Challenge 4: Polishing a Turd
Lesson 5 from: Photoshop This 2019Jared Platt, Lisa Carney, Rafael "RC" Concepcion, Jason Hoppe

Challenge 4: Polishing a Turd
Lesson 5 from: Photoshop This 2019Jared Platt, Lisa Carney, Rafael "RC" Concepcion, Jason Hoppe
Lesson Info
Challenge 4: Polishing a Turd
The polishing a turd challenge is everybody has them. Everybody- You should hope. You should hope. At least once a day. Every, yeah. Everybody has something that they've shot, something that they're supposed to work on, that is a real crappy shot, but it's something that you can't get rid of, or that you don't wanna get rid of, you cling to desperately, and you wanna make it work. So the question is what can you do to a real lame image that will fix that image? So we're looking for the best possible solution for a bad image. Are you ready? Hold on, getting my file open. So do we have to pick our image or do you tell us? You can pick any image you like that you think is a really lame image that you would like to fix. So I gave you a number of them. I gave you a number of options of images that I shot that I think are quite turds. Do people get to see what the turdy pictures are? Yeah, so open it up and we will see what your turdy picture is. I'm using your turd. Yo...
u're what? I'm using your turd. She's playing with your turd. All right. Good. Yup. That's excellent. So you shot these? I photographed these at one point in my life. Maybe yesterday, I don't know. [Man Sitting On Right] Right so. So take a look at the image and I need to know what you can do to make these images better. [Man Sitting On Right] Well. Fix my bad images. [Man Sitting On Right] Doesn't it start with, like, you know, not garbage in, not garbage out? Correct. (gasps) Are you talking smack? Gentle, gentle, gentle. But everybody used to suck once. Yes. Mine just was yesterday. (laughing) I saw you shooting these today. You saw me shooting these? Did you just say what I think you said? What's that? Did you just say what I think you said? Yeah, yeah. Wow. Sorry, I'm just shocked with what you said. Yes you did, but I left it well. Wow. Hoo! Nevermind, keep moving on. It's dizzy. So you've chosen the bus? [Man Sitting On Right] Yes. All right. [Man Sitting On Right] Because if there's no bus that I know that a special bus, this is it. All right. And you chose the very lame motion on the palm trees. Yep. What did you choose? You're choosing the video? [Man Sitting On Right] Because what everybody does when they get a convertible when it's 30 degrees outside they put it down and they drive it. Ah! You know it. Excellent. So how can you polish the turd? And you have five minutes to do it, but it looks like we've already been timing. So now you have three minutes and nine seconds. Oh crap! Are you kidding? Okay. Are you kidding? So you have three minutes and nine seconds to accomplish polishing the turd. Okay, so why are we doing this and you're not? Hmm. That's a good question because aren't you all working on my images? We are. Yeah and see that's the thing because, I mean, when you get into something like this, you know, it's like so, like is this for like a client or something? Yes, actually, I'm just trying to get you guys to do stuff that I don't want to do. Mm-hmm. We love you. So gotta be perfect. [Man Sitting On Right] That would be because, you know, it really would be beneficial. Actually, the reason that you're doing this and I'm not is 'cause I'm so good at this. Oh! That I would put you to shame. I felt that. I totally felt that. So it's really, really not fair. <v R.C.>What?! That sounds like a challenge. [Man Sitting On Right] Really? Well, you know, the funny thing is is that, you know. You felt that. Everyone in the room felt that. [Man Sitting On Right] I could show you how we could go in and just press one button to go ahead and do this. Should I do it? [Man Sitting On Right] I mean, give it a shot. You want me to try? Yeah. [Man Sitting On Right] Yeah. All right. I'm gonna. I've got a turd on here. I'll find a turd. [Man Sitting On Right] You brought out your best suit, so clearly. All right. I'm in my best suit. Here we go. Now, I don't. This is a really lame image right here. I'm gonna put it in full-screen so everybody can see. It's like under exposed. It's not all that interesting at all. So can everybody see that? That's my turd. Let's see. So I'm not talking about the person, just the, just the photographer. Oh! (laughing) So here I am. So that's mine. But I still have a minute and 37 seconds, so I'm gonna take a look at what you guys are doing here. Oh I'm done. Because I can do this a lot faster. (laughing) Wow. Just saying. That's interesting. What are you doing Lisa? I'm making a whole new scene. I'm saying, "Screw your image!" Hahahaha. I'm gonna make something. So you knew that mine was about trees? Yes. And so you're just adding trees? I'm just gonna make a whole new tree thing. And a new jungle environment. Will my trees actually be in there at all? No. They're going down. Come on. Just put my trees in there. No. They're gone. Like they could be sticking up in the background a little bit. Come on. It's really not fair if my trees aren't in there at all. I'm gonna get you another tree, honey. Sometimes you just gotta surrender and get a brand new tree, and in fact, do you guys know, hang on this is gonna take just a second. What are you doing? <v R.C.>Um, making a painting. Wow. The Photoshop has these really great tree renders. When the photograph doesn't work, you paint it? <v R.C.>I tell people I'm like you- I've found this. Yeah. I like these trees. I was so excited about that. I actually used it. Yeah, these trees. Yeah, so we're gonna make brand new trees. (laughing) Your trees are out. My trees have lost. They are totally out. Is that because bacon makes everything better? [Man Sitting On Right] Dude, if you know nothing about me and Photoshop, you know nothing about bacon. But I figured, okay, you know, with this poor little bus sitting right here, why not turn it into a toaster? A bacon toaster. A bacon toaster. Oh my God that is awesome. [Man Sitting On Right] You press the button, bacon pops up. All right, how much time do we have left? Because I need to work on my image. [Man Sitting On Right] You can turn it on, you can turn it off. How much time do we have? [Man Behind Audience] 15 seconds. 15 seconds. Oh! 15 seconds oh no! All right! Are you ready? So I can fix this one with one button. The power button. You ready? I need a close up on this. Delete. Oh! [Man Sitting On Right] Delete. That would be funny if she's right. There we go. (laughing) It's all gone. I deleted the image. Did you hit delete? It's gone. That's how I polish my turds. I just get rid of 'em. Flush 'em. Yup. So I'm sorry that I put you guys through that, but I did want-- that is amazing, Lisa! Why thank you. That is really impressive. You know the really weird clone thing though, it's like the one thing I teach [Man Sitting On Right] about clone is like when you see that repetition. Yeah. [Man Sitting On Right] It's really obvious. Yes it is. Well, I wasn't done. I would liquefy, warp. I would do something, but how many times do you have clients who have crap materials and you just gotta redo it? You gotta redo everything. I will tell you. And I would think, wow Lisa! You saved my palm tree. I did. I got you a brand new palm tree. How did you get my palm tree to be sharp again? You see? That's Amazing. I will guarantee if you guys look at the tree renders that are in Photoshop because they're absolutely amazing. They are. They are all over posters now because we stick them in. The secret's out, we know. Right, you need a tree here. Because you know the photography. You need to block something... [Man Sitting On Right] Do you know when that started? Beverley Hills Cop. (laughing) You could use that for Beverly Hills Cop. Totally. Absolutely. So what did you do to the bus? Besides-- well, you got rid of the bacon. [Man Sitting On Right] Well, I went through and I used the camera raw, and I went in and I recovered the whole thing through camera raw. And then went in and just gave it a nice little high pass filter right there. And then, of course, I threw the flaming bacon out of the top. Flaming bacon, excellent. [Man Sitting On Right] Mm-hmm. Because, you know... It could have a pancake base. That would be all right. A little maple syrup. [Man Sitting On Right] That would be. Because this could be bed of syrup. With some syrup spilling down the- [Man Sitting On Right] Yes, yes. And actually because the wheel is in there, a bed of syrup would be really nice. And R.C. what did you do? <v R.C.>So I started working with, like if you look at your picture here, Ryan, a lot what I did is I actually just turned it more into just an oil painting. So is that kind of... I took all of the different things- Look at that! That's pretty. <v R.C.>And actually started making it a little bit- I feel like I'm in Toon Town on DisneyLand or something. <v R.C.>Well, it's like one of the things that I tell people. Like I'm like if you have a bad shot, just turn it around and actually turn it into an oil painting, print it on textured paper, and sell it as art. Which is kind of cool. (laughing) But it's one of those things where you could like use it to be able to blend and it was an effect that used to be in Photoshop, then they got rid of it, then they brought it back. And I'm a big fan of it. Like this is a picture that I did of my daughter in Santa Claus, and if you look, like it's a blend of oil painting and actual, real pictures, and like you can use it. So it's one of those things where, I think my daughter's actually watching, so hi baby! How are you? That's excellent. <v R.C.>But it's one of those things- [Man Sitting On Right] Okay, so you're gonna bring up a picture of your daughter? <v R.C.>What? [Man Sitting On Right] I'm gonna bring up a picture of my cat. <v R.C.>There you go. There you go. But it's just one of those things, where it's just like, when in doubt, turn it into art.
Ratings and Reviews
Super entertaining and informative. I loved watching the experts work their magic with hilarious contests, while also talking through their processes. So much fun!
Can't wait for this class!!!