Segment 1 - Class Overview
26:50 2Segment 2 - Button Layout: Top Deck Part 1
24:08 3Segment 3 - Button Layout: Top Deck Part 2
20:39 4Segment 4 - Button Layout: Back Side Part 1
22:16 5Segment 5 - Button Layout: Back Side Part 2
23:27 6Segment 6 - Button Layout: Left &Front Side, Bottom, & Lenses
19:14 7Segment 7 - Shooting Menu
25:59 8Segment 8 - Custom and Setup Menus Part 1
27:10Lesson Info
Segment 7 - Shooting Menu
get that menu button and dive in and see what we confined in here. So what Olympus has done is they have organized things. I say that very loosely, they have organized things into different tabs. You might say they have a couple of shooting tabs, have playback custom, one that you probably don't see right now, which is called Accessory Port Menu and then a set up menu. And before we get into this, I'll just say that I think Olympus needs to go back to the book and set everything out on the table and reorganize things. Because as they put together this menu system, they seem to kind of constantly say, Throw that in the custom menu on Throw that in the custom menu. And so the custom menu is double the size of everything else in the in the menu system, so it's a little lopsided in where everything is found. So let's get into it, and what you do is you hit the menu button and you're going to use the four way tab on the back of the camera to go left right up and down. And so you want to sel...
ect the first camera tab, which is gonna have some of the most fundamental setups about how the camera is functioning. The first item in here is called Card set up, and this is where you can either erase the photos or you could reformat the memory card. I would recommend not doing all erase ever. Don't do that. If you want to get rid of all your pictures, you want to format the memory card. What it does is it deletes all the pictures, but it also goes in and clears the directory and any other ghost folders or anything else that might be on the memory card. So you want a format memory cards in the camera, you plan to use them. And so if you're bringing a memory card from another brand of camera before you use it, make sure your pictures air stored and then format the camera in the camera that you're going to use it in. So that's something I do on a regular basis and that will help prolong the life and give you the longest lifespan of the memory card possible. Next up is called Reset my set, and you can have four different settings in here that you can program in. And the way this works is you would set everything up on the camera, the white balance, the motor drive metering system and all those other things the way that you would want. And then you would go into my set and you would basically right those into the camera program, those and as a setting. And one of the things about the setting is it It's a little bit weird. So I want to do a live demo on it because theon tions in here are not completely clear when we do this. So let me get this camera turned on. After little break, we turn it around so you guys can see what's going on. And I'm gonna hit the menu button and looks like we're alive on this. Me, You know, I love guys that you can show the screen to me because now I can get it angle to the camera perfectly. And I'm not even look at the camera and we look at the screen. So in menu tab number one, I'm gonna go right, and I'm going to come down to my set, and then I'm gonna go into this. And for instance, I have already set up my set one and two with some Priefer preset settings in here. And if you decide to hit ok and go into this mode, you have the option of yes and no. And when I saw this, I went Yes. What? No. What? What? What are you talking about? I don't understand. And so if you didn't want to do this, you would hit? No. When you would go back, go back down to my set one if you hit. Yes. Well, let's see. Ah, frustrating If you hit. Yes. What is it going to dio? If I can pull up any information, it's not really clear. And so if we go back into my set one and we just wait getting confused here menu to back out of it if I hit Oh, if I go to the right, that's why there's okay and the right. If you go to the right, we'll have the options of resetting this which resets it back to the default standard settings that are in the camera. If you go to set it sets all the settings and programs it into the camera. So you're basically writing the settings to this program. If you back out of this by hitting the menu button and you just hit set right here, then you are choosing my set number one as what has been chosen in the camera. And so the three options and it gets a little confusing is right everything in. So write it in and let's see, there's another camera that used a good term that I'm trying to remember right now. Basically, it's is writing to that setting, choosing that setting or resetting it, and we back out of this. And so if you want to choose the setting, you do it right here by pressing the okay button, and you would say, Yes, I want to choose the setting. If you go to the right and go to the right, you clear the registered shooting mode and settings, or you would set the current ones. And so if I wanted to reset this, I would hit okay, right here and now you can see it says no data in there, so it's a little confusing. You're gonna have to practice around with it, and you can get your camera set up for four favorite settings. When you do that, I hope I made myself clear. It's I get confused in there. It's not the clearest thing in the world. Were you from Leah? W l A Were you on em on the dial that I was on M S, A. Or P? You might not have all those options. Let me just take a quick check. If I put my camera in automatic and I hit menu. I still have those options in here. You see, they're all great out because my camera is in the eye auto section. Okay. And so you do need to have your cameras in one of the more manual settings in the won't work in the art. The scene. Let me see if it should work in them in the so in the video camera mode doesn't work. So you want to be an M S? A or P? Okay, great. Thank you. Another Just a little question from Ed. Be that Olympus does some weird stuff with photo numbering does when you reformat card as you just talked about. Does that affect sequential numbering, you know? No. I believe it will continue adding on from where it left off, I believe, uh, during it, I'm gonna have to go to my Geechee, which is my pdf Andi. I think there is a way to reset it. Let me double check. I've not seen it off the top my head, but I think it's in there. Hang with me for the next hour and we'll figure it out. OK, Next up in the shooting menu mode is the picture mode. And if this seems familiar, Yes. This is the third time we've seen and talked about this. So this is where you can change the look in color of your image, which I like to leave on number three, which is just natural, which is that should be number one. I don't know why they put it on number three, but that's gonna be the most neutral and a new affected one in there. Okay, next up. Very important is the image quality of the camera. So this is very important. This is where you get to choose raw or J peg. And so as we go through this, you'll notice that I'm giving you some recommendations both on screen and in the handout. PdF If they're in red, that means they're for the more advanced users. Eso the raw is what I'm gonna recommend for most of the advanced users or at the very least, with large fine J peg in here is where you also will get to choose the movie mode on here. I would choose the full HD mode. So you're getting the highest resolution videos you can. And choosing the F setting is fine versus normal, which is a slightly higher quality setting. If you needed to shoot a video that was smaller and file size, then you could look at the M J peg option, which would work a little bit easier if you're gonna email it to somebody for a small, basic little video. Okay, next up is image aspect. Yes, we've talked about this before. The image sensor is a four by three aspect ratio, so you want to keep that. If you want to get all the information from the sensor, you can adjust it according to your needs otherwise, and we'll show it to you in the viewfinder or on the back of the camera. This camera has a digital tele converter and any time you see the word digital tele converter run and scream away in the opposite direction. You don't want to do this because it's gonna lose quality. It's the same thing, is just blowing up a middle portion of the picture and enlarging it to the full size. And so you don't want to do this. You can do this later on much better in the computer. All right, Very quickly. Removing down to shooting menu number two. Here is where we have us the drive mode again. We saw this before on the top of the camera, and so we're not gonna talk any more about it because we've already discussed it. The stabilizer mode can be found here. We also saw it. If you're wondering where we saw it before, it was in that quick menu that we got to with the okay button on the back of the camera. The super control panel is Olympus likes to call it, And so for most situations, I leave the camera in S I s one, which is the standard stabilization mode that figures out your movement. And just on a side note, it does a really good job so you can handle this camera under very low light conditions at very slow shutter speeds. There is also a stabilization for the movie mode which you can leave, turned on and works fine with that. Next up is the bracketing option. We talked a little bit about bracketing with the HDR option before, but there is an official regular black bracketing option in here Now, this is normally done under the E concept, which is auto exposure. The camera will adjust exposures, but you can also do white balance bracketing, flash bracketing I s O bracketing or art bracketing where it gives you a bunch of different options with the art photos. The ones that the one that most people do is the auto exposure bracketing. And this is where you're typically shoot three or sometimes more shots bracketing the Siris of images shooting a different exposure on each one. And all you have to do is line up the 1st 1 and then the camera will go in and set the exposure for all the others and can take those pictures in a matter of about one second. And so for anyone who wants to do HDR photography This is one option for doing it, or anyone who's doing, say, landscape photography that wants to get a variety of exposures to ensure they got the right exposure. I don't shoot this nearly as much as I used to in the days of film, because it's so much easier to check the camera and hissed a gram to see if I'm getting the correct exposure. You can go in and you can select between 235 and seven frames and how much you are bracketed between each frame, either 1/3 of a stop all the way up to one full stop, and so set according to your needs. Normally, you're gonna leave this off for a normal picture. Taking next up is the HDR mode. We did see this. There was a button on the top of the camera that did this, and we can do the preset HDR one and two, where the camera will give you a finished HDR image. Or you could shoot a bracketing Siri's that's more specifically designed for HDR that shoots in bigger increments that to exposure difference between pictures, which is going to be quite large and was mostly used in the HDR world, as opposed to shooting them for their individual pictures. One of the unusual things that this camera could do is multiple exposures. This is something that a lot of people would do in postproduction like Photo Shop. But if you want to combine images in frame, you can do that. And one of the advantages is that you can see what the previous image look like and how things line up in here. One of the options you'll have when you get into this is whether to use the auto gain, the auto game. What it does is it automatically adjust exposure for you according to the number of frames that you're going to shoot. In this case, you can only shoot two frames, but it will adjust exposure for you. Some people prefer to set their exposures manually, in which case you would want to turn this off. If you're new to multiple exposures, you're probably best toe leave it on. But as you get to know more and dial in the exposure that you want, then you would turn it off. One of the nice things is the image overlay in play back, so that you can see where the previous image waas eso. You can line up images so that they are in the right area on the frame, and so that is multiple exposures. Next up, we're going to be going into time lapse setting there, we dio. So time lapse allows you to take a picture after a certain lapse of time. So this first example was here in Seattle. The Duck Dodge, and these pictures were taken about once every five or 10 seconds, and I sat there and waited as the camera shot through about 45 minutes worth of picture taking to get that little video. Another one. This is one of my favorite ones. This is from Varanasi, India, a place that might be fun to lead a workshop to our photo tour in India. How does that sound? So once you get into the time lapse setting, you'll be able to choose how many frames you want to shoot. You'll choose the distance between those frames in time. That's the time lapse there, and then you'll also be able to take all your pictures and put them together into a final movie so you can create your movie writing camera. You don't need any video software in order to do that. More and more cameras air doing that makes it very, very convenient so that you can end up showing a video right in camera from what you did. Finally, in this shooting menu number two is a remote control mode. If you are going to use external Olympus flashes, unfortunately, we don't have time to get into that in this class. But if you do want to get into off camera strobe work, that is one way of doing it. But if you are interested in doing those off grammars flashes, I would look into manually operating those flashes. It will ultimately give you a lot more control down the road. All right. You know, folks, I just want to warn you right now that it seems like we're just wizened through this menu and we're gonna be done in no time at all. But trust me, we're gonna hit this custom menu, and we're going to get bogged down like you have never seen before. Okay, so we're into the playback menu for right now. You could do slide shows with it, So if you want to hook your camera up to ah TV, you can show your movies and do a slide show and so forth. And they've even got some background music that if you wanna have a good definition of canned music, you're gonna hear it with the background music choices built into the camera. The camera has the knowledge of whether you shot a vertical or horizontal picture and nose to automatically flip those verticals into the vertical format when you download them to your computer. So I would leave this rotate in the on position so that it automatically rotates him when it downloads into your computer. We talked a little bit about the editing options in the cameras. One of the options that I demonstrated for you earlier was the audio annotation, which you could do on. All of your image is the one. There are some special things that you can do to raw images, which means you can make a composite with them. So if you want to do the double exposures, you could take a raw image and asked to have a second image taken on top of that to create yet a new image You can also create a J peg from a raw. So if you shoot mostly raw, you're traveling and you just want to make a J peg to email home or to somebody. You can do that from one of your raw images in camera. Once you have a J peg image, you can go in and do all sorts of image adjustments on that J peg image. Notable that you cannot do these onto a raw image. You would have to take a raw turn it into a J pig, and then you could do these sorts of adjustments where you're turning it into a black and white, or doing some sort of shadow adjustment onto it so you could do a little bit of photo shop work. I don't know that I recommend it. If you don't have a computer, then you would have to use the camera. But for the most part, you'll be able to do a much better job. If you can download it and work on a normal photo program like Adobe Light Room, you can also hook your camera up to a printer imprint directly from your camera to a printer, and this would give you some options as to what size prints? Which prints? How many? What size things like that. Not something I've ever done or ever plan to do, but it is an option in the camera. Next up, reset. Protect what this does. One of the options. When you play back and images, you can lock the image so that it won't get deleted With this setting. Here, you unlock all of your images so that they can be deleted. And so it's basically removing the protection from all the photos. I don't use that protection. I don't know that most people use that protection because it's a very light level of protection. And you can still reform at the memory card and get rid of those images so not likely to be used very much. Oh, boy, here we go. Connection to the smartphone. I say a boy, because I I have a problem with WiFi just doesn't always want to work around me. So we're gonna try to hook this camera up to a smartphone right now. One of the options is that you can connect this camera up to a smartphone for shooting or reviewing images And even if you want to shoot images with this, you got to come to the playback menu, which doesn't make a lot of sense in order to hook the camera. So let's just talk about what are the things that you need. First, not you need to download to your phone. The Olympus image share app, and you would go to your whatever store or common places to download the Olympus image share app, which I have already done on my phone. Once you have that on your phone, the basic things that you're gonna be able to do is you're gonna be able to do a remote control so you'll be able to see what the cameras pointed at in your phone, and you'll be able to make a limited number of changes and you'll be able to shoot pictures. You can import pictures from your camera to your phones so that you can upload them very quickly. You'll be able to do some very basic editing adagio tags, and you can synchronize the date and time necessary, so here's kind of the steps that you need to go through. First off, you need to go and connect your camera to the smartphone. So let's get one to the live demo mode here, turn my camera on and hit the menu button, and we're going to need to go down to the playback and down to the smartphone connection. Click that and it's going into the WiFi settings. And let's go back to the keynote. We're going to choose the Olympus WiFi settings in the phone. I'll go through a few more in the keynote and then jump back to the live demo. We're gonna need Teoh. Okay, let me just bring this up so we'll be able to choose the Olympus setting. And let's go ahead, just jump to the phone. So one of the things I need to make sure is that the WiFi signal is picking up is the e. M. One. And so you can see here. I've already kind of got it selected here. It's very obvious which one it isn. Now. I need to go into my Olympus app. Make sure I can get the right one here. So Olympus starts up and I'm gonna want to do remote control. I want to see if I can fire this camera from a distance, so I'm gonna hit remote control. And if it works, I'll be happy. Very happy. We turn it to program on. And let's see if this is gonna work. We go back home when we come back into here, we should be getting There we go. I think we're now live. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna point this camera around my phone balance here gets come. Barely see it. So I'm gonna point my camera around. And Kenya, you don't mind being the subject, do you? Okay, so let me get it here on you. We look at my phone, and so I go back to the phone here and I think I could go sideways on this if I want to take a picture. Took a picture. And there it iss If I want to download it, save to the camera roll. So I'm gonna save it to the camera roll, and that is now saving it to my phone. And if I was, like, super savvy, I would go upload this to Facebook right now. But I am not quite that savvy. This file has been imported. You can turn off the camera. I don't want to turn off the camera. I want to go back to the camera and kind of poke around here a little bit so you can see how I can change the I S O settings in the camera. Let's go ahead and hit that again. Come on. There we go. And so we can choose a different eyes. So it's kind of not too bright in here. Let's go with eso. 1600 white balance. Let's see what life lighting and we years. Well, this is probably pretty well balanced in here. Let's just see if we can set it on cloudy and see what it looks like. That's a little bit on the warm side, Sonny. No, we have presets that we could have set. You know what? Autos. Not that bad. I'm gonna keep it on auto weaken. Do exposure. Compensation. Let's see, we could make it darker. Who? That's no good. We could make it lighter. We can set it here in the middle. I'm gonna have to physically go up to the camera and move it over to the manual mode. Let's see if we can control it here in manual. And I think I may have to exit and come back in for it to recognize that we went to manual. Come on, turn. Turn on me. There we go. OK, so to 50th at 56 Let's get that shutter speed down to something that lets it a bit more light. Let's try 50th of a second. Looks pretty good. Okay? And let's see what else we got up here. We got our motor drive. We could go into the high speed motor drive. That's a lot of can of pictures there. We can Uh okay, let's, uh, go back. We don't want this. Let's go back to the camera. We can focus. That's the touch. Focus and shooting at the same time. And so let's save this one to the camera roll. And then what? I would dio we're gonna wait for this to save. You can see the setting in there. Okay, so it should be safe. I'm gonna turn the camera off at this point, and actually, I'm going to exit this and go into my cameras photo collection into my camera roll. And here's the picture that I just downloaded. And if I wanted Teoh, I could email that to Kenya right now, or post it up on Twitter, Facebook or any of the other things that your phone has set up for you. So that's basically of how you can hook it up to the camera. There are some other things that you can do, but that's probably the one that most people are gonna be interested in doing and unlike some other camera brands that we will not speak about this one hooked up on the first time around. So I like that when it does that I like it when things work pretty darn cool. I can see selfies becoming a new thing with the ability to much more elaborate, more elaborate selfies. Can you do that with a smartphone? But also say, with a IPad tablet, all those I think you could do it with any sort of smart device. Great mark device Rio. So the important things you need to download the APP first off to your phone before anything's gonna work. Make sure that in your phone you choose the WiFi system that is being sent out by the camera, and that is using a bit of battery power. So that's going to draw a drain on both of your camera and your phone. And if you use it for a long period of time, you know an hour or so that's gonna really kill your battery very, very quickly when you do that. And then you should probably exit out of the menu system or out of the WiFi system when you're done just so that you are not wasting that battery power. So let me make sure that I have exited out of that system. So connection to smartphone, yet looks like it has automatically disconnected when I turned off the film. So just some things to think about when you do that and quick question on that John from Austin who's wondering to snap a photo and upload, Do you have to be in J. Peg or, if you are in raw, will the camera automatically create a J Pay what it does? Todo It's not going to send the raw over, and I'm trying to remember if it says a raw plus a J peg, and this is something I am not remembering off the top my head and that's okay, but it does send a J peg to your camera, not a raw, and it's a it's a downsized J pig. So the final picture in your camera, which is stored there, is gonna be higher quality. And let me just see if I played back that image. If it tells me any information, you know, I think I had my camera said on J Peg. It's terrible, horrible, and so I don't know on that one.
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Ratings and Reviews
John does an excellent job of making the OMD E M1 understandable. His knowledge of the camera and relaxed style clearly and painlessly walk you through the maze of buttons, menus, and functions. He objectively points out the strengths of the camera as well as those things Olympus could of done better. His opinions of the camera are consistent with other knowledgable reviewers, and are consistent with my own (limited) experience. The manual tells you every little thing the camera CAN do. John helps you understand what is important to get the best use of the camera in most situations.
user e35335
Three simple words, " Thank you John " I have really enjoyed the course. The OMD EM1 is a wonderful camera, and with the clear guidance of this course I feel instantly at home with all its capabilities. Clear concise instructions delivered in a faultless manner. A joy to watch.
Gary Davies
Wow! The M-1 has a lot of options but John does a terrific job of making them understandable. His style is relaxed and endearing. It seems to me the goal in taking photographs is to be able to devote all one's effort into composing the photograph.... which means that setting the camera for the particular shot needs to be as effortless and instinctive as it can be. JG has set me on that road with my M-1 and for that, I thank him.
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