you can add slightly more volume on that. On the "most?" On the "most." All right, perfect, that was really good! And I'll leave these up for you, if you wanna put them down on your sheet. Perfect. All right, thank you! Thank you. That was perfect! Yes! (applause) First one, that was so good. All right, I'm gonna do two more right now before we move on. Obviously I'll get to you guys later, but I don't wanna make us all do them for hours. So who wants to go right now? Get it out of the way? Meg, yeah, come on up. Especially if your adrenaline is pumping and you wanna do it. So I can pay more attention to everybody else. All right, so tell us what you were working on first. So I've already started thinking about this, because the pitch that I did yesterday that describes what I do and how I do it, is a little generic, and I hadn't really been imagining to whom I was talking. And in terms of networking, the primary people I'm networking with are people who will make referrals to me, and that tends to be doctors, pediatricians, mental health professionals, teachers. People who work with families who have young children. Got it. So that's important for us to realize. And it's very good, when you're thinking about your elevator pitch. I have different elevator pitches depending on where I am. So I love that Meg is like, "Okay, this is the one "that's most important to me, this is my audience." Just as she was saying, I call these people. They hear from marketers all the time. For them, I need to mention what differentiates me. So when you're thinking about your elevator pitch, think about who is your specific audience, where are you gonna say it. So I love that. So most people in your industry can give you referrals? Right. All right, so what do you want to nonverbally add? Or what do you want us to watch out for, what can we help you with? I want people to feel that they can refer people to me without their profession being threatened. Okay, so you're trying to build credibility and trust. Nonverbally. Yes. All right. Let's hear it. So go ahead and stand right here, and deliver it right to that camera. Perfect. Yes, I'll hold it for you. My name is Meg Zweiback, I'm a pediatric nurse practitioner. I work with families with young children, when parents have any questions at all about their young children. People come to me when the advice that they've gotten elsewhere just isn't enough. Not enough time, not enough information, and they want to have more time with someone with my expertise to help them solve any kind of problem. All right, cool. Round of applause. (applause) First of all, launch stance. That was really, really good. And you were solid on it, which was great. Any other comments right off the bat that we can give, overall? Yes? I think just by speaking with you, and the way that you're smiling right now, I feel like some of that warmth is lost in your pitch, specifically. You come across to me as very powerful, very credible, very calm. I feel like I could trust you in sort of a harried situation. But you don't seem very warm. I wanna see that warmth, 'cause you're a lovely lady. Totally agree. Yeah? Just towards the end, I was just starting to get your passion for your work. It would've been great to see that right from the beginning. Okay, so we need to start your pitch off with what you're really excited about. Okay. We need to switch that up to be so we get that passion right away. I also wanna make sure that we keep your voice nice and low. I noticed that a little bit towards the end, you got a little nervous there. So I wanna make sure, take a breath. 'Kay? Take that breath and that's okay. So let's break it up. So what was the first part? Here's your album if you want. Well, I edited it while I was talking. But I've been starting with my name and profession. I think that's important. I think we should always start with name and profession. The next thing we're gonna do is personal passion. So we have who you are. So do that for me one more time. My name is Meg Zweiback, I'm a pediatric nurse practitioner, and I help families with young children with any concerns they have about their kids. So this is great. So any concerns they have, right? So that makes it nice and broad. I also, you sped through, it was a little fast the first time you said it. That time was actually really good. So I want you to keep it nice and slow. 'Cause remember, you've said it a million times before, but people have no idea what you do. So when you say what you do, nice and slow, emphasize what that is. Try it one more time for me. My name is Meg Zweiback, I'm a pediatric nurse practitioner, and I help families with young children with any concerns they have about their young children's behavior, growth, development. Perfect. And by the way, it's totally okay if you wanna add in a couple words here and there. That makes it natural for you. Do we like that? Any other suggestions? I think that's good. Yeah? Don't you think that, because it's something from the heart, that she could use that gesture somehow? I was thinking the same thing. At the very beginning, I think you can say, "I'm a nurse," what's the title? Pediatric nurse practitioner. It's a mouthful. Right. And I think because it's so scientific, actually adding in that intimate gesture is a nice way to say, "I'm still approachable, "even though that sounds really scientific." So if you wanna try that, if that feels natural to you, I agree. You can say what your name and then what you do, and add that in, so people can say, "Ah, she's not too sciencey, "her title isn't too scary for me." That's, I think, gonna increase your warmth. Although, with the audience I'm talking about, being a pediatric nurse practitioner is actually kind of low status. Got it. So they know that title. So maybe for them it's not as important. I actually have to be more credible with them, so I'm on the level of the people with PhDs and-- Perfect. So this is really important for us to know. So when you're in public, at a party, you might add that in. But for this one, we actually wanna keep it very very credible. Great, great call. Okay, so, what we're doing is we're keeping it nice and slow. I want you to do it nice and slow, and I want you to add, I love this "all things, we help them with all areas." So we're doing "all." Vanessa, there's a couple asking in the chatroom, they're saying, to them, that sounds a bit generic. Which does? The bit about "I help you with all problems." They're saying she should perhaps mention a couple of specifics. Which she did naturally. So when she added the specifics, in the chatroom, did that feel a little bit more specific for you? Was that okay? 'Cause I actually liked it when you added it in naturally. Like you said, behavioral issues, and you added in a couple of examples. If you're working with people in your industry, it's maybe a good idea to give them specific, concrete examples, so it doesn't sound generic. So good call, chatroom. So let's try it one more time, and let's add whatever examples pop into your head. That's what you do. Okay. Nice and slow. All right. My name is Meg Zweiback, I'm a pediatric nurse practitioner. I work with families with young children who have any kinds of questions about their young children's behavior or development. Things like sleep, discipline, and using the potty. All the things that young parents worry about. Perfect. Okay, how did that feel? I thought that was a lot better. And you added in warmth. You see she's bringing back in the warmth. So you actually went into the next part, which is specific examples. Like, benefits that you help with. So we're gonna do benefits. And I love it, you already did the numbers. I would actually be way more specific with that. The problem is, this is a classic mistake I see people make with numbers, is they don't actually show you specific numbers, and so in our mind, we go, "Oh, not credible." There's not something specific. So whatever you say, know that you're going to list this amount. Whatever it is, you can do it on the spot. But two, three, or four. You tell me, what do you want to make your number? Three. Three. All right, I like that number, too. Okay, so whenever you're talking, whatever examples you're gonna give, know in your head it's always gonna be three. And you're gonna go one, two, and then three. And that helps you also not continue on until they're confused, right? All right, so let's try it one more time. You can go to the benefits, and then we're gonna do a call to action. That's how you're gonna end your elevator pitch, that's gonna be the last part. All right, so go ahead one more time. I'm starting from the beginning again? Yeah, if you don't mind. No. Okay. My name is Meg Zweiback. I'm a pediatric nurse practitioner, and I work with families with young children when they have any concerns or questions about their young children's behavior or development. Things like sleep, and discipline, and using the potty, or getting along with other children. Four. Four. Four is your number! That means four is your number, right? If that naturally comes to you, that's perfect, that means four is your number. I really like that. I thought that was very, very clear and concise. All right, what's your action call? So we're gonna do one, two, three, four. Is this. You mean why should they follow up with me? Yeah. So like, what do you want them to do? I encourage people, it doesn't work with everyone, but with yours especially, since it's people in your industry, you should try to end your pitch with an action call. So what do you want out of meeting people in your industry? So if you have any children who come to see you who... If you have any children who come to see you and the parents have more questions than you have time to answer, or you feel like they may need more in depth followup, than you have time in your practice to take care of, refer them to me. Okay, so what's the short version of that is, if you have people who are overwhelmed, or you're overwhelmed, I can help. Is that it? A doctor doesn't wanna hear that he's overwhelmed. Is it if the patients are overwhelmed, or if they're overwhelmed? You know what happens sometimes, the place where it falls down, what I've been doing already, is I will explain to a doctor what I do. And they'll say, "Oh yes, we need much more "in the way of mental health services for children." Which means that they're categorizing people who need more than what they can give them as having mental illness. And I'm dealing with every parent who's ever had a child, who's ever had a question that didn't get answered. Okay, so, the one thing that you can help them with is? For doctors? The one thing, what is it? I can help you... So anytime you have a family who needs more time than you can give them, and you wanna make sure they get the help the need, you can refer them to me. That's it! That is a very specific thing. And if I were a doctor, I'd be like, "Ah, great, that brings me relief." So that is it. So that is your action call. Do you wanna practice it in your head one more time? And what are some things in the audience that we could help with? What nonverbal things can we add to that part of her pitch that you think would be more powerful? Any ideas? It's actual a verbal thing, but I noticed at each time, your voice has kind of gone down at the end. It's almost like you end as a soft landing. I think you need a more impactful ending. That actually is, yeah, that's a vocal thing. So a little bit more volume. Especially with help, right? You're there, you want them to rely on you. So volume is something we stick with, definitely. Anything else? Yeah? I think she could lend a hand out so she can invite me to her practice. I really like that. If that feels comfortable to you, let's try it. Okay. Okay, so remember, let's just try the very end. So how can I help you? When this happens, I can help you with this? If you can address it to the camera, that's even better. Sorry, yes. When you're practicing with Vanessa, chat together, but otherwise, when you're delivering, go for the camera. Okay. All right, so try just the ending with the camera. So our chatrooms can see you. So if you have... It's okay. It's all right, shake it out. Shake it out, it's all right. So if you see families that you'd like to help, and they need... I can't do it. It's okay. Could I start at the beginning? Oh, please, please! Okay, so let's review, right? We're making you do this on the spot. Usually I let you have a bulleted list. And I'm making you do it onstage, so you are doing awesome. Okay, so let's review. So we have who you help. You're showing all hands. You're doing one, two, three, four things. And then how I can help you. And you can change that wording. It doesn't have to be perfect, just real simple. Okay. Yeah. My name's Meg Zweiback, I'm a pediatric nurse practitioner, and I work with families with young children, when parents have any concerns or questions about their young children's behavior, development, sleep, toilet training, anything at all. So if you're seeing families who need more time than you can give them in a single office visit, you can refer them to me, and then you'll be sure that they're getting the help that they need, without your needing to worry about what's happening to them. I like it a lot, that was really good. Yeah, that was really good. I shouldn't go like that at the end. (laughing) It's okay. That's such a no-no, right. That was perfect, right? And you're gonna be able to shorten that ending even more, so it's really specific. And again, we wanna add the gesture out. So you're gesturing out. Her action step is calling out to the doctor. That's your action step. Right, perfect. Thank you! (applause) Okay, let's do one more. Who's really nervous? All right, come on up! He's never nervous, come on. Sometimes. Are you okay, did you get yours? Can I erase your notes? Okay, so, tell us what you're working on and I'm just gonna erase the board really quickly. So what do you want out of your pitch? Who is it to? Typically, it's to a content provider of people who make e-learning courses. So I want them to see me as credible and assertive. All right, so credible and assertive. You want them to take you very seriously. Yeah. What kind of nonverbal things are you working on? What can we help you with? Nonverbal, I wanna be more grounded. I wanna lower my pitch a little bit more. So I sound, you know, more competent. Those are two big ones. Yeah. I think that's good. Anything else you want us to look out for? I'll start with that. Okay, let's start with that. I was like, don't bite off too much more than you can chew. All right, so right to the camera, if you could give us your pitch. Sure. My name is Max DuBowy, and I am a content specialist at OpenSesame. OpenSesame is the world's largest marketplace for buying and selling online training courses. I recruit sellers onto OpenSesame, and I further work with them to market and merchandise their content so they can sell their courses to new, qualified buyers. Right. So what do we think? Yes? It happened in your voice and also in your body, it was playing one note almost the whole time. Right. So you were actually very low, that was great. You hit that. But it sounded memorized, because it was all the same. So we need to add expressiveness. Okay. 'Cause expressiveness still adds credibility. That's still very credible. It also keeps their brain awake. So we took you very seriously, but my brain wanted to stop listening. Okay. So we have to add in that expressiveness to keep them going. So let's break it down. And we're gonna do the mini version of it. We know that there's a lot of benefits, which is great. So what's the very first thing you do? My name, and I'm a content specialist. All right, so your name and your title. So I actually liked that solid delivery. I like that. My name, and here's what I do. I thought that was really good, I think we should set up with that. Sometimes in your elevator pitch, if you start with that right off the bat, that sets the tone the rest of the pitch. So I actually like exactly how you did it. So you wanna try it one more time? Sure. My name is Max DuBowy and I am a content specialist at OpenSesame. All right, perfect. So it was slow, it was authoritative. There was no question inflection there at all. What's next? I describe what OpenSesame is. Okay, so who are you pitching when you're doing this pitch, usually? A content provider. So someone who either makes e-learning courses, or someone who has a library of courses. So they don't know what OpenSesame is when you call them, it's a cold call? Yes. All right. Okay, so, what it is. So give me the explanation one more time of what it is. OpenSesame is a marketplace for buying and selling online training courses. Perfect. Buying and selling. Yes? One thing you could change there is say, "OpenSesame is a platform where you "can buy and sell courses." So make them more involved. That's a good idea! Yeah, "OpenSesame's a platform where you "can buy and sell courses." If that feels natural to you, I really like it. We can also add in the "you" later if that comes in later. I don't know if it will. But I love this. So we have a nonverbal explanation of this or that. That's called This or That Explanation. All right, what's next? That was good. What my role does and how that involves them. Right, explain that to me one more time. As a content specialist, I recruit sellers onto OpenSesame, and I work with them to market and merchandise their content. So we need you here, right? So sometimes in elevator pitches, when you're explaining what you do, you go into the mission statement kind of language. So I would be like, "What?" That looks like it's on your website. What do you do for them? So you, and this is funny, I look at graphs of the most used words on Twitter. "You" is number one. Actually, "retweet" is number one, "you" is second. Because people love to hear themselves referenced. So, as a content specialist, you help them do what goal? I work with you to bring your courses onto OpenSesame, and then I work with you to market and merchandise your content. So let's make that even shorter. Let's make that sexier. So elevator pitch is also about making it sexy. So, "I work with you and your content," I don't know if you can say this, but "I work with you and your content "to make you more money and to help you market." Can you say it that simply? Maybe? Maybe? I could. We gotta say it. So what do people want, right? When you're thinking about what does this elevator pitch have to do? This is your action step, by the way. Your action step is "I wanna help you make more money and market your course." So however you wanna say that, I wanna shorten it down, 'cause everyone listening is like, "I wanna make more money with my course." That's what everyone's thinking. So try that last little bit. What feels natural to you? I work with you to sell your courses and earn additional revenue by reaching new qualified buyers. That is something that I want, right? Absolutely. Okay, I love it. So your action step is "I help you with your goal." So I want you to use the word "you," this calls action to them, and this is where I think you could use that "you." You, I help you. If you're on the phone, and they don't see that "you," you wanna add volume to the "you." That's like a nonverbal bolding. I help you. So if they can't see you, you can still get that nonverbal emphasis in. So we want "you" as either reach out or volume. All right, you wanna try it one more time? Sure. You wanna review it? So we said he's gonna start with who, it's gonna be slow, authoritative, and incredibly credible. We're gonna keep that voice low. Then he's gonna go into the what. The this and the that. And then he's gonna end on the action step, calling out "you," with either a nonverbal emphasis with your hand, or a vocal emphasis, volume-wise, and what you're gonna help them with. Okay. I'm ready when you are. Sure. My name is Max DuBowy and I am a content specialist at OpenSesame. OpenSesame is the world's largest marketplace for buying and selling online training courses. I work with you to bring your courses onto OpenSesame so I can help you earn additional revenue for your courses. Okay. This and this, right? I think that would've helped to add a little bit more volume. Okay. Otherwise, I really like how we shortened it. That was perfect. And what I want you to do is, when you go home tonight, I want you to practice saying that 10 different ways in 10 different accents. Okay. I won't make you do that here, 'cause that's horrible. But I want you to practice saying it differently, 'cause that's gonna help add in that vocal variance. French accent, Italian accent. If you want, you can send it to me. Okay, will do. Okay, good, perfect. Thank you. Give him a round of applause, that was awesome. (applause)
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Ratings and Reviews
R. P. Getz
I loved this course! I've learned so much and Vanessa did a terrific job making it easy and fun. I loved learning that by paying more attention to body language, I'm becoming a better listener (and picking up on stuff I never caught before). ;) I recommend the class highly to anyone and everyone as all can benefit from being more aware of others and yourself!! My hard earned education $$ well spent here. :) Cheers to Vanessa Van Edwards and Creative Live!
This was an absolutely fantastic course, it would be a huge understatement to say this course was worth the money. Vanessa provided tremendously accessible, highly actionable training useful for both social and professional environments. I couldn't recommend this course highly enough, and am heading now to purchase her next one! Thanks so much Vanessa and Creative Live, this is the course I've been hoping to find for years.
susan kinnel
I just found myself applauding in my bedroom as this program was wrapped up, Vanessa is fabulous! This was money well spent, loved every moment of it! I remember feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the information, and soon felt blown away by how many micro expressions I could spot during the clips she showed. I was so impressed with how easy it was to pick this info up due to Vanessa's enthusiastic delivery. YAY vanessa!