Class Introduction: Build Trust and Increase Sales
03:12 2Why your Handmade Business Needs a Podcast
06:42 3What is a Podcast?
03:13 4How to Set up your Studio in 5 Minutes
04:48 5How to Launch a Podcast in 1 Week
05:58 6What Kind of Show will you Have?
03:02 7About the Interview Format
06:39 8About the Solo-Show Format
16:41About the Roundtable Discussion Format
07:55 10Which Format is Right for You
21:40 11Challenge: FInd What's Out There
03:25 12Choosing the Right Topic for your Podcast
14:19 13How to Make your Show Special
02:23 14Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show
07:46 15Content Development Strategies
16:12 16Naming your Podcast Best Practices
07:34 17How to Introduce Yourself
11:34 18How to Write your Intro
03:48 19How to Exit with Confidence
09:00 20Where does your Podcast Live and Why iTunes Matters
20:06 21DEMO:How to Get your Podcast on iTunes
07:18 22How a Listener Becomes a Customer: The Customer Path
07:58 23Your Home Base: How to Set it up for Podcast Listeners
15:19 24How to Generate Content Upgrades
12:39 25How to Leverage your Podcasts to Sell your Product
04:53 26Question And Answer
06:58 27How to Launch your Podcast Successfully
18:06 28Defining "Success" for your Business
07:41 29Other Ways to Make Money from your Podcast
08:25 30How to Find Time for it all: Tara's Exact Workflow
25:19 31Wrapping it all Up
02:03Lesson Info
How to Make your Show Special
So once you have a bunch of these ideas of like what she needs to know what she's interested in what season of life's she's in, what questions you get asked the most often next we're going to niche this down, we're going to come at it from different angles and this is going to help you shape a show that not everybody already has. So in your workbook on page I think it's page six, oh yeah page seven so we're going to create a personal angle for your show because we talked about that people want to get to know you they want you to be yourself they want you really get a vibe of what you are and all of this is going to lead into what you're going to name your show, the kind of image you're going to create in your show, how you're going to write the description, it's getting really clear on what's different about your show. So what is different about your perspective or experience? If you answer this question and you put in it your show and you put it in your description people are going to...
get why they should listen to you. So you have four kids, you work at home, right? You own a small business, those are all different about than how other people are living, right? Laura has all kinds of amazing background experience that makes her perspective and experience different so she would have a totally different show. And this whether it's how you actually learned your craft or how you sell your craft or it's what you did before like people with an art background who then go into the handmade business have a different perspective than people who are self taught or they went to a folk art school or they learned at their grandmother's knee. All of that is super interesting. So write out what's a little different or just your own, even if you don't know what makes it different, write out where you're coming from in your business and in your content cause that's what's going to make it interesting. The next question that seems kind of obvious but what do you love to talk about? So this is my dog sniffing my knitting (laughs) I love talking about my dogs and my knitting. So could you see yourself talking about week after week after week after week on your show? Write it all down. You wanna get just as many ideas as possible cause we're going to piece all of this together into your show and into your content. So what do you just love to talk about that you could talk about forever?
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Ratings and Reviews
I design embroidery patterns and I love podcasts but I wasn't sure what I would talk about in my own podcast without being able to show pictures. After watching this course I already have 20+ ideas for podcast topics, plus I now know how to get a podcast up and running, step-by-step, AND how it fits with my business goals. Tara Swiger is an excellent teacher and coach. I filled page after page with notes!
Rhonda M.
Excellent, practical information.