Class Introduction
01:44 2Black & White – Adjust Color Luminosity
02:20 38 Special Blending Modes
02:12 4Tricks with Brushes
05:53 5Compositing in Perspective Template
13:14 6Use Curves to Remove Color Cast
07:10 7Two-Windows Same Document
04:00 8Stack Modes: Remove People
12:32Lesson Info
Two-Windows Same Document
This works better when you have two monitors. With one monitor, it's still good, but this is a smaller monitor so it may not be as obvious. When you're working on retouching or even design, usually zoom in to work on the detail. Maybe, for whatever reason, I maybe wanna remove some of the wrinkles on her shirt. I'll do normal and then if I wanna see that that adjustment worked, I would zoom out. (clicking) Okay, looks good. Now, I need to zoom back in and now maybe I wanna remove the cable from her headphones or whatever. The adjustment really doesn't matter. Then I can zoom out. Okay, that looks pretty good. I'm gonna zoom back in and now I'm gonna make another adjustment to her bracelet, or Fitbit, or whatever that is. You can see how that can become really, really time consuming, zooming out, zooming in, zooming out, zooming in. Luckily for us, in Photoshop there's a feature where we can have the same document open in two windows. Just to make it even clearer, I'm gonna close this d...
ocument just so that we have the one that we're working with. I can actually tell Photoshop open this document in two windows. In one window, we're gonna zoom in really, really close and in another window, we're gonna zoom out so that we can see the overall image. To do that, I can go into Window, Arrange, and at the very, very bottom of the Arrange menu, you'll see New Window for and then the name of the document. In this case, my document is called same document to windows. I can click on that New Window for, so now I have two windows, same document. Exactly the same, then I can go into Window, Arrange, and I can either select horizontal or vertical, 2-up Horizontal, 2-up Vertical. I can either put the images side-by-side or one on top of the other. I think that for the screens that I'm working with, side-by-side will work best. I'll select 2-up Vertical and I'll just collapse this here so that we have more room to work with. Now, we have the two documents. I'm gonna hold the space bar to pan and just see the overall image here. Again, if you have two monitors at home, you can actually click an drag one of these documents onto that full monitor so you have the whole version of your file there. In the one that you're working in front of you, you can zoom in really close so you can work on detail, but you could always see the full-version there. But anyway, so I'll zoom in here and I wanna try to make a change that's noticeable. Maybe, I'm gonna start removing some of these windows, I think. I think that'll be noticeable. If I come in here and we'll see if this works. I mean, if I click and drag the spot healing brush tool to remove that window, notice how it made a change. It didn't really remove it, but now it did. Notice I both removed it here in the full version and in the close-up version, so you can work both with detail and the full resolution of your images. That way, you know that they look good once you zoom out and you don't waste all that time zooming in and zooming out. Also, if you hold Shift and use the space bar, you can pan on both images at the same time. If you need to move a little bit, you can make both move by holding the Shift key. If you don't hold Shift and only do the space bar, then you only move one window. Two windows, hold the Shift key and then the space bar, and then you move both. They're really the same file. They're just showing in two different documents, but it's the same file. Or two different windows, same document. Notice that when I close the first one, it didn't ask me to save. If I close the second one, it will ask me to save, because now it knows there's no other instance of it open.
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Ratings and Reviews
There are but a scant few who really know Photoshop well enough that are able to teach it with a comfortable flow, thoroughness and a pleasant personality. Jesus hits all the marks and I must say, I enjoy... and more importantly, learn more from him than most of the others. It's a pleasure learning from him. Thanks! (I watched 3 times in a row today LOL)
Absolutely loved this concise and useful course! This was the first time I’ve heard Jesús teach and I really enjoyed his teaching style. He gets right to the point, no fluff or filler, is easy-going. The tips he teaches in this course are great! I’ve been using photoshop for ten years and I learned something new in each section. Money well spent!! I can hardly wait to check out his other courses!!!
Scott Weishair
Amazing! Really cool stuff explained quite well. Loved it!