Map Module and Geotag from iPhone
Lesson 30 from: Post-Processing for Outdoor and Travel PhotographersBen Willmore

Map Module and Geotag from iPhone
Lesson 30 from: Post-Processing for Outdoor and Travel PhotographersBen Willmore
Day 1
1Workflow Overview
26:55 2Shooting Tips for Ideal Post-Processing
19:57 3Backing Up and Importing to Lightroom
42:57 4Lightroom Interface Overview Part 1
21:58 5Lightroom Interface Overview Part 2
23:33 6Culling Images
26:45 7Filtering and Stacking Images
20:12 9Dust Spot Removal
13:59 10Processing Images: Basic Adjustments
16:50 11Collections
21:50 12Processing Images: Image Optimization
30:30 13Catalog and Metadata Settings
28:41Day 2
14Folder Status Plug-in
17:33 15Keywording Part 1
39:06 16Keywording Part 2
33:41 17Keywording Part 3
19:58 18Adjustment Brush Part 1
23:57 19Adjustment Brush Part 2
26:41 20Adjustment Brush Part 3
30:05 21Graduated and Radial Tools
15:15 22Photoshop Essentials: Set-Up
45:22 23Adjusting In Photoshop
25:09 24Panoramas
17:29 25Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
25:08Day 3
26Export Presets
25:21 27Watermarks
22:34 28Publish Services with Facebook and HD
11:39 29Lightroom Mobile
35:41 30Map Module and Geotag from iPhone
23:41 31Editing HDR in Photoshop
31:33 32Timelapse in Photoshop
23:37 33File Formats
19:15 34Lens Corrections Tab
17:14 35Split Toning
34:32 36Detail Tab
17:27 37Simple Retouching Techniques
42:48 38Printing in Lightroom
14:53Lesson Info
Map Module and Geotag from iPhone
the way I structure my hard drive is I happen to have one folder for each year and that's just so I don't see a mega long list and then I can come in here in open one particular folder in all my folder names are the year the month and then a description of whatever it was I shot then and you just get this long list well that's one way where it's just nice to be able to remember where you've gone in kind of a somewhat which order but I find it's often more convenient to find images in other ways I've already shown you about keywords where I could go up to the top of my screen and before I go to the top of my screen though I would have to come up here to the area called catalog if I wanted to search my entire library I'd have to click there otherwise I'd only be searching the folder on viewing but if I tap there I could go over here and search for any keyword I want in very quickly find a photo the problem is I don't always remember what things are called I can remember I don't know I wa...
s in the northwest of the united states I don't know if it was in washington and oregon or even montana or somewhere but I shot something over there and I want to see it I just kind of vague feeling for where it is well let's see how I could do this based on location so I'm gonna come in here and just take some photos that I've shot recently let's see out here I'll get images from february through mmm mmm mmm april and I'm just going to select all these folders that I have I clicked on the top most folder held shift and I clicked on the bottom and then I'm gonna switch over to the map module now remember we can show and hide these modules up here and only show the ones use so all right click when I'm up there and just make sure the map is available and I'm going to tap on the map and right now in the upper left it says it's loading markers which means that it's just loading all the information about these files let's zoom out here wasn't in the united states where was I back in that time oh what was over there and it can actually show me where all these images are now in a few minutes I'll show you how to get this information attached to your pictures but before we do let's look at what we can do with it after that's complete because only if you know what you could do with it you can see if it's worth spending the time to get the data attached so in here I can come in in zoom in and out on this map you could have many different ways you can zoom there's just a pleasant minus button that's down here at the bottom so I could sit here and hit the plus sign I could use the scroll wheel on my mouse in that will zoom in and zoom out unfortunately the mouse that I have sometimes doesn't like tio act like it has this girl well meaning if I try it may or may not work uh and I can also hold down the option key and click and drag to say I want to zoom in on just that or you can use command plus and command minus like that would be controlled plus and minus some windows so many different ways we can zoom around in here but let's see we got all these marks each one tells me how many photos I took in those various locations so why don't I just move my mouse over one of these and when I do I see the first picture that was shot there it even tells me my exposure information it tells me when it was shot what lens zoom level I was that and it tells me there's nine hundred twenty nine pictures there was little arrow here I can arrow through every image that I took in that particular location to see what I was shooting or I could just if I think about that particular location wth the other thing I can do is if I click on that and I go down to the film strip it will highlight the images let me get the film trick to stay there stay there but if I come up here I can come in and as I go through this it's going to change which images highlighted in the filmstrip as well I can even select multiple images in the film strip and it will tell me where they were on the map like that's where that one was blank scroll way over here grab a different one and say oh that one was over there let's go away over s'more say this one well it looks like it's near the same location or I can select multiple and if these weren't right in the same location it would highlight more than one of these um so anyway I could do that let's hide our film strip and then if I zoom up you'll find that I get close to one of these that has a big number on it if she gets going to start breaking apart so instead of saying eight sixty on that one it starts breaking into two and as they get closer it breaks into more and more so that if I come in here the closer I get the more specific I can get about where we're looking like that and I can click on that one particular image down here in the filmstrip I should be able to find the picture is right there and if it's sitting there without a number it just means there's one and if there's more than one you see the number the more use them in the easier it is to get teo but for me this isn't necessarily the most useful because I don't always remember the names or the exactly physically where it wass I want to find all the images that I shot in thailand on dh I'm don't remember where the heck thailand is on a map who knows so let's see what other information we get even though we can see them on the map are the other end operation that comes along with that so I'm going to go back to the grid by typing g and at the top of my screen where we can search in the filter bar I'm gonna choose text and we're actually not text I'm gonna choose attributes turnoff text come on okay way have these various categories and I'm sorry I don't know why I'm clicking between the foot under metadata is where we have where we could choose various information and if I click on the title of any one of these columns one of the choices within this has to do with the location where this is shot first you can go down to a choice called gps data in see how many of the pictures contain a very precise location I have seven thousand out of these folders that I've selected that do have their locations mark and I have seven hundred and some that don't and so therefore I could click on this to find the ones that don't and then try to do something about it add some information to them possibly if I can figure out where they were taken but these are the ones we have it were instead of setting this to gps data that's just to see doesn't have it or not we could choose location in with location there are a few different ways of viewing this but if I go to the right side of location little icon over here I can either choose it as a flat view or one where xy sub levels so if I choose flat it's not all that useful it's alphabetical and you're going to find countries in museums and all sorts of things in here but it's going to be a long list that you have to scroll through not all that exciting to navigate if it looks like that go to the upper right and tell it you want to see it with various levels and it's going to organize it then a lot more usefully so I can tell how many photographs that I take in each one of these countries and if I'd like to drill down and find ones from particular countries I can click on the little triangle and in this case it says unknown because it doesn't know the exact name of a place but it was able to get more specific as I go down some of them though it should be able to really drill down on if I go to bali and it put it in this information for me all I needed to do is somehow get each picture tagged with their exact location so let's look at some methods we can use to get the location tag already mentioned on the first day of the seminar that I use something that's made by cannon and I might be able to find it here but it's made by cannon it slides into the hot shoe of my camera where usually put a flash and it allows me to it's gotta be in one of these it allows me to capture the location of wherever it is I'm taking photos and that's what it looks like you had a key word in this slide I would have been able to find it by just typing in gps but I didn't anyway this little guy resides in the hot shoe my camera and as long as I remember to turn it on and as long as the battery that's in it which is one double battery then I'm going to be capturing my location now sometimes I end up leaving a particular location clicking this thing on and it might take it a few minutes to find a location and I'm still shooting so sometimes I need to go back in and steal some of the data from a different photo and paste it on to them the other ones because it was just within a block of you know when this thing was warming up or the battery of good dad in this and then I'm not getting my locations anymore so that's one method another method though is to use your cell phone and so on my cell phone I have an app and let me get to it here it's called gps the number four and then cam c a m g p s for cam meaning gps for camera you know kind of thing or whatever and there's a pro version which I have which makes it so you can automate some of the the tagging but if you have light room you you could get away with something other than that but all it is when I have this is I tell it hit a start button and when I start button this starts keeping track of where I am and you can tell it how often it records where you are because the more often it records it usually I think the more battery juice it's going to take up sits constantly working you can tell it to take your location every fifteen minutes you can tell it to make it so it's every I think fifteen yards or something that you travel you have all sorts of options and you just have to think about how big of an area you're going to cover and what would be the best balance between battery life and the amount of data it's capturing but all they do is they tell it to start in when I tell it to stop with most programs like this one you can have it take a resulting little text file in either email it to yourself or a lot of them used drop boxes they sent it to dropbox and then we can feed it to light room in light room will use the information that tagger photos all your phone will be doing is it'll be writing down what time is it in what other gps locations location it's at right now and then fifteen minutes later it does the exact same thing again and it simply creates a text file it's called a track log the um text files are just little tax files you could open it it ends with the file extension of g p x g p x so if you just want to find various programs that can create those you could do a google search for g p x and then tracked log because track logar what their generically known as and there'll be all sorts of different options you don't have to use the one I happen to have it just happens to be the first one I downloaded to be honest I never use it because I have that thing goes in the hot shoe of my cameras I don't need to but if you need something like that feel free so let's say that I was off shooting and I got a bunch of photos they don't have any locations attached to them and I need to get him attached so how do we go about doing it well let's say I have my photos here I could go to the map module and at the bottom of the map module you're gonna find a little squiggle down here that and that's where you can feed it the text file that your phone would have created now I turned on that software when we were at break and during break I wandered around the building and then at the end of the break I turned it off and I had it email me the little file and so I haven't sitting here but I've only walked around this building so it's not going to be dramatic when it comes to the location but at least I have some data and so what I'm gonna do is go down here to the bottom of the map module click on the little squiggle thing and there's a choice called lo track log and that means I can load any gps track log is called g p x file those load track long and I have one right here that's one from me walking around the building I hit choose and there's my walking around that's the furthest you consume it on the map so you won't be able to tell much but that's we walk around the building here and if I come back to this menu what happens is all of devices and programs that can create these g p x files all it does is write down what time it is and where the location is but when it writes down the time it always writes it down in greenwich mean time there's a just a master clock there they already goes by and what it doesn't know is what is the clock set to on your camera and so in here there is a choice set that's called set time zone offset and so if I were to select some images here and I want to get all of these in there and go to my map I already have that little well these have geo tagged locations let me grab some that I won't screw up I don't think I had my gps on a wedding here all right I'll go to my map of course I did but I'll go over here and I can say load track log feed it that file and then the only thing I need to tell it is how different is my camera's clock then the software's clock that was recording its location because if the software thinks that it was five pm when it recovered its location but my camera's clock didn't think it was five p m in the exact same time they're not gonna match up so you go back down to this menu there's a choice called set time zone offset in in here it's going to tell you the selected photos that I have were taken on this state where is my phone ended up thinking it was this state meaning that my camera's clock was quite a bit different than this in fact the date was different and over here the time was different and what I need to do is get these times two to match up so I end up moving this back and forth like this to try to get them to match up his closers I can if I can't get it with that I can come over here in typing numbers and trying trying to get them to match so I'm gonna go with point maybe six and if I could get these two match relatively closely that's pretty darn close then it's going to be able to figure out where these photos were taken because now the two clocks match I click okay and then here I can choose auto tow egg and it'll say however many photos I have selected I'm not going to choose that right now because those photos already have locations attached and I don't want to screw them up I used the thing in my heart you my camera so I don't need to do this but if you get a program on your iphone or your android device just load the track long figure out how much of a difference there is between your camera's clock in that one's clock and then choose auto tag and if you do then it's gonna automatically tagged those with the location there is one other setting though you want to be aware of and that is in light room if you go into preferences I'm assuming it's in the main preferences there's a setting in here to have it and I don't remember where it is it's one of those settings you don't have to change once but there is a setting in here for enabling reverse geo tagging where what it means is instead of just taking your picture with the exact point location it will look it up on the internet and it'll type in the country in the state in the city and all that kind of information automatically usually it will prompt you the moment that you tell it to take those pictures a dialogue will come up if you never said it before asking to wanna reverse geo tag these but there is a preference in here I would just seem to look through this to find out where it is it's not a preference you need to get to more than once in your lifetime but when you try to actually tagged them by choosing this it would usually pop up and say hey you want to reverse geo tagged and if so then you'll be able to search your images by going up to the the top up here where I chose metadata we had that choice called location and you could see the countries in the cities and all that all that will automatically be there which could be rather nice but the map module nice way to remember where you shot things before you go to the map module though you might want to come over here and select the images that you're thinking of or you could choose all images like your entire catalogue if you'd like if you want to see it all then tap over there on map and just zoom out so I can see where things were and it could be pretty darn pinpoint you see exactly where I was walking and I could come into just about any photo and see what I was getting there and whatever you click on one of these just remember it will highlight whichever images it's referring to down here in the uh film strips so you could go to the develop module and go develop them or do anything else he'd like maybe keyword them or or whatever you find to be useful you'll notice that any image that has its location precise location attached will have an icon in the corner it's supposed to look a little bit like a pin on a map and that means this does have a location attached you can see it on the map er and all that kind of stuff all right so that's a little bit of information about the map in light room we have any general questions about using your iphone to take the position or general things with the map module we are good up here in the internet world ben s so if anybody here has any questions they look pretty good it was very well explained well just so you know if you don't have any locations you didn't use your iphone and all that you can also just drag a picture from the film strip to the map to say that's where I took it because like you know you took it at your house so you're just dragging on there and that's another way to get the data there had been we did have one pop in just now from uh from uh from brooks that says can you manually add a location toe older photo yeah just like what I mentioned you dea dragon on there or you can also go in and if you look at the metadata panel on the right side you will find where you could manually type in the city state country this is the information that was showing up when I did the the search for images and you saw the text list this is where it's coming from so you could manually type in that information if you knew it where if you want to see it on the map get it so you can see the image on the film strip and just drag it onto the map uh where you think it should show up great thank you sure all right now a couple issues with light room one thing we haven't discussed it it's hard to discuss here is sometimes you can end up using two monitors well here it's hard to discuss because I got one but I just want to let you know that if you do have a to monitor set up maybe you have a big screen that you like to use for doing your adjustments but your laptop sitting right next to it or maybe of two huge screens now that light room can take advantage of both screens if you want to be able to take advantage of both screens go to the window menu in light room and you're going to find about halfway down this menu is a choice called second display you know I don't have a second display but I can still act as if I do if I choose a choice called show from that menu it's going to show it as a separate window and this would usually be on the other screen it would fill the other screen so just imagine that this is on the other screen and that this over here is on my primary screen so in there if I have this window I could come over here and say I want to see the grid view on this and maybe that's my way of switching between photographs as I'm going through here and then on this maybe I have it set to develop so I'm actually adjusting my pictures so therefore I could adjust my pictures and when I want to switch to a different one come in here just click on a different picture on the second monitor um it's up to you as faras what you'd like to display their just go to the top here some of your choices you could have it in comparative owed or survey mode that's where we can compare more than one photograph to narrow down all that kind of stuff and it's just rather nice be ableto have that if you happen to have two screens I like having the thumbnails on one screen and then usually develop module on the other but it could be something else I'm working on a book or something else I might have the book module up here the way you control that is you go to the window menu and you go down here to second display I chose the choice called show which made it show opens a separate window and then you have some choices here as to what is that your viewing there but those are the same choices I have the top of my screen so get rid of that but if I don't mention it you might just never know that that second monitor doesn't have to stay empty where it doesn't have to just have your email program or something on it ah we can uh do this
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Ratings and Reviews
After catching parts of each of the three days, I knew that I would need to have access to this wealth of information. What is great about the program is the ability to stop and go back over something that is not fully understood...and be able to do that until confident enough to move on. I saw no "fluff" in the course, just great information imparted with a style that is makes it easy to understand. CreativeLive scored a big hit with this course! The bonus material is SO valuable, especially the presets. That saves an enormous amount of time for me. My appreciation of the power behind the software is becoming ever clearer. Thanks, Ben, for another outstanding presentation!
Shannon Beelman Photography
Ben has been amazing! He is a wealth of information on organizing images as well as great tips to make your travel images pop just a little more. I came into this class feeling like I had a good handle on lightroom and have come out with a better understanding of the power of the software to make artistic life easier. He covers tips, tricks and little known options that help make workflow smother. I have sat here watching as much of the free broadcast as I can and in this last week I have gotten control over years of images in my lightroom. This is one I know I will be buying soon.
Great class! Somehow, it was enjoyable not having Ben default to "curves for everything"! I don't think the title for this course did it justice, tho. This class was 90% Light Room and 10% Photoshop. I was very happy to discover that dynamic and equally as happy to purchase this course! If you are new to Light Room, this class is a MUST. Creative Live offers several LR classes but this is the one to own. Ben is working on his new book about Light Room Mastery - can't wait! In the meanwhile, I'll be watching Ben's thorough approach to LR in this video. So, don't let the title throw you a curve ball, if you are new to Light Room or a seasoned user, there's plenty of great information - delivered as only Ben can! Thanks CL for this great class!