Lesson Info
1. Introduction
01:25 2Gear Overview
07:58 3Super Basic Splash with Black Background – Part 1
10:17 4Super Basic Splash with Black Background – Part 2
13:57 5Basic White Background – Part 1
07:06 6Basic White Background – Part 2
11:25 7Chaos Theory in Action
15:00 8Shake the Bottle
17:00Lesson Info
Hello. I'm Gavin, Howie and welcome belong to my Creative Live Class. One flash splash photography in this class. I'm gonna show you how you can take amazing splash photos at home using. Well, just one flash, I'm also gonna be using pretty much everyday objects as well. So water food coloring, glassware, paddling pool and a towel. We'll cover what we need as we go through. The idea with this is that you can take great photos using kit you already have, or at least inexpensive kit at home and when it comes to splash photography, every picture you take will be unique. You cannot take the same picture twice. That's one of the things I love about splash photography. It is unique in nature. It's also quite relaxing to do. Yes, there will be a little bit of water splashing around. Yes. Things may get a little bit messy, but you have a load of fun in the process. I'm gonna show you how to do basic techniques right from the beginning of how to do the standard splash photos, right the way throu...
gh to some advanced stuff, such as writing with water. Stick around for that. That is going to be great fun. We'll be throwing water will be dropping water, the whole thing is connected by splashes and just one flash. So let's go right back to the beginning and start with the essential kit that you're gonna need to take your own splash photos at home.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase