Day 1
14 Tips for Connecting with Powerful People
01:59 2Personal Branding is Not What You Think
34:49 3Telling the Branded Story
49:34 4Understanding Your Brand
41:58 5Discover Your Personal Narrative
21:49 6Brand Through Leadership
34:56 7The Wingman Strategy
25:27Be a Hub for Your Network
23:38 9Your Online Presence
28:36 10Using Social Media
32:48 11Your Social Media Presence
22:50 12Mastering Media Interviews
40:16 13Mastering Media Interviews (cont'd)
22:20 14Student Mock Interviews
25:56 15Networking the Right Way
10:49 16Networking with Guest Susan RoAne
53:03 17Mentors and Powerful People
45:35 18Interviewing Powerful People
40:09 19Your Campaign Plan
52:55 20Envision Your Future
29:19Day 2
Lesson Info
Mastering Media Interviews
So yesterday we had a pretty exciting day we talked about a lot of different things as jean marie and sally were mentioning first of all, we were talking about overcoming the myths of personal branding because a lot of people really are held back by the idea that personal branding equates to bragging that it's some kind of, you know, activity where you're just, you know, talking about yourself and say how great you are, and as we saw with the wing man activity and other strategies, it doesn't have to be like that in fact, it shouldn't be like that we don't want to be shoving ourselves down other people's throats it's really about getting clear on on our identity and then sharing our gift with the world. We also talked about creating our narrative because if we can't tell our stories, well, other people aren't going to get him and they're not gonna be able to tell them well, either, so creating your narratives probably one of the most essential ingredients in having a powerful personal ...
brand. Third, we talked about living your brand because really your brand it's not just what you say about yourself is the manifestation of everything you d'oh, it's it's the total impression that people get about you in the world through the people you associate with the groups that you're involved in the kinds of things that you write or put out on the internet the quality of work you do all of that is part of your brand so we want to make sure they were really creating a cohesive whole for people and then fourth yesterday the in our last thing and we talked about developing an online profile and an online portfolio because you're online reputation these days is really just a cz important as you're offline, we have tto make sure that we're really thinking about both pieces because they matter in terms of how how folks really perceive you and so before we get into what we're doing today which I'm really excited about, I was actually just curious I wanted to hear from you guys and also from the at home audience maybe you can write in in the chat box if you'd like to do so about what you took from yesterday and if there are any things that particularly resonated or things that that you might like to apply barbara I knew you mention that you actually went home and did something different depositors can you tell us about that? So I have been putting zoom design on everything it's twenty years assumed design that's the name of your company? Yeah, but I've been grappling with whether to put barbara schwartz resume design and as I'm a freelance and not expecting to have a twenty percent studio our agency for the first time I put copyright barbara schwartz and citizen design wow so uh and then I am planning to block to I think I'm going to start blogging that's amazing that's really powerful congratulations q thanks and how about you samantha when you were driving home I know you hit traffic which was terrible so when you're in the car driving home yesterday what was in your mind what did you take from yesterday? So the main thing was creating a narrative and so I actually started thinking about what my story is and how I want other people to perceive me now the hard part is completing the narrative so like I'm nowhere near that but at least I've started the groundwork absolutely it is it is a process and for any of you guys as you're creating your narrative I know that you're probably not going to immediately be able to sit down and in one inspired five minute bursts say oh this is my narrative for life you know this is something that takes a little thinking it takes iteration it may take bouncing it off some of your trusted friends that is all okay the point is to start now to start thinking about it you don't have to finish it this minute so congratulations that's wonderful tomorrow how about you? What would you know as you were reflecting on yesterday's activities? Did anything in particular stay with you well, definitely the fact that personal branding is not bragging yeah, you don't have to be shy about personal branding, you just have to leave ah, and b like leave your brand and be really certain both what you were trying. Teo communicate it doesn't mean that you have to stop doing everything else. You just have to communicate what it's you want people to see you like, yeah, that's really important I mean, coming from russia is here is their sort of ah particular difficulty you have with it or do you feel mostly okay? What's what's your sort of cultural take on it? Yeah, it's definitely different here. I would say that in russia, people of very competitive on kind of you're saying that you're a good horse, petar, for everybody else will be like, well, we'll see, you know, we'll see about that. Yeah, here I feel like, um, I need to be really specific about what I'm telling people because if I'm saying that I'm a horse photographer, but everybody was like, well, yeah, me too, you know? So it's it's really different and personal branding is definitely going to help me, uh, to overcome those problems yeah, that's fantastic. No thie cultural differences can be tricky. I teach a lot of executive education classes and one in one of them that I had a guy who was russian and he wrote on my evaluation you know, at the end of it he said at first I thought you smiled too much but now I think he's okay, so maybe you think that too, but I hope I hope we're cool after you're living in america I think I smile too much because that's right we all smiled too much we're loving it loving it smiles are good so yes that's fantastic thank you so much and I'm curious what? What are folks saying online? What the folks at home say well, kevin from waterloo, ontario on terry ontario whatever I'm not a very good accent so person says I did a google form sheet and ask questions relevant to the three sixty reviewed my friends on facebook and it really helped me clarify what others took from my online voice already signed so excited for today perfect timing either majoring to be this sunday my pressures on you during your time capture does well yeah, rebecca create creative a says omg I went out on a limb and ask my facebook followers for three words to describe me twenty people responded, I am humbled and I now know exactly how I'm perceived via social media and I can alter my brand goals and create better narrative and communication now that is fantastic that on and that's information that we just we couldn't we couldn't get on our own we can you know try to think in our heads about you know, what's my brand what's my brand and you could literally be doing this for like ten years and you would not get the same feedback as you would by just asking other people because they see things were not able to see so just doing doing that and then blending that with you know, your own internal process and what you think about your brand that's that's the way to actually advance and move forward and get out of our own heads so congratulations rebecca and kevin and and other folks that's really cool so today I'm actually really excited about what we're talking about and for her friend with the uh with the sunday interview this is perfect timing because today what we're going to be talking about we're starting out this morning by talking about mastering media interviews and part of why this this is so important is that we're talking yesterday about the concept of social proof where you know in psychology other other people are you know kind of looking for guidance about how to view us and you know they look to other people for that but they also critically look two sources of authority and you know, media outlet an objective third party media outlet is considered a really authoritative source and so it definitely elevates your brand if you are interviewed in the press because people say, wow, you know, if she's interesting enough for he's interesting enough to be interviewed in the newspaper, that must mean there's something there and so, you know, I'm going to look more closely at this and whatever you know is in the press takes on that additional level of weight, so one of the best ways to really be able to establish your brand is to get some media coverage and so things are interesting now because thanks to the internet, the landscape has changed theirs in some ways more opportunity than ever in some ways there's less opportunity so we have to kind of find a way to navigate it. So we're gonna talk about that this morning and do some practice sessions as well um second, in our second thing, we were talking about networking the right way because we all know that networking is important we've got you know, this is how we get our clients that's how we get our referrals and so we have to build the network but much like personal branding itself, networking is a concept where a lot of people have some qualms a lot of people feel like, oh, man, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that, is it going to be sleazy? Am I going to be exploiting people in some way, like, how do you build a network without being a jerk and that's, what we're going to talk about? Because we do not want you to be jerks, we want you to be cool networkers, and so we actually have a special guest star today, who's coming in. I'm very excited. Susan roanne literally wrote the book on networking. Some of you guys may have read it. It's called howto work a room and it is a classic. It has sold more than a million copies. It just came out this year again with its twenty fifth anniversary edition. So it's it's pretty cool. Well, so we'll hear about that in the third segment. We're talking about connecting with mentors and powerful people and part of why this matters so much mean, none of us wants toe reinvent the wheel, you know? I mean, why? Why do that, right? Wouldn't it be great if we can learn from others past experience so that we could grow and catapult forward? But it can be hard, right? It can be very hard to find a mentor and someone toe taken interest in us tomorrow was saying yesterday that, you know, there's all these, like super competitive equine photographers, and they don't want to tell anyone anything. So we want to try to see if we can be generous in our own lives and find other people who are generous around us but you know, it's tricky because a mentor oftentimes they may be older, more more powerful than us, even somebody who's not a mentor but just a contact if they are in a sort of rarefied level in the field, if they're very successful, it can be it can be hard to kind of penetrate that and get through to that person because there's a lot of aspirants let's be frank who want to connect with them. How do you distinguish yourself? How do you get noticed so that they really say, wow, this is interesting, you know this odette, I want to talk to her so that's, what we're going to discuss, we also have a special guest star for that my friend john corcoran, who is a former right white house writer and a really smart guy about networking. He has his own podcast and has a lot of insights for us and fourth and finally we're going to be wrapping it up by bringing it all together were creating a campaign plan for our careers and for our personal brand s o this is gonna be really fun, I'm going to teach you about some strategies that we actually using politics like power mapping and creating you know, literally creating a campaign calendar like we dio in an election time so this is going to harking back to my past and and sharing some of those insights so that we can pull it all together and make sure that all the things that we talked about today are actually usable for you because I do not want this session to be something where you know it's it's oh right you know, you took some notes and now they're on the shelf I wanted to be something that hopefully like barbara you're using tonight you're using today when you go home and doing something different because that's what the value of this is I want you to be able to make actual changes and make progress that can help you develop this a professional as a result. So that is the goal for today, which I'm pretty excited about so let's do it we're talking about mastering media interviews and I will even stand for you because I heard a lecture by a neuroscientist who said here's my tip of the day you know a million dollars inside here if you stand because your brain is getting more oxygen you were up to seven percent smarter when you talk so all right I'm doing it for you people so only the best right? So okay media interviews we had we had some great political stories and examples yesterday we had some stories from rick santorum we had some stories from john mccain about, you know howto do their personal brands and so today we're going bipartisan and I wanted to tell you a little bit about ted kennedy to start out you may say I'm a creative professional what can I learn from ted kennedy? But this is such a seminal moment in the history of media interviews I wanted to draw it to your attention some of you guys who were old enough to follow politics in nineteen eighty may in fact remember this if you do not it is a story worth telling so ted kennedy, you know, bless him he was in very tremendously successful one of the most successful senators of all time, but he many people thought that he should be president, you know, they encouraged him to run, of course, since his brother was so popular, but in nineteen eighty he decided to go for it. He was going to run and so a lot of people thought because jimmy carter was so unpopular he could just walk to the nomination, but it didn't work out that way and the main reason why it did not work out that way is it in his very first media outing that he did, he was being interviewed by roger mudd on I think cbs and he starts out and roger mudd asks him what some might say it was a trick question why do you want to be president? And ted kennedy gets a shocked and panicked look on his face in an interview where he is talking about why he wants to be president and he looks like a deer in the headlights I invite you to google it if you have not seen it, you can google ted kennedy roger mudd interview and on its up on youtube and he says, well, I'm always worried this will do a dramatic rendition well, I'm were I to make the announcement to run the reason that I would run is because I have a great belief in this country that there's more natural resource is than any nation in the world and then he goes on for about three minutes just starting with a stream of really exciting reasons like I want to be president basically because we have natural resource is and other things like that and it just really, really goes down and in fact it was considered such a terrible media interview that from that point on it really was not gonna happen for for ted kennedy because people said you don't know why you want to be president you should probably not be our president on dh so this this is the reason I think you know where a lot of people a lot of a lot of nice you know people who are creative professionals are a little scared of doing media interviews because they are worried in some corner of their hearts that they will become like ted kennedy and they will say something stupid or they'll make a mistake and then they'll look like an idiot in front of everybody and so I want to start out by just like laying out what the fear is, but I also want to say a couple of things that I hope will be reassuring. So number one, if you are running for president, you are correct to be wary of the press because it is always a really fun headline for the press when someone who is running for president and, you know, sort of presumably should know how to communicate pretty well at that point screws up like they love telling that story. But have you ever seen a story local entrepreneur totally tongue tied in interview? You know, no one writes that story because that is both ah, boring story, and he means story and no one would ever do it. So if you if you are a entrepreneur, creative, professional and you do get an opportunity to talk to the media, I can guarantee you the media wants you to look good. They want you to succeed because you know, that's that's the thing for almost any story about a local entrepreneur it's supposed to be a feel good story, right? Is supposed to be like, wow, this person's doing it, they're making it. And so if you do get nervous, if you do get tongue tied, you know, in almost all cases, this person is not going to be a jerk if you just say, you know what? I'm so sorry, can I start over? They will probably say, of course, of course, no problem, so it is really going to be okay, and it really can be a great opportunity for you to spread the word about your business and about your work. So I want to, you know, let you know, like, you don't have to be ted kennedy, number one, we're going to talk about ways that you can prepare better and be smart about how you do it, but number two, the media is going to be a lot more forgiving, so I want to actually ask, I'll first ask the home audience, and, you know, maybe you can tell tell these guys and they'll they'll tell me, but I'm curious what your experience has been in terms of in terms of your own media experience, and you know, I'll ask you guys in a minute as well, but if you can right in and and ask about uh you know just talk about have you talked to reporters you know, what's it been like it's been a good experience was it stressful scary love to hear what happened to you so we'll go to that in a minute is your typing in but I'm curious about that have you dealt with the media at all and if so what what's that been like for you um I I was interviewed in berlin this summer but it was not for it was not like a video think so we just can't say and she she audio recorded it and put it together on her blog's so yeah I yeah I haven't been on any video kind of interviews yeah well that that's cool and in fact you know, I mentioned video interviews because oftentimes those air sort of the most particularly anxiety inducing for people so it's like it's good like you start with a worst case scenario and then you you know, move backwards from there but I'm actually my might I'm doing a big photo shoot on monday for my airstream and I have a whole kind of publicity campaign after that I'm going to be actually like sending out press releases a pitching different angles on the story so there's no your reality soon I'm gearing up to like be able to deal with some attention and I think I love it that's it that sounds that's that's great so we will definitely get you up on stage so we can talk about this but most people I mean the good news you know television is certainly the most stressful because you have to be mindful of all kinds of things it's not just what you say but it's how you look at how you're you're delivering it and all that but there's a million ways to be interviewed and so we're going to talk about the various varieties tv print and then radio so you prepare differently for each of them and it's great I mean most people usually the starting place just because there's more outlets for this is that you'll be interviewed for print and that's actually great because it is a little bit more relaxed of a way to start in because number one it's not live so if you kind of messed up what you say then it's very easy to be like oh wait you know can I start over but then the second the second piece of that is that it can be in a really relaxing environment you know you're not under the klieg lights like I am it's you know you could be in a cafe in berlin it's so kind of nice and shell that's great so barbara have you been interviewed in the press well when I started zoom design in napa because I moved from washington d c they feature new companies and that was really one of my best customer getters. I still have customers from that twenty years ago, in nineteen ninety five, they made a lot of people from that, even friends, you know, they saw that somebody new came to town, and I had a location downtown, so it was very effective, actually. Oh, that's, great. And you re is a really important point, which is about, you know, what air the hooks that makes something interesting for the media. How do you how do you kind of get them interested in things? And I mean, the bottom line through line for everything that the media does, is it something has to be new, write, whatever you do is, like, always knew, and so the fact that you're opening your business or if you open a new branch of your business or if you say, launch a new product line, or maybe you're having an event of some kind, you know, like, oh, it's, a special like, if your bakery it's, like, you know, in my in my town that I just moved from there was a bakery that would celebrate march fourteenth with pie day, and, you know, it's, like the mathematical term pie, and then they would give people if they could recite a certain number of digits of pi, they would give them a free slice of their pie. And so that was always a great way for the bakery to get in the paper, so you know, things like that, like, oh, that's new, so we're gonna we're going to do that. So that's really interesting. I'm curious if folks have written in, but they're experienced lots of feedback here, cabins says. I've done some on camera work, but I always fear the permanent nature of other people, putting footage, footage of me online whenever I see speak and maureen month in montana says I've been interviewed on tv twice and both times have been without any advance notice the bikes and I hated the way I looked on camera and I didn't smile enough, but I like how they put the interview together for the news and people are piping in with they've done podcasts and radio shows media really actually does extend beyond the traditional media form in this day and age. So there's a lot of podcast interviews, a flog posts and things like that? Well, absolutely, yes, and when and you know, I'll just for the sake of like not rattling six things off I'm talking about like print and radio and whatever but but yes it's a word the point that I should mean when I talk about print I actually do mean bloggers they want to talk about radio I do mean pod casters because the boundaries have really extended and in fact even even traditional radio I mean, you know, you could be interviewed for npr and it could stay be a podcast so the lines are very much blurred right? When he's singing a five six seven eight I'm a singer I had wonderful press on video for tv and the paper when I sang the national anthem for the national ball game and they wanted nothing but the best for may oh what a cool thing that was a great package that all over the place yes, yes a real opportunity to shine yeah, I mean, you know historically you you know you you walk into small businesses and you see, you know that if they're featured in the paper you know you'll sometimes see, you know, the sort of laminated clip on the wall or you know, for a restaurant if there's a really good review in the daily paper they'll you know they'll have it up there that's that's, social proof and similarly you can do the same thing I hope you guys all are doing this on your web sites where you know if you should have hopefully and in the news section on on your site so that people are interested they can see what's been written about you in the press and that that's something that is a really valuable form of sharing what? You know what? The discourses about you in your business so that's really awesome. So let's go ahead and get started about talking about how we can we get this going how region this up? So the first the first thing that I wanted to mention you were talking about building relationships with reporters right? Because these are the folks who are going to be writing about us and this is this is interesting because the definition of reporter has kind of been blurring overtime right? Just as more and more college professors now are, you know there's fewer tenured professors and many more adjunct professors we now have a situation where there's far fewer full time staff reporters and many more freelancers and uh that's actually that's actually good in many ways because if you know someone who's a freelance writer, if they're writing for half a dozen different publications there's a lot of opportunities for them toe right about you, you know, possibly even for multiple ones but certainly, you know there's there's going toe maybe be one that might be a fit for you so getting to know those folks is pretty valuable the down side of it is that people are are often really stressed and you know, in the past you know, I've been doing these workshops for years and so in the early days like you even is back in the nineties you'd say oh well, you should call up the report and you should ask him to coffee and you know and so the assumption is like every reporter has an expense account and every reporter likes to take a break and have coffee with someone and billy yeah, I'm working on and and you know, it was like pasha days right? Those days were mostly over now because no reporter has an expense account and they absolutely don't really have time to have coffee with a stranger because they have to write like seventeen block post today or they lose their job so it's it's tough that's you know that's the staff writers there but that being said it is still worth it to try to build a relationship with them and you can still ask him to coffee you just have to know that if they if they don't say yes it's not like a dis against you they're just extremely busy so some of the strategies that I would say in terms of building these initial relationships are that social media is a fantastic way of getting to know reporters particularly twitter because so almost all reporters are on twitter these days because why is this it's? You know, yes twitter school of twitter's fun, but really it's that their bosses the papers are now telling reporters, hey, your job isn't just to write the story that's not enough your job is you have to publicize this story to and so every reporter has a twitter account because they're like, oh, jeez, I gotta get the word out, I've got to make sure to spread it, and so they're, uh, they're busy doing that. And so if you follow that reporter on twitter, the vast majority of people, I mean, unless you're literally like wanting to be best buds with, like a new york times columnist, they're not gonna have that many followers, maybe a few a few hundred or maybe a few thousand and they will probably notice if you follow them and they will definitely notice it if you start re tweeting their stuff or sending messages to them or, you know, periodically innocents your way congratulating them on like, hey, I really like this piece that you wrote, and so you build up that report over time if you follow them on social media, incidentally, these air, particularly local people you may discover that they're going to be covering or likely to be covering a certain event and this is where if you're you know if if it seems like they may be too busy to have coffee with you you can you can basically go to that event and introduce yourself there it always helps you'll hear from susan rohan ah little bit later about the importance of face to face relationships but you know, having a relationship on social is great that's a good sort of warm lead kind of thing like you get to know the person a little bit but you're not going to have like a b f f relationship just cause you know someone on twitter which you want to dio is turn the social media relationship into a face to face relationship whenever possible and so if you go up and actually introduce yourself that's that's fantastic if it seems like it's super relevant like if you uh if you meet them and you have a big bond or if they're constantly writing about new entrepreneurs or knew you know the art scene or new creative professionals in your town then maybe it would be worth it for you to sit down for coffee if you know if not if it's a little more peripheral and don't worry about it but just you know make sure you meet him face to face and here here is the killer app here is the thing that is going to be really cool that they will absolutely love you for it which is that if you can help them with story ideas and it's even better in a sort of like carmack giving sense, if you can give them story ideas that are not about you, I mean, every once in a while, of course it's fine to be like, hey, by the way, just in case it's of interest, you know, we're having a pi day at my bakery and you know all this oh, that's really cool. We might do something with that, but it's really great to try to be we talked yesterday about the idea of a hub strategy. How do you become a connector? How do you bring different people together and wouldn't it be great if you are helping a reporter by genuinely giving them good story ideas? Not, you know, sort of crappy pr story ideas, but things that they really would be interested in knowing about and writing about because you've taken the time to understand the types of stories they like and you see help the reporter, but you also help your friends and colleagues in the community because you're able to get them access to press. If you could be a connector in that way and help make this reporter's job easier, they're going to be so grateful to you and that's a really powerful way to do it so sending out press releases and things like that that's, that's, great and it's an important thing if you have events, you can sort of bullets blitz it out to people but what's far more valuable is, if you can, you know, in particular, if their particular journals, you know, whether it's, your daily paper, your weekly paper or something that covers your industry, if there if there's a few places that really right about which, you know, the type of thing you're doing in places that are sort of on your wish list like, wow, I wish the ex paper would cover me or the x plug that is, uh, it's really great to develop a personal relationship with those folks because it'll get you one hundred times further than just blitzing out to a list. So that's that's one thought another thing that I just want to mention because it's really important both in terms of doing a good job with the interview and making sure that you really shine when you are doing the interview is understanding the logistics of it. And so the first thing you know, sometimes we get so nervous or, like, floored when somebody says, can I interview you you're like, okay? And you know and then you don't get any information about it you know, all you know is like okay, it's next tuesday and you know, so what's it about I don't know how long does it I don't know and you know, you're sort of overwhelmed but so it is totally okay to ask these questions. It's it's very important to make sure you can prepare properly so the things if you do get asked to do an interview should always make sure to ask how long the interview is because you were one hundred percent you know want to prepare differently if it's like an hour long podcast versus a two minute television interview so we want to know that number two you want to know the topic it sounds really basic but you actually might be guessing wrong maybe your company is having an event like the pie day and you think, oh, well, obviously they're calling me about that but it could be that they're doing a trend piece about health concerns in area bakeries and you really want to know if that's the case because you may or may not want to participate in that. So just being being aware and asking what the topic is is important it's also useful to ask who else is being interviewed this is particularly relevant for instance, if you end up being on tv or on a podcast where they have multiple guests because if someone's going to be in the studio with you are on the show with you you you want to know sort of what the deal is so that you can prepare maybe it's somebody you know like a friend or maybe it's a competitor who knows so just ask you know, asking that question is useful you also want to know if something is going to be live or taped this is something that is really valuable because if it's tape there's there's just a lot more leeway for you to be able to say oh you know I know I totally mess that went up can we start from the top and you know almost always as we said they'll say yes for live it's a little bit more high stakes and so you just want to know the difference and finally this is super basic but really important knowing you know making sure that you know what the medium is I used to work a cz a spokesperson on a presidential campaign and so we would have people come to new hampshire which is where I was based for the new hampshire primary would have people come to new hampshire from all over the country and you know they be kind of camped there and they're like oh you know could we interview the candidate next tuesday and say well, you know okay, okay, you know and you know who are you and and they'd be like, you know, we're w z r x it's like okay great but you know they're based in alaska and I have no idea if it's a television crew if it's a radio crew and so you might actually start getting things like this were it's you know let's say it's is it a podcaster? Is it a blogged you know? You're not really sure and so you want to either research it really quickly on google or ask or whatever but make sure that you know what you're getting into first just you're fully aware of it so that's that's kind of important so the other thing that I wanted teo to make sure we cover before we go into uh the actual practice sessions is researching the reporter because you want you want to try we're going to actually talk in the next section when we talk about networking about how to really quickly build trust and build relationships with people but you want t know who you're dealing with because things could could go in a lot of different directions so researching the reporter very easy to do now on the internet with google what's there beat what are they usedto writing about because if they are an arts reporter they may have a really different a set of interests and level of knowledge that somebody is you know is talking to you versus somebody who's, an entrepreneurship reporter and therefore you know the arts reporter may want to talk more about the actual nitty gritty of your craft where's the entrepreneurship reporter may be more interested in the perspective of you as a small business owner and you know what's your experience been like with the economy or whatever so just sort of seeing the types of things that they like to write about is useful you know what types of stories so they like to cover you want to know that in particular so you can start to think you know you can ask them when you connect hey you know what it are you are you looking for other story ideas if I hear about something around town would you know would it be helpful teo you if I passed it along to you and then that way you could become a real resource for them. Another thing that you honestly probably do not need to worry about but it's just good to keep in the back of your mind is if the reporter has ah ah ah sort of a reputation for being a little bit snarky or having you know doing what what they call in the press gotcha stories this is you know this is more for you know like for political candidates to get this all the time but I'll tell you a story I was actually out with with friends recently and a woman was talking to me about being on a podcast and it turns out that the guy who does the podcast it's you know, it's and it's like a small business podcast he actually was very aggressive with her and you know, that's really it's uncommon but apparently he has this attitude that he likes to be like the devil's advocate and so even if he doesn't believe something, he'll kind of ask that you know the question from a really provocative frame about like, well, why do we need this anyway? And well, why is that a good idea? And it was it was, you know, it's it's not that he really thought any of those things, but he just decided that in terms of the freeze, all of the podcast interview it would be better if he put people on the spot a little bit, which is a little weird and a little uncomfortable and she was not expecting that so it's useful teo, you know, give it a listen beforehand, you know, it's not you necessarily want to say no to the exposure, but you at least want to know what you're in for most the time it won't be like that, but just it's the outliers that you want to be prepared for and finally as you are getting to know a reporter it's kind of useful to know if they're any quirks or hobbies that they have and you know, this is really more like a relationship building tool than anything but the example it stands out in my mind I used to live in boston and so there was a there was a reporter, a columnist for the boston globe and alex beam and he used to write like I mean I think he probably would have done this like every day of his editors who let him but about every six weeks he would do a piece and he would somehow mentioned squash in the peace because he you know the game not the vegetable because he was a big squash player and he loved it and so he was just always like whenever he could he be like and here's a dispatch from the world squash championship you know and it was just like a really obsessive little quirk that he had and so I can imagine that if I ever met alex beam of you like alex I play squash too and then we would be homies forever so if you can have something like that you know that's that's a really good way teo to connect so I want to you know we're going to go into the preparation part here but before we do I just wanted to check in to see what's what's happening over over there with our at home viewers is there anything that they want to say or experiences that they have been having yeah time capsule says I love the idea of getting to know what they're used to writing about this makes so much sense it's like making sure that your look at the website of a company before you do a job interview with them it's a respectful thing to dio and to show that you took the time to get to know them ahead of time right yeah so there's a lot of great tips here and people are just saying this is just so helpful kathleen says so grateful for dorie shared knowledge clarity and enthusiasm the knowledge in the enthusiasm they would also be interesting I know whenever I'm going to interview somebody or hitting to make a new client do you guys like page three and page for a swell uh you can manage it to a plus of the will you mean yeah yeah you know that thing yeah you know I peeked behind the curtain right no it's true because yeah we were talking yesterday about about the idea of managing your online reputation and you know that most people really don't look past page one or two of google search results so yeah I think that it's it's useful to do as much research as you can I mean sometimes you don't have a lot of notice and so time just simply doesn't permit but if you do it's you know the more information you have it's the more power you have so it is it is valuable fantastic let's see here like the naughty one that's an interesting one because it's a random question, but I have one of those hard to pronounce long night hyphenated last name is twenty three letters truth and his unfortunate spelling. So is it like katie is a pen name in this case? Right online persona? Um, actually, I have the same issues I'm with you on this on will this be considered as projecting a fake image? Or I would add to that is that a throw when people say your real name written on things like sai interviews and things but, you know, it's a hard one and they can get it wrong and you don't want them to get it wrong, right? What do you yeah, yeah. It's it's such an important question because for a lot of people, I mean, you know, we're all like, sort of ethnic much, you know, clock, we're not all clark clark is fairly easy, it's true, but I somehow ended up with clark, but my family is from six different european countries, so so yeah, I'm somehow lucked into the easy to pronounce one, but yeah, I mean, more more and more, you know, used to be a thing right and he's, sort of like you know, white bread times of the fifties and sixties where people would try to you know, that anglicized their name or they change their name or things like that and, you know, now as we have a more diverse society, people are less likely to do that and you know, which I actually think is a good thing, you know, it's like, live it up, people be proud, but it doesn't mean that sometimes people look at the name and they're like, oh, gosh, I really don't know what you know what to do with that if they don't know, you know, the language that it's originally from and so what I'm seeing actually as a trend, I mean, you know, obviously people can do whatever they would I like to do in whatever they feel comfortable with, but, you know, sometimes phonetic help is really valuable and in some ways can make you maur memorable. So for instance, I have have a good friend who's done a creative live session, we'll do a little a little plug for that if you want to buy it. His name is mike mccalla, wits, he's really cool and mccalla wits is, you know, when you say it, it doesn't actually look that complicated, but when you right it's like a lot more complicated and so on his website. He actually has a phonetic pronunciation guide to teach you how to do it, because he just knows that if people were guessing, they would probably guess wrong. Similarly, gary vaynerchuk who's, an author and social media consultant, you know, that's the name that could be a little bit complicated. And so when he introduces himself, often times in his videos, he'll say, you know, this is gary vaynerchuk. They nurture chuck, and then he'll go on and do it. But you know, it's, because he does that, actually, it makes it really stick. So I think it actually could mean that there's a little bit more brand resonance as a result of that. So, you know, I mean the other. The other thing, of course you can do is you can pull a share, you can pull a madonna if you have a distinctive first name or you could just be like, you know, marie m or, you know, whatever. So so there's a lot of different permutations you could do there, but good question.
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Ratings and Reviews
Washeelah Youshreen Choomka
I came across Dorie Clark's work three days ago. I bought three of her online courses. I started with this course and I feel so grateful to her. She has done an amazing work and the course is awesome. I have been in politics before as a woman from a small island in the Indian Ocean and I wish I had done this course that time. The content is properly structured and Dorie's delivery is perfect! Thank you!
user Snaphappy
I took advantage of the free on-air broadcast. It was a marathon day jam-packed full of things that are rarely, if ever, included in branding discussions including business etiquette ( how to navigate awkward and uncomfortable situations) developing discernment regarding on your clients and associates, developing crucial relationships for clients, collaborators, mentors and sponsors, finding the appropriate social media channels for your business(es), and real-life examples from audience participation. Credit Dorie for my "aha" moment where it all came together resulting in focus and a clear idea of what my business is, my brand and a strategic plan I began implementing within hours after viewing the broadcast. This course is an absolute must for any creative with a business idea, a new business or an established business who wants to keep up with current business trends taught by a witty, intelligent, engaging, insightful, and inspiring instructor and equally informative guest speakers and who doesn't want to reinvent the wheel or spend a fortune going down rabbit holes. A very big shout out to Dorie and Creative Live - my creative go-to "peeps"!
Dorie is awesome. If a teacher can get me fully engaged while I'm taking a class from home, they are a great teacher! After taking this class, I felt inspired about my future. I learned new things and was affirmed on some existing knowledge which is also a good feeling. I would definitely take another class from her and feel this is an important class to revisit.