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Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show

Lesson 14 from: Podcasting for Crafters and Makers

Tara Swiger

Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show

Lesson 14 from: Podcasting for Crafters and Makers

Tara Swiger

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14. Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show

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Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show

Now, the magic comes when we combine what your people most wanna know about with what you love to talk about. So you're gonna take all of those questions that you answered about your best buyer, you're gonna take your own experience, and then you're gonna combine them into what they love and what you love so that you can go on and make better and ongoing content forever. So in your workbook, I actually have a question on page ... I think it's page seven, about combining them into different combinations, so say you love to talk about your basset hounds, and your audience wants to hear about your dyeing techniques, and how to knit cabled socks, so, or how to knit cabled projects, so maybe you design a pattern where you're knitting a cabled sweater for your basset hound. You can come up with as weird of combinations as you wanna come up with, but just take your two lists and start interspersing them. Is she really interested in health and wellness and you really love to talk about essenti...

al oils? Well, obviously, there's a way for those to fit together. Do you really wanna talk about the techniques you use, but she really wants to hear about how to use your yarn. You could mix in your techniques with what she's interested in, but without going too science-y, or too nerdy, something she's not interested in, so what I suggest is you just five combinations. You just mix it up. This is gonna give you content ideas and episode ideas by combining the things you list about your buyer and the things you list about you. And this is gonna impact what name you use, the description you write, all of it, it's gonna come from combining these things. Liz is writing furiously. Do we have any questions in the chatroom? No, I love it, keep writing. (chuckling) Some technical questions that we can get to a little bit later perhaps, and questions a lot about striking a balance between general content and sales content, how to make that divide between sharing that kind of conversation and sharing content and then trying to sell it, that selling point. But this is all content we'll get to. I actually wanna talk about this. As you're coming up with content ideas, 'cause we're gonna get even more specific ideas, I want you to not think of them as different kinds of content. We are not balancing some episodes are sales-y and some episodes are educational. What we're doing is we're making it all, all cohesively from you and your business and your product, and in each episode, you will direct them to the next step, to buy your product. We'll talk about that later, but in your ... In your episode, every episode needs to be either educational or informational or entertaining, and then also lead them to the next step. You can't separate the two into different episodes, because people will stop listening. They won't listen to an episode that's very sales-y. So we're gonna combine it, and here's the thing to remember. Your podcast is from your voice and your perspective and you are a person building a business and selling a product and working away on your business every day, so it's going to very naturally come together, that you're gonna mention it, right? Oh I'm just gonna go teach at a CreativeLive. By the way, you can buy that class. That's just a natural part of me sharing my life on my podcast, even though I don't have one of those podcasts that's super about my life, it is what's coming up, so it's real casual to mention it. The same thing about you're launching a new product. You'd mention in the weeks leading up to it that you're launching a new product. Not sales-y, just talking about it, 'cause it's a part of your life. Oh, today, we're gonna talk about X and Y, because I've been thinking about it, 'cause I'm launching my new product. So never are we trying to extricate sales go in this pile and my podcast goes in this pile. It's gonna be natural and it's gonna lead to the most amount of sales if it's constantly all interconnected. 'Cause you're all interconnected. Your business isn't separate from your life. Your sales aren't separate from whatever you're working on, and whatever creative project, and the conversations you're having, if you're doing a round table or an interview, it's all gonna be intricately connected. I have a question that's kind of related, it's related, I think, but ... If you're talking in your podcast about an upcoming project that you're doing or an event that you're doing, how do you make that, if somebody's listening to the podcast three years later, does it matter? Like, do you have to have it ... Do you know what I'm saying? That's a really good question. Relevant to a generalization? I feel like that's something I struggle with. Yeah, so the question is, if you are saying something that's coming up next week, but people are listening to it three years from now, how do you-- so what I will often say is, if you're listening to this live, tomorrow-- so I had a new podcast episode come out this morning magically even though I was here, so in it I say, if you're listening to this the day it came out, I'm actually live right now at CreativeLive as you're listening, go here to register. And if you're listening in the future, you can still find it at, 'cause those classes are there forever, so that's one way of handling it. I'll also, something like a conference that is ephemeral and then it's gone forever, they can't go visit it offsite, like oh I'm teaching here, if you're listening right now, if you're listening in the future, hello future, you can go to my website to sign up and get updates. So, I say a lot: go to my website to sign up to get updates so you don't miss the next one because I think also when you mention things like that though and then even doing it for years, it builds that sense of, she's been doing this for years. So you don't wanna leave it out, because it's also part of expertise-building and authority-building, or even just building the ongoing story of your life, so that'll be really ... If you're mentioning PK, being in Kindergarten, and then four years from now, you're mentioning her in the grade she's in now, people listening be like aw, she's a baby (laughs). So I like making it timely, and people realize, I'm listening to an old podcast. So we talked about combining them into-- Oh, another way to, another thing I need to make sure to say is you can always change, so if you decide that your podcast is about being a mom of four kids and healthy living and wellness, with a focus on essential oils, and you decide two years from now that you wanna talk more about your art jewelry that you make, you can change it up. A drastic change, you probably wanna tell your audience, but something that's like, well, I used to talk a lot about the whole mom thing but now I talk way more about the whole business thing, or now maybe you get a lot of questions about your marriage so you guys talk a lot more about your marriage, or not about your marriage, but about marriage advice. And you make that shift. You can always change it up. You can always change it episode by episode. Man, I've been talking a lot about color theory but now I really wanna go into cabling techniques or whatever. You can absolutely make that change as you go. Your audience often will come with you, especially if you explain it. I just went through this recently myself. I started a second business last April, and I just explained to them, after a while, after I figured out how to talk about it, that I was changing my business but not necessarily changing what this podcast was about. The podcast will continue to be the same thing. You'll just hear more about the second business. I just wanted to let you guys know. And I got lots of messages of like, so cool to hear that you're changing all the time too. So your people don't want you to be something static; they want you to be you.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Podcasting for Business Workbook

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Podcasting Resource Guide

Ratings and Reviews


I design embroidery patterns and I love podcasts but I wasn't sure what I would talk about in my own podcast without being able to show pictures. After watching this course I already have 20+ ideas for podcast topics, plus I now know how to get a podcast up and running, step-by-step, AND how it fits with my business goals. Tara Swiger is an excellent teacher and coach. I filled page after page with notes!

Rhonda M.

Excellent, practical information.

Dawn Craig

Student Work