Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
Lesson 25 from: Post-Processing for Outdoor and Travel PhotographersBen Willmore

Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
Lesson 25 from: Post-Processing for Outdoor and Travel PhotographersBen Willmore
Day 1
1Workflow Overview
26:55 2Shooting Tips for Ideal Post-Processing
19:57 3Backing Up and Importing to Lightroom
42:57 4Lightroom Interface Overview Part 1
21:58 5Lightroom Interface Overview Part 2
23:33 6Culling Images
26:45 7Filtering and Stacking Images
20:12 9Dust Spot Removal
13:59 10Processing Images: Basic Adjustments
16:50 11Collections
21:50 12Processing Images: Image Optimization
30:30 13Catalog and Metadata Settings
28:41Day 2
14Folder Status Plug-in
17:33 15Keywording Part 1
39:06 16Keywording Part 2
33:41 17Keywording Part 3
19:58 18Adjustment Brush Part 1
23:57 19Adjustment Brush Part 2
26:41 20Adjustment Brush Part 3
30:05 21Graduated and Radial Tools
15:15 22Photoshop Essentials: Set-Up
45:22 23Adjusting In Photoshop
25:09 24Panoramas
17:29 25Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
25:08Day 3
26Export Presets
25:21 27Watermarks
22:34 28Publish Services with Facebook and HD
11:39 29Lightroom Mobile
35:41 30Map Module and Geotag from iPhone
23:41 31Editing HDR in Photoshop
31:33 32Timelapse in Photoshop
23:37 33File Formats
19:15 34Lens Corrections Tab
17:14 35Split Toning
34:32 36Detail Tab
17:27 37Simple Retouching Techniques
42:48 38Printing in Lightroom
14:53Lesson Info
Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
I'm going to go to the filter menu and there's a choice in there called adaptive wide angle adaptive wide angle huh well if I choose adaptive wide angle sometimes on ly by choosing that if you zoom out on this preview you'll get a different shape on your panorama in this case it's not radically different kind moved it up a little bit but if you had any kind of roadways or anything else that we're going horizontally through this we would be able to straighten them in here in this case since we have all these bumpy hills and things I don't know that it's going to be useful on the right side there some settings in we can try and see if something like auto will do anything or one of the others but I want to show you how that works when it comes to a different kind of panorama in this case we have perspective and let's see what it did do you see how it's kind of changing the shape of arran result but let me show you where that's really useful and that is if you have a certain type of conten...
t within your panorama see if I can find an appropriate image take me just a moment think it's in here all right I'm gonna take just two shots this shot in this shot and stitch them together and I think we're going to end up having an issue with the end result and then we'll try to fix the issue using something called adaptive wide angle to use the default settings for now click okay the problem is in architecture your brain knows that certain lines are most like we straight and if those lines don't get rendered straight in your photo sometimes your brain gets distracted by that fact and it makes us here photo is less enjoyable it's less you know somebody's just like when the horizon lines not straight you're just you can't really concentrate on the contents of the picture because you're like cricket and so I usually either try to keep a horizon perfectly straight or way off so it looks like I'm not trying to keep it straight and some similar things air with architecture so here's our end result of our stitching I'm gonna merge these two layers together just like we did with the other image by choosing merge visible and then I'm going to come in and apply the thing that's called adaptive wide angle now there is something you could do before applying adaptive wide angle which could be useful and that is there's a way to get adaptive wide angle to be applied in a way where it's we'll still be editable afterwards whereas if I just go to the filter right now and apply it when I click okay and say I'm done in general it's permanent but if I first go to the filter menu in shoes convert for smart filters then it will apply the filter in a way where it's not permanent and where I can always go back and change the setting since being used and so I'm going to choose convert for smart filters when I choose that if you watching the layers panel you'll see the thumbnail for this particular layer the little miniature version and in the lower I think it's the lower right corner a little icon should show up take it just a moment to do it come on usually it's almost instantaneous so my guess is one of my drives is getting full that has my scratched disk on it my scratch discos were photoshopped uses space but we'll see don't you you have to wait for this but a little icon will eventually show up right here there it is to tell you that's your only indication that this layer is special and that little icon means it's a smart object and it means if you apply any filters to it the filters aren't permanent you can always go back and change the settings now I'm going to go to the filter menu and I'm going to choose the choice called adaptive wide angle and when it comes in without me having to touch anything look at the difference in the photo if I move this out of the way do you see the original what shape it wass you see how the left side seems to have this much larger thing than the right butt in here it recognized it on the right side as a panorama innit tried to fix some issues that were in it but I think he can use a lot more help still if you end up looking closely at this image and you can zoom up with this was standard keyboard shortcuts same keyboard shortcuts that work in photoshopped in the main area which means you can type command plus command monet's zoom in or you have a zoom tool in the left side if you don't know the keyboard shortcuts but when I look at this I think some of these things that would usually be straight lines might be bent a little bit you see a slight bend to that just a little well I can find out if there's a slight bend and if there is I can fix it the tool that is in the upper left which is active by default you don't have to click on anything it's already active you can come in here in click on part of your image and make sure you're really lined up with the edge of an object there's a zoomed in area on the right side so you can really see what looks like exactly where your mouses see on the right side of my screen this smaller part and I can see that cross hairs right on the edge of this brick and then I'm going to drag this way in usually this line will line up with whatever would usually be a straight line even though it might appear curved in the photo here and when I let go it's going to snap that to being perfectly straight do you see just change a little bit it made sure that line was perfectly straight I could do the same thing wherever I'm concerned about the lines I could click right here on this crack and if I think this might be bent at all I just get this line to line up with it hey let go and it will make a slight adjustment and straighten that out so I might want to come in here and see if some lines in here are straight but not only going to make them straight I can make them perfectly vertical or horizontal on a building wouldn't this corner that's right here be perfectly straight up and down he wouldn't be at a weird angle well I'm going to look at the zoomed in area on the right side and make sure I get right on the corner or I could zoom up on the image itself but I'll click right there I'm going to drag down and just make sure that this line that is putting on top lines up with the corner put that move it back and forth make sure it's still right on the corner in then if I wanted to be perfectly vertical I hold shift shift means don't just make this line straight making a vertical or horizontal whatever its closest to so when I let go it just completely straightened that out if I choose undo let's see if it'll let me choose undo you see before that was way at an angle over here whereas afterwards it should straighten it out so I can do that for all these areas if I find that they seem to be off a bit right here is kind of the corner I can see in that zoomed up preview come up here and just as long as it's still lined up with the corner hold shift to say make its vertical and it just adjusted the image and then I could come over here and do other area and I'll have to do the other side of the picture as well because right now it's a little kind of cock cock eyed but I'm going teo right here I think I can see it a corner come right up to this corner hold shift to say that should be a perfectly straight vertical line it is now and so when it comes to architecture er if you're doing panoramas and anything doesn't look like it's perfectly straight you need to come in here hold the shift key and that is if it's supposed to be a vertical or horizontal and get those things straight you don't have to do every single corner because it should correct the image you know the nearby areas as well but sometimes it's hard to see the corners though on some things like buildings that are quite this old but it says something where you'd want to hit like the center of it the edges and then maybe a couple points in between to make sure that it just see what it is you know this the right side feels really off okay grab a couple more of the verticals there and if anything feels curved like this line right here shouldn't be perfectly horizontal are perfectly vertical but it shouldn't be curved and if it looks like it has a bend to it then get your mouse on the edge of where that thing is click and drag over till you're on the edge of it again and just don't hold shift shift means vertical or horizontal not holing shift means straight you know just double check and make sure it's straight what happens is it knows aboutthe lens that you captured this image with and it knows how it distorts your images and it's trying to compensate for it and so I might just put one more line in here to get this little part just in case it's got a curve to it then therefore it might correct that whole front area there so let's look at the difference I'm going to click okay right now to apply this and then once it's done being applied well just choose undo and will see the difference between just the straight photoshopped stitching that it did and then how much more we can get out of an image if we use this thing called adaptive what angle and remember adaptive wide angle is done under the filter menu and if we ever want to come back in later and adm or of these lines we just want to make sure we turned it into us we said convert for smart filters first uh if we didn't choose that then it wouldn't b is effective to come in and try to do more of this later you have to more or less start over you could say because it wouldn't remember where all these lines are and other things ben angela is wondering can the same thing be accomplished in camera raw or light room with lens correction tools that seems easier with lens correction tool it depends it is not a panorama yes it often can but with panorama is it's not usually very effective with that it depends on the image though and in this image if you look at when I choose undo what that looks like cameron will have no idea howto make things vertically cold because of how cock eyed it is but on just some single shots that would be great to be done in camera and we're light room and we'll show you how to do some of that tomorrow when we get into the more advanced sightings in light room and then one more firm catherine does this work for images that have been scanned from slides where wouldn't know the exact lens that's being used it want most likely will not work for that it needs to know the metadata the data about the lens and know how what method was used for the stitching and since photo shop could read the metadata off the file and it did the stitching it's very aware of how the image got distorted so if I zoom out on this here is our end result and if I choose undo there's what just the stitching gave us so you can see how on a lot of images that can really be worthwhile to use adapt of wide angle so now at this stage what I need to do next is cropped the image so I'm going to use the crop tool and come in here and crop think we have enough space on the sides that I actually don't mind cropping in uh to get rid of some of the rest here about like that maybe where it could go tighter but let's say for some reason I wasn't willing to crop in sometimes when you stitch a panorama it might be that the sky were this little kind of dip is in the shape of the sky goes really close to the top of this building and if you have to crop it would feel like you're doing this you know to try to get the and results so I'm going to actually go up like this and say that that's how I wanted to crop I'm not saying is appropriate for this image but for a lot of images that could be the case when you use the crop tool you see you're aware there's an icon right up here this used to be a little lob checkbox I think or a pop up menu but they changed it to an icon in the absolute latest version of photo shop which is called photo shop cc two thousand fourteen but that right there if it's clicked it means it's going to throw away what's outside of the cropping rectangle when you press returner enter so the information out here will be permanently gone and if that's turned off like it is right now you can crop the image like I will right now and if you come back to the crop to a later you can easily un crop it get it back to the way it uh it looked so it's not a permanent crop okay you have any thoughts for ap photo on circular panoramas it's not something that I regularly do so I wouldn't say that that would be the right person ask perfect thank you sure other than their fun you know completely what now so when this is done what is the reason why is take a little bit of time this is actually re applying that filter quick uh and that it takes a little time to apply the filter but I want to show you how to fill empty areas in your panorama so that if for some reason cropping your panorama until it becomes a rectangle would end up cropping way too close to an object that you didn't want to how can we fill in this checkerboard looking area with some useful information so we can have a larger image there here's the trick I'm going to go to the layers panel and what I need is a selection of the area that looks like a checkerboard I can get that if I go to the layers panel and I moved my mouse on top of the little thumbnail picture for this with my mouse on top of that little thumb now I need to hold down a special key and my keyboard it's the command key which is controlling windows when I do that you noticed that a little the icon for my mouse changes from a hand to a hand with a little rectangle on it that rectangle is supposed to look like a selection if you're used to making selections and photo shop well if I command click on this thumb now watch what happens it just selected the contents of this layer so wherever this layer ends is where the selection ends in since I applied cropping that was not permanent the selection actually extends beyond the edges of the document shows me where the picture extends to well that's the exact opposite of what I really want I wanted the area that looks like a checkerboard selected in this selected everything it doesn't look like a checkerboard we'll all need to do is go to the select menu and there's a choice and they're called inverse inverse means give me the opposite of what I have right now so if I have everything except for the checkerboard right now when I choose inverse I have the opposite I have just the checkerboard then for this to work and look good I need the selection to be just one pixel bigger than it is right now because I needed to overlap the picture and right now it's on ly the checkerboard area there's no overlap onto the picture so I'm going to go to the select menu and under modify there's a choice called expand expand axa's if the selection is like a balloon full there and used blow some extra air in it just gets bigger and stays the same shape so when I choose expand all they got reduced uses setting that one and click okay you don't notice any difference but if you resumed up really really close on that edge the selection just went from on ly covering up the checkerboard area to encroaching into the image by one pixel the tiniest amount it possibly could then if I want to fill this area I'm going to use something called content aware phil content aware phil should be able to produce what I need the only problem is we have a special kind of layer right now it's a layer that's protected because it was that thing called a smart prepare for smart filters it's what's known as a smart object and the command I need to use won't work on a layer that has that little icon we can try to make it work on an empty layer above it but it doesn't always like tio let's try I'm just going to add a new layer if I go to the bottom right of my layers panel I can add a new layer and then I'll try the command I'm just going to go to the edit menu choose fill in usually the default setting is content aware I'd messed with photo shop when I was in my hotel room so it's not on the default and usually this is set to normal I was making some quote unquote slides for you guys back in my hotel and I change those I'm gonna click okay let's see if they could do it if it can't we'll have to do another matter cassie it often doesn't liketo to do it on an empty layer so what we're gonna have to do instead is we're gonna have to make this change of here permanent the way you could do that if you have the layer that has that little icona is you just go to the layer menu and there's a choice called rast arise and all say rasa rise this layer what that means is make it so it's no longer special make it a normal layer not the fancy kind where you can go back and change settings and all that stuff then the command should be ableto work directly on that layer just use filled from the edit menu content aware click okay it's going to look at what the rest of the picture looks like and try to figure out what it thinks would naturally blend in in those areas and it will literally come up with content to fill in those areas look at what it just did I'll hide the edges of my selection by taping command h for hide and look at that that's crazy you can't really tell where it did now on occasion it'll mess up where just doesn't look like it belongs but in this case do you see any part that bugs you maybe right there because that might have been the edge of a cloud and it clipped off if so grab a selection tool like here I'm using a lasso tool and just circle around the area you don't like you supplied again phil content aware and it'll figure out what to put in there you could even use it to get rid of little sensor dust specks if you happen to have any so therefore if we stitch a panorama and it looks a little oddly shaped at the top the panoramas content looks fine but the picture is not a rectangle we're not stuck cropping in all the way to the image is ah we get to a rectangular part is long as what it is that needs to be put in is something like sky or dirt or something else that simple where you're not going to notice exact things like it's not a tree with a uh you know how I should say it's not like people in their faces where if I was often somebodys forehead or something it would be like whoa that's gross instead it's stuff where it's kind of generic content like dirt in skies content where phyllis usually pretty darn good at coming up with new material to put in there do you know all you have to do is somehow get the checkerboard area selected and then you can uh phil from the edit menu with content aware any questions comments about that so a couple people wrote into the answer the question when you were looking earlier at the panoramas looking to match the explosion somebody artist yeah it's an option called match total exposure it's found in photo hold on one second let me get the image where is it going on that I had a think it was just named with number right here okay it's under photo photo developed setting developed setting it's match total exposure there match total exposures this means make these images look consistent in brightness and let's see there so let's zoom up on him but I didn't mean to go that far sitting up this long so I'll choose undo there's before you see how the vary in brightness and then reapply and you see how very consistent they are now so if you find that your camera was was not set to manual that might save you but it really depends on the content of the pictures for some images it would not save you at all but it's just nice that it's there if you happen to have just not realized your camera was set to bracketing and you're shooting away just oblivious to it usually if you shoot with bracketing turned on you press and hold the shutter and you wait for it to stop shooting and then it's done with its bracket but what happens is sometimes you simply don't realize it's turned on and you're just taking single shots click I'm gonna take the picture that's click click and then you don't you're not reviewing them because you're just casually clicking around and then you go back and looking up oh man every one of those is different in brightness then that's what you could use to try to get them to be more consistent and so was under the photo menu he was underdeveloped settings and it was matched total exposures I was looking for it by right clicking in choosing develop settings and then they didn't put it in here which should have aboutthe same commands that's thank you whoever that wass there were a couple different people thank you everybody for sharing really that I love that because you know it's how many other times the only other time I think of is like something similar is when some news item happens if I were to hear an explosion right now the thing that I would do is get on twitter and search for seattle explosion and look for the newest things and somebody would say what the heck just happened and it's like the most instant news you can possibly get because it's literally right that moment it's like the only time I use twitter post but this is somewhat similar you this needs this question you know somebody is going to know and so you just send it out into the interwebs and a great suggestion from lin our question was does match total exposure default to the darkest image of the bunch but actually suzanne mathis says it no matches the most selected image so you've got all of them selected but the one that's focused yeah the one that's got the lightest highlighting meaning you clicked on it the that's the last image usually if you just click on it and it looks the most selected and saying let's match that one and brightness so thanks for the details that's great I knew was in there is something I don't usually need to use and but that was a good example of when it might work
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Ratings and Reviews
After catching parts of each of the three days, I knew that I would need to have access to this wealth of information. What is great about the program is the ability to stop and go back over something that is not fully understood...and be able to do that until confident enough to move on. I saw no "fluff" in the course, just great information imparted with a style that is makes it easy to understand. CreativeLive scored a big hit with this course! The bonus material is SO valuable, especially the presets. That saves an enormous amount of time for me. My appreciation of the power behind the software is becoming ever clearer. Thanks, Ben, for another outstanding presentation!
Shannon Beelman Photography
Ben has been amazing! He is a wealth of information on organizing images as well as great tips to make your travel images pop just a little more. I came into this class feeling like I had a good handle on lightroom and have come out with a better understanding of the power of the software to make artistic life easier. He covers tips, tricks and little known options that help make workflow smother. I have sat here watching as much of the free broadcast as I can and in this last week I have gotten control over years of images in my lightroom. This is one I know I will be buying soon.
Great class! Somehow, it was enjoyable not having Ben default to "curves for everything"! I don't think the title for this course did it justice, tho. This class was 90% Light Room and 10% Photoshop. I was very happy to discover that dynamic and equally as happy to purchase this course! If you are new to Light Room, this class is a MUST. Creative Live offers several LR classes but this is the one to own. Ben is working on his new book about Light Room Mastery - can't wait! In the meanwhile, I'll be watching Ben's thorough approach to LR in this video. So, don't let the title throw you a curve ball, if you are new to Light Room or a seasoned user, there's plenty of great information - delivered as only Ben can! Thanks CL for this great class!