Applying the Personal Branding Framework
Lesson 24 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Applying the Personal Branding Framework
Lesson 24 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Personal Branding
02:36 2Course Organization is Made Up of Strategy and Tactics
01:53 3Personal Brand Manager Inputs and Outputs, Repurposing Content
02:16 4Personal Branding Framework in Action
02:54 5Quiz: Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Plumbing
6Inception of Products, People Buy from People
04:22Facebook Public Figure Page
22:02 8Boosting Posts
03:05 9Quiz: Chapter 2: Plumbing
Chapter 3: Blogging
10Repurposing Content Process for Selecting People on Fiverr
02:50 11Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36Chapter 4: Networking
12Power Networking Networking
03:35 13Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36 146 Types of Figureheads
01:41 15Building a WHY, 3x3 Goals Sheet
03:33 16Mapping Your Personal Goals
02:37 17Network Mapping
03:17 18Professional Content vs. Fun Content
04:22 19Googling Yourself
20:13 20How to get 10,000 views of your message
11:09 21Quiz: Chapter 4: Networking
Chapter 5: Interviews
22Interviewing and Being Interviewed
01:14 23How to be an Expert Interviewer
03:57 24Applying the Personal Branding Framework
06:27 25Thank You Machine
08:13 26Perceived vs. Actual Authority
07:54 27Quiz: Chapter 5: Interviews
Chapter 6: Visual Content
28Dennis' Personal Brand Manager
11:17 29Amplification: Getting More From What's Working
04:05 30Omnichannel and Omnipresence
04:08 31Elements of a Powerful Facebook Page
20:00 32LinkedIn for Powerful Personal Branding
09:10 33Clients Brands and Relationships
00:15 34The One Minute Video
05:55 35Gratitude Videos
04:54 36Your Speaker Reel
04:22 37Making Money
03:37 38Power Hours
07:44 39WHY videos
06:32 40Making One-Minute Videos
05:49 41Remarketing
08:18 42Repurposing Content Systematically
02:59 43Twitter for Personal Branding
02:43 44Quiz: Chapter 6: Visual Content
Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
45Making Money via the Ascension Ladder
09:48 46WHY Videos in action
08:59 47Quiz: Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
48Using Fiverr to Build Your Personal Brand
05:15 49How to Choose the Right Fiverr Sellers
10:56 50Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
08:15 51Quiz: Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
Final Quiz
52Final Quix
Lesson Info
Applying the Personal Branding Framework
now let's walk through an example of how you can apply the personal branding framework. So I interviewed Jason Miller. Jason Miller was the head of digital marketing from our keto and he commented on one of my facebook posts and here he said to a friend you should chat with Dennis, you the smartest social media marketer. I know when it comes to targeting with social and I replied to him wow Jason, can I quote you on that? And that was so good that I then interviewed him from my blog and published it out there got 100,000 views. This is actually for Adweek And then he in turn reciprocated that favor and interviewed me on the Marcato blog and then put me on stage at the Marcato summit conference in front of all the top facebook marketers and digital marketers that are out there. So when I put him on my blog he put me on his blog he's interviewed me to be part of his class, the teachers that U. C. Berkeley, this is the kind of reciprocation that you can expect to see. But just because you...
meet these people and interview them doesn't guarantee that you're going to get that onward reciprocation. What you need to do is put that content here as you can see into your content library Then produce a number of assets that come from that a lot of people think yeah it's so much fun. I interviewed this person this person and this person I have a I have checked the boxes for all the people here on my podcast. That's not enough. That's only 10% of the work. The real work is in the asset production and the distribution, the amplification that we talked about in this personal branding framework. That's when we go to Fiverr and we edit those into lots of pieces. We do the transcription, we do timeline covers, we do the summaries that we put on the blog posts. We create reels off of the highlights of those particular interviews and then we put it out there and we distribute that across all the different channels on linkedin, facebook, twitter blogs, all these other places and then push it out using paid ads. For example the Dollar Day strategy. That's when we start to get all those good things that you're looking for is part of building a great personal brand. That's when you get interviewed on tv, that's when you get the speaker reels, that's when people reach out to you for consulting, saying, oh I saw you with Jason Miller and you did this kind of stuff for marquette and the Golden State Warriors. Can you do that for my company? That's those are all the beautiful rewards that you want to be able to reap as part of building authority, your personal brand. Right? Then you leverage that and you can see that Larry kim reached out to me saying, oh I saw you were Jason Miller, I highly respect him in the world of PPC and marketing automation. So now I'm with Larry kim, I'm interviewing him. Larry kim is interviewing me, he starts a new company mobile monkey that does chatbots. So I say wow! Larry, I'd love to interview you about chatbots, so I spent a day in his office the day after he sold his company for $150 million he cleared his schedule so that I could come out and spend time with him and interview him about his new company and his passion because his topic wheel intersects with my topic wheel, which was not a coincidence I had that mapped in advance. I already knew what the intersection points were. Were able to take those interviews and then push it out there across twitter and instagram and linkedin which then generated more business for us, which then caused him to refer other clients are way and that's what you want to see in personal brand, you stimulated the network such that your network is doing the work for you. But you need this framework, this personal brand framework to make it happen. It starts with strategy, any particular piece of content that's gotta goals, content targeting component to it, right, That's the strategy brief. Then you can run it through the system fiber for example to be able to edit and produce all these different assets, they can post it on the blogs and websites and youtube and all this and they can even do the amplification, the beauty of this system is that you only have to spend your time focusing on building your network and building those relationships and spending just a little bit of time on your content. You don't need very much money. You don't need to have a big network. You don't have to have a lot of people on your team. It can be just you, it can just be a few people that you have on a freelance basis here and there. You just buy a gig here and there from these folks and then they're able to execute it. Also part of why I like to do this on fiber is that you have the trust of these different sellers. You're not just hiring some random person where their portfolio looks like it might be good. They have a rating, You can see the work that they've done, you can talk to them beforehand to say, hey, I just interviewed this person, this person and this person. Do you think that you can work on these particular assets and produce speaker reels that look like this? Do you think you can produce a brochure that looks like this based on the items that I have for sale? Do you think you can take the set of interviews that I have here and produce a book just like this. Can you make a cover for my book. Can you turn it into a lead magnet? Can you set up a landing page. So I can offer this particular item for sale based on this other thing that I want you to mimic. That's the beauty of a system where you have ratings and that's why I. C fibers like the Uber of marketing because I know that I can open up my phone and I can summon a particular task. I know it's going to cost, I know it's going to get done and I know they have to do a good job because they care about their rating right? I care about my rating to. So this is how the personal brand framework kicks into action. You can see that initially we had a tweet or a facebook post that just generated a connection. That connection turned into an interview. They then interviewed me. I interviewed them that resulted in more connections that created more interviews and that turned into articles and blog posts and video snippets. And you can see here I wrote a blog post about Jason, I said Jason Miller is the true rockstar of content marketing and I meant it it wasn't there just to fluff his ego and certainly you see that his boss who was the founder of Marcato saw that his name is john Miller and he thought wow this is really awesome. Then our other friend who's at linkedin noticed that and said oh well he runs in these circles, we should interview him on the linkedin blog. So now we're on linkedin's blog. Talking about the future of digital marketing. You see how that works because the topic wheel is so tight in terms of who's in my network and who's in their network, the same people are able to see this content because we're taking it, editing it, distributing it and amplifying it.
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