Auto Exposure Lock, Info and Playback Buttons
Lesson 11 from: Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II Fast StartJohn Greengo

Auto Exposure Lock, Info and Playback Buttons
Lesson 11 from: Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II Fast StartJohn Greengo
Course Introduction
04:48 2Olympus History and Product Overview
12:56 3Photography Basics
09:46 4Basic Controls and Touch Screen Demo
04:26 5Mode Dial: Auto, Art, Scene
11:30 6Mode Dial: Movie Mode
05:06 7Mode Dial: Program, Aperture Priority, Manual
14:18 8Top Deck: Function Buttons, Microphones, Flash
11:51Electronic View Finder
12:31 10ISO and White Balance
06:28 11Auto Exposure Lock, Info and Playback Buttons
13:30 12Focusing Options
03:50 13Super Control Panel: Flash Options and Image Stabilizer
08:39 14Super Control Panel: Sequential Shooting and Quality
10:29 15Super Control Panel: Auto Focus, Metering, and Aspect Ratio
08:29 16Left, Right, Front and Bottom Sides
11:57 17Lens Options
17:37 18Shooting Menu 1
10:35 19Shooting Menu 2
12:06 20Playback Menu
06:01 21Custom Menu A: Autofocus/Manual Focus
14:30 22Custom Menu B: Button/Dial/Lever
06:09 23Custom Menu C: Release/Drive Mode
08:09 24Custom Menu D: Display Items
15:44 25Custom Menu E: Exposure/Metering/ISO
13:15 26Custom Menu F: Flash Sync
02:34 27Custom Menu G: Quality/Color/White Balance
05:43 28Custom Menu H: Record/Erase
06:57 29Custom Menu I: Movie Mode
09:46 30Custom Menu J: Built-In EVF
03:45 31Custom Menu K: General Utility
06:06 32Setup Menu
11:17 33Camera Operation
13:20Lesson Info
Auto Exposure Lock, Info and Playback Buttons
There is a button kind of in the middle here. That is the auto exposure lock button, and what this button would normally do in a mode like aperture. Priority is that it would lock the exposure it and what it does is it is a press on in a press off button, which means you press it once it locks in the shutter speed and aperture the settings that the camera has set, and then you would press it again to release it, and it is currently controlling the exposure. You can go into the custom menu, and you can control what this button does. You can have it locked the focus. You can have it locked, the focus and the exposure. You could have it do none of those or you could have it do any of a number of other things because it is also a function one button, which you can go in and re program to do any one of those. And I forget the numbers. There's about two dozen different things that it can do that you can pre program it to do. So that's just one of those four different function buttons you hav...
e up there in that top corner of the camera, All right, moving our way around the camera, the menu button will dive us into the full menu, and we're going to do after that a little bit later on in the class, we will be going through the menu line item by lion item to get that really set up properly. Let's jump over to the info button. So as I like to say, you could never hurt anything by pressing the info button. Whether you're recording images or playing them back, hit the oath info button, and you may have to hit it several times to cycle through the different groups of information. For instance, it might show you the basic image that you just took, along with basic information about shutter speed aperture, number of pictures left and so forth. In the live view mode, we can go with just the image, only I like this for composition reasons. Once I figured out my shutter speed aperture and other settings, I'm just going for composition, and this is a great way for getting just a better look at the image. Sometimes when I'm judging exposure, it helps to have the hissed a gram and those of you know how to read the hissed a gram will find this very helpful having it live in view before you even take the picture. Another advantage of the mirror less cameras, The highlights and shadows will show you areas that blown out highlights or blocked up shadows, which might mean you need a filter or you need to make an exposure adjustment to accommodate for one area or the other. And then there's a level gauge that you will help you out. If you are notorious for holding your camera cooking like me, I'm constantly making sure that I'm trying to get my camera straight. And this level gauge does a great job of giving you a quick reference is to if your camera is level and with the foldout screen on this camera, you might be having this camera in unusual positions where it's easy to have the camera off access and tilted in some way. And this is a great way for adjusting that now. You may not see all of these in there right now. If you're got your camera, you just open it up. You took it out of the box and you put the battery in and your cycling through the info and you're like my camera doesn't have all these settings. What's wrong with it? That's because you got to go into the info settings in the custom menu and turn on the ones that you do want. And so this is another great way that you can customize. Oh, I don't use the history, am I Don't need it So you don't wanna have that check box marked, so you don't need to go in there and turn that on. And so that's where you will find more information. If your cameras not getting to all these options right now, Next up playback, you'll notice this button is in blue. Blue means something to do with playback, and you'll notice that there are other dials and buttons on the camera that have little blue markings. That indicates that it is doing a different function when you are playing back an image so things that you can do. Obviously you can delete photos. If you ever happen to take a bad photo, you can cycle through your images by using the left and the right key on the air, a pat on the back of the camera. But a quicker way, in some cases is using the front. Dial the cameras so that you can quickly scroll through your images. The back dial on the camera is used for it zooming in and zooming out of your images, and one of the things you can do is you can zoom out all the way to thumbnails and a camera view. And so let me dio a little demo here in class. So let me go ahead and play back an image. And so when we hit the info button toe change around to our standard info screen right here. And so if I hit the back dial, I can zoom in. There we go. We can check sharpness. Look how short that is that it's so sure. Okay, I was getting distracted. Sorry, folks. Alright. So back all the way and we go back even further. Weaken. See thumbnails of photos that I've taken and let's go back even further. And there's our calendar. And let's say I had been traveling for a couple of weeks. I could go and navigate to a different day. If I had taken hundreds of pictures every day and I was trying to show somebody a photo or I wanted to look at a photo from a different day, I could go find that day. And so it's got this calendar on there. I haven't taken pictures on this card of any other day other than today, and so that's why it's on there. And so now I want to just zoom in and now I confined. Let's go back to a more recent photo. Let's say, Let's go back. And where's that shark photo? They're all sharp. So comedian Zoom, zoom in closer, closer, closer, closer and so very handy way for going in and checking images. So that's what you're doing in the playback mode. Let's see what else we have here. We have a protect button. Now this is a very low form of protection. What this does is it locks the image and prevents it from being deleted. Now you can reform at the memory card. You could lose the memory card. There's all sorts of ways you can lose your images, but it just prevents you from accidentally deleting the image. So if you knew there was an image that you really didn't want to delete. You want to make sure that anyone who picked up the camera didn't accidentally delete that image, you could use it. I really don't know too many people who do that. You also have the option of a check mark. You could select it as an indicated photo that you like, and this would be something that would pass forward through Hopefully heavily tested this but hopefully would pass through toe a program like Adobe Bridge that it's been selected. But at least you can look through the in camera and you'll be able to actually filter in camera when you're looking at images to go and look only for selected images or if you took a bunch of images that are all kind of similar. But you knew one was better than the others. This would be just a nice visual way of putting a check mark to let you know that that's the best of injury that you like. So in the playback options we were saw some of those info options. We have the image only so you can get a nice, clean view of what you just shot. We have some basic information about how the image was shot. We haven't overall display, which shows us the hissed a gram broken into four different colored channels, as well as other data about how the camera was set. We have our hissed a gram display, which will show us the hissed a gram for that photo that we just took. We have our highlight and shadow areas, which will show us where are blocked up shadows and are overblown highlights work. And then we have a very cool lightbox mode, which allows you to do a side by side comparison, comparing to images side by side. And this one's this one's kind of interesting. I want to do a quick little live demo on this one. So let's go back to the camera and let's go back into the play mode. And we knew this last image was the really sharp one, right, because that's where we resumed it. And that's not live. See, that's that's a playback image there, folks. Okay, so we'll go back to the full image, we're gonna hit info, and we're gonna go around to the lightbox view and there's our lightbox view. So now we have kind of our good image here on the left, and I want to find a comparable image. And so I'm gonna turn the front dial and we're gonna look for another image. And so here's a bunch of images that I took, and now what I want to do is I want to zoom in and I consume in both images simultaneously. And that's does this touch screen work. Touchscreen does not work here, and I thought that I could Oh, I guess I'm changing images there. I can zoom in to the focusing point, but I can't really move around the image. Now. I can change images, and I'm changing different images here. Now. If I said this new image on the right was the one that I really like, I can hit the okay button and it will move it over to the left. And now I conceal ect another image by changing my images, either with the front dialled or with the back aero pad, and I can choose another image to concur. Pair it with and I could zoom in and I can check sharpness on it. You could see the magnification ratios down there at the bottom. And so if you want to do it in the field, comparison between two images and where I think this might be really beneficial is if you're shooting portrait's of somebody and you want to get you know, the sharpest eyes and you didn't want the nose and focus with the eyes slightly out of focus. You could do that check right there in the field, and this is something that is inherently not turned on. I've gone in and I have turned this on in the camera. So where did I secretly go and do that? Well, in the custom menu in this section number, D or letter D under displays under info settings and under the playback option, I went in and I checked off the option for light box, and so it is buried a little bit in there. But once you get this set up, it's not something that you'll be diving into. Turn on and off quite frequently because it's something that you'll just want to leave on and jump in there whenever you need it. So that's kind of one of the neat features in this camera. Very few other features have that I know a couple of them do, but they are much more expensive cameras that do this, so nice feature to have all right, some other things with playback. ISS. If you want to play back movies, you can do that and watch your movies in there. I don't think I've recorded any movies on this memory card, but you can do that writing camera. There's Little Speaker so that you could even hear the movies. But you can also do editing within the camera. And we're not going to spend a lot of time on what you could do because most people are going to edit their images in some sort of program on their computer. But there's a few things that you can go in and play around with, and you can see some of those editing options on the left side of your screen for doing with on the movies. Try to think there's anything in here that is noticeably important. Um, not really. I just don't play around. Once I shoot pictures in the camera, I'm usually done with the camera. I don't tend to want to spend a lot of time messing with them in the camera. So we do have a touch screen control on this camera, and so will this. This will play into effect when we are playing back images. So some of the things that weaken Dio we could shoot photos in live you we consume. Let me show you a live demo of that. We can also go into the super control panel and thing and make those settings. We can also use this in playback to go through images and zoom in. And so let's let's go in and do a little live demo and see if I can embarrass myself once again and playback an image. Okay, let's see. Do we have touch screen enabled? Can I swipe between images and so who it works? Just like a phone? It's so fancy. All right, so we have a couple of options in here. We can zoom in with his little zoom lever. Now, for those of you who who liked to pinch and zoom, you could do this all day long, and it's not gonna do anything. Uh, so you want you want to get the zoom lever over on the right hand side. You can dragged. Is it or not? Dragged? Resume but dragged to position it, which is nice. And let's go back to full screen. What are the things? We have a little lock switch on here, which we can throw the lock on. But that's kind of the same thing. Is just hitting the locks, which appear? There is a little check box over on the left, and this took me a little while to figure this one out. And what happens when you have this turned on is that you can just tap the image and it then gets a check mark and so you could go. Yeah, that's a good image, and that's a good image. Hopes. There we go. Touch screens were not always perfect, and there's a good image on, or you can turn this off so that, uh, double double tapping will go into a zoom. But I got to use the zoom lever. I want to go in, and I want to do pinch to zoom and it doesn't do that, and so have some fun without a great way to play your images back. Some people are a little bit more comfortable with that than traditional arrows and buttons on the back of the camera. So if you're used to a phone and you enjoy that system, you will love this camera because it's got a lot of that in there. So those are some of the things that you can dio see if there's anything else you could go back to. Thumbnails. I didn't go all the way back that you could zoom all the way back out to that calendar view as well. So there's ways that you could do that with the dials or on the touch screen. There is nothing that you have to do in the touch screen. There's ways of doing it throughout the buttons and the menus of cameras. So if you don't like the touch screen, I don't like that new fangled stuff. Um, you can not use that if you don't want to
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I had previously purchased the Fast Start for the earlier OM-D E-M5 model and found it invaluable. I was lucky to catch this E-M5 Mark II Fast Start when it was live and had my camera set up beautifully - until I updated the firmware recently and discovered how uncooperative the camera can be in the absence of the combination of settings recommended by John. So I bought the course, which enabled me to restore the camera to the optimal settings and gave me may "Aha" and light-bulb moments about things I'd forgotten or not understood the first time around. I am glad I now have this course so I can revisit it as needed. NOTE: There IS an option to save settings to the PC before updating firmware. I will be doing that in future!
a Creativelive Student
Excellent course. John's ability to patiently and throughly cover all elements of this detailed camera is impressive. He converts the stress level of learning a new camera to a fun level.
Susan Gutterman
I watched most of the live broadcast and just finished going through all of the modules with my camera. I learned so much!! My camera is customized to my preferences and I am now very comfortable shooting in M mode. My picture quality has already improved. John is an excellent instructor.
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