Vignettes and Grain
Lesson 11 from: Photo Editing in Lightroom Classic for The Photo EnthusiastJared Platt

Vignettes and Grain
Lesson 11 from: Photo Editing in Lightroom Classic for The Photo EnthusiastJared Platt
Lesson Info
11. Vignettes and Grain
01:49 2A Tour of Lightroom Classic
16:19 3Basic Adjustments
23:16 4Synchronization
16:47 5Tone Curve
08:41 6HSL
03:52 7Color Grading
04:53 8Detail
07:34Lesson Info
Vignettes and Grain
So let's talk about the effects panel in the effects panel there is an option called post crop vignette ng. Now post crop vignette ng is simply starting a vignette from the crop wherever that crop happens to be. And as you as you change the crop it'll change the vignette ng. Um I don't use this all that much and probably you don't need to use it all that much either because there are much better ways to create vignettes. The principal way to create a vignette would be to use a radial mask. And that way you can put the vignette wherever you want it rather than just dependent on the crop. But if you want to create one, you just simply grab this amount slider and drag it down to create a dark vignette and drag it up to create a light vignette and then you can change the midpoint, so how far in does it go or how far out does it go? Um And then you can create roundness or square. So let's see how it can go really round so that it's perfectly round. Or you can start to follow the crop until ...
the point where it's just like a little soft edge to the, to the corners. And then you can also change the feather. So how slowly does it go in and go out. So I'm gonna do pretty slowly in pretty pretty feathered, pretty round with a pretty low with a pretty small midpoint and then I'm going to take the amount and start to darken things up so that's what it looks like. Now the highlights area allows for bright highlights to go through the vignette so that they don't get dark and dingy. For instance, if we were to crop this image and if I were to crop it in like this so that it's really close on him, Then if I would grab the highlights and bring it all the way to 100% watch his yellow jacket, see how it bleeds through and it doesn't quite get darkened, but it's only the really bright highlights get to go through it. So just be aware that the vignette ng tool is there again, I don't use it all that much because I don't think it's very helpful and I don't think it yields a really beautiful result. There's not a lot of control that you have over it. So there are much better tools to do exactly the same thing. So I'm going to reset that, get rid of it. The other option that's in the effects panel is grain and grain. We're all used to that from film days. If you haven't shot film. Uh the higher the I. S so the more grain there was but I love grain because it creates a texture to the photograph kind of creates a depth in the photograph but it also does something really interesting and that is that it helps to cover some inconsistencies and skin. So take a look at this minus the bigger blemishes. If I turn the grain on watch what happens to her skin, you'll notice that it seems smoother and it also hides some of the smaller blemishes. So watch this on and off. So here's grain on. Do you see how the the deeper pores and some of the small blemishes just got eaten up by that grain and her skin looks actually smoother even though it's rougher because of the grain because we forgive the grain and our eyes because the grain interrupts the patterns and the circles it blocks ri from being able to see those shapes. So let's look at that again. So this is off and you can see that there are blemishes and some deep pores. And then as we turn it on, those are going to be interrupted. So what happens is the lines of the shapes which are basically circles get interrupted by pieces of grain. And so the eye has a hard time following those lines and completing the shape. The shape is still there but it's just interrupted by random grain pattern and that helps to unify the image, soften up the skin and get rid of blemishes really quickly. And so if you like grain like I do then use it because it helps to make beautiful skin. And then all I have to do is retouch the bigger blemishes and we're going to talk about retouching blemishes in another lesson
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Ratings and Reviews
Byron Sieber
Jared does an excellent job at taking a subject and breaking it down step by step. He includes great explanations along the way to help you understand why he is doing something. His results, which are great photos, speak for themselves.
Excellent class with great detail on the new Masking tools! Thanks, Jared!
Michael Grosso
Excellent overview of the features included in the most recent upgrade of Adobe Lightroom. Very practical applications are covered at a very good pace. Thank you!