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Creating & Applying Templates

Lesson 5 from: Organize Your Life with Roam Research

Ben Willmore

Creating & Applying Templates

Lesson 5 from: Organize Your Life with Roam Research

Ben Willmore

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Lesson Info

5. Creating & Applying Templates

Templates will allow you to consistently apply structure to your daily notes, weekly reviews and life management system without having to manually enter information more than once.
Next Lesson: Dates & Daily Notes

Lesson Info

Creating & Applying Templates

Ratings and Reviews

Frank Wood

Great course. From introduction to moderately advanced material. Easy to understand and learn. For myself it was a struggle to pick Roam Research over two other similar programs. I completed this course prior to picking which program would work best for me. Ben Willmore through this course made it an easy choice. Having no experience with these type of programs, this course has me up and running with Roam Research, increasing my productivity, organization, and learning. Thanks so much.

Al Buschauer

Ben is my very favorite instructor for a number of topics because he takes complex material and explains it in a clear and concise manner.

a Creativelive Student

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