Inception of Products, People Buy from People
Lesson 6 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Inception of Products, People Buy from People
Lesson 6 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Lesson Info
6. Inception of Products, People Buy from People
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Personal Branding
02:36 2Course Organization is Made Up of Strategy and Tactics
01:53 3Personal Brand Manager Inputs and Outputs, Repurposing Content
02:16 4Personal Branding Framework in Action
02:54 5Quiz: Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Plumbing
6Inception of Products, People Buy from People
04:22Facebook Public Figure Page
22:02 8Boosting Posts
03:05 9Quiz: Chapter 2: Plumbing
Chapter 3: Blogging
10Repurposing Content Process for Selecting People on Fiverr
02:50 11Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36Chapter 4: Networking
12Power Networking Networking
03:35 13Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36 146 Types of Figureheads
01:41 15Building a WHY, 3x3 Goals Sheet
03:33 16Mapping Your Personal Goals
02:37 17Network Mapping
03:17 18Professional Content vs. Fun Content
04:22 19Googling Yourself
20:13 20How to get 10,000 views of your message
11:09 21Quiz: Chapter 4: Networking
Chapter 5: Interviews
22Interviewing and Being Interviewed
01:14 23How to be an Expert Interviewer
03:57 24Applying the Personal Branding Framework
06:27 25Thank You Machine
08:13 26Perceived vs. Actual Authority
07:54 27Quiz: Chapter 5: Interviews
Chapter 6: Visual Content
28Dennis' Personal Brand Manager
11:17 29Amplification: Getting More From What's Working
04:05 30Omnichannel and Omnipresence
04:08 31Elements of a Powerful Facebook Page
20:00 32LinkedIn for Powerful Personal Branding
09:10 33Clients Brands and Relationships
00:15 34The One Minute Video
05:55 35Gratitude Videos
04:54 36Your Speaker Reel
04:22 37Making Money
03:37 38Power Hours
07:44 39WHY videos
06:32 40Making One-Minute Videos
05:49 41Remarketing
08:18 42Repurposing Content Systematically
02:59 43Twitter for Personal Branding
02:43 44Quiz: Chapter 6: Visual Content
Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
45Making Money via the Ascension Ladder
09:48 46WHY Videos in action
08:59 47Quiz: Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
48Using Fiverr to Build Your Personal Brand
05:15 49How to Choose the Right Fiverr Sellers
10:56 50Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
08:15 51Quiz: Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
Final Quiz
52Final Quix
Lesson Info
Inception of Products, People Buy from People
earlier, we talked about building authority and perceived authority versus actual authority. And let's go deeper and talk about inception. The dream inside the dream. Have you ever seen that movie where there's the dream inside the dream inside the dream and by the, by the time they're down to the snow caves and the machine guns, that's when all the really cool stuff happens. And if you haven't seen the movie, the idea of inception is how do you plant an idea so deeply inside someone's mind that they think it's their idea and that's really the heart of sales, isn't it? Mark Twain said that the key to success is to be genuine fake that and you've got it made, but really people buy from people. And so do you believe in traditional ads when you see Michael Jordan's selling underwear? You know, he's getting paid to do that, right? So you know, that's not really is legitimate. And you think about modern marketing where they're trying to do something funny or have a commercial and maybe you ...
want to do something like that. Like the Harmon Brothers or chamber media, making these funny sorts of entertaining commercials. But there's a step that's further than that and it's actually using personal branding to be able to sell your brand is a collection of what everyone else has to say about you, not what you have to say about yourself. So it's the ultimate and word of mouth, isn't it? Because you know, word of mouth is how people really make decisions when you want to go to a restaurant, you're going to rely upon what your friend recommends and you're gonna trust. Yelp and the reviews of other people more than you're going to trust the tv commercial. But certainly you're going to trust your friends more than you might trust 50 random reviews on amazon which may or may not be from real people and you're gonna trust that more than the brand itself. So if we know that people are buying from people, how do we build inception? That takes advantage of that? Well the first thing is we understand that on facebook A public figure page and a profile we can use almost interchangeably as far as our customer knows now you and I were probably on Facebook and we have a profile that's where we're able to log in. That's us as a person where we have a 5000 friend limit. We have a user name and password. Right? But a lot of people will say, hey nama, did you see what I posted on my page? That's not your page, that's your profile. A page is a business page. Now there's many categories of business pages and the one that I want you to start focusing on is called the public figure page and that is a facebook business page that happens to have the same name as your profile. So there's actually a dentist, you facebook profile and there's a dentist, you with a different picture. I'd recommend using the same picture, a dentist you facebook public figure page. They're gonna look the same. And because it's a public figure page, a page allows you to run ads allows you to get insights, allows you to do marketing allows you to do business kinds of things, allows you to stick it inside the facebook business manager, which is where you're going to house all of these particular assets. That's where you're putting stuff out there that in the news feed of all the people you're trying to reach, It looks like it's a person but it's not and they can't tell even someone like me, arguably I'm an expert and facebook marketing as I'm scrolling through the news feed, I can't tell what's a page versus profile until I click on it and actually visit it and figure it out. So I want you to build a facebook public figure page. So now we're gonna go into screen share. I'm gonna show you my public figure page, how it's constructed the different elements that are necessary to be able to make it work. The components of the video, how I'm categorizing it, how I'm naming it the different assets that I have inside of there, how it ties to my website, how I'm tracking the performance, how it sits inside my business manager, you're gonna find that once you set up your facebook public figure page, the right way, all kinds of magic are going to open up. Imagine your brand is all of a sudden 10 times bigger than it was before, and the people that you want to see your content I know about you. They see your highlights and you're able to amplify the structure of all the elements that you put together for your personal brand. I think you're gonna love seeing what's possible when we create your public figure page together.
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