Chapter 1: Introduction
1Class Project
01:57Chapter 2: Understanding Exposure
2Camera Settings
15:04 3Balancing Exposure
07:24 4Chapter 2: Quiz
Chapter 3: Understanding your Camera
5Is Manual Mode Necessary?
05:39Achieving Perfect Focus
06:46 7Chapter 3: Quiz
Chapter 4: Essential Photography Concepts
11:50 9Lighting
07:01 10Manipulating Your Environment
02:58 11Social Media Tips for Photographers
08:54 12Chapter 4: Quiz
Chapter 5: Personalizing Your Photos
13Finding Your Photographic Style
04:22 14Photo Editing Tips & Tricks
11:51 15Chapter 5: Quiz
Chapter 6: Conclusion
16Summing Things Up
02:10Final Quiz
17Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Class Project
okay, we have finally come to the course project and this is a project that I did when I took a photography course in school and this is the project that hands down made me a better photographer. This is the single activity that I remember from taking that class in college and it just helped me so much to become a better photographer. The project is to go outside find something that's interesting or maybe it's not even interesting, maybe it's just something normal. Um and shoot that thing 50 times, you know, maybe it's your car or a fire hydrant or a tree or a basketball, whatever it is, Take your camera and take 50 different photos of that object with 50 different compositions. So in order to do this project, you really, really have to think outside the box and really push your creativity. Usually when we see something, we'll only think of maybe one or two ways to shoot it. But if you're really trying to get different compositions and get some really interesting shots, this activity w...
ill be amazing for you. So a few tips are to move both vertically. So, you know, shoot it from above from below. Um and then also horizontally. So shoot it from the right side, shoot it from the left side. Um and then also depth wise, so stand back and shoot it get really, really close and shoot it. Shoot it some of the different details on it and just really think outside the box and try to come up with something unique. I was in college, I had to, shoot a fire hydrant um and I just couldn't figure out, you know, different ways to shoot it. But I really did get some really unique shots from that activity shots that I really would have never taken before. I did that. So I really think this is an awesome lesson, um and really helpful for you and not only improving your composition, but learning how to work a camera better and just kind of thinking outside the box in general and I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Ratings and Reviews
Matt House
Good basics class, however one of the questions in the chapter 3 quiz is incorrect: When shooting in aperture mode, what settings does the camera adjust? Quiz answer (aperture) is incorrect. The photographer selects the aperture, however the camera adjusts the shutter speed (and ISO if in auto) in order to make a proper exposure.
Neil Brumberger
This is an excellent, fast paced review of processes and techniques for someone who is not a raw newbie, but still in the beginner stage. The title is accurate. It covers the essentials, not deeply, but broadly. Being somewhat older I find the fast pace of the narrative a bit too much, but I am a dinosaur