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8 Special Blending Modes

Lesson 3 from: Photoshop Power Tips and Tricks

Jesús Ramirez

8 Special Blending Modes

Lesson 3 from: Photoshop Power Tips and Tricks

Jesús Ramirez

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3. 8 Special Blending Modes

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8 Special Blending Modes

The eight special blending modes. Photoshop first added blending modes in Photoshop version three, when layers were added, there were 19 blending modes. Eight additional blending modes were added after that. These are the blending modes here in yellow. And those blending modes have a property, two properties, that the other blending modes do not. Number one is, when you, and let me change that brush there. Number one is that if I paint and then change the opacity, I will get a different result when I change it, when I change the fill. So notice how the, and actually I have to change the blending mode first. I have to change it to one of those eight blending modes. I chose the color dodge blending mode, which is one of the blending modes on the list. Now, if I adjust opacity, compare the fill, I would get a different result. That blending mode, and especially with white, becomes really useful when you're compositing and creating specular highlights. So if I double click on the side of t...

his layer, you'll see the advanced blending options. We're gonna have this checkbox here called Transparency Shapes Layers. Watch what happens when I uncheck that checkbox. You see how the edges of the pixels change. I can also control fill and opacity from this dialogue box, so if I reduce the opacity, you can see how that becomes sort of like a big highlight right on her and on the motorcycle, but if I bring down the opacity, you will not see that effect. So, this is a really interesting effect that you can get with those eight blending modes. Obviously, with the blending modes in the darkened category, you would have to use a darker color, not white. But with those eight blending modes, the result will be different when you change fill, compare to opacity, and if you uncheck the Transparency Shapes Layers checkbox, the pixels around the edge of whatever you paint on will blend differently, and usually, in my opinion, it's a nicer result.

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There are but a scant few who really know Photoshop well enough that are able to teach it with a comfortable flow, thoroughness and a pleasant personality. Jesus hits all the marks and I must say, I enjoy... and more importantly, learn more from him than most of the others. It's a pleasure learning from him. Thanks! (I watched 3 times in a row today LOL)


Absolutely loved this concise and useful course! This was the first time I’ve heard Jesús teach and I really enjoyed his teaching style. He gets right to the point, no fluff or filler, is easy-going. The tips he teaches in this course are great! I’ve been using photoshop for ten years and I learned something new in each section. Money well spent!! I can hardly wait to check out his other courses!!!

Scott Weishair

Amazing! Really cool stuff explained quite well. Loved it!

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