Class Introduction: Build Trust and Increase Sales
03:12 2Why your Handmade Business Needs a Podcast
06:42 3What is a Podcast?
03:13 4How to Set up your Studio in 5 Minutes
04:48 5How to Launch a Podcast in 1 Week
05:58 6What Kind of Show will you Have?
03:02 7About the Interview Format
06:39 8About the Solo-Show Format
16:41About the Roundtable Discussion Format
07:55 10Which Format is Right for You
21:40 11Challenge: FInd What's Out There
03:25 12Choosing the Right Topic for your Podcast
14:19 13How to Make your Show Special
02:23 14Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show
07:46 15Content Development Strategies
16:12 16Naming your Podcast Best Practices
07:34 17How to Introduce Yourself
11:34 18How to Write your Intro
03:48 19How to Exit with Confidence
09:00 20Where does your Podcast Live and Why iTunes Matters
20:06 21DEMO:How to Get your Podcast on iTunes
07:18 22How a Listener Becomes a Customer: The Customer Path
07:58 23Your Home Base: How to Set it up for Podcast Listeners
15:19 24How to Generate Content Upgrades
12:39 25How to Leverage your Podcasts to Sell your Product
04:53 26Question And Answer
06:58 27How to Launch your Podcast Successfully
18:06 28Defining "Success" for your Business
07:41 29Other Ways to Make Money from your Podcast
08:25 30How to Find Time for it all: Tara's Exact Workflow
25:19 31Wrapping it all Up
02:03Lesson Info
How to Introduce Yourself
I'm gonna give you a couple things that your intro needs to do and then we're gonna actually write one. The thing to remember is it can be super short. We're used to listening to radio shows that maybe have longer introductions or TV shows that have a minute long right intro. Your people aren't gonna listen that long especially if you repeat the same thing every time. They're not, they don't have that much attention to hear it again and again. Just like if you watch a Netflix show, how they will often skip that, and it'll just be a title screen 'cause they're like, "You've been watching this for three hours, "you know you're watching Daredevil." So just, right? I've been, if you've been listening to a podcast you can keep it pretty short. So, what I'm talkin' about here, is the intro of, "hey, you're listening to Explore Your Enthusiasm, "with Tara Swiger," right? Here's what an intro needs to do. It needs to get you in the mood for the podcast. So what I mean by get you in the mood, i...
s... If I'm gonna be goofy and silly and whatever on my show, then my music shouldn't be string orchestra playing Bach. That's just not the right mood. So instead I have upbeat goofy music, which I think I'm actually gonna, I might play in a minute. So it gets you in the mood of whatever the mood of the show is, right? If you are doing a super posh fashion show, then it should maybe be like (bass noises) It's gonna get you in the mood, the music and how you say it, right like, "Hey, you're listening to Explore Your Enthusiasm!" Is different then, "Hello, welcome to Explore Your Enthusiasm, "today we'll be talking with Liz." So your intro needs to be in the mood of what the show is because it's gonna be an audio cue. Remember it's all happening, audio-wise. So it's all gonna trigger, "Oh, is this the show I was listening to? "Yeah, definitely." That's what your intro does, it gets them in the mood so that they are prepared for what's coming. It also describes what your show is about. So, Explore Your Enthusiasm is about... I don't even know what I say in mine anymore, the inner section of art and money because it would help crafters have profitable businesses, I say it way better than that. But that's just a description of what your show is about, what you're gonna do in your show so that they're prepared for what they're gonna listen to. Yeah? I just wanna... Is it like an elevator pitch, like if you own a business if you are a knitter and someone said "oh, what do you do?" Is it kind of like that? Like an elevator pitch type. A little bit, but without you trying to pitch yourself so hard. 'Cause remember, so when you say elevator pitch I think if you're stuck in an elevator with an investor, what do you say to get them to give you money or if you meet a potential buyer, you're like "I did this thing, "this is why you should buy it." Your intro is more like, "this is what the show's gonna be about for you." So what I'm more interested in how I'm gonna serve you. So I'm gonna help you become more profitable if you listen to my show. Not, "this is my background "and this is why you should trust me, "and this is why you should hire me." That will all be built into what I actually say in the show. Right, so, that's a good question though. So just describe what your show is about, from their perspective, and also it gives a sound cue for what's coming. So it just gives you a... You're brain is like "oh, I'm listening to that show." 'Cause a lot of times, people have their podcast set to auto play, right, so I'll be listening to a show about movies and books and then I'll get a sound cue and I'll be like, "Oh, I'm about to listen to a show about crafty business," or something, so that little cue is gonna help them just get ready for what your show is and people like it, they hear it, they become fond of it. It becomes like a little... Just something that their like, "oh yay, that shows coming on!" So that's why you wanna have the little... Just always keep it the same, have it and record it, and then upload it to Alfonics so it attaches to every episode. It doesn't have to be long. So that's an intro, and then there's also the, what you say at the beginning of the episode, right. "Hi, you're listening to episode whatever." Some people choose to make them the same thing like music plays and they immediately go into, "hi you're listening to episode 170." Some people same the same thing in every intro, mine says, "you're listening to Explore Your Enthusiasm "with Tara Swiger, this is what the shows about," and then I actually come in and say, I start right away, like how do you make your small business profitable, today we're gonna talk about blah, blah, blah. So I wanted to give you a couple examples of how people kind of intersect those with their shows. This is from Elise Gets Crafty, we listened to her a little earlier about her interview show and hers jumps right in she actually does a intro for the season, so each season of her show is slightly different. She has an end point, a beginning point and an end point of each season. Mine just goes on indefinitely until the end of time, but she starts at one point and ends at another point. So each season has it's own description. That's what she puts in her intro, so let's listen. Hey, I'm Elise and this is Elise Gets Crafty, my weekly podcast about creating small business. Welcome to season 4! I'm gonna be chatting all this season with people I've had on the show before about what's new, what's changed, what's different in their business over the past couple years and I think it's gonna be really good. You can learn more about the show at EliseJoy.com/podcast, or follow me on Instagram at Elise Joy. Okay, see that plays at the beginning, and then she'll be like, "hey, today I'm talking to John and Sheri "about blah, blah, blah." So then While She Naps, which is Abby, she's taught a class here at Creative Live, it's about E-mail marketing, it's awesome. Her podcast actually, when you first tune in it plays an ad, so she runs, she sells ads on her show. So this was... It was a 59 second ad, and then her intro starts and she does her intro new each week so you're gonna here it jump into what she says this week. I think the ad is a different one each week, you hear that for a minute and then, I didn't want to run that ad, so you'll hear this. (upbeat techno music) Welcome to episode 107 of the While She Naps podcast. I'm Abby Glassenberg. Today, we are talking... So did you see how she didn't say a lot, it was just, it was just, you're at this podcast. I'm this person. Here's what we're gonna talk about. So it wasn't a long... Elise's was a little longer and it talks about that season, Abby jumps right into it. Did you have a question? [White Haired Woman] I do. Yeah. How do you keep track of what... I know how you keep track of what episode you're on but should you start with 001, or you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't like all the extra zeros, I know some shows do that in their URL, will be like podcast 001. But what if you go over 100, what if you're at a thousand? Right. So I just say episode 1. My link, my URL I make, is podcast 1, right. And there are different ways you can do this, I think the main thing is you wanna both have the... If you're gonna number it, if you're gonna say the number, I've learned this 'cause I've got questions from people. You need to make sure that number is in your title in iTunes, it could be just one, colon, your title. And then you also need to make sure your website. So if somebody goes to TaraSwiger.com and searches episode five, I need to have that in my title so that comes up. So I didn't, I wasn't putting them on iTunes, I wasn't putting the number on iTunes and so somebody will be like, "you said episode 165, "I'm scrolling through iTunes which one's 165?" So the other thing is when I refer to podcast episodes on my show, in the content of my show, I'll be like, "so back in episode..." I wish I actually knew what episode was what right now. "Back in episode 165, we talked more about "how to blah, blah, blah." Okay, so I have another question associated with that 'cause I... I listen to your podcast and I know this, you refer to podcast past all the time. How do you keep track of what you said in what podcast? I don't, I look it up. Do you keep some sort of log of it? Okay, so I keep a content calendar, which I think we're gonna talk about today, we definitely talk about this in the YouTube for growing your business show-- class. And that I have a content calendar with a date, and the title and the episode number. And then also if I write any other details and what I do with that is, it's a spread sheet and I start a tab for old, so I just recently did this, I have a tab for 2014, 2015, 2016, and each month I take that months content and it's all filled out because it's been created and I move it to the 2017 tab so that what's on my first tab I'm looking at is just my next month. You do this in sheets or something? Yes exactly. Yeah, so I didn't have so many tabs when I got started it was just, this is what I'm working on, what I realized is I want my what I'm working on right now to be at the top, so I copy and paste that someplace else but so it doesn't go away. So what I'll do is I'll go in there and I'll have in my mind, right. So what I'm talking about is... I did a whole series on confidence. So I'm gonna mention confidence and I wanna send them back to the episode where I talk about accepting compliments. It's weird that I talked about compliments, I just search that sheet for the word compliments and it comes up. I also often just go to google and write, "Tara Swiger podcast confidence." (laughs) And then it's like, "Oh, that was in four episodes actually." 'cause I forget, I mean I'm on episode 180 so... And after I do it, I completely forget it. So if you come up to me and you're like "do you remember when you said this?" I'm like, "mm-mm, no. I'm glad I said that, "that's sounds smart." (laughs) And then you have it in your outline, so you know to refer to it. Exactly. Okay. Yes, but and also just in the moment it's just flowing. So I'm not logging it somewhere in my brain. So, I log it on the sheets and then that's the amazing thing about google is it will just tell me my own stuff. [White Haired Woman] Right. Yeah, that's a good question though. So, I do really recommend referring to past podcast episodes because it will get people to go back and listen. Because assume everybody's just hearing you for the first time and you need to send them back and also it just creates this... Kind of body of knowledge. It's all interconnected. So the last sample I have, is really different. I wanted to... It's a much more masculine, hardcore vibe. The GaryVee Audio Experience, if you don't listen or watch GaryVee's YouTube channel or listen to his podcast, I highly recommend it. He jumps right into... It goes right from the same intro each time like a musical cue and words, to then he immediately starts talking. So what they do is they edit it like a lot of them are his key-notes he's given or his interviews he's done with people. They go immediately into it right after the intro. So let's listen to that. This is The GaryVee Audio Experience, (motivational music plays) ... in that video was reverse engineered, I just knew that people would want to watch it and that's what I also think is gonna happen here. Basically I want-- Okay, so that was just him... Just him talking, right. That was just what the episode was, it went immediately from his music to him talking. So that was different examples of ways you can set it up. You can have it a super simple couple seconds of music, and then you immediately launch into it. You can create one that always plays at the beginning, so what we heard was Gary has one that always plays at the beginning. Abby had a couple seconds of music and then her talking for this episode. You can do it either way.
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Ratings and Reviews
I design embroidery patterns and I love podcasts but I wasn't sure what I would talk about in my own podcast without being able to show pictures. After watching this course I already have 20+ ideas for podcast topics, plus I now know how to get a podcast up and running, step-by-step, AND how it fits with my business goals. Tara Swiger is an excellent teacher and coach. I filled page after page with notes!
Rhonda M.
Excellent, practical information.